Shh...she's sleeping.
Sekiro Help Thread
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I turned myself into a Pickle, Kuro, I'm Pickle Woooolf! Boom! Big reveal!
First for kuro is cute
Shh...he's sleeping.
The game is Fromsoft's version of Guitar Hero, you press L1 to the "beat" (or sword combos).
Not a bad game but it quickly gets repetitive.
what the heck do you do about owl's firecracker dust? it wasn't a problem on ng but on ng+ with the bell and no charm it's instakilling me repeatedly.
>plenty of lewd shit with kuro and wolf
>no lewd stuff with wolf and loli or wolf and emma
w-what did they mean by this?
they're based. gay shota is pure and for people with good taste. heterotrash is disgusting and only fit for subhuman retards.
>no kuro and loli either
gwyndolin was a mistake
I button mashed dialogue with owl because i thought it would be like when talking to kuro earlier with a fake choice, am i stuck to fighting emma now? Can i cheat engine my choice back?
(munch, munch, munch, munch)
Delet this
>having terrible taste
Kill yourself immediately please.
remember, if you have no idea what a boss will do, mashing L1 will always work.
Stuck with that ending. That is what happen when you are a dirty masher that skips dialogue and cutscenes.
Just kill her and start a new game dumbass
I fucking hate this board sometimes.
>Stuck fighting grandpa genocide on NG
Sucks to be you, my dude.
>tfw stuck at Isshin because defeating him is ending the game
Nowhere, you disgusting piece of trash. Shota is for gay love only. /ss/ belongs in the garbage along with scumbags like you.
Where's the hole and where does it lead too?
>Somehow thinking his pedophilic fantasies are less degenerate than some other guys
You people are fucking trash
some one draw her but like she's giant and she's stepping on sekiro
you choose when to start NG+ it doesnt kick you into it
wish there was more stuff to do in this area
I genuinely hope you die soon. The world is better without people who like /ss/hit.
It's pretty funny how Sekiro is broken but his master was a stroll away from him.
Doesn't make much sense desu. Honestly, I think the game was supposed to be bigger/longer, like they scrapped a lot of shit and made the bosses deal fuck you damage to extend playtime and also because Activision wanted a difficult game to sell "Prepare to Die" editions.
After you bully the dragon and get his tears, the game expects you to know where to go as if you spend your time exploring/travelling the world and not fighting a boss over and over again. NPC quests also don't seem to be as elaborate/complex.
>Sekiro was separated from kuro and he was in the well because he was on his way to rescue kuro but got cornered
That doesn't hold up though. He sits in the well and soldiers mention how he gave up.
I'm also a bit confused why Ashina soldiers go after you even though you're not just on a mission Kuro wants but also one that has the blessing/support of Isshin.
How would hte 2nd visit be canon? He just woke up and Owl just fucked around in the burning room? Also wouldn't that have been part of Sekiro's memories too?
Isn't it harder in NG+?
Why the fuck do pre-boss cinematics still play on your subsequent attempts through bosses?
That's so retarded and a waste of time. In previous games, they only played ONCE for your first encounter. If you die and re-enter the fight, the pre-boss cinematic doesn't get played. You go straight to the fight. But with bosses like Genichiro, Divine Dragon and Great Shinobi Owl, the pre-boss cinematics constantly replay whenever you re-try the fight after dying.
But it'll just be more of the same.
I fucking hated this while doing isshin
>fuck you, kuro
For the same reason they decided to put that one archer in front of Lady Butterfly
>Isn't it harder in NG+?
Everything is technically harder in NG+, but at least you have more experience after a full playthrough, Shura just cuts a lot of stuff and catapults you straight to grandpa genocide, who's pretty fucking brutal considering you skip a lot of stuff that gets you more or less ready for him.
I really hope that modders come up with a boss rush mod. I hate having to lock myself into an ending just to practice against Emma and Old Isshin.
confetti gives you more damage against all enemies and makes your attacks do chip damage through blocks, retard
okay I'm on third phase sword saint right now, can I use the anti air deathblow on him when he summons lightning on his weapon I NEED TO KNOW
W-Why do people keep drawing lewd pictures of me and my loyal shinobi?
I care for him and he cares for me, but it's not that type of relationship... think he really feels that way about me?
I...wouldn't be opposed to it...he would risk his life for me, the least I could do is return his affection...
memories should've let you replay bosses at the buddha shrine
Protec the shota
So what you are saying is i should go and buy as many as i can before NG+ and just destroy every boss with them?
Still stuck at Lady Butterfly
I feel like a casual. How do I beat the bull? I can only dodge his attacks if I jump around like a faggot, and he’s able to kill me in two hits
It's so baffling that you
1. Need to talk to Great Shinobi Owl
2. Mash through his line
3. Mash through the cutscene of him on his knees
Before you can actually re-start the fight.
Just dash left bro
try hit and run
>but it's not that type of relationship
Yes it is. Both historically and canonically.
should i go for return or purification? which one is best?
what I'm saying is that there's no reason not to use it
/ss/ is pure patrican
Go be a faggot somewhere else
Leave the casuals to me
purification is better and more canon. return is kind of lame.
I saw a speedrunner rape the ape with confetti.
>good for apparition enemies
it's a disgusting fetish for disgusting people. kill yourself, seriously.
Prove it
it doesn't tell you that guarding recovers posture anywhere other than loading screens either
Prove it
I wish he just died on top of ashina castle because his one phase later kind of ruins him
it's funny, confetti is more of a buff than the attack power sugar.
Most distinguished Japanese men were gay and looked down on women and people who wasted their time with women.
Yea Forums is a pro-/ss/ board
No way, being an unbelievably lame jobber compared to everyone else is what makes him memorable and likable.
If Kuro asked Wolf to make love to him, do you think he would do it? Or would his newfound "individual code" be enough to resist his master's allure and request?
God I love miko-chan, hope we can trade in the faggy shota piece of trash for the cute loli in Sekiro part Deux.
>Sekiro threads manage to survive this chaos
man it's embarrassing, especially since he does that long ass mortal draw every time for free damage
bros... this is it... everything was a cakewalk up until genichiro
He absolutely destroys my posture, and I can't seem to get hits in on him. Any tips?
Run and poke his ass when you have the opportunity
This is what happens when you appeal to cancerous fujoshitters.
>where's kuro
After at least 50 deaths to him the last two days, I finally fucking beat him. Hardest video game enemy I have ever fought. I am terrified of how much worse this game is going to get...
stop bullying my grandson...he's trying his best
Sekino is still hot and new, not a surprise.
The game turning out pretty good also helps.
His patterns are very easy to deflect desu.
Jump attack should also be a deflect+mikiri/kick counter.
>Give kuro the sakura droplet when my mom's in the living room.
>Suddenly they start talking in hushed breaths
>"What the fuck"
>Screen starts going dark
>'My lord...'
>Sekiro does some sort of sigh moan.
What the fuck is wrong with miyazaki.
Yea Forums is very much an anti /ss/ board. it's also anti-tranny and pro-trap.
