anyone have the april fools 2019 and 2018 images? i need to bust some loads
Anyone have the april fools 2019 and 2018 images? i need to bust some loads
That's a clone trooper, are you blind?
i downloaded the image using Yea Forums x, i didn't even look at the filename. however, i have cured the image of such indecency
Fair enough
In that case I will give you with a link of the mini queen (the 3d one),at a reasonable price, of course
Why weren't ARCs ever as cool as they were in 2003/4?
Why wasn't Grievous?
Blame this guy
He's subpar but he's still better than the rest of the execs. At least he kind of cares, even if all his nostalgic fanwankery ends up fucking everything up.
Why can i still hear him asking for help and the squad leaving him behind because master fucking yoda
user, please... book 6 never ever.
Because Genndy's the only director on star wars to have actually been good at pure action scenes. Think about how much of original Clone Wars ISN'T dialogue.
Darkness on umbara anyone? Action scenes with krell were great too
Phase 1 ARC troopers are back in canon thanks to DICE
click like to thank them
Krell was 10/10 until he said he wanted to work with Dooku. That was retarded.
But that whole arc is basically my "turning point" for the series. Everything after it was absolute kino. Everything before was mostly shit
Anyone else wanna FUCK Desann?
How's the EA BF2 nowadays? I don't give a shit about the Faggot Trilogy or Nostalgia Trilogy, I just want to know how the Prequel Trilogy content is.
God I wanna force push Desann into a pillar, instakilling him!
I unironically would
>we will never get a movie akin to the FMV stuff from JK
It's not fair...
>made slutty 14 y/o mary sue with dual lightsabers who can do backflips and kill 4 dudes (epic!)
>ruined the clone wars, marketing it towards retards
>unbridled furry, needs to write wolves into everything he makes
>can't even kill off his own waifu, has to invent time travel in star wars to save her
>made a subpar cartoon
>went on to make rebels and resistance
>only the characters he made are canon and continue on through the other shows
>came from writing literal weebshit
>killed kyle katarn
>now coming back to kill delta squad by making the 7th season with his cliche rambo clones
why do we pretend to like this retard again?