Attached: kh-1.png (1280x720, 547K)

Attached: kh-2.png (1280x720, 417K)

Attached: kh-3.png (1280x720, 520K)


Attached: kh-4.png (1280x720, 606K)

You're wrong. I know now. Without a doubt.

This April Fool's prank...

Attached: kh-5.png (1280x720, 211K)


Attached: kh-6.png (1280x720, 731K)

Attached: kh-7.png (1280x720, 608K)

Attached: kh-8.png (1280x720, 556K)

>darkness within darkness

Attached: 1553656906177.gif (451x274, 1.16M)

Peanut butter.....

Attached: kh-9.png (1280x720, 651K)

>There is no such thing as likes.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

...but why?...

Attached: kh-10.png (1280x720, 478K)

Attached: kh-11.png (1280x720, 1.46M)

Please dump KH3 art I finally finished the game but everyone's already moved on so it's hard to find the good art.

>Perks and surrender threads...are supreme.

Attached: tumblr_mptqszcmv81stin9go3_250.gif (240x160, 895K)

Attached: kh-12.png (1280x720, 1.36M)

>We shall bait together.

Attached: 1552441074630.png (418x330, 17K)

I really wish that Nomura didn't retcon this Kingdom Hearts into being artificial.

Attached: kh-13.png (1280x720, 1.21M)

Attached: kh-14.png (1280x720, 17K)

KH1 was best story wise

Attached: kh-15.png (1600x826, 27K)

Kingdom Hearts isnt artificial, what are you talking about.

What? It's not bait, just that it'll be hard to find art from the game since it's probably buried from all the gaming happenings from this year alone. Plus, social media is garbage for looking up art that's more than a month old.

Attached: 1547118481900.jpg (680x486, 54K)

>You are right, bait and shitposting are eternal, twitter screencaps probably go on forever too.
>But guess what Hiromoot
>That doesnt mean April's Fool is eternal.

Attached: d39fcc0886a85eb1011fc88e3844212d.png (837x1254, 843K)

I think user was talking about the one shown in KH1

The one old Orgy 13 made in Kh2 probably

>No more eternal, than that VPN of yours.

Attached: thumb246684031-640x360.jpg (640x360, 30K)

>No more eternal, then that Like of yours.

A gamble, is it?

Attached: Luxord KH3.png (1280x720, 601K)

>Can you spare...a like?

Attached: 1520646147789.jpg (500x403, 57K)

I agree, though I consider it to be the best game in the series.

In KH2 Xemnas makes an artificial Kingdom Hearts by amassing the hearts of people and in KH1 Ansem makes an artificial Kingdom Hearts by amassing the hearts of worlds. I do believe they mention that Xemnas's is fake in 2 but I'm not sure. In DDD's glossary on Kingdom Hearts they mention that Ansem and Xemnas's Kingdom Hearts were artificial.

Oh, my April Fool's.....ruined...

Attached: KH Ruined.jpg (400x245, 23K)

>Show me (you)s

Attached: Vanitas_and_X-Blade.png (932x773, 357K)

But shitposts did cover the board once, in the archive. We know so little about the Yea Forums War—only that it was just the beginning. Amidst that faggotry a precious meme was found. It is a curious pasta—and one worth exploring. They say ruin brings about creation. So what, then, would another Yea Forums War bring? When the shitposting falls, will we be found worthy of the precious meme the archives speak of? I must have these answers. The like-blade needs to be forged, and with it, the door to the Yea Forums War unlocked!"

Attached: Xehanort_KHIII.png (1723x1768, 1.07M)

>As your post bears the Like, so shall you be known, as a Faggot.

Attached: xemnas ddd.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Same user here, forgot to mention why I didn't like the retcon. I didn't like it because of how it was connected with the story Kairi's grandmother told about the darkness swallowing the light. When the light came out of the door to darkness, I had interpreted that as the light Kairi's grandmother. I believed that the light was Kingdom Hearts and that it was trapped in the realm of darkness, just like the light in her story. With that retcon, it sort of feels like the story is just pointless.

Once a seat of power for all anonymous users, is it a nexus where all shitpost springs.Here and all my other VPNs can be anons

Attached: Master_Xehanort.jpg (1242x2099, 193K)