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Risk of Rain thread
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engie > all
NA EAST 7/16
NA EAST 16 player
Imagine needing drizzle just to do 20 rounds lmao
give me likes
>Rusted Key
What the fuck is the point?
FINALLY!, that was so fun with 2 tesla and 2 sharped glass with only running i kill everybody
Rolled 2 (1d6)
how do I unlock more characters? I only have commando
How do I 16 man
thicc mod where
How the fuck do you have so many reds? I only got three in my stage 20 run and I had to trade 5 items for one in the bazaar
multiple keys increases the rarity of the item you get supposedly
starting in 1 min
>People saying Artificer is good
Post your Monsoon playthroughs of her
vergil mod where
i dont know i just open chest, maybe i was lucky in the run
have you sent hopoo games your feedback yet
have you jumped 14 times?
You have to be retarded to think Commando is mediocre or bad. MUL-T is just good and overall better than LITERALLY EVERYONE.
what's their email
pretty much
Name one thing commando does better than the other characters. I'll wait.
>tfw had 4 wax quails and 2 hopoo feathers as merc
>TWICE in the same game Yea Forumsirgins take the stomping boots red item
it says it when you launch the game pleb
MUL-T with infinite crits is particularly bullshit
16 players aaaaa
You stack 10 and then nothing but legendaries start dropping out of small chests
how do I get 16 players working reeeeee
shooting through walls
>Name one thing commando does better than the other characters. I'll wait.
play the game awhile, then play with a friend on drizzle to get merc
So there wasn't an update today after all?
NA 4 player
it sometimes spawns a tiny rusted box on each level from then on that contains a random item in it.
the more keys you have the better chance of the chest containing a good item, after 4 or so you get greens every other time I find,and I find I usually get a red or 2 each run out of the box.
a lot of people seem to think it's bad because they're retarded and spend 15 minutes trying to find the tiny brown box in the giant swamp. But if you know not to waste your time searching every nook and cranny for it, it's really good.
Also once you find it a couple times you can spot it real easy on any level that isn't the swamp.
>only one key
also dumbass stack all the keys on one person, multiple people having it does nothing
try 15 pal
>the guy that runs back to the teleporter before the boss dies to grab 7/8 bandoliers
1. To have fucking fun
2. Gold
3. Blackstone
MUL-T does close and long range better.
Let me know when hopoo adds x-ray goggles
He has a better proc chance than everyone but MUL-T but he has better range and no spread so his DPS is better when not in someone's face.
He's literally the best character for things like Tri Tip, Stickies and Stun Grenades.
Stuns mobs in a pinch
to acquire the holy grail
>playing mercenary
>get hellfire tincture
>get 2 leeching seeds
>now immortal
>not being able to sense an enemy's position naturally (or see their healthbar)
mando is not for you
I know this one!
I already have the game though so I won't answer.
/id/oceangrimy forgot i had changed my id
why are you people obsessed with 16 man games? they're horrible
Do I gotta do anything special for 16 players?
>rusted key
uninstall now
normal est
fuck that guy
theyre fun
why are you so obsessed about 16 man games?
>He has a better proc chance than everyone
Lobby bugged, have to remake
the nig stone
>playing game as engie just now, gonna get to 20 this time
>good start, get a bunch of crit glasses and attack speed
>it gets better and better, crowbars everywhere, get some fungus, ukuleles, and a fuckload of armor piercing rounds
>round 11, find that big fuckin bazooka thing
>killing bosses at HAHAHAH in 5 seconds flat now
>round 13
>ez pz
>get next to teleporter, set up my turrets
>suddenly a magma worm bursts from under me before activating tp
>hits me through my 5 tougher times
>chunks off 60% of hp
>DoTs the rest in less than 2 seconds
w-what fun
Best character for fighting Titans/Aurelionite since he can M2 through cover.
Not a terribly great advantage though.
Install the mods from last thread.
The box you unlock has a high chance of dropping better items. You can use a maximum of 3 keys at once which pretty much guarantees a legendary.
NA Midwest 4 players Monsoon
how about you uninstall my dick from your moms ass faggot oh wait you can't because my dick has become a core part of her operating system and can't be uninstalled
If you don't kick someone who doesn't share the boss items you have no one to blame but yourself
His grenade has travel time.
When is mah boi sniper coming
Rusted key doesn't make a rusty crate, it creates a small rusty lockbox the same color as the rocks about the size of a drone. Its free to open and spawns an item. More keys increases quality of item. Its hard to spot but its a guaranteed extra item every single level if you can find it.
i wish the score page showed total time
>rusted key
I bet you also take 10 minutes to find the TP and post on Yea Forums about how it "didn't spawn in"
epic and liked
When I try to join a lobby the screen goes black and I get booted back to the main menu, what's going on?
Slots open boiz
Here is where we're currently at, I think. Everyone just really needs buffs besides Engie, who's EZ Modo broke bullshit.
start it up fgt
The game allows kicking?
Is it through Steam?
Dude i just got a run where i got 5, 2 coils, a snowflake, a behemoth, and a ceremonial dagger, all in the first 3 levels. One of my first items was that dagger.
useast 4 ppl
na 4 man
2 slots open
And covers a much larger area
And does a ton of damage
>b-but you can't stun enemies across the map
So what?