>game's trailer made genichiro out to be the big bad
>after the beginning, he jobs for the rest of the game
I beat him on the first try.
>oh yeah what a cute boi
*starts to waking him up with a dick slap in the face
>403 Forbidden
Deflect twice, hit twice, rinse and repeat. When he goes for the jump attack don't spam guard, perfect deflect then mikirri counter.
If he's really eating your ass get sugars. When he jumps back don't rush in there're times when he doesn't move and you COULD get a free hit but it's not worth it, since he can also do three arrow attacks that will fuck you up.
No you didn't. Now take your (you) and be gone.
if he were trying his best he'd still be using his lightning abilities, now he just take 5 seconds on a single mortal draw and the occasional sweep, only to job and summon someone competent
Holy shit. I didn't even realize the game had /ss/ potential as well. It's too perfect.
>living with your mom
Wait until you get to the actual hard stuff like gentle blade, grandpa, young grandpa or demon.
>he doesn't own a townhouse
You some kinda poorfag?
rice loli is actually pretty old. so there's some loli shota /ss/ right there. this game is a gold mine.
>Everything about Kuro
One of the reason why pederasty is common in feudal japan.
>want to discuss the new From game
>every thread is full of degenerate fucking pedophiles
>this thread in particular is being fucked up by two retarded fucking pedophiles arguing over which form of degeneracy is better
spoiler alert, you're both fucking disgusting. to claim that one form of pedophilia is superior to another just shows that you're in denial of how absolutely revolting you are as a human. both of you are trying to lift yourselves higher than each other so you can seem like you aren't so bad, but in reality you're both scum on the bottom of the pond. whether you're a gay pedo or a straight pedo, you should just fucking kill yourself if you're so hell bent on justifying it, because it won't be long before you rape some poor fucking kid.
i know that pedophilia is a big fucking meme on this site, but the fact that the two degenerates in this thread have been arguing about it so seriously just shows that they're far beyond help.
kill yourselves and stop fucking ruining Sekiro threads.
God I hate you faggots so much. Go back to your fucking containment board. >>>cm
Was this with the eng dub on?
Why would Kuro not want Wolf to see him shirtless?
>Gentle Blade
She's basically a pocket Isshin with actually honest moveset, no weird feints, no bullshit hyper armor, less damage etc, I died once to her and never again.
The only reason why he can even defeat you at that point is because you're completely new and he easily oneshots you.
If you defeat him, he gets bailed out by a fucking nightjar
lmao look at this faggot
Any way to get rid of pixiv's censor with a ublock filter or ctrl+shift+I or something? I don't wanna log in every time.
Yeah, saving the jap for second playthrough, might as well have something to look forward to in NG+.
The horrible dub motivates me to not die more than once before cut scenes.
Kuro and Wolf is so fuckin cute and pure, bros wtf...
Confident and commanding shota with socially inept sad ninja, bros...
gentle blade gets parried and double ichi'd to hell in 30 seconds or less
And Genichiro is a shit isshin who is impossible to lose to after you learn his moveset, he doesn't even chip you like emma does and his grab Is easy to see unlike her's.
>>want to discuss the new From game
There isn't much to discuss.
Game is pretty short and straight forward.
The game is pretty open though.
>i don't wanna talk about the game I just wanna look at my pedophile porn!
either kill yourself or go masturbate and then cry yourself to sleep out of shame
Spamming dodge counters is the most effective way of fighting her if you're lacking upgrades, regrettably. It's stupid and cheesy, but you do fuck all for posture damage fighting her normally.
I unironically just want DLC so I can get the chance to see the wholesome relationship between Kuro and Wolf expanded. Like the two of them just chilling on a bench eating some food while Kuro eventually gets Wolf to laugh. I want it so bad, bros.
Isshin is pure honesty
wolf is a degenerate with a wall fetish
Yea Forums hates /ss/. kill yourself asap for liking that crap.
>this faggot is still crying
I'm kind of annoyed how there isn't fanart depicting Sekiro as a clutz considering how easily he gets staggered in the game. Or how he eats rice raw
Figures english had faggot shit in it, I didn't remember any of that in the jap audio.
still confused on how this works, how does a mortal blade resurrect a dead person
PC niggers literally play on easy mode, try this shit on a fucking PS4 I fucking dare you. You can't perfect parry shit at 20 fps jesus christ KILL ME
Read the lore pages. His blade doesn't kill the undying, it brings the dead back from the underworld.
because the second mortal blade and everything about it is a huge dumb ass pull
There are even annual /ss/ threads in the open on christmas, not even hidden.
then leave you big baby.
>The horrible dub motivates me to not die more than once before cut scenes.
It's weird how fucking bad the english dub is. Souls was pretty damn good.
>That stupid ass dodge he does into unpunishable slash
It's the Gate blade or something like that.
So basically he pulls his grandfather out of hell to fight for him. His face/hair seems younger but his body looks like he's still the fart who's chilling in his tower
It's not that weird when you realize activision probably handled it
I thought it ran at constant 60 fps on the PS4. This games doesn't strike me as being very demanding.
>And Genichiro is a shit isshin who is impossible to lose to after you learn his moveset
So is Emma and everyone else in the game, what kind of argument is that?
>he doesn't even chip you like emma does
Emma only chips you for her Ashina Cross, which at that point in the game should be a non issue since you've went through the Ashina Elite already, Genichiro also gets lightning shit and Mortal Draw but that doesn't really mean much.
>Ashina school is "LMAO nigga just do whatever if it means you win"
>Feints with hyperarmor follow ups
>Full arena fire carpets that you can't even parry
>Bullshit shockwave attacks
>A fucking gun
Isshin is canonically the king of scumbags as it's said in the ashina scrolls, only Owl can even remotely compete.
the game even teaches you about dodge counterattack right before the battle starts.
>I thought it ran at constant 60 fps on the PS4.
Lmao no. It's so bad a guy I'm watching literally bought it again on PC after he started playing on the PS4 version because he complained about the framerate and pointed out the massive improvement the PC version had when he booted it up.
what lore pages
Young Isshin fighting would be cooler than fighting the old fart. Missed opportunity.
Soulsborne was made with english language as the main focus. Here it is just a shitty afterthought since people in the west loses their shit if a game only has jap voices.
>a guy I'm watching
The guy is angriestpat by the way.
Why is he using a gun in a samurai fight?.
Damn the sugars are straight trash then other than stealth
These """help""" threads are fucking pathetic.
Full of people that can't play a fucking videogame without coddling, just so they can tell others that they beat le hard game.
Samurai used guns retard.
It barely chugs to 20 with massive screen tearing and washed out textures.
wake up fuckhead💢
because he's a gangsta
The point is that Genichiro is still easier than Emma.
Posture and Defense sugar are bretty gud too, especially since Persimmons aren't as abundant.
You do need the Senpou passive to make them truly good though.
>The point is that Genichiro is still easier than Emma.
He really isn't, hell Emma has just one fucking phase and has less posture than Genichiro.
The Ministry dudes look cool as fuck. They're like samurai power rangers.
In the chest on his balcony. He even left some pellets for you there.
