shit waifu from shit game
Reminder that she was supposed to be a trans woman
Give saucy your likes for the merula thread
>Me rula
>Me ruler
>Ruler me
>Ruler of meπ―
The art and fan content was nice, but the 'gaem' itself is absolutely not worth anyone's time, even with the hacked apk
anal sex with merula!
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Get BLACKED by Merula
I miss her
>easter princesses
>bowsette threads
>merulas now
what's next, comfy My Summer Car threads make a return?
I don't care what y'all think about my headcanon, we went into the slytherin bathrooms after the celestial ball and fucked all night
>Dumbledore saying GUESTS ONLY.png
>the fucking general is still alive
Good fuck
I even wrote some stories there, last time was in fucking september
well done user, well done. HOWEVER.
>is still alive
I wouldn't exactly describe it as that
I will never forget my bully
Did anything happen?
Peter Pettigrew killed her. Remember how the red-cloaked person said one of your friends would die this year? Yeah.
She died before the ball happened.π
The autistic shitposting is at a level rarely seen, even for /vg/. It's like watching a small handful of spergs slowly reach whatever their version of Super Saiyan is in real time.