On the fourth stage (lava place) there is guaranteed gold chest spawn in the middle of the map which always drops a red, its in a small hole in a giant rock.
So by stage 20 you should have at absolute minimum 5 red items. But since you usually grab 1 or 2 randomly as well, and stage 4 usually has another gold chest you should be pushing 5+ reds easily.
how does one start a 16 man? someone post an id
Type /votekick [name] in the chat
Commando doesn't have higher proc chance, he has higher firing rate. It's not that he has better dice, it's that he just throws more of them. The only class that fires faster than Commando is MUL-T. but MUL-T has a proc debuff.
Can't get extra player lobbies working, extracted the stuff into the right folder and set up the .cfg but i still only have 4 player slots?
>has no idea how the game really works
100% accurate.
>MUL-T in the middle
swap for Commando
Nothing. Hes really boring and shit and I want him to be better.
His abilities should scale more with items. Like having his R fire more shots if you have more attack speed.
It keeps throwing me back to the main menu.
Any cheats?
>invalid lobby id
I hit join like 10 seconds after this was posted there's no fucking way it was full already
The dev blog mentioned there's a proc chance stat, and MUL-T procs 0.4 times a shot compared to the average 1.0 that everyone else has.
So is 9999 damage the hard cap or just the graphical limit?
If damage is actually hard-capped then that's fucking trash.
Anyone else's shit crash when they join a lobby id from clipboard?
what is it with commando not being any fucking fun?
I can't put my finger on it but he just seems so damn useless even with items
You have absolutely no idea how to play the game
You can edit some files for FREE characters and items, but otherwise you'll need cheat engine or a paid trainer.
Forgetting to take into account huntress and merc can hit multiple enemies at once and are actually good at it unlike commando's shitty piercing shot. Huntress glaive obliterates groups.
I think that's just the max asset display number
4-6 player monsoon
>be me, god (mul-t)
>realize i can use newt altars so I only have to beat 10 stages
>get like 7 hopoo feathers, never touch the ground
>make sure to prioritize the blazing faggots first
His M2 doesn't CC anymore.
Graphical Limit.
>when you finally achieve orgasm mode as engineer
when does it hit for you guys
for me
its when I call in 3 meteor strikes and sit back and get 500k from the meteor procs alone
Absolute worse fucking idea. Why would you think we would want to see the opinions of morons on a Russian vodka distillery forum?
merc is the funnest class but does kinda poorly on damage late game
just the highest the text shoes, headstompers can easily do hundreds of thousands of damage.
NA 16 player
>t. Commando main in denial
instructions inside
aqua glacius
>get meathook and headstompers as commando
>roll into the side of a hill
>pull enemies into a ball
>stomp on all of them
And early game
And midgame
Commando is more fun than Huntress and Mul-T.
Of course bullshit OP Mul-T when you get him there is more fun... but who isn't when they're wearing so many fancy spectacles?
Would it be possible to mod Commando to have MUL-T's M2.
N'kuhana's Opinion + bustling Fungus + rejuvenation rack on engi equals HOYL FUCK I'M SHITTIN SKULLS OUT LIKE THE FIRST OF THE NORTH STAR.
Lads, how do we convince Hopoo to bring over the Reaper? I'd even pay money for this.
>Primary Attack: Shoot with Recolver
>Secondary Attack ???
>Dash is just running faster like in Deadbolt
>Dash forward in gas form and slash with scythe
Yes? No? Ideas?
US east remake
I set the max allowed in case anyone really wants to push the limits, but host decides the max amount of players.
It's okay user I'm cheering you on from the background.
Please finish it I want to kill some SHCUM
The freeze/instakill effect on artificer's ice wall needs to last longer and give her at least one more charge of her fireball
Only one fungus? You need at least 30 more.
>>Dash is just running faster like in Deadbolt
So CTRL sprint?
>Mul-t, who is the best balanced character overall with no shit skills, and who can use multiple builds
>Commando who has a shit roll with no invul frames and lost all of his pushback, being too weak now
>Huntress who can't run and shoot properly, and dick all range
>Merc who can't get within a mile of a fire enemy or he gets deleted, and needs more invul frames on his attacks like he had in RoR1
>Artificer who is pure garbage in every way and needs super specific item setups to do jack shit, and even then, is worse than everyone else
not a virus. what makes you say so?
Secondary attack can be spawn some enemy you killed, something like the happy mask
Anyone wanna trade ideas about the lore? Why are we back on the planet? Who teleported into the ship at the end of Risk of Rain 1? What is the meaning of Transcendence's description?
None of his abilities do anything.
>hold M1
Okay great, but this is not even fun until you get 15+ stages into the game with a stack of items.
The ability to penetrate cover is absolutely fucking worthless. This ability also doesnt scale well into the late game since its cooldown is so long, it also doesnt exactly feel satisfying to do since you have characters like Artificer who can charge up magic balls of death which obliterate the fuck out of everything.