Also he talks about it after you acquire the mortal blade but you have to eavesdrop
after I beat owl i talked to kuro and Emma before going to talk to isshin, now I can't get Emma to go to isshin so I can't eavesdrop on them. am I locked out of purification?
And deals more damage and is not as predictable and her parry windows aren't as wide.
holy guacamole🐸
I gave all my persimmons to the rice loli.
How many divine rice items can you have at one time? Because it seems like the loli will only give you more once you've used up the previous one.
Maybe it's the Isshin from 3 years ago like with Owl2?
That didn't start for me until after I progressed rice loli quest up until she wanted some serpent shit. suddenly Emma just stood ontop of the stairs like after the Genichiro fight
No idea what line was supposed to trigger that ending anyways.
based /ss/fag
>And deals more damage
A single charged arrow from Genichiro deals more damage than anything Emma can pull outside of Ashina Cross, what are you smoking?
>and is not as predictable
What? She's literally, LITERALLY a poor man's Isshin, with incredibly telegraphed attacks, especially the perilous ones.
The only thing that Emma can feasibly land on you is her grab if you can't see her since she's smaller than most enemies in the game and is easily covered by Sekiro's frame, and mostly because it's a shitty DS2 tier magnetic grab that will get you even if you jump above her.
>her parry windows aren't as wide.
Dude, her parry windows are not even as tight as O-Rin, this is without considering how many openings she has, or the fact that you can even stagger her out of her Ashina Cross AND get free damage out of that, she's an even worse midboss than Genichiro in his own Isshin prep version.
Just give it to that weird hag so she starts talking sense.
As you should.
What's the deal with the second Rape Ape? Why is he already headless? Where did his friend come from?
After feeding her snake visceras, she starts giving you a different kind of rice, so you can have 1 old rice from before and 1 new rice.
He's infected. Same ape. Wife.
I think the friend is the mate he wanted to attract with the flower.
It's the same one you beheaded that moved locations. Notice how Sekiro doesn't use the mortal blade on him the first time around, even if you already have it by that point.
>Why is he already headless
Because you cut off his head, dumbass.
It's a bullyhunter and they tried to stop you before you start bullying even more innocent animals.
Return is garbage because it requires you to jump on a snake that did nothing wrong and was just sleeping
Official name for enemies when?
I haven’t done owl2 yet but for owl 1, there’s a specific long animation start up for firecracka and I just spam backstep once I see it
>even if you already have it by that point.
Which is pretty bullshit desu
For some reason I thought Sekiro used the Mortal Blade after ripping the centipede out. My bad
>just beat owl first bar after about 5 tries
>mother fucker drops to the ground with big ass thud
Is this mother fucker serious?!
lol he gives a new meaning to the word dick ass thief/shinobi.
If this is all there is to his fight then i thin Genishiro was much harder than Owl.
Owl lacks the unblockables that Genishiro would mix into his move set.
All owl does from what i have gathered:
2 different 4 hit combos
A dash strike followed by terror ball
stepback kick into shuriken throw combo with a nother one if you block the first sometimes
A jumping slash
double shuriken ground throw into power dash attack that stuns you even if you perfect block
and fijnally hell do that firecraker combo,but he didn't use it on me to often at all
>if you give the retard monkey the red and white pinwheel you can't give him the white one
>locking you out of the secret ending
>randomly fucked up playthrough by showing a guy the wrong childs toy
So who the fuck is this? Is that Tomoe?
its same user again
>mfw i tried to hit his ass this time and jumps back and starts his last phase
>throws poison balls now
Piece of shit lol
How the fuck do I beat those stupid autistic big giraffe at gun fort? The room is so fucking small for me to move around.
Fuck off back to your general.
You don't need Taro's Persimmon, I got it after giving Divine Loli two regular persimmons.
the monks sidequest does nothing towards the ending user, its just a lil added story
What is this hairstyle called?
just hit my first wall on owl (father). spent fucking 2 hours to beat him, mostly because it took me forever to realize how to avoid firecracker 1HKO. is he even considered tough?
>got another gourd seed
>chose the path of The Code
Who do I talk to?
How do I consistently damage rape ape phase 2? I see most people on Youtube just jump and attack him but that seems inefficient, does Midair Combat Arts help? I could picture aerial whirlwind possibly helping due to the 2 hits and the wide hitbox
Did a playthrough with both and English was better. Anime has rotted your brain.
Personally I found him to be the hardest boss in the game, harder than Demon and Isshin.
he seems to spam the firecracker constantly if you really get in his face and play aggressively and parry his hits. it kind of throws the flow of the fight off.
>Getting hit by the arrows
>Implying poor man's isshin isn't harder than lone longsword ninja shit range attack version
>Talking about O'rin out of nowhere
Genichiro's parry windows are common fodder tier, it's literally a free fight, emma might still clip you but if you have issues with genichiro's second encounter you are just retarded, plain and simple.
Take into account that I never said that Emma was impossible or something, just that she is amongst the harder stuff in the game.
Fuck off pirate, this is a ninja thread and your kind are kill-on-sight to us.
You don't need his item for the Return ending. And you can now continue the merchant guy's sidequest to get an item that gives you a permanent 10% discount on items, so enjoy.
hes considered one of the hardest fights in the game user, don't feel bad!
"please stop throwing poo at me Mr. ape "
No it wont, you have two more endings to go with unique bosses in each
How nice that you liked it, but to me it sounded like they just got some cheap B-list talent. Japanese dub was incomparably better and more fitting for every character. I'm not a purist and would happily have played with the English dub if it wasn't trash.
>he stresses how he needs a pure white flower
>don't give him pure white flower
Who's fault is that?
i hate anime and even i can agree that the english dub was hot garbage.
Wrong, only Shura ending has different bosses.
And I already did the Shura ending and then wen to an earlier save.🦖
NG+ Emma I guess.
What in the fuck do i do against this asshole?
Just beat the Divine Dragon. Where do I go? Emma said to go into the moat where Kuro was at the start of the game, which I know is at Ashina Resivor, but there are 2 strong as fuck Minbosses there.
Punch him in the dick and roll away from his stomp
fight him like a Soulsborne boss. He has very obvious tells for everything he does. You can jump his charge.
I just beat him and yeah hes definetly nothing compared to Genishiro.
His lack of unblockables and second phase being the same as the first except with smoke bombs and poison bombs just allowed me to beat him in one go without dying once the first time i got to his phase 2.
If you can master parry Owls phase one then his phase 2 is basically non existent.
Genishiro changes his shit up each phase.
Will also admit i have 17 vitality and 7 attack power since im an avid explorer when it comes to adventure games, so i may be a bit overpowered from practicing against basic enemies
You can actually pull a Bloodborne and evade towards him when he does the firecrackers, if you time it right the invicible frames will keep you safe and you will get 1 or 2 free hits on him.
stage 1:
>hug his left leg (his left not your left)
>when he steps back freerun to the left leg again
>if there's the danger icon, jump toward him and to his left to dodge the charge
>when closing distance to him, keep distance to bait fireballs, then freerun to his left in circles until he does the overhead slash, then close distance to his left leg
>if he does the jump in the air fireslam, start walking backward when he jumps, jump into the air when he lands and grapple to him
>when he stomps, freerun to his left
phase 2:
>he telegraphs his long range fire attack, jump to the side and grapple into him
>dodge fireballs by freerunning, there are 8
phase 3:
>run away to prevent being inside circle of fire
>use the upgraded finger whistle
Go to ashina's outskirts.
