>he plays as elves
He plays as elves
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source now
For the love of god source me
Kabe ni Hamatte Ugokenai! 2
Oh my god
I want to be her please
>not playing an elf
knife eared nigger
Why does elf vomit milk?
I fucking love stuck in wall, but I can never find any of it
play some adventure h-games. 3d ones have em too
Is this from the new pokemon?
if heads, women and niggers are propertyCoin Flip: Heads
> he doesn't play as a dwarf
dark elves are best elves
Not based
Record of Lodoss War OVA is the single best fantasy anime of all time
I want to fuck Kerillian's mouth just to shut her up.
Orcs dared her to try the gallon of milk challenge
i'll like you if you give me the source
How do you even use your perks? Just got home.
because it was literally a bunch of dudes that animated a D&D campaign they had one time.
I prefer playing as aliens
I play as a Male Human, because I'm not gay.
>female elves
It is a mysteryCoin Flip: Heads
Very rude.
I like drawing elves and making them gay traps but not telling anyone
lol silly orcs💚
stuck in wall is truly the only tag that matters
I guess🙁
The real way to play is as a human so you can fuck all the other races like elves.
monster girls are made for human dick
Nothing wrong with that. Perhaps a new anime should be created in that vein of thought.
okay, but what games let me impregnate elves?
If tails, you go back to /tg/ and stop ruining literally every other board.Coin Flip: Tails
cell animation > digital shit
>Old Fanatsy anime your typical RPG group
>Modern Fantasy anime just fucboi or Beta male isekai MC MMORPG harem.
I dont care about the fan service but the modern fantasy anime is crap.
>not playing as the most fabulous homosexual elf dudes
You do not know true joy.
He's already using a perk though, if you pay attention.
Is Lodoss a one-shot OVA, or a series, or both? I really need to get around to watching it. I vaguely remember the Dreamcast game.
This guy gets it.
How come there's an elf on my shelf?
Orks is made for fightin'!
>People does nothing but bitch about the elf and elf players
>There are a lot of insanely good elf players; sometimes I end as a tourist just watching Shades and Handmaidens clear the place.
Not every old fantasy anime was Lodoss or Slayers tier. That's why you can only remember those two, maybe Escaflowne and Dumbine if we include mecha.
I guarantee that in 20 years you'll remember Goblin Slayer fondly, as a classic of Japanese animation. "They don't make them like that anymore".
s-sorry boss
A one season OVA from 1990 and a two season anime in 98.
They're just jealous of elf superiority.
The OVA series is the one everyone remembers and posts .webms of, like The TV series has a vastly lower budget and isn't remembered as fondly (except for its opening song).
What the fuck was his problem?
what a lewd race, elves are shameless!
Neckbeard shitposting and faggot lewdposting only servers to further reinforce Elven superiority.
Is there a better magic user than Slayn Starfucker?
I like getting smashed by Orcs, so what?
Fuck no. Goblin Slayer ruins itself by having "improbable twist" every time. And when it does use that, it uses Goblin Slayer "tard-rage" instead.
There aren't a lot of good elf players. It's just that Handmaiden is easy mode it's hard to be bad. Shade is a one trick pony.
>but muh boss damage
I'd rather have the other two Kerillians any day of the week than a fucking Shade.
The irony is that the OVA went anime original and the TV series was a faithful adaptation of the novels.
Why’d they feed her so much ice cream now she’s too fat to get out of the hole.
>you will never paint a dark elf's skin white
>game has a sequel
>nobody cares
>even the goofy spinoff game is remembered more fondly
Why not?
Today, MD Geist and Kite are already considered classics in the same vein as Princess Mononoke. Why can't other trash anime shows be raised and exalted?
Oh fuck, I remember this circle. Fapped a bunch to the dark skinned loli elf. Are they still releasing animations?
elves are literally designed to be bred by humans
I get second hand upset whenever I see HMEF because I’m an elfaboo and human men should rightfully have no appeal.
Why does this look more soulful than literally any anime made in the last 15 years?
me behind her behind behind the wall
>There aren't a lot of good elf players
My experience says otherwise. And I've seen Shades taking all the kills.
This has been on my radar for a while, though I don't know if I should watch the movie or series.
It reminds me of a game I played, Spriggan, which is mechs + fantasy, which probably liberally ripped off of Escaflowne.
High budget at a time when Japan was in the middle of an economical boom.
because it was made before a time all big studios sucked corporate cock for profit instead of for the purpose of making memorable, inspiring animation
Ah, I see you’re an elf of culture as well.
The series is fantastic, even when the ending is kinda rushed.