Absolutely dog shit worthless because no iframes, this could literally have no cooldown and even then its only good for getting around rather than combat
This is literally just holding M1
really wish my turrets would stop randomly shutting down and doing fuck all while i'm being reamed in every hole imaginable
Put Risk of Rain 2 inbetween Boring and Trash.
I will unironically sign a Yea Forums petition for this.
Replace his utility with a smoke teleport though, like how he could instantly transition through pipes.
I'm with this user for that suggestion
>tfw this is the second game I was excited for that went early access with too little content and died immediately
It's not fair, no one will even be playing by the time it's out at this rate
April fools get tricked idiot
this one just now
didn't stop me from getting 1-shot by a magma worm (blazing?) DoT BULLSHIT
>merc runs pass me and grabs my glasses
>"I'm the carry I should have it"
Great. Nice.
NA 16 man at 11/16
>The ability to penetrate cover is absolutely fucking worthless.
Not completely, it lets him cheese Titan-type enemies. But that isn't super valuable most of the time.'s Monday.
Like I said, you have absolutely no idea how to play the game.
person writing it achieved nirvana by transcending into our universe, by using the characters you play as a conduit for you to digest the log
Couple slots still open
Retards can wait more than 30 seconds though
Post your artificer monsoon run
Providence is back and he's a beetle
it's over RORbros, we had a good run
He's not wrong fuccboi
>Game either lasts long enough to where you can no longer stand the enemies and die or just kinda get bored because enemies and bosses get 1 million HP and spawn in multiples
Hopoo you faggot, add multiplier items that start spawning upon the first loop. Shit like x2 damage, x2 speed, x2 jump height, x2 attack speed, ect. That increase up to x8 per every loop and make them uncapped too.
I'm tired of having a fuckton of items but spending 30 minutes killing 7 magma worms that spawn that get 2 million HP on my fourth loop.
its the 2nd in britbongistan
If an enemy stands below a turret, the turret will target it, but cant shoot it, making it look like it 'shut down'
Stop playing them on high ground, place them on low ground.
How's this looking so far? If it's good enough I'm going to start moving onto smaller details and then I'll go to texturing and then work on finally importing it into the game.
MUL-T is objectively the most fun. Hopefully after the nerfs he still is fun.♨️
>Why are we back on the planet?
Tougher Times mentions that they are officially investigating the fate of the UES Contact Light, so probably related to that.
do you need a mod for 4+ players?
I fucking hate mercniggers
Can you mod it so every player can play as a monster? I know you can do it individually.
Has anybody done a sniper MUL-T build yet?
yes its posted
That sounds like a good idea, both of them. Come on you fags, let's do something good for once.
howdy pardner
The beetle is providence or something. After you escaped something teleported you back to the planet. or it could be a reference to how the player keeps playing the game, despite it canonically being the first time the characters are experiencing this. Thus the "You feel familiar in unfamiliar environments
Syringes, Magazines, Artificer. Go educate yourself.
I think I'm banned from online
ROR2 is a spin off
Looks pretty good desu, I don't really see anything wrong with it
>thinks he's the hottest shit
>actually is hot garbage
merc is fun but you can't just hand any weeb retard a sword and expect him to excel
Memetic beetle soul.
Wew, how?
tried restarting yet?
if yes, have you done something naughty?
You know all the items are going to be attached to him and look like shit right because they wont sit on the right spots.
fucking this
>mfw im only on my first loop yet enemies and bosses are never ending meat grinders
It's the same shit ROR 1 suffered from, at least add multiplier items that increase certain aspects that allow you to go beyond the cap. Hell, make them orange items. Just allow me to do more damage to bosses so they aren't fucking tedious
I hope they've banned all of the 16 lobby fags. That'd be great.
Early access was a mistake
glass exists
US 4 player
Just turning myself into monsters and having fun. Why would they ban you for having fun. That's fucking stupid.
Upcoming use item.
>Headdress of the Guardian
>For 5 seconds all damage instances you take are reduced to 1.
>120 second cooldown.
i'm having negative fun trying to get deicide
fuck monsoon and fuck needing to luck into good reds and fuck dying because you have to skip half the chests just to keep up with the difficulty curve
>inb4 get gud
there's no gud to get here, it's just "go fast and get good items or die and if there's 1 chest on the way to the teleporter get fucked because you don't have time to search for the other ones"
If you have good items the bosses will melt. You can get to 20+ stages and still obliterate bosses in seconds if you get the right equipment and the right printers.
>His abilities should scale more with items.
Do you know what game you're playing? It's not fucking Dota. It's all about those sweet procs per second.
I haven't had time to play with Merc or Bandit yet.
>no proof
lmao keep talking shit kid
As long as that user didn't fuck with any of the proportions of the original model it shouldn't look too bad.
Artificer is garbage my guy.
We get it, you like your waifu. That doesn't change the fact that her skills & overall ability are the worst in the game
Any games that are like this?
well ya cheated, what did you expect?
not like this game is competitive in any way
hell just go into your game files and give yourself 100 coins
well this sucks and I was doing pretty well
Risk of Rain 1
MUL-T is so overpowered he's trash. How does that fit on the graph?🍓
Risk of Rain 1 and Ziggurat.
Do Golems get knocked out of their laser charge if they take enough damage? Just had it happen without any stun effects.