Reminder to feed the rice loli your persimmons
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Guys....i think i have dragon rot. I need a doctor to give me a dose of the good stuff.
pls respond
Shame there weren't really any insect-themed bosses like a Jorogumo or something along those lines. I mean, there's the death millipedes, but still...
run past them? just go left and get to the new sculpture of da buddah
can anyone confirm this ffs
>use the upgraded finger whistle
what does that do to him?
What I did was after partying the shoulder I spammed backdash
It worked every time against both combo routes he has
>Ah yes, the japanese voices From chose and directed to matche the lipsync and body language for a japanese game set in japan with japanese characters, where the game also tells you that it is the default language option is trash, english is better
This is how retarded you sound.
>THUMP.... THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP is already at 22k
the strongest i got
Lipsync is literally irrelevant if the voice acting quality is 3x better with english dub?
Also, you miss out on some epic shit, like MY NAME IS, if you play with shitty anime dub
thanks doc
stuns for like 5 secs
Kuro's feet!
>he thinks the english dub was good
You might actually be retarded. It sounds like they had random staff at Activision do the English voices. It was so cringe and shit.
thanks doc
It's through there, there's a place you can grapple to to return to the secret passage and the flowery field where you first fought Genichiro.
If you use the stealth sugar you can backstab the ad so you can have solo the miniboss, but you can actually just run past them.
>reddit spacing
>retarded opinion
nothing to see here, folks
Ohh thats the good shit right there. Post more feet. i want sekiros crinkly feet in the camera!
but rolling to the attacks was any different?
>thought you killed me?
I just spent 2 hours fighting O'rin of the Water and not even getting close to killing her. I gave up and went to fight Genichiro and beat him my first try. This games difficulty is so inconsistent
Get ready for his grand-daddy
i was stuck on the final boss for 2 days and then i beat him first thing yesterday morning when i woke up. i think it's just the mindset your in. this game can tilt you for sure.
O'rin is all about parrying/posture damage
Genichiro you can beat by spamming r1 and dodging
This is why user
O'rin literally only have like 3 moves.
Deflect all of them and jump on her head when she does a sweep.
You don't even need to hit her to build posture damage.
Saint is Isshin at his most powerful as said from the memory. The Black Mortal Blade brings people out of the underworld at their strongest.
Anyone? Also I keep trying the spear yank but my timing must be off
O'rin is rather simple when you nail the deflect timing on her combo. She usually warps to you, strikes, does a little delay, then strikes again 3 or 4 times if I'm not mistaken. After this she does her sweep almost every time.
where's the last monkey?
Anyone else really like how the more fantastic and surnatural elements have a buildup to them throughout the game?
>TFW theres no Tengu Ishin fight, only grandpa version and samurai version
top left
The 200 IQ ancient greek philosophers would like a word with you.
>those creepy knife motherfuckers in mibu village that run at you like a chucky doll
Its top left, nigger you blind or something
That's my favorite farming spot.
WHAT I thought there was some concept art of a lady centipede or something.
Some sort of ghost lady with a centipede head
You miss out on 2 full areas and some bosses, but you get to fight the absolute best boss in the game so kudos to you.
whats SS
Yup, they all act like zombies
The music and the npc going mad when you go back doesn't help either
There's one in ashina outskirst that is way better, you get 650-1350 xp and >100 sen per enemy and you can kill a bunch of them with stealth
yo pierre
Some of us want to discuss the game instead of being gay faggots cooing about waifus. You're pathetic cringey beta males.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
god dam scas cant draw for fucking shit
I’ve died to genichiro at least 40 times should I give up I’m starting to feel like I’m just wasting daylight on this game.
Or just use confetti so you do vitality damage too
I can't figure out Lone Shadow Longswordsman, apparently you can just block him constantly but he never allows me to do that in my game. He breaks through my posture in seconds and barely ever does the "death" attack thing so I can't just Mikiri him over and over. Fuck this little tiny area he's in too. Tips?
I don't like how his peak perfomance looks like. I imagined something ripped/buff
Yeah loved the gigantic snake in the first hour really kept it grounded in reality
Not sure but you can just reflect the lightning anyway and fuck him up. You pretty much insta-win when you get to phase 3.
this one is the best
use demon bell and balloon. i maxed out all skill trees and bought-out all coin purses and items from vendors and still had ~70k gold left over in about 1 - 1.5 hours. i just stocked up on shitloads of confetti, pacifying agent, etc from vendors and gonna start NG+ soon
just watch someone destroy him on youtube like 3 times and get everything he does into your soft squishy brain. You can do it user i believe in you.
Mibu village was pretty lame. No idea what the fuck some people talk about. Not even mildly spooky.
Enemies deal pretty big damage but they come back and have like 0 vitality so you can just heal anyways
I did it bros, took me about 10 tries in total. Basically perfected his first phases, but fuck me I got taken by surprise by his last phase. Thankfully, his shit was pretty easy to dodge and he had fuck all posture so 2-3 tries more and that was that.
Pretty kino fight tbqh
Don't parry anything except potentially his feet stomp. He's basically a dark souls boss.
Genichiro is 100% a jobber man.
I basically dodged around him and punished him when he finished attacks
The second Mortal Blade has the additional ability to open a portal to the Underworld and bring back the dead.
It's not an asspull, it is spelled out to you that there exists a second Mortal Blade in 2 different occasions.
First, when you first meet Isshin, and you circle around the power and find a chest, it contains some lore text telling of the myth of the Black Mortal Blade which has the ability to open a portal to the Underworld.
Later in the game, after acquiring the Mortal Blade, if you talk to Isshin and then head back, you can Eavesdrop on him, and he will be mumbling to himself something like:
>hmm...if Sekiro has the Crimson Mortal means (((he))) must have the Black Mortal Blade...
The story in Sekiro is as straight-forward as can be in regards to From's previous record, this is actually the first Souslike game that i got the whole gist of it by just exploring and didn't have to rely on youtuber autists.
It seems like Isshin is brought back in his prime, his hair is black so he must be significantly younger than the Isshin you meet.
What i didn't really get was if Isshin was fighting Sekiro just for the hell of it, out of his own free will, or if he was forced to fight him because he was summoned from the Mortal Blade and Genichiro wished for him to fight.
>Pretty kino fight tbqh
I thought it was lame
And he's a footfag
>press start on sekiro title screen
Person you were watching do that was probably either much higher lvl (since beads add posture) or used the posture candy.
For me sprinting away from him and playing the outrange game dark souls style turned out to be the winning strat.
