This fucking sucks.
There's no secret to try and unveil like how the scoring system last year worked, there's no camaraderie, there's nothing to base a waifu on, and worst of all you can't even dislike posts.
What makes the latter even more grating is that you lose points for having mods delete your message or flag/ban you, so they DO have a system in place for removing people's points, they just didn't fucking bother.
There's also not really anything you can do in terms of variety with this gimmick. There's like begging threads and rolling threads and sissy faggot threads but that's about it.
This fucking sucks
Other urls found in this thread:
PS gimme likes😂
seething scorelet
April Fools!🌈
I turned myself into a pickle, user! Boom! Big reveal: I'm a pickle. What do you think about that? I turned myself into a pickle! W-what are you just staring at me for, bro. I turned myself into a pickle, user!
its ok to be a scorelette user
at least it's not permanent
It wouldn't even fucking matter if it was permanent because it's such a minor change. Once everyone got all the emojis they'd get tired of whoring out for likes and move on.
t. can't construct addition pylons
the secret was all the perks we made along the way
As opposed to what, Reddits April fools?
Be glad this site isn't cucked and still knows how to have fun
this place sucks user who cares, last year just turned into a erp nightmare too
the scoring system was nonsense I'm p sure mods just adjusted the scores how they felt like
Aleast we know why like systems are so terrible, makes you appreciate 4 Chan.
where's the beef (penis)
How much does it cost to fuck a whore like that?
It almost feels like they made their april fools day joke anti-fun just to make Yea Forums's piece of shit april fools day joke look better.
the scoring system was random increases towards a predetermined final score, it was only good because of that guy who drew the princesses.
Yeah but last year there was the princesses and people actually made OC.
The only OC I've seen for this year is people replacing the "reply or your mother dies in her sleep tonight" with "like or your mother dies in her sleep tonight".
>implying it isn't 4d chess to get more redditors to come here
I don't even know if I have any points at all or if I can use perks because I use Yea Forums X. At least last year you could just turn it off, post once and figure out what team you were on.
>"What should we do for april fools?"
>"Oh I know lets shut down the reddit and shame everyone for a few bad apples who wouldn't even be a problem if we did our jobs better."
I think the most infuriating part for me personally was the "pro-pedo" """""examples""""" that was just people who think fiction shouldn't be judge with the same brush as actions IRL and was just people arguing against sonys latest censorship or some weirdos who freak out about "loli" its not like anyone was genuinely defending real life pedophillia.
Heads and I quit my jobCoin Flip: Tails
show score, buttsore
The real April Fools are the friends you made along the way.
Though I admit last year was better for community stuff it is just a dumb april fools thing, they try new shit out every year and I think it's cool even if it doesn't always turn out great
it'll be gone tomorrow anyway
>the virgin Reddit vs the Chad Yea Forums
It amazes me how they fucked up a fun day so badly. Of all the days to virtue signal and they chose April fools? Ironic that they chose today to raise awareness of such serious issues, it's almost like they set it up so they could backpeddle, and say "it was just a prank bro" if things didn't go the way they want
not him but I'm really bad at getting likes
>149 point peasant calling other people scorlet
fuck intrusive cancer ones
It's only low because I just got home.
t. scorelet
So where's the sissy faggot thread?
That's nice and all but check these
Just be the first reply and use a zoomer meme
It's literally just a test to see how react to a liking system that they will most likely add in the future.
I hate pedofags as much as the next guy, but reddits example of pro pedophilia was so flimsy. The fact that they archived it is hilarious
>reminder these people were banned for wrongthink
waifufags SEETHING at everyone having wholesome fun💯
i'm cursing this shit thread
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Not him, but here's mine.
It honestly makes no sense.
You could've done this literally any other day of the year. Why do it on the one day where every website does a big joke?
Give me a like please.
Stop calling me a fool named April, friend.
Ah shit, forgot to put the perk in the options field.
Since we’re full on Reddit today, let me just use that word...
>implying being flooded with shit like-related threads isn't intrusive cancer
I don't really know, but I can't wait for leddits the designated meta thread. The aftermath should be fun.♦️
>getting asshurt because one day a year Yea Forums is ever so slightly shittier than it normally is
Water is wet, the sun shines, and mods suck more cock than a gay panelist at a furry convention
>even reddit thinks doing this was retarded
If anything, the problem is that it's not intrusive enough.
This is a sissy faggot gimmick that just shits up Yea Forums the usual amount.
And people will still eat this shit up because they care more about vanity than what we had last year.
Looking at the likes for some of the posts today (like this ) made me realize that a lot of posts I thought were objectively shit are things that people think are worthy of being unironically 'liked'.
what a bunch of gays❌
Pickle Rick here. I know this year is a massive disappointment compared to the shit we had last year. I complained about it when it first started, and ironically I won a thousand points for my complaint. But after a while I stopped getting mad and started to use this shit to get a couple of laughs.
This prank is fucking low-effort shit, but it's up to all of us to make it feel a bit less shitty.
>unironically 'liked'.
Pretty sure it leans towards irony, considering pickle rick has always been used for funposting❤️
bet you can't do this🐸
I unironically like this post.
>unironically 'liked'
How can you tell if likes are ironic or unironic?
>How can you tell if likes are ironic or unironic?
you need to have 35,000 points