Yes. This game you fucking moron
Any news on my boy getting in?
Also, the Artificer is pretty trash. It is too dependent on speeding up its cool downs and extra mags. Also, the ice wall is pretty garbage and easily gets cucked early on with uneven terrain.
Literally the first score
>Time Played
>love the game
>hate the threads on Yea Forums
Every single time. You're all faggots you know that right?
>mul-t is fun
imagine being this fucking boring as a person
>get stacks of these
I'm a god. How can you possibly kill a god?
>can't enable cheats
fucking why?
That's actually something I've been paying REAL close attention to. The model I'm trying to make is using the specific dimensions of the original model. Pic related has the modded model overlayed with the original model. Certain parts are a bit bigger, and certain parts are a bit smaller from the original model. The jacket is the biggest thing with this model so far, since it won't have cloth physics since I don't know how to mod in custom cloth physics into an already built project, but if everything works the way I think it will, then this should work with minimal clipping from the items.
This. I feel like the game gets to HAHAHA way too fast too.
Like I don't get why the difficulty has to pump up by like 5 bars every stage.
Rumor is that Hopoo said Chef won't work in 3D.
someone post those silly pictures of the character models holding a bunch of items
i love looking at those
look for the gorilla
Mind you guys I've only played abut 30 hours but I feel everyone is mostly solid. The ice wall for artificer is my biggest gripe out of everyone, you should be able to hold it and change it's line to horizontal or vertial by pressing alt first while holding the ability. Maybe an extra charge of the primary attack and/or 15-20% increase to range of flamethrower
Because you fags shit up RoR1 with your huge lobbies in an already shitty netcoded game, and now you're shitting up RoR2.
The devs said they don't know how to do him in 3d so he has the least chance of getting in
You can die in multiplayer and come back the next level. Time alive is not total time.
NA East 4 player
When you have 100% crits and 5 armor piercing, your turrets will melt bosses down in seconds with crowbars.
I know it's not like mul-t crash with crowbars but it speeds up the process nicely
So long as you make the jacket just fly back and up when moving then all is well.
The plains map is so much better and fun than the claustrophobic hallway map. I feel like I'm being robbed when I start on the tiny map.
here you go
what's your high score?
Dante with ebony and ivory on commando?
why are you playing with randoms anyway you retard?
games like this should be played solo or with a group of friends not with random retards who you have no connection to
fuck that's the one thing I can't do
>bro who cares if I cheat it's not a pvp game lmao
ever thought that some people don't like it when their games are trivialized?
Imagine going bowling and one douche just keeps running in after your ball knocking over all the pins you didn't knock
Crowbars are only useful against enemies when they're above 90% health though, meaning they're useless 90% of the time and best used with classes that have heavy hitting attacks to open up on enemies at or near full health.
forgot image
I want Hit List back
Every kill adds 0.2 base damage and each time you pick it up it increases the max amount of extra base damage.
>2 useable items
>2 primary weapons
>scales well for a variety of items
I'm thinking you're the dumb one
except they dont effect you in anyway
its more like youre bowling by yourself and someone else in an entirely different lane is throwing 3 balls at the same time
I'm aware, but I just happened upon like 8 of them with engie. It's not like I went out of my way to get them
I can't find the second fucking pressure plate
do they spawn all over the map or just near the door?
>I need a crutch to beat easy games
wow do you play on drizzle too?
don't forget zooming around the map at lightspeed
Don't reply to difficulty hipsters. He probably plays Dark Souls for the "difficulty" and yells at you if you do stuff like parry.
I don't give a fuck if you cheat in singleplayer or with your friends.
You do that shit anywhere else and you deserve your ban
I hope you never use any other ability other than M1 user
Most accurate one I've seen so far
Edit your XML file, retard
Sorry, user, look like Acrid's the most wanted.
I hope we both get our bros. Hopefully the devs go ham and add plenty of characters.
Oh, I thought we were talking about how fun something was not your autistic notion of what's easy mode. No, I don't play on drizzle.
>get glowing meteorite
>tell team to not leave the lunar shop yet, want to test something
>warn teammates to leave right away though if shit goes wrong
>pop meteorite
>jump off the cliff and nearly die since meteorites can still hit me. take 1 or 2 hits and left with low health
>everyone else dead in 1-2 hits
jesus christ it's even better/worse than it was in the first game
I want this to happen so much now.
Is engineer fun or just mash buttons randomly with enemies nearby like the first game?
jesus christ
please help
Anyone figure out how to mod cheats in yet? I want to do epic meme builds and test stuff
>join random Yea Forums 16p
>ce myself 10 meteors
>kill everyone
Hopoo doesn't give a shit because it literally doesn't matter. You're complaining about something that has 0 effect on you and the community.
he's been slightly reworked for the better
his turrets get items now
looks like people have different opinions on whats fun here
if you like watching your turrets kill stuff while you protect them with bubbles and mines then hes "fun"
he isnt a button masher at all now
host when
It's not a competitive game. It doesn't matter.
They apparently have 6 locations they can spawn, all of them are on the part of the map with the big hole. You need two people for it though I believe.
