>start browsing 4chin in 2003-2004 as a 20 year old
>never left
>now arguing with people who weren't even capable of human speech when i started browsing
is it time to end it?
>start browsing 4chin in 2003-2004 as a 20 year old
>never left
>now arguing with people who weren't even capable of human speech when i started browsing
is it time to end it?
Fuck boomers
i don't believe you
yes OP, you've wasted your life and at this point you're so broken and alienated that you have no hope of becoming a member of normie society
No, just go to places that are more your speed, grandpa.
>member of normie society
who the fuck wants that?
Why do stupid abbreviations like wtf or kys annoy me so much?
Thanks for making me feel like a newfag, even though I already know I'm one.
Trust me, you're way worst than OP. Neck yourself
Naw, remember user, you are here forever
>be granpa
>cant even spookers
you need to leave
The fuck man I was 9 years old when you started browsing here. I’ve known about the 4chans since 2009 but I didn’t start browsing here until recently after I became a pathetic neet/hikki
Nah you're good mate just use some moderation and pick up some new hobbies so you don't feel the gravitational pull of the chan. Contrary to popular belief it is easy to find new hobbies, you just need to actually try. Yea Forums is a wonderful place to argue incoherently, shoot the shit, and laugh at the misfortune of others which is why it's so popular, but it also one of the best places to discuss a wide variety of topics and gather information passively (as long as you have some critical thinking skills). Imagine it like a big party that rages 24/7, you don't feel inhibition because you just know there are at least a hundred other fuckers just as fucked up and depraved as you, so you're in "good company". The problem is Yea Forums is literally the easiest party to get into, and you can spend your whole life just getting fucked up and laughing with other have-nots. You want more user, we all do, but the only thing that separates those that have a successful life and those that are "stuck here forever" is the ones who succeed have tried. A good life takes work, no matter how grueling or tedious.
I feel like Yea Forums is the second biggest reason my life is bad
What’s the first
>browses since 2003
>somehow is a wojakshitter
Not him but me
Your mom
i smell a lib
its time for you to leave grandpa
It'll happen to you motherfuckers too, just you wait
See you tomorrow.
How do I find enjoyment in things again?
>zoomer larping as an old fag
fuckin redditors