How mad did they make you?
How mad did they make you?
Ogre, grandma and drunkard were fine
The Tamagochi nigger in bottom left was really infuriating though.
Until I got gud
not as mad as the devs saw me pirate it
Ogre - First boss I fought, so not very, knew there was gonna be a learning curve
Butterfly - None, she was challenging but not unfair
Spear - FUCK spears, I finished the game and still couldn't mikiri counter reliably.
Drunk - Did people actually die to him? He's fun but very easy.
Genichiro was the worst, by far. I did literally everything else in the game and came back to him with 8 gourds, plenty of vit and atk upgrades, and I still died 15+ times before I narrowly beat him.
The spear guy is the only one that took more than 3 tries.
worst part about spearfag is needing to clear the shit in front of him every time so you can have a decent sized arena to fight him in.
i beat Drunkard on the first try but i did kinda cheesy it and dodge a lot, that fucker was really slow
>game tells you that you have to dodge away from grabs
>you have to jump away to avoid ogre grabs
simply epic
I ran in circles around the big rock on the ground and made him chase me
He is a western whitu piggu, that doesn't obey honorable japanese game mechanics.
The game also tells you that you need to parry at the EXACT second that the enemy sword makes contact with you.
It's false, you parry like you expect, a few milliseconds before you get hit.
I think another game did the same thing, Metal Gear Rising maybe?
I blame it on shit translation or localization.
ogre was easy as shit to cheese if you have the fire arm, could literally stunlock him to death with some oil, fatass was easy to cheese if you cleared out everyone else, sneak attacked him, and then got the other npc in on the fight to help
haven't found a way to cheese the speak fucker yet, will probably come back to him later because he has annoying attack patterns and retarded reach
will come back to granny once I get more snap seeds because fuck that ghost shit, also she's easy to cheese if you repeatedly dodge sideways and do a single attack and repeat
The orge got me so mad that I started too see why bloodborne was better
1st try, had flame tool
Actually took me awhile but then I learned that shurikens fuck her and jumping.
2nd try stealth cheese
>Spear guy
2nd try Mikiri spam.
Seven Spears Lord took me a good 5-6 tries. Ogre was 2-3 tries. Drunkard and Lady were first tries. I had more trouble with the spear boy in the estate than both of them.
Ogre made me seethe
Butterfly made me seethe
Spear guy wasn't that hard but the path to get to him is way too long
Drunk was easy.
Spear lord cheese is a single stealth blow followed by blowing all your firecrackers and pocket sand until he dies(like probably 70% of the bosses).
>will come back to granny once I get more snap seeds because fuck that ghost shit
Just kill a few of them for the free spirit emblems, and then sprint around the room in circles until they all turn into fireballs
cheers, also does killing the purple fucker in the past do anything? Does he not appear in the present if you do?
If I killed you three years ago, would you be posting today?
Uh no, he's actually, well, just a common enemy later on, haha, good luck
>does killing the purple fucker in the past do anything?
You mean the ninja guarding the feathers?
I don't know because I missed it until later.
I know he's much easier than the one in the well, because you're not fighting the camera
2 tries
4 tries
>Seven Spears
Killed him on my first try
30 tries
If you're talking about the ninja at the pagoda it's not the same dude, so he does show up in the well regardless(and shows up as a regular enemy later).
You can kill the looter in hirata and he will be dead in the present but then you miss out on a merchant/questline.
Don't we see one of the NPCs standing over the corpse of a shadow ninja? I think it was tengu.
>playing the game with intended strategies and using the tools provided effectively (after the game explicitly informs you that its a good approach) is cheesing
this is your brain on 'git gud'
Oh granny cheese is also dodge front right into a spinning slash. Repeat until she's dead from vitality damage. She gets 90% stunlocked by this(has like 1 move that's fast enough to exit the loop I think). Makes the fight real boring tho, you should try it legit.
Only Juzou irked me, but was my fault, the moment I quit trying to rush his henchmen I won
Butterfly granny was hype and super fun
The granny thing is legit cheese tho. No way the intended way to do the boss is spam an infinite loop of dodge + hit and she gets stunlocked. The fire on ogre and stealth on drunk boi are legit the intended way to beat them tho.
I highly doubt they intended you to clear all the guys in front of drunkard, sprint away, clear the shield guys using stealth, sprint away again, and then finally stealth up and take off one of his health bars
the first time you start the granny boss a pop up appears telling you how to do the dodge counter. they're telling you exactly how to stunlock her.
They just didn't realize she got stunlocked for sure man. No way you design a boss with all these cool attacks and then make it so that you won't see any of her attacks by doing an infinite stun lock loop.
Ogre 5 tries
Butterfly 7 Tries
Spears 20+ Tries fuck this guy
Drunk 3 tries
is there a way to kill that centipede infested guy in the monk temple? I tried using confetti and a bunch of arms but he keeps reviving
Ogre and Spear were quite frustrating, Butterfly was a joke and drunk took a few tries before I got the best way to clear the adds and the me and the NPC ganged up on him.
The only boss/miniboss that made me unreasonably upset was the Ashina Elite.
if you intended to stealth your way through that fight they wouldn't have provided a path around the left side of the arena to get behind them. nearly every mini boss is in an area that clearly give you paths to clear out their minions and get a stealth deathblow in. its intended.
You get something that pretty obviously kills them at some point. It's a big spoiler but you'll know when you see it.
Get the mortal blade
I literally first tried the spear guy without taking damage
any pc modder change the ogre to Shrek?
Where does the "rage" meme come from? I've beaten Sekiro on NG+ and never raged once. Not even trying to brag as I died 20+ times to Butterfly and Genichiro. The game never feels unfair even when you lose.
Drunk guy was piss easy, same with Spearguy. Butterfly probably took me 30 tries. Ogre maybe 10 since I had no idea you could backstab him.
lmao if it took you this much to beat geni i dont even know what u gonna do at owl and isshin.
my road blocks were owl and isshan, spent over 50 tries on isshan.
but then ori fatfuck spear bro old woman were easy to me.
Go fight Owl 2
I said in that same post that I already finished the game
Owl at Ashina was annoying with his stupid lloyd's talisman bullshit, but not too bad
I found him easier at Hirata
Isshin I found far easier than Genichiro.