What makes mul-t fun/OP?
fungus/syringe engineer seems more op to me
He can do it with engineer turrets.
Who the fuck cares about the story
You say that as if they were expecting this game to even have 5000 concurrent players at launch.
Although I do share your sentiments. Brainlets will be complaining there's too little to do and will get more bored when weekly updates add like (1) item. After a month though most people will probably stop playing until a significant updates come out that increase replayability.
Mul-T's high rate of fire plus initial shotgun is punishing.
His versatility and doesn't need any specific items to be good while engineer HAS to have fungus.
>newfriend joins a lobby
>picks up meteorite, tell him to never use it unless everyone's fucked after he uses it once and kills himself
>he picks up the Gesture of the Drowned
times like these make me wish that items were fully locked instead of letting people have the item as long as someone in the lobby has it unlocked
here before I got bored and ended the run
>hur dur how dare you cheat in a game where it literally does not matter
>hur dur how dare you unlock characters when it does not change a single thing for anyone but yourself
autistic child
all he needs is attack speed and his charged fire can murder anything with just base level damage
hes safer than engineer since he doesnt fold to a single boss and scales with every single stat in the game minus fungus
plus he has the highest health scaling in the game
they just thought of adding a character thats good with every single item in the game and made it
>cheating to unlock the items
it's a rougelike, the point of playing the game is to unlock the items. I understand it doesn't effect me and I shouldn't care but it still bewilders me. The game has no objective if you take away the unlocks.
Does anybody have the warbanner gate of babylon or UBW one?
>cleaver throw for M1
>long-range hitscan flame blast for M2
>oil slicking the ground for utility
>his usual alt doesn't need to be changed
just put him in hopoo
Appropriate difficulty.
but that picture isn't multiplayer
>90% of the late game screenshots are engineer
Man, I still recognize the artstyle of RoR 1
>hurr why do you want to play the game differently than me
be quiet incel
heres your game bro
engineer has one of the lower skill floors user
it's also why you see tons of complaints about worms because shitters can't leave their damn nests for 2 seconds
He no longer has his auto-aim-fuck-you missiles, his moveset is geared around maintaining and upgrading his turrets. I think he's a lot better than what he was like in RoR1, where once you got a couple hooves you were free to just run around and spam C constantly.
Why are people saying engineer is OP? His turrets don't move, they just get bursted down once more than a couple of enemies come out.
The last portal took you to a new dimension
How do I not get outscaled to shit as Merc
>90% of the late game screenshots are engineer
Because all the lying cocksuckers who say artificer and huntress are good have never stepped foot in Monsoon.
so how about loader
This. For the Enhanced cleaver just fucking add more axys with cleavers to make sort of a ball of cleavers and you are set
na east/south 4 players.
The lore was cool as fuck in the first game.
I loved the logs and how fucking shitty everything was for the survivors
And I want to know why we're back on the planet. Who the fuck would ever want to return after the shit they experience in the first game?
>Mask with shades
Hopoo I know you did that on purpose.
never pass up fungus and you'll see why
My first good game as artificer. made it to the sixth stage. Speed items + jump boost are where it's at can you explain the appeal of playing the game this way to me so I can understand your point of view?
So, I was able to figure out how to enable cheats and respawn in public lobbies when I'm not the host. Respawning also allows you to change your Body to anything in the game. Should I release it Yea Forums?
>le drizzle
something like this from my impressions
early ----> late
This needs a Merc edit holy shit
I thought worm countered engineer but then I realized the actual problem was the last two times I died to a worm it was because I picked up corpsebloom like a retard.
it depends what you're doing wrong user
merc scales well with a lot of items, so it's usually gameplay related
though some of his better white/green items are locked behind achievements
Better question: who is ? Who could it possibly be besides Prov?
Hey user's I kinda need your help. So I unlocked Arty, but I did not get the achievement for her, but still unlocked her. I do not for the love of god want to grind those 10 luna coins up again, can someone help a bro out and help me find the code to unlock the achievement?
Here is a picture of the save file, where to find it and what line of code to look for, I currently can't force it myself since like I don't have it, so I need one of you to spot me that line.
engineer definitely scales into the late game the best
not even MUL-T can compare to essentially being three fully kitted out characters
>drop turrets around teleporter
>activate it
>fuck off
>kill shit around the edge of the tp circle while turrets kill boss
>if turret dies put another one down or it revives with DBF
Obviously this is closer to a remake than a chronological sequel.
I'd rather you release a guide on how to edit the csharp, to change out the survivor slots. Like, actually editing the .dll itself and changing which survivor is which.
NA East Rainstorm 4p
Tried Artificer, people keep telling me I needed extended mag, didn't found them, didn't needed them, for about 6 level my damages where dealing themselves and I just had to avoid getting killed, and then that bizon piece of shit hit me in the back while I'm concerned with a bigger threat and erase me in one hit. It keep happening, those bizons are a nightmare.
merc shits on worm if you're good, you can literally RULES OF NATURE him if you scale him with your dashes well
the only one that has trouble with worm is art, and thats if you can't get in melee range
>already screwing with files
>doesn't just give himself the coins and then get it when you go into the blue portal normally
Yeah, but my current system just lets you respawn as any class you want. Sure, you could add them to the menu, but you could also use a command to use any class.
