Rank these games from best to worst Yea Forums
Rank these games from best to worst Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Metroid Prime
2. Shadow of Colossus
3. MGS3
4. WW
5. FFX
6. San Andreas
everything but wind waker > wind waker
1. Metroid Prime
2. Mgs3
3. Wind Waker
4. Shadow of Bigman
5. FFX
6. Gta
Give me likes
1.MGS 3
3.Shadow of the Colossus
4.Metroid Prime
5. San Andreas
6. Final Fantasy X
Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Rockstar is massively overrated and every Final Fantasy past 6 is garbage
1. MGS3
2. FFX
3. Metroid Prime
4. SotC
5. WW
Prime > MGS3 > WW > SoTC > FFX > GTA
All are amazing though
> FPS games
Immediately garbage, kill yourself Zoomer
Everything in the OP is Zoomer games.
Horrible taste, San Andreas was revolutionary & mindblowing when it came out
Go back to /vr/ then if you are so obsessed with niche piece of shit PC games
6. San Andreas, MGS3, Metroid Prime, Shadow of Colossus, FFX, WW
Metroid Prime
San Andreas
Power gap
Power gap
Wind Waker
1. Metal Gear Solid 3
2. Shadow of the Colossus
3. Metroid Prime
4. The Wind Waker
5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
6. Final Fantasy X
>falling for incredibly obvious bait
> 1. The Wind Waker
> 2. Shadow of the Colossus
> 3. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 4. Metroid Prime
> 5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
> 6. Final Fantasy X
>Metroid Prime
The best of them.
>Wind Waker
Good game, but flawed.
>Shadow of the Collossus
Good game, but very short
>Grand Theft Auto
Cinematic garbage
>Final Fantasy X
Weeaboo cinematic garbage.
>Metal Gear Solid
The worst cinematic experience ever made, making even Gone Home look good in comparison.
Low effort bait, i hope you get stabbed
based on this post alone i'm going to guess you're almost 40 and remissness about being a small town teenager and getting into trouble with people who moved on to better things a long time ago and would have to take a second to even remember who exactly you are
>cinematic gaming
this wan't even a thing until gen 8
How is it bait? A game that's 90% cutscenes shouldn't be called a video game.
1. MGS3
2. Metroid Prime
3. Wind Waker
4. San Andreas
5. FFX
6. SOTC (Meme game)
Look how edgy i am!!!!
> Story BAD
I bet you think Metal Gear Solid 5 is a masterpiece
you haven't played any of these games have you user?
>greentexting "GAMEPLAY GOOD" as a bad thing
This is your brain on kojima.
We're not talking about games. We're talking about Final Fantasy and Metal Gear.
Nice job outing yourself as a contrarian who never played them
Hello ACfag, still a cuck I see.
shitposting won't bring back dad
Shadow of the Colossus
Metal Gear Solid
Wind Waker
San Andreas
Metroid Prime
Final Fantasy X
>this is considered "amazing 10/10 gameplay"
And I thought Uncharted was a walking simulator.
What the fuck are you doing in this thread if you don't like any of these games? Fucking retard
I liked Metroid Prime and put it as the magnum opus of OP's list. I also said SOTC and WW weren't too bad. But games with 500 million hours of cutscenes are nowhere near as good.
I'm 21
MGS3 is only 9 hours long, FFX is a hallway so you have a point but again it's only like 20 hours when you know what your doing & the story is great so it's worth it
>the story is great
Didn't play mgs or gta, but the others are very different and depends what I'm in the mood for. ww is worst 3d zelda though.
MP>MGS3>SA>WW>FFX>Shit of the Colossus
Bait, imagine still seething about WW after all these years
>tp is the worst 3d zelda though.
Fixed it for you.
It's still good, just the least good.
This, as much i loved it growing up after replaying it now it's easily the worst 3D Zelda
They're all shit.
It lives in that dark period of early-mid 2000s edginess that is just awful to look back on.
FFX > WW > Prime > SOTC > MGS3 > SA
>It lives in that dark period of early-mid 2000s edginess
Learn the meaning of words, retard.
>>WW is the worst 3d zelda though.
ftfy, TP is miles ahead of WW just by being a finished product alone.
Yep, cope more TP-Kun
He's objectively right, TP is fucking garbage. Go back to /reddit if you think that piece of shit is good
>using fucking Yea Forums as a source of quality
WWfags are the dumbest retards in the series.
>He's objectively right
He's not. Shit like Hatred is edgy, Garth Ennis is edgy, TP is not edgy. Zelda has never been edgy.
This is Yea Forums you fucking stupid piece of shit, if you don't like this board then go back to r/gaming
You’re a fucking zoomer if you have no idea what that fuck I’m talking about. Remember Jak II? Remember Shadow the Hedgehog? Remember the music genre known as Nu-Metal? That dark edgy shit was everywhere.
