Why were they such big, colossal, embarrassing, pathetic, failures? Did Sega just give up? I don't think either had one single good game.
Sega Saturn & Dreamcast
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sa and sa2
> I don't think either had one single good game.
Low effort garbage doesn't deserve a quote. Kill yourself OP.h
>sa and sa2
oh nononono
Sega of japan was ultra butthurt the genesis did well in the us and didn't do well in japan. So in their stupidity they built a machine that was designed only with japan in mind, and any time sega of america tried to change things they turned it down. And it (sort of) worked, the saturn did ok in japan.
...Except they ended up losing all the trust of the rest of the world which set the dreamcast up for failure from the start
Dreamcast was not a failure. If Sega had more money they could have easily pumped it up.
Dreamcast sold like 9.2 million units in 2 years. 4.5 Million Units a year is impressive for that period.
A bunch of Puyo Puyo games
Great ports of Capcom fightan' games
Good ports of SNK games
Pretty good port of Virtual On
Very good port of Virtua Fighter 2
Game Paradise
Crazy Taxi 1 and 2
Perfect ports of Capcom games like Power Stone
SA 2 (SA1 has dumb capped framerate on dreamcast)
House of the Dead II
Confidential Mission
Samba De Amigo
Space Channel 5
Daytona USA 2001
Saturn had the greatest game of all time.⚾
Also, even if they could regain trust, they were dead in the water the moment the PS2 came out. Not because of the game library, tech or anything else like that. But because the PS2 could also be a DVD player, and thus took all the normalfags forever due to this.
Play the 3 saturn panzor dragoon games in order and tell me that shit ant amazing
Should I start a genesis game collection, a saturn one, or a dreamcast one?
don't worry lads, Sega will be coming back into the console race again soon. The future is now and the present is the past.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
They could have survived the hit if they hadn't been fucking themselves up financially for years. By time of DC they had ~ 4 failed electronics and at least one breach of contract costing them a pretty penny.
whichever you like more user, they're all great
Dreamcast has pretty compact library of good games, and many ways to pirate
Saturn is good for collecting Japanese titles that are priced averagely, but there are ways to pirate now with pseudo saturn
Genesis is alright to collect for and if you don't want to buy legitimate copies, there's always flashcarts
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
genesis you're better off just going the everdrive route, saturn is better off chipped but since you can't make GD-ROM backups I'd collect for the dreamcast
I wonder which console would be the most expensive/hardest to collect for
saturn by a long shot
Nah, Mega Drive with the JP exclusives is the most expensive since they all sold like 1000 copies. Especially if you add the Sega CD library.
Skies of Arcadia
Grandia 2
Le Mans 24 Hours
Quake 3 Arena
Phantasy Star Online
Soul Calibur
Chu Chu Rocket
>Saturn also has
Burning Rangers
NiGHTS into Dreams
Good port of Tomb Raider 1
Saturn Bomberman
The better console version of Darkstalkers 3 (or Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampires)
Dreamcast was awesome just came out too early with one analog stick on the controller.
I know you weren't addressing me, but I think there might be a small possibility if 1 and 2 do well. The issue is that a fullscale JRPG would be way harder to remake than a rail shooter.
Tomb Raider is not a port. It's the original development version.
No, the issue is they don't have any source code.
Oh, right you are! I forgot that, my mistake
Sega executives snorted their own shit and thought they were awesome when all their real success was thanks to Sega of America marketing and Nintendo just straight up not caring about Europe. As a result they did fifty million things at once which just resulted in them competing with themselves, didn't understand the US retail environment, and treated Sony like a joke. Sega in the mid 90s is a case study in how to do everything wrong at the same time.
Failure of the Saturn era meant Sega was so financially fucked nothing could save them. The Dreamcast was a modest success, but a modest success doesn't make up for a disastrous failure.
if it's a remake they don't need it
How did they give up? Both consoles gave birth to awesome new games series.
If anything sega was the one who tried the hardest instead of milking the same games/ideas all over again.
sega of america was fucking up too. whoever thought the 32x was a good idea should be shot. but they also failed to capitalize on sony after they left nintendo and they both paid for that mistake
I was going to explain why they failed financially but since you made it clear you were asking why they failed creatively it's clear you simply have no taste and wouldn't know a good game if it bit you in the ass.
Burning Rangers is like a 5/10 by Sega standards and it's still better than most games released in 1998.
They surprised dropped it out of nowhere
Barely any ads or hype
Plus the ps DVD player launched around the same time at a lower price
Also piracy out the ass.
If it was also had decent ads, 200$, played DVDs and had decent anti-piracy patches Sega would probably still be top dog
The Model 3 was a huge success and that was 96~98.
If Microsoft wants to get back into the console game they should partner with Sega and change nothing else but some logos.
It’s the Sega Star! Powered by Microsoft
One branch on SEGA was developing super expensive addons for the mega drive (cd and x32) while the other was developing a super expensive and very complex console with more CPUs than you can imagine (the saturn). They all failed because of money wasted, no interest and the saturn was extremely difficult to program to
The poor dreamcast failed because 3rd party developers lost faith in SEGA (such as EA) and they just had fucked it up way too hard with the Saturn.
Tech romancer
Blue stinger
Psychic force 2012🐸
Thanks for making this into a comfy old school Sega thread y'all! This is nice
>DC had no good games
The case with EA is mostly because Sega wanted to develop their own line of sport games.
The Dreamcast didn't have problem with third party support at all: Even Square, who never wanted to develop game to previous SEGA systems, showed a bit of interest on the console.
Yeah, third party support was really only an issue after the PS2 entered the picture
SA2 is literally in the top 5 best games of all time
The 32X had good intentions, Sega knew the Saturn was super expensive and wanted to capture the low end 32bit market, but making two devices that play two different libraries doesn't work.
That said, the 32X is a true piece of trash
convince me to pick up a Dreamcast in 2019 A.D.
Dreamcasts got a bunch of really good stuff but its lesser known or jap only, look at that shmups library
Sega was too focused on arcade-style games in a time when JRPGs were getting popular and it was all about deep gameplay and 40 hour completion times.
I just want a new NiGHTS game
Stat grinding and stories for emo teens you mean
> Sega doesn't have good games
> SoulCalibur is literally the most acclaimed fighting game ever
What did the Zoomer mean by this?