Playing with someone who'd never played RoR1 and listening to their reaction when we finally managed to get far enough for Overloading Worm to show up was fucking hysterical.
>just emailed in my feedback + suggestion for Reaper
anons please I feel like we can actually do something here
I don't care what the autist RoR1 min-max fags say about him, I really like his skillset
>you can hack the game to play as any character, even enemies
>yfw they add HIM
how the fuck do I kill a boss in under 15 seconds for the achievement?
Do I need multiplayer for this? It just pops back up after I step off of it.
Fellow cooks please join me as I summon our beloved savior and metaphorical umbrella for this wet and rainy world.
>having good engi run
>overloading fuck worm spawns and one shots me
>revive thanks to dio
>kills me again right after
I love this game
Anyone here cuhrazy enough to do a merc only monsoon run?
MGR soundtrack is mandatory
He's in the game
as lore in the medikit description
he ded
I'd be sad if that was the case but it would make a lot of sense.
The only other thing that would make sense is that the escape at the end of the first game goes fucking wrong. But if that's the case what's the fucking point since the only escape route is now gone.
Extended Mag + Gasoline and some crit seems to be the best build I've found on her.
She can do a fuckton of damage. My only complaint is that I wish flamethrower reached a bit further.
Release what you want, I just want to become an attack helicopter.
he is being replaced by one of the new characters. Sorry friend he is dead.
Did you play as her yet? You only get logs for playing as the character.
why were iframes even removed for characters i hate dashing fire enemies as merc because i end up taking a tick of damage so half my health is gone
>has a leeching seed
>heals with fungus like some sort of faggot engineer
Commit harakiri, you're a disgusting excuse for a mercenary.
>doesnt have blink or any disengage
>limited m1
>close range R
god she's by far the worst character, she needs to be buffed hard
>posts a dead dude
Point proven, merc is shit
will tell you how to mod survivor slots, and a ton of other shit
i hope hopoo listen to this i think can be a good thing
holy shit
Ending seemed very ambiguous, there's a possibility he's alive.
Don't think so, I recall being able to get in the gated area with my friend after we stepped on it.
Need 2 more
the blue worms showed up shortly after I died here
For all the talk about endgame builds, few people seem to point out that it's all easy at that point and that getting there is the true test. In that way, the characters who do best are the ones who do best early or get to endgame quicker.
MulT is the former, Engineer is the latter. Engineer has the simplest kill game combo of Bungus+Opinion and if he gets the Afterburner, he's pretty much won. Other characters have to amass items to be just as formidable, but Engineer just needs a lot of one specific grey and one specific red to just dominate.
Then there are idiots who talk about farming a stack of rusted keys for the occasional red when that stack of keys as any other item could be substantially more powerful for the character in the form Glasses, Gasoline, Syringes, Crowbars, Stickies, Magazines, etc immediately. People are trying to angle it as a long game when the real meat of the game is the deadly short.
>My only complaint is that I wish flamethrower reached a bit further.
Yeah, I can't count the amount of time I almost died to something because I had to get in closer to reach for the flamethrower.
There's two and you need to be on them at the same time
you need either a friend or to be engineer and place something on it
>dead dude
aw, did subway katana bro actually die or something?
It's a bad feel man, he was one of my favs.
At least I can hope for bandit
And wanted to take a good screenshot
thanks again, gorilla guy, may we meet in another plane
When I reach endgame I almost end up never using it, which is unfortunate.
That's part of why extended mag is good, you need more balls to spam because flamethrower becomes too dangerous.
I've heard whispers that loader's getting rolled into HAN-D, and since he and bandit are halfway-complete and just about ready for release respectively, I wouldn't bet on seeing loader in the two other slots left assuming hopoo doesn't throw a curveball and actually has more than the 4 ?-blocked characters for the lineup
How do you unlock the merc? Is there a final level or something? When I try it just sends me back to the first level and I can't do shit but try and loop around again
>me and my buddy seeing Overloading worms in RoR 2 for the first time
mult or mando
10 syringes
10 glasses
glass for good measure
you can also do it with just headstompers
You can roll one of the pots on top of it to hold it down, then step on the other one
Apparently he drowned.
A shitty way to die.
Jesus fuck
got drowned by water ninjas
yeah he did in kayaking accident or something
>"I'm sure to win because of my superior speed!"
>tfw when you get all firepower but no movement
He died drowning after saving his female student from a Kayak accident. Just google Light Rail avenger drowned.
you gotta go in the blue portal after loop that appears on stage three and SACRIFICE
I got mine as an engineer with no items on a vagrant.
Yeah, he was trying to take a 16 year old on a kayak to a secluded small island to drop LSD and teach her the ways of the katana (unironically), and the kayak tipped and he didnt know how to swim so he drowned.
During that run, until thing got sour, I mostly used flamethrower on bosses that had trouble dealing with me upclose (titan, queen, vagrant) but yeah, otherwise there's not much use to it when your other skills are way better.
At like the 7th tele you'll get a "celestial portal" that takes you to an empty void where you can off yourself by talking to a rock.