Metroid Prime
Wind Waker
>if you don't like this board then go back to r/gaming
This isn't a sektret club faggot, it's a know fact Yea Forums is one of the shittiest boards here.
Shadow Of The Colossus
The Wind Waker
San Andreas
Don't even bother, TP fags are autistic as fuck. Literally contrarians who are circlejerking a unpopular thing for the sake of being edgy, notice how they always cry whenever someone proves that WW is far more liked? Their incredibly sensitive & insecure which is why they constantly spam the same WeBM's & threads whenever someone shit talks it. Literally the MGS4 or FF8fags of the Zelda fandom
TP is my favorite Zelda, but they're all good.
>Remember Jak II? Remember Shadow the Hedgehog? Remember the music genre known as Nu-Metal?
Of course, how could I forget that one part in TP where is Link gunning down moblins and Ganondorf to Limp Bizkit and Korn. Fucking retard.
>this upset because TP is better than their unfinished
Brah, unclench your ass cheeks.
It was only made because of the autistic cries of westeners, it was a commercial failure in Japan. It wasn't made out of love as they originally desired to make Wind Waker 2. It was made regretfully out of obligation, this is just proof that any time a develop listens & panders to Western fans the game ends up shit every single time. It's no wonder why Nintendo has never & will never go back to the edgy, "Mature", "Realistic" tone of TP ever again. SS was praised so much at release simply because of how enjoyable it was in comparison to the boring & downright ugly piece of shit that was Twilight Princess
Not only that but TP fans are almost exclusively gay, furries, or both. I’ve yet to meet one straight person that has it in their top 3 Zelda games.
This is the third time I see this pasta. Do you not get tired of this shit?
Imagine being so bad that a unfinished game is still objectively better in every aspect & everyone else knows it. Normies will even claim that WW is better then OOT now, nobody cares about TP except contrarians on this board. Which is why you cry when someone posts a source proving how TP is actually percieved among the gaming community. You are seething so hard that the only thing you can ever respond with is buzzwords because you are projecting your anger onto me
It’s not wrong though. Nintendo caved because the towers fell right before WW came out and us butthurt Amerifags were grabbing at anything that was dark and serious. We disregarded WW because it wasn’t in tune with our current climate. Now that the Bush era is over, we saw that it was actually a fantastic game.
>a unfinished game is still objectively better in every aspect & everyone else knows it.
Tell that to the man who made it and apologized for it being a dull game.
> Get tired of this shit
Tired of what? BTFO'ing autistic contrarian fags? Nobody would ever mention TP if it wasn't for Midna, and you fucking know it. It's the only memorable thing about that entire game. When you ask someone what they liked about it they can only respond by bringing up WW for no reason or circlejerking Midna
>we saw that it was actually a fantastic game.
Nah, it's rushed game that had to cut corners to meet deadlines and the game suffered because of it. Do you really think anyone thins back of WW because of it's dungeons or quests? No, it's just because it looks different than the other Zeldas.
>BTFO'ing autistic contrarian fags?
You didn't BFTO anyone. If anything TP outselling WW proved the shift in tone work. Plus the game was better paced, had better dungeons and a midpoint than WW. Midna was the icing on the cake.
> 2nd Best Game Ever: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
> The Legend of Zelda series holds some of the best and most influential games in history, leading the way in both quality and innovation, and representing the apex of outstanding game design. So, why does The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker deserve this spot over all the others? It's got it all: the sense of adventure when setting sail into the great unknown, the intrigue of meeting the strange and interesting faces of the setting's inhabitants, and the thrilling action of delving into dark dungeons and slaying the evil within. This cel-shaded masterpiece encapsulates the greatest aspects of the series' storied history.
> Wind Waker's world is absolutely massive, giving you complete freedom to explore its open waters as you collect classic items, discover Hyrule's ancient secrets, and battle unforgettable bosses. The HD remaster's picturesque visuals bring the original GameCube version's graphics soaring over anything the series has seen before (though if you go with the GC version, it still looks fantastic). With impressive counterattack-focused combat, timeless visuals, and a fantastic story, The Wind Waker is the pinnacle of gaming's most legendary series. - GamesRadar
INB4 you immedietely cry about "MUH JOURNALISTS" "DOESN'T COUNT" only to prove how much of a contrarian you are
Sales are irrelevant, times & opinions changed. TP stopped being relevant as soon as Okami came out. It's completely forgotten in the gaming community. Just like GTA IV, it was rated high when it came out & sold alot. Only for people to realize it was a piece of shit
Didn't even go into depth about the game itself, you get more about the visual then you get anything about the dungeons and sidequests themselves. Either way pointless to me because I played the game.
>TP stopped being relevant as soon as Okami came out.
Other way around, Okami was such a fucking failure it broke an actual record for being such a fucking failure. The devs went out of business shortly and we got reactions out of Kamiya. Hilarious.
And yet it's considered one of the 40 best games ever made, unlike TP
>And yet it's considered one of the 40 best games ever made
So is garbage like Skyrim.