>You pretty much insta-win when you get to phase 3.
god I wish I choked that last phase
Every time I dodge around him he just side swipes me, and can't get too far from him or I can't hit him. Also is it better to fight him in the squareish room he's in or lead him through the hallway? The camera spazzes out so much.
I mean yeah, but it was still a simple Snake in the long run. I can sort of believe this kind of bullshit.
>beat Owl on my 2nd try
>go to Hirata 2 Electric Bugaloo
>shitting on Drunkard and the Lone Shadow both on my first try
>heard Owl 2 is absolute bullshit so quit the game because I'm scared of losing my high and feeling like a little bitch
How do I hype myself up to get shat on?
Your cry for attention is even more pathetic
I didn't want to resort to that but the area he's in is so horrendous I might have to.🐱
The Demon of Hatred's fucking fireball attack is so fucking bullshit. That's the only one that really gets me.
Is there any truth to what people were saying about the attack power being a placebo, not actually changing your damage output at all?
What happens if you hit the priest at the Folding Monkey puzzle? Before I found the fourth monkey I thought maybe it’s the priest since humans are monkeys after all. Thought I was going to be a smartass untill I accidentally found the real monkey.
I finished the game this morning and I now have a really weird time with the game. While it probably gave me the greatest endorphin release of my life, beating Ishin requires you to master the game completely. I don't know if you guys used prosthetics or whatever but I just had to fight it out the manly way, sticking to him like glue, parrying and attacking perfectly. But THEN, then you get back in NG+ and everything is easy as FUCK. There is no challenge left, like at all. Everything that used to pose a challenge to you seems like a literal joke. I'm not even removing their first bar with stealth to impose challenge and I just plow through mini-bosses and bosses alike like minced meat. The OP makes me laugh, even though I used to be in the exact same situation. It really does feel good to know that a game like this exists, but I feel kind of bored making my way to the bosses / endings I didn't do. I don't feel like I had this problem with BB and Dark Souls, or perhaps I did? All I know is I got to NG+4 and plus and I don't think I'll even go to NG+2 with Sekiro. DLC would REALLY have to change things up to make it hard
you're already a little bitch so there's no going down
The black one is different from the red one. Other than that it's magic ain't gotta explain shit.
>really kept it grounded in reality
I could let the katana clashing slide but the prosthetic was already too much for anything "grounded in reality".
I liked how Nioh approached folklore/history but with magic
NG+ is for activating path of hardships + demon seed debuffs and the game becomes much more difficult than NG.
You can sneak up on him if you go up to the place where Emma threw the letter.
Sprint back away from him when he does that, its ground targeted
Absolute bullshit considering I can go back to the beginning of the game and break enemies posture bar in 1-2 hits.
>two mini bosses together
Please don’t tell me this is a common occurance later in the game
It's perfectly fine you're just a weeb.
Homosexuality is an abomination you faggot
Yo what mod this
Nothing, since you cant hit him
I struggled against Juzou the Drunkard to the point I had to cheese him 2 vs 1 with an NPC buddy.
Lady Butterfly and Genichiro took me 6 and 4 tries each.
My IQ drops 50 points against enemies with weird animations. Temple monks and pic related for me are the worst.
It's only that one time and it's a normal enemy version of the sword miniboss, so you can eat stealth candy and backstab him, activating puppet ninjitsu and it's an easy fight.
Total horseshit
It's kind of funny how the most zen and advanced philosophers in all of human history have all wanted to smash boipuccy.
I really don't understand desu.
you just have to sneak up on the sword samurai and you just have to deal with seven spears
It's just one mini-boss
The other guy is a generic enemy.
Your fortune: Good Luck
You should be using bell and no charm in NG+ imho, having to actually deflect everything or get punished is a game changer and forces you to really git gud
>Isshin is canonically the king of scumbags as it's said in the ashina scrolls
That's literally the first thing I thought when that nigga pulled a glock 19 on me. I'm like ok sure it fits the Ashina style of do whatever the fuck you need to win. The fire shit on his old version is just pure kino however.
For me, it's the tengu fuckers. Fuck them.
If you use the spear prosthetic it breaks like 1/3 of his posture. You can do it twice per deathblow.
it's pretty shit tbqh
So I beat the game. I think I might do a BB run. this game was the best game I have played in years, but it's no BB.
Is there a shortcut to quoting people on Yea Forums? I'm kinda tired of having to type out the arrows and the numbers for the posts I want to respond to.
Then why is he so upset about Genichiro doing the same and using the waters to become immortal to save the land? Isshin is literally your main employer in this game, since he sends Emma to have you go rescue Kuro and protect him.
>Aggro them both
>Run down to the moat to reset the fight
>Come back
>Backstab puppet ninjitsu the sword guy
>Backstab Seven spears once
>It's a 2v1 vs a half health boss you should already be able to easily murder normally at that point.
So you prefer Nioh's tengu then
Like the post number, you dumb frogposter.
Is Snake Eyes the worst miniboss in the game?
heads abandoned dungeon tails that forest kuro was talking aboutCoin Flip: Heads
No, such is our part.❌
>TFW youre playing with 144hz and 144 fps with zero ghosting or input lag
Will real life be as enjoyable as Sekiro once I git gud?
>shit on basically every boss in Sekiro
>can't even beat Logarius in BB
ty user. Have a like
Terrorcunts are worse
Name 5(five) that aren’t Greek fags
U-underleveled maybe?
It's still the ogres.
you get used to it bro
Parry his huge overhead smash, you get a free 5 seconds of damage. While in that free 5 seconds, if you use spear arm and pull back on his neck you do huge damage. Purple umbrella makes it so you don't need to run away from his scream which can help if you don't have the tell down.
Finally From makes a game that's somewhat challenging. Sekiro has been a blast. Souls and Bloodborne were fucking child's play. Never understood where the "hard" meme came from with those shitter titles.
I've never beaten Logarius solo.
i got your shortcut right here buddy
>yfw house of flying assholes
nah headless are worse just because you cant kill them without confetti + horror consumes
>oh this game doesn't seem that bad, just more of the "dork souls hardest game evar" mentality
>my fucking face when they introduce the unblockable attacks that one shot you
Not sure if I'm cut out for this, lads.
But DLC is my waifu Tomoe though, its confirmed
does the spear actually take armor of any one?
>owl 2
Which attack? I never encountered any 1shot attack in the entire game not even on NG+ with demon bell debuff.
th-that's just a puffy vulva, right?
Would it be possible to impregnate Kuro using magic?
>even CONSIDERING cheating with summons in a Souls game
Disgusting, if you see the opportunity you should kill yourself
Not literally oneshot, but healing sure is sparse in the beginning here so if I don't make it to the guy at full health it basically is one. I'm talking about the heavy-hitting simon says attacks. I've died to this guy like 8 times now.
You must use the fire umbrella. It absorbs his jump smash damage and you get to double slash his ballsack with the energy. Its pretty awesome. Very fun boss
Not exclusive
beating him is needed for 1 ending, but you can beat him, which I have, and still go for any of the 3 ending available at that point.