Go there and talk to that rock and you'll get merc.
did bandit come out?
Her first two abilities would be fine if her second two weren't so shit.
>tfw you get a thousand fucking daggers and nothing else
4 man us central
>get OHKO'd for 5gorillion damage
He looks so happy!
>people who like the key are now suddenly people who pick the key over items like syringe and not just people who don't bitch and moan when they see it in a chest
nice revisionist history there my dude.
You have to loop back to the 4th level and a blue/teal portal will open, that portal will take you to the area that unlocks him.
>doesn't know how to swim
>goes kayaking or on any other form of small boat
Why do people do this.
>Merc on monsoon
Can't draw for shit but it won't stop me from making dumb memes, tell me how bad it is Yea Forums
definitely a bad day to wear white
By the way fellas, Enforcer's in the game's code. He's likely coming back. Also, who's up for an East Coast 16-man server? I sure am:
If he wasn't skinny he would've been able to survive just by thrashing.
fuck skinny people I hope they all fucking die like this
Nuclear Throne
>tfw get all survivability/utility and no firepower then have to fight magma worm
paladin WHEN???
That ice wall is so fucking useless, it barely deal any damage, you are forced to spawn it on the ground, doesn't stop projectile or enemies and it seems that the instakill requires you to lower the enemy health too much, you'll have an easier time just dealing the last it with her main skills.
That flamethrower would be pretty good if it wasn't so short.
no, you can mod the game to play it all the ability function but the ultimate do less damage i think its getting reworked or someting
Ignore, join
>>get OHKO'd for 5gorillion damage
You have to keep in mind most people here are drizzlers, so that wouldn't happen until like 4 loops in.
How do I join 16 man games? I see people's names but it doesn't take me to the character select screen. Do I have to do something with my game files beforehand?
Glass and AP rounds
Played her already yea, that's kinda why I'm like "Why am I not getting the achev?"
Luna coins are not found under that file, they are account bound, from my understanding you can't hack them in.
1 more needed
its in your xml file near the very top just change the coins number
Why does any of this shit even fucking matter, why are you trying to take this to a competitive place
Is the character fun? Y/N? Its that fucking simple.
Mul-T: Yes, heaps, he gotta go fast and shoots a fucking minigun. His ability to hold two items is neat as is his ability to switch to a sniper.
Huntress: Yes, shes also gotta go fast and spamming her bouncy shuriken is fun, as is her arrow rain and her blink is unique.
Mercenary: Absolute-fucking-lutely fun do I even need to say it.
Artificer: Probably the hardest to get fun since she is so item dependent but yes, shes pretty fucking fun once you get some movement and attack speed since throwing out a blueboi and watching it obliterate an entire wave of enemies is amazing, as is her flame thrower, ice wall is shit and needs to be replaced with some survivability
Commando: No, absolutely everyone agrees hes boring as shit and basically just version of Engineers turrets
Engi: No, his turrets are nice but his mines and M1 are both boring, iv seen more players just sit there next to their turrets rather than use their M1 or mines since they dont do anything and are not worth the effort.
So we've learned that Commando needs a rework, Engi's mines and M1 need reworks and Artificer needs her ice wall replaced with some sort of surviveability. Oh look at that the issues with the characters became apparent without trying to make shitty tier lists or bitching about which is good vs bad in random situations you cant control.
is there a trick to use Huntresses arrow rain against flying enemies? These green flying shits that shoot green bombs at you are extremely annoying to deal with
>Lasers galore
>Merc with alien head, after burner, bandolier, feathers, hooves, and enough energy drinks to end world Boomer thirst
>Game turns into anime mech the game
I've tried but flaming elites basically just end the run, waiting for a fire nerf.
>Luna coins are not found under that file, they are account bound, from my understanding you can't hack them in.
Do you think I got all these coins by grinding?
I don't remember the name of the folder because it's some string of numbers, look it up on fireden
how to buff arty
>1. give her 1 extra ability making her the only character with 5 skills
>2. give her huntress' blink
>3. give huntress a long summersault that bursts enemies if she lands on them
>4. oops i made arty AND huntress better and way more fun to play
you're welcome
Was just playing a game wiht someone that had 999943 coins so no
Get to stage 7, a greenish/blue portal will appear.
It looks nearly identical to the blue portal to the bazaar, but oh so slightly green. Use the shrine and boom you 'won' the game.
I ended up killing myself and merc at the end of the boss
>1. give her 1 extra ability making her the only character with 5 skills
Shoot at their shadows
Its usually below them, so it usually hits them
you have to load into the private lobby before you post the code nigger
why not? shes a mage, its pretty common for mages to have extra stuff in most games
based and 16 pilled
If they're near a wall you can put the rain on it and it'll come out sideways🐸
At this point just change it to a projectile wall of ice which blocks enemy projectiles
The vertical range of that skill is utter shit. Your best bet is to take cover, it'll force flying enemies to get closer to you, and usually they get closer to the ground will doing so.
so there's no end to this like there was in the first game, right?
no, but you can use the glaive on them if there is more than one and it will bounce between them for pretty good damage
You're late to the party, everyone's sick of 16 man. You can only shoot at a single boss while immortal because lol a billion turrets with fungi so many times before getting bored, and that number of times is 2.
