Is anyone else excited for the new and final Enter the Gungeon update?
Enter the Gungeon: A farewell to Arms
gungeon is honestly kind of shit
it is though, terribly coded and too many bulletsponge enemies
this desu
Yeah, can't wait. I hope for some awesome new synergies. I think some of the ones that are just duel wield really need a look at to make worth it.
Just had a run today that was pretty crazy. Got the door lord on the second floor and haven't fought it in so long that I was getting tilted and finished with half a heart left. Thought the run was going to be done, but I bought Monster Blood and pressed on. Got Flak bullets, Snow Ballets and Shadow Bullets and Heroine from Map man and proceeded to shit on everything for the rest of the run. Never had a turn around like that before.
desu I've had Gungeon on my wishlist for ages but have no intention of buying it
it looks lame and boring
Rolled 41 (1d100)
Well I think it's fun
so do I, but that doesn't make it not a shitty game
I'm just glad they announced it with a close-by release date (this friday). Remember when AGnD was slated for fall 2017 but got pushed back all the way to last summer?
I never beat the glitched boss even once.
I even had the Vulcan Cannon, Com4nd0 synergy!
> terribly coded
Wait really? How so?
This thing still getting updates?
the devs themselves admitted that their code was bad to work with, that's partly why they've cancelled the paid DLC, are making one last update and then moving on to new projects
spaghetti code due to inexperienced devs, it's why it doesn't generate instantly even though there's no reason for it not to for this kind of game. Devs have even acknowledged this issue before, and supposedly the next update will address some of the shitty code
This will be the last one (I also assume there will be a few hotfixes along the way)
Doesn't help that it's so rare. I was pretty lucky on my last finding of the glitch chest. Though I was down to my last heart on beating them and even with all the shit I got, I died to a Mirage Beast as soon as I walked into floor 4. Bad on me.
You know what's the worst part.
I main the Robot😂
>Maining a character
I rotate after every playthrough. I like the Robot's starter, but not having the ability to heal with the robot and not being able to sell health to the vampire just makes me not like him as much. He's certainly hard to finish if you get tilted, but I have had some amazing runs as him.
This was my last run as the pilot. Didn't plan on becoming a Junk run, but just couldn't say no.
I think I got him on this floor too, which is why I didn't have much except for Junk after that. Got him from Map man, was pretty shocked. This entire floor was just bonkers. I forget what was in Flint's shop.
>Underestimating Ser Junkan
The fuck is wrong with you?
I like the robot because the limited pick ups and reliance on armor makes the game challenging.
enter the gungeon is fucking boring
truly amazing how they went in to make an isaac clone but with more bearable base mechanics but managed to make something even more dull than isaac🏀
Excuse me? It was precisely because I wasn't underestimating him that I did it. But I had just gotten him the previous run as well, though not fully upgraded. I just hate getting repeats of stuff I already had usually, but I had yet to get a fully upgraded run so I did it anyway. Have also gotten him with Gold junk and Mimic, that was great.
I think this was my best run though. Tons of fun.
Nuclear Throne >Enter the Gungeon
Gungeon is trash. You see rare items like once every 40 runs and common items EVERY run. Shits fucked.
Well here's to a good update
That's only your personal bias speaking. I've had runs back to back for the last twenty that have had some of the most rare and even with only a green chest the game is still fun. I'd rather have a run full of blues for the most part, instead of mostly Reds, which are full of gimick items that need things like hip holster to make viable, or the worst, health ups.
I actually never played Nuclear Throne.
Isn't it programmed so it's guaranteed a red or black chest will appear by a certain floor anyway?
It's the other way around.
It's programmed that the more A or S rank items, the next chest is less likely to be red or black.
Literally the opposite.
Git Gud
I regret buying this game desu
Not at all.
Opposite, the game is programmed that you'll get less of the higher ranked chests the more higher ranked stuff you pick up. Only if you get the 7-leaf clover will magnificence be countered. I don't really care either way, the majority of Red and Black items aren't actually that great. The last time a red chest turned out well for me was getting the Exotic, but it was on the chamber 4, so very limited use out of being able to see in chests with it. Still a great launcher though.
Other times it's heart bottle, thunderclap, space friend. I just wish I would stop getting the A rank passives and get the better A rank guns. Fucking Particulator would be amazing, haven't seen it in 15 runs. At least most of the B rank guns are also good. Things like the Jolter, Demon Head, Hyper Light Blaster. Even some of the D rank guns can be great with their synergies and since the game loves to throw synergies at you. I think at this point I have had less runs with a synergy then those with.
I am. I loved the game and even got all the achievements in it. Is that a new character they're putting in? Or just a boss?
They're putting in "The Gunslinger" and some other characters as Gungeoneers
(Although I'm pretty sure the character they're referring to is "The Paradox" which is just a random run Character)
Once again, here's to a great update
I thought the Paradox wasn't just one of the gungeoners on random, but was EVERYTHING random. Such that you can start with the Bullet, but he'll have the Marine Sidearm and the Enraging photo as his passive and may or may not also start with one of the secondary weapons and active item. I'll probably not play them much though. Don't really like most of the really random stuff.
Gunslinger should hopefully be great, it's pretty obvious that he becomes the Lich and killing his past will remove the Lich from existence and is how we even unlock the Paradox in the first place.