I'm locked out of the castle where do I go now uvu
Youre not locked out you brainlet, just make your way back
Anyone know how the fuck do the guy in the shitty easy mode video of youtube did it. Its that the trainer of the PC version or what?
Can we all agree that Blazing Bull is probably the worst boss in the game? Fucking DS boss reject.
>sugar makes you stronger
>magical stone you make from drinking immortality juice is just a kidney stone
wish this game would stop shilling snacks and soda
Because beating your enemies but then having everyone but yourself die of dragonrot is hardly a victory. You gotta remember that even if it's a useless mechanic, in lore dragonrot is like turbo black plague coupled with aids since those divine things are supposed to be ultra rare.
The nice thing about sekiro is that other than chained ogre and horse guy you aren't locked out of exploring new areas for the most part, so you can always wander around to try to collect more gourd seeds and prayer beads. If it's chained ogre you're talking about, you can take a detour to hirata estate to get an arm upgrade that makes him easy
That's a funny way of saying Shichimen Warrior.
Man it took me 3 days to beat Lady Butterfly and that fat nigger Juzou. It only took me two tries with Genichiro. Why is he hyped up as the filter?
sakura bull was kino tho
Easiest yes, worst no. Bullboi is pretty epic actually
The giraffe faggot takes the candle for being the worst boss
But Sekiro is easier than them.
it is the best before the ashina invasion. Then ashina outskirts sculpture is better. Quicker route more sen and xp, basically all backstabs.
Go to the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance idol and fight your way back.
Shichimen Warrior exist.
Without the confetti is just boring with the confetti is piss easy.
And there is like 3 of those assholes.
Some of the fat enemies and one drunkard mini boss have a front plate it can take off.
giraffe is cool
feels good chain parrying and goomba stomping him to death
>can one hit kill him with air deathblow
>run around him and literally never get hit
Why are there so many scrubs here?
igg-games is where I got it nigga
her breathy voice is so sensual
Not even. Bloodborne was easy as shit. Dark Souls 1-3 were easy as shit.
>forced to fight him because he was summoned from the Mortal Blade and Genichiro wished for him to fight.
This seemed like the obvious interpretation to me. While alive Isshin showed open disdain for Genichiro's willingness to use heretical techniques and while he still feels the thrill of combat, he's pleased when defeated, and would probably be less so if he agreed with Genichiro
Especially when I decided not to use confetti as it was mandatory versus the headless.
20 whole minutes of just chasing this fucking guy around until I realized anti-air deathblow exists.
can we talk about wolf's and kuro's forbidden relationship?
Thats not how it works though, the water/centipede immortality doesnt cause dragonrot
>I unlock High Monk in order to unlock Shadowfall
Now I don't want to use anything else than High Monk. Holy shit is it a fun combat art. It has actual iframes at the start of the animation and it costs literally nothing to use. Dodging shit with it is so fun. And if you manage to hit a perilous sweep with it, you do like 70% of their posture bar. The virgin Ichimonji and the Chad High Monk.
I meant this one
Why does everyone think Kuro is a boy? Genichiro even refers to Kuro as a she before Isshin crawls out of him.
You literally just didn't get gud. Once you do the game is a lot easier. I've completed a full run in less than 3 hours and I'm not even close to a speedrunner. Could never dream of doing this is souls.
Owl has a bug where if you trade blows on his kick and jump away move he'll get knocked out of his jump away and immediately deathblow you even if you're at full posture. It's clearly not intended and slows down the pace of the fight by making parry/attack/parry play impossible. It punishes you for playing perfectly and that blows.
I think I pulled off anti-air deathblow once. I'm absolute trash at triggering it. I don't know why, but I can never get it.
Is there any good area to farm grave wax or mercury?
Why the FUCK is the theme so good for a boss so mediocre
No, he doesn't. And Kuro is a boy. It's not up for debate, you filthy delusional cuckold.
You got anything to back that claim up? Dragonrot is caused by someone dying and being ressurected to much so it sucks the essence out of other people IIRC, why wouldn't those types of immortality count.
So... Why is it bad to reach immortality again?
Get fucked
Naw, I've beaten the game several times now with the Demon Bell. And I'd still say Sekiro was far more challenging that Bloodborne or Souls. Those games were laughably easy. Just spam dodge and everything's fine. I laugh at anyone that calls those games hard.
tfw no kuro bf
He is talking about Ashina.
He's talking about Tomoe you fucking idiot
He literally says "the dragon blood surging through her vains" before hand though idiot
Isnt buddhism all about cycles and shit?
You lost, it's time for you to commit suicide now.
Breaks the cycle of life-death-reincarnation which is pretty important in Buddhism
i'd have to agree with him. bloodborne and dark souls games are fucking easy as shit. sekiro was actually challenging. once you get the rhythm down, you get the hang of things, and it's satisfying. bloodborne and dark souls mechanics were never satisfying. add that on top of the fact that they were easy as shit.
>it plays like a dated game
what the fuck is this faggot going on about it plays fine
I don't like centipedes.
Daily reminder that Soulsborne fags belong in the garbage with the rest of the fat cuckolds.
probably trainer with "Press F3 to inflict 99999 posture"
>also this guy thinks Anthem is fun
>trash taste
Listen Carefully, skeleton!
because you can't just stop the cycle
Actually, I recommend anyone who liked the themes of Sekiro to play Cosmology of Kyoto, since it dives even deeper into the Buddhism aspect.
>Tfw attack power is higher than vitality
I’m melting everything
He's talking about Ashina.
What triggers Owl's appearance?
And that's a GOOD thing!
Never thought i'd say this but Nioh has more replay value.
not having other weapons like odachi/twin swords was a mistake
He's a skill test, you can't really cheese him, so if you played the game properly and developed your parry, dodge, Mikiri and headstomp, he's got no tricks. If you went through the game relying on cheese strats, you have to learn how to play now.
I know Senpou Temple monks drop Grave Wax pretty often near endgame. Just run the first part of the area up until the first proper temple.
kuro is a boy. it's made explicitly clear that he's male, not female. it's not even conceivable that he'd be a girl, so you can give this dumb meme a rest.
>tfw kept running off the cliff in the sword saint isshin fight
didn't even know you could do that
Everyone is trying to obtain immortality. The monks by creepy bugs, the flute players by stealing youth and becoming undying fish, stealing the dragon heritage, trying to prevent a dying kingdom from completely falling. That's the whole theme of the game.
It's bad because everyone just ends up fucking shit up like injecting centipedes into themselves, enslaving/destroying others and otherwise just being dicks.
There is no concrete proof that he is male.
After the 4 monkey illusion this game turned unfun for me. The purple ghost nigga seems unbeatable and snake eyes so far is very annoying.
The only thing i like about this game is the boss fights.
I killed the Corrupted Monk and both Snake Eyes before Genichiro.
maybe quit being shit, faggot?
Skip snake eyes until you are stronger. The key is that you can actually deflect her bullets and grab. So just learn how to do that and she can't do anything to you.
thanks doc
Yes there is. He's male, you need to get over it you absolute freak.