I miss some kind of meme?
It's early access. They'll add it in the future.
How to make artificer good: play with not shit people who you work with to share items, giving her movement speed ones so her only issue is solved.
Thats what the game really needs, the ability to rather than pick up an item but send it to someone else. If someone gives me shrooms when im playing engi I always buy them something in return.
Oh fuck good idea.Doing that now.
>Early Access
What the fuck do you think? Why are you faggots so literally retarded.
Fuck off retard. Only you casualfags are sick of it because you're too retarded to mod it and get in on the fun.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Fire enemies are complete bullshit as merc.
is that the fat ass mod or am I just not remembering how thicc they made huntress
US West 4man lobby
Does literally anyone pick lollipops as their item to stack?
no need to flame here user
There's the Obelisk... but I really hope that's not the final ending. I'd like to believe that the game will get an update that makes the Obelisk take you to the final stage rather than kill you.
Is there a 16 man open? How many people does it have?
if you don't stack stickies on commando you are crazy
Her two last skills are bad enough that past early game you won't use them anymore and mostly focus on your two primary skills.
It's the same issue with the Huntress last skill: You can't use it late game because it's too dangerous to be useful, and it's usefulness is already limited.
Made one of these on launch day but jannies deleted it instantly.
>When everyone in your co-op lobby is a luckchad with two amazing red items but you don't even have a strong offensive green
drizzle can't save you now
You could've if you weren't shit.
Probably here is that you're bad at the game kid.
When will ror1 go on sale?🌈
Yeah, it seems like it should be for crowd control when at the moment all it's really good for is quickly finishing off the occasional bigger enemy.
Make the icewall much bigger, make the instakill proc last much longer (so you have more time to trigger it), and make it so the ice doesn't disappear on contact so it can proc way more enemies.
arty not having mobility skills is fine, she just needs to be powerful enough that she can focus on speed instead.
>Give her 2 more charges of M1
>do what I said about the icewall above
>increase flamethrower's range
>Sentries go limp right when you need them most
>Gets cocky with shroom sentries
>Random worm pierces his hymen of a bubble shield
>Imp teleports in and finishes the job
t. Engineer who gets cocky
its been anywhere from one dollar to free in the past. Its your own fault if you don't already have it.
Is it just me, or is it far easier to play multiplayer without people than single player. My best runs have been starting MP, everyone quitting, then just playing by myself with the increased drops.
Doesn't just work that way. We'd need to modify more files than just assembly-csharp.dll
So far the only enemies I managed to finish off on purpose were golems. The others either happened by accident or just didn't worked.
Unironically drowned saving his apprentice
Because fun's a subjective experience and there are people who have fun simply standing still in their turret nest gloating. There are people in these threads touting the Commando despite him objectively having one of the weakest and plainest loadouts independent of items as well. Then people calling Mul-T boring on the sheer basis of him being powerful despite him having one of the most diverse playstyles in the game.
Despite retards claiming the opposite, game balance is actually a very core component to any game besides the most frivolous of party games. Though Risk of Rain 2 being a frivolous party game is just fine for some people. The 16 party lobbies especially. Not saying it's bad, but fun isn't a reason to dismiss proper balancing complaints. It wouldn't matter as much if it were a single player only game, but since there's multiplayer, character balance is a valid concern.
All gameplay elements are a concern actually as the game is still in Early Access as shaped and pronounced opinions actually will affect the game.
Water spirits dragged him down under the water. It was probably a painful awful way to die.
Fuck I missed being the ROR threads, they're the greatest.
what does the message " A blue orb appears" mean?
is the location of the orb randomized?
Bustling Fungus and N'Kuhana's Opinion. Have you not seen a single God Engineer?
I have achieved Chim
it'll be near the teleporter after you beat the boss
>Because fun's a subjective experience
No its not, people have no clue what fun is until you show them.
I imagine his coils wouldn't work too well in 3D.
fuck off retard
mul-trash btfo
what the fuck, you're healing all the time
so is this basically another "don't get hit" challenge for 3 stages in a row or am I missing something
>pick Merc
>press R near the ground
>take half my health in damage
I definitely don't remember this happening before.
>Commando No
Commando is literally the first character and is designed as such.
Classic Yea Forums
Been playing with my brother since release.
This is mine.
holy fuck, i swear i spent a good half of this run just running away from blazing elites
fuck the aqueduct clay pots
I thought so too but apparently base regen doesn't count. Just don't pick up healing items and you're good.
Regen doesn't count, retard.
>16 players
It only means effects that give you green numbers. Natural regeneration is fine. Basically avoid stuff like Monster Teeth and Leeching Seed. Infusion also is bad.
He scales well with almost every item due to his versatility. Every time I see a 3d printer with crowbars, I just turn all my items into crowbars, because then you just fucking destroy bosses and elite in one hits due to the already high railgun damage.
>Engi: No
Well, git gud then. Soldier's syringe stacked lets you do 5,000 damage every second with engineer.
doesn't include natural regen retard, just dont pick up healing items
This is his.
I play Engie a lot so he's memeing on me.