I've never seen the movie but I've never hear good things about it. People describe it as a sort of edgy fanfiction based on the TV show.
>MD Geist and Kite
I literally have no idea what those are.
Anime has always been a business sucking corporate cock.
For every Lodoss you had 15 Orphen or Zenki
Correct. Gas all orccucks
>people are good with the op character
go to gelbooru, search the tags elf blonde_hair animated
there you go🙊
MD Geist saved anime, don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.
Imagine being an anime fan and taking this shit seriously. It's completely pathetic.
I play mostly Shade and end up top of the charts in both kills and boss damage on Legends. You're just bad I guess.
Fuck, Deed is perfect.
>Oi, eat ya yogaht good n' proppa loik. Youse wants to grow big n' orkky, doncha?
And one Nora.
neither are remember as classics.
MD Geist is one of those very entertaining "so bad it's great" OVAs that were pumped out a dime a dozen (e.g. Garzey's Wing or motherfucking BLACK LION*). It has a nonsensical plot, choppy-at-best animation and an awesome soundtrack that I own.
Kite *would* have been a great anime movie if the studio wasn't pressured into putting in graphic sex scenes that have nothing to do with the plot just because the producers said "no, this is actually a hentai. We wanted a hentai, guys."
*See Black Lion. It's great.
But you said that Shade was an one-trick pony
Deedlit was my first waifu
would impregnate
>>neither are remember as classics.
Try browsing the pre-2000 anime thread general on Yea Forums one of these days; you're going to be surprised.
I don't remember Goblin Slayer fondly now because it's a fucking terrible adaptation of the manga even before touching on the mediocre animation and atrocious soundtrack.
MD Geist is about a man named Most Dangerous Geist who really, really like fighting. It's absurdly edgy, cheesy, and nonsensical, and half the mecha designs are stolen.
It's fucking great though, and people mostly hate it because it was the flagship for one localization company.
The soundtrack is great too.
The movie and it's sequel are available on youtube in it's entirety, both dubbed and subbed if you know where to look. The dub's arguably more fun because it's bad and adds to the corniness of it all.
It also saved anime, as I previously mentioned.
Zenki actually had a kickass game though.
>People need to be spoonfed a pic that is clearly by Nighthawk
New lows every day.
Not a bad choice.
The sex scenes are the only thing Kite is remembered for at all.
Let the nostalgia glasses do their work.
Imagine hating boobs and getting mad about a lack of realism in a zombie apocalypse anime.
Anime is so ridiculous.
Isn't there a version of Kite without the explicit sex?
Was it too late to save it?
What about mezzo forte? Isn't it fondly remembered because everyone fapped to that threesome back in the day?
What are some GOAT fantasy games my dudes?
Why would they do any work? Lodoss is remembered for being a good story with incredible animation, and was not representative of the era, like you said. So why would anyone remember Goblin Slayer in 20 years when it's one of the dozens of mediocre adaptations made in the year instead of the ~5 most notable shows of that year?
ha, I haven't been to Yea Forums in a while...
I mean, I enjoy Geist, but it's shit.
Like, Geist 2. It is kinda like this incredible work of art half-animated!
I was actually rewatching Genocyber eps 4 and 5 (you know, the bad ones) the other day and they're better than I remembered. That series is trash but I think a teeny bit better overall. Ohata slightly improved even if all his designs were still rip-offs.
Stuck in wall is an underrated fetish
Cute airheaded Female elves are for handholding, cuddles and wholesome lovemaking.
what's the source?
>what's the source?
Yeah, Kite's pretty forgettable.
Cyber City Oedo is another classic with a fantastic soundtrack, a cheesy sci-fi OVA trilogy, and it has the greatest dub ever made, Ghost Stories be damned. It's by the fellow who did Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust and Ninja Scroll, so you know it's good. I can't recommend it enough.
MD Geist 2 is odd in that it was essentially made for and funded by the west- nobody in Japan gave a shit about MD Geist, and one of the original creators (mighta been the music composer?) said something along the lines of "You guys remember MD Geist? Nobody remembers MD Geist."
Wizardry was a massive influence on the entire RPG genre as well as being the very root of the JRPG, though if you're not used to really old games I'd only check out 5-8.
Also Dominions if you're into Grand Strategy.
Did someone say... elves?
Isn't that the guy that draws lots gifs of girls getting fucked in stopped time by a fatso?
Forgot he drew anything else
Read the filename retard.
Are you so young you never heard of it too?
Matrix was literally THE shot in the early 00s.
Filename, you dingus.
just like my post
It's called wallbutt you uncultured normalfag
HSotD was meant to be fun, not serious.
moar elf milkers!