>he's male because i said so SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
Embarrassing. You're going to need some actual proof, retard.
lrn 2 block
Thanks, I must have missed the part where the game told me something was up and I should do that, instead of graying out my fast travel options.
i'm glad i'll never be this desperate and disgusting
>sword saint
impossible gg
How do you beat juzo the drunktard with so many guards around him?
You're both black and a Marvel player, aren't you?
>Varied RNG delay in katana strikes
>"Heh, nuthin personell muscle memory"
Kill the guards first.
an Australian through and through
it's not up for debate, user. you're like those people saying samus is a tranny. whatever you believe isn't legitimate because you're a moron who thinks their headcanon could be real.
Lure him away from everyone else and 2v1 him
by killing them one by one
sneak up to the shield nigger by going left
kill him
run away and try to kill some of the other guards while doing that
when you're done with all the guards, run as far as you can and jyuzo will fuck off and go back to where he started
sneak up on him and instantly run over to the guy standing by the lake and ask for his help
jump back or dodge back, alternatively if out of time deflect to negate strike and only get cracker damage (wasnt that much in ng at least). there is no way to keep up aggression, maybe if you really good with dodging you can try to dodge through strike forward, also never tried jumping forward, not sure if slash angle allows for that.
basically its fallback: the move, cant really keep aggression up when he does that, risk waaay too high.
I just can't do it
Genchiro, I justy don't understand. I've tried and tried, and I get it ,then don't. I just don't understand the deathblow meter, if you don't constansdtlyu attack, it goes down, but if you do, you set yourself up,m if you block too much, your parry bar goes up too much and it sets you up. I just, I can't do it. I've never felt more defeated by a boss. The -genuine- casual filter.
>tfw I'm really enjoying bosses, exploring the ganme, autism won't allow me to progress past without killing this guy
>actually can't do it
i think this is were my sekiro playthrough ends lads. I've watched countless videos, watched tips, on here, I just can't man. Is there something people are using to cheese this guy...? What is going on
hello sir
>still no proof he's male
womp womp
>Using a gun
>Assimilating useful sword techniques
>The total heresy of indulging in stagnation in defiance of the Buddha and giving up ones humanity, to the point where you are literally raising the dead in a vain attempt at maintaining permanence on Earth
One of these things is not like the others. How many games about the repercussions of stagnation, the futility of permanence, and the value of catharsis and renewal does From need to make before you get it?
It goes down slower the less health he has. Same goes for you.
>Progressing Emma's questline will reveal the reason of Dragonrot. Sekiro's Resurrection power comes from his relationship to the Divine Heir, but his blood is stagnating. The life force to resurrect is thus being stolen from others to make up for it.
Monks coming up with their own type of immortality via the waters and centipedes is something else as far as I understand it, its the centipede parasite thats keeping your body alive, and dragonrot is exclusive to being rezzed via divine heirs power.
Might be wrong though, who knows really
attack attack parry parry parry parry attack attack parry parry miniki attack attack parry parry etc etc etc
Are you dying on his second phase?
>Mikiri Counter follow by a quick parry
>Posture is at 67%
Wow that was hard.
Isshin did it as a combo of
>Family Honor after Genichiro's shenanigans fucking shit up. Boy's still family
>He wanted a good fucking fight and wanted to see if Sekiro would measure up to his expectations
seems like my only option is to kill him through health damage. i went into it pretty determined to kill him via posture but i think the fight just doesn't allow for that. i perfect parried him for a minute straight without missing a beat and he barely went up to half, then he just jumped away and it reset in seconds. i kind of wish fights like this didn't exist, it feels like they force you to play it like a dark souls boss and that isn't fun at all compared to great fights like isshin and most minibosses.
There is nothing in game actually indicate Kuro gender.
It is unclear at best.
Sorry but this is a fujo game, no one cares about waifus. It's all about the men and the boy.
Literally every single thing in-game indicates that he's male. It's as clear as it could ever be. You'd be better off questioning mario's gender.
Everytime I mikiri Seven Spears, he does this thing where he pushes far away from me so I can't hit him then he smashes me. What's the deal?
in a fight with npc just rush mooks, dont finish them, first archer takes one charged attack, couple attacks for the rest, then 2 axes for 2 shields. its pretty fast, if done right boss in that time will only take a swing or two at npc. you can also cheese by luring boss, hiding, and when he goes back go for a backstab.
if you talking about second memory fight just clear the room to the left and stealth everyone else with a stealth sugar.
You need to understand that in this game the flow of battle is a back and forth. Run up to Genichiro and hit him. He'll block you a few times, then deflect you. When he deflects you, he will counterattack. You need to learn the pool of moves he can counterattack with. It's not too large. Then you keep hitting him. Fight him until you learn his moves, then deflect them all. If he does a perilous sweep, jump out and kick him in the head. If he does a thrust, Mikiri. You can do it user.
rule of thumb is 2 deflections then you will get hit, so L1
r1 r1 l1 l1 r1 r1 etc.
Yes there is, dekinai-kun.
Spam parries and he kills himself. You don't need to attack.
it's not unclear at all. it's explicit and set in stone. kuro is male.
You can parry that if you do it fast enough. If done in succession, he even stumbles over like a retard giving you 2-3 free hits. Pretty satisfying.
You can deflect that move he does after you Mikiri, and when you deflect the counterattack he gets stunned.
He wears boy clothes, has a male name and is an heir.
Go back to the vatican.
Sekiro 2 content hopefully.
There isnt anything at all.
And no your English subtitle and dub is not a reliable source.
Other than his name which actually not a real name there is not a single clue to his gender.
>YOOOOO: the game
Thinking back now, Sekiro is the most consistent Fromsoftware game
goes to shit after getting the lordvessel
I personally hate the first couple of areas, the game pick up once you arrive in Irithyll
Not a extreme case like DS1 but the first half is considerably better, the quality drops a little after Rom
Great all the way through
Who else agrees?
I prefer to wait until the boss actually deflects me because that will make him do one out of a smaller pool of moves that are very predictable and easier to counter. If you leave him to attack normally without deflection he'll choose any out of his normal pool of attack moves, and those can be longer or more diverse.
How do you deflect grab?
Not him and I haven't seen anything that expressly specifies his gender. The claim that genchiro refers to him and female is cryptic at best, do you have a screenshot?
t. ministry rat
he's not that hard once you nail his moves
Absolute Kinographie
by jumping over them
>Rice loli is centipede!
>Kuro is a girl!
What will be the next autistic headcanon?
Now that the dust has settled, whats the final verdict on this game? Do we like it? A worthy successor to Soul's legacy?
Sekiro is a white man.
dark souls and sekiro and bloodborne takes place in the same universe
I agree completely. I think the fall off in Bloodborne's quality is more than a little, too, though still less than Dark Souls 1's massive drop in quality. It's harder to notice because the cosmic horror stuff is very compelling, but in terms of area design, the enemies in said areas and the bosses, it's much worse than the first part. Sekiro is great all the way. The endgame bosses are genius. The only complaint I have about the latter third of Sekiro is the overuse of the purple ninjas.
You can deflect certain abilities, but not parry them. Thrust attacks for example. Same with snake eyes grab.
I find after 2 blocks i'll always get hit, so I never try 3.
Works on isshin/anyone else in general
Emma is a actually big dicked trap
did you miss the secret eavesdrop where she mentioned her secret surprise for wolf teehee
It's fun/10
Rice Loli hides a big, fat, slimy centipede inside of her
>Not real Dragon's Heritage
>Was created by the Senpou Monk's research
She has the biggest centipede of them all
it's okay but a bit too formulaic
once you figure out L1 is the focus (parries) you can apply the same strat to every enemy.
So can we agree Isshin was a good guy all along?
The dude seems to be giving headaches to most people, but it doesn't seem like a bad guy, just someone forced to fight you due to some fucked up circumstances
I just finished NG+ No charm Sekiro and it's really put me in the mood to replay all of Nioh
So give me a weapon to main for Nioh; I mained 1kat and very little of anything else for my last run all the way through the end of Way of the Nioh
I want to try something else but i can't imagine weapons like spear or axe are even nearly as viable or fun as 1kat. GIVE ME IDEAS
nope, hes not an obligatory vitality boss like an ape ogre or bull.
you want to be in his face at all times and only fall back at the crackers and then go in again instantly. you can deflect him to posture break pretty fast. his kickjump is deflectable too. and there is a lot of opportunities to land strikes. i dont remember how his castle fight went exactly but it is for sure was similar to the second one. if he does that moving sweep dont jump over him, just hit and stagger every time. when he jumps back deflect the kick and run immediatly and start fast attack to hit him with the edge of it, half the time he wont even block. space out your hits dont mash then there is a lot of opportunities to get a hit between deflects and go back to defense. just learn his strings and attack the moment they end for free damage. there were multiple occasions where i posture broke him by chain deflecting and attacking from the start of the phase and his health has just gotten to the yellow zone, his recovery is pretty slow if you dont give him breathing room. keep in his face at all times. works for almost every single boss btw.
What's wrong with Bloodborne after Rom exactly? If anything that's about when you start being able to dig into the best content of the game, Castle Cainhurst and the DLC.
Also Ashina Depths kind of sucked.
Kusarigama is bae
No there isnt
all things you posted
御子 皇子 (gender neutral)
九郎 (not a real name)
is not reliable indicator of gender.
while generally speaking in this period only male noble inherit anything. However it is exActly why Kuro has to pretend to be male or raise as male in his adoptive family
kuro is tomboy
I just wait until the deflect, how long it takes depends on the enemy/boss. It's easy to see because of the different sound/sparks. I don't think I have ever gotten hit before the deflect unless I am delaying my R1s too much. You can cancel the first part of an R1 animation into a deflect so I just hit R1 rapidly, but at the edge of my seat so I can stop pressing it and parry when I hear the enemy deflecting my swing.
How2beat Sword Saint? Also how many sips should I have by now
Idk if he was a good guy. It's unclear whether Ashina actually flourished under him or not. He's just a warlord. He is based as hell though.
>Parries and mikiri counter
>However it is exActly why Kuro has to pretend to be male or raise as male in his adoptive family
You’re fucking retarded.
I got the sword, killed the annoying snake gunman. I haven't killed the headless yet however nor have I gone down the path with a few apes in it. Where should I go next? Also should I grind for these mask pieces? They seem important.
Why did you betray your dad? Did you forget the Shinobi code?
I'll review the moveset and might go with it; i hear it's kinda cheesy ranged shit tho? Not the case? I'm not arguing just curious; I haven't played the DLC's yet, are they worth it?
How are Tonfa and Odachi?
I only 1katted a thousand years and a little 2kat.
I tried axe very briefly but it felt very, very simplistic
The rice loli refers to the divine heir as a he when she asks you about the rice
He betrayed his own and so did you if you choose to help kuro.
I didn't, but if I'd known I would get the hard-as-shit, crappier ending, I would have betrayed him.
I win
Sword Saint is such a fucking good boss, because his posture is so low but he punishes hard. Took me a lot of tries to really figure him out, but once you do, he goes down so fast.
>tfw nothing special at games and my kill of sword saint used 0 sippies and only took like 1.5 minutes, genichiro goes down in like 10 seconds, as soon as he busts out that 10-hit-combo, his posture evaporates every time
>game about reading your opponent's moves by what they're doing
>boss where they're so much smaller than you that you can't fucking see them
What did From mean by this?
>He’s not a male because he’s an heir, he’s actually a girl pretending to be a male to be an heir!
Yeah you won alright, you won the retard award.
Let's just say it demolish anything that doesn't block at any range
I did 1kat and kusarigama, it doesn't do as much damage, but it's very fast, and the sweep move is downright gamebreaking
dls are alright, if you liked the main game and want more, go for it
didn't really try tonfa or odachi.
10? fuck me I missed 2
Water carries the eggs. The kid's blood makes him immortal. Genichero isn't immortal and gets bodied.
screenshot that part,.preferably with Japanese sub
I think he means the divine child
shota trap > old retard
every day of the week
Centipedes =/= Water
The water is related to the dragon, but the centipedes are their own thing
i didnt forget that he backstabbed me at hirata which was pretty obvious from the beginning and if for some reason any dummies had any doubts about him they even made that scene where he corruptedly asks for divine heritage like the rest of the bad boys, why betray the main characters of the game for a scumbag manipulator? of course it leads to a bad end with mc going crazy sayan what else could it lead to, you take all the work on his nonexistant personality and dump it again as if hes still the same little autist with daddy problems as he was years ago.
>ran out of arguments so decided to ad hom
kuro a reverse trap confirmed
What the fuck do I do at the snake god shrine in Sunken Valley? I've tried using the whistle on the monkey to get it to do something but no luck💢
Lads, I've sort of found a pattern. I think it's cheese, I don't know. I've worked out, if you attack one, run back, he will ALWAYS do, a quick bow attack, and then roll, if you attack on that roll, you always get one hit in. So I slowly, just chip away at his health until its low, then start parrying when its lower to guarantee it happens quickly.
>just died and got rot essense: wartorn mob
god damn it. This dragonrot stuff really makes you wanna restart, I don't even know what it does, just wanna practice this boss man ...
I’m the one with an actual argument.
Are you aware I'm in a bus going to work right now?
Also I rather believe the OFFICIAL translation team than a desperate fujo who barely knows japanese
Anyways, read some and despair you little shit
puppet the monkey on the left platform
Welcome to Yea Forums I guess, and if you actually wanted to discuss something your post wouldn't exist.
the issue with the game is once you memorize the attack patterns there is no reason to play it again. you know the trick, when to l1.
this is why different weapons would be nice, it would make things fresh.
They aren't centipedes, retards. They're millipedes.
Are you blind? They're clearly centipedes.
>Long-Arm Centipede Giraffe and Sen'un
>I don't even know what it does
Gives NPCs tuberculosis
Christ. I would never have thought to do this.
Translation error, retard faggots.
The grass from the last boss fight is just too tall sometimes i could see what the fuck the boss was doing.