Other urls found in this thread:
nothing they said is wrong
Jokes on you, bitch, I work out and play video games, hiking is for faggots though.
Why does hiking make panties wet to the extent it does?
Hiking and working out are not hobbies, those are activities required to stay functionally healthy. A hobby is something that has no motive beyond your enjoyment of the activity.
Fuck niggers and fuck Twitter whores.
Jesus Christ was a virgin so was the blessed virgin Mother Mary, so practice chastity.
>I like to travel
>Working out for girls
Never gonna make it
Women who do nothing but post on social media are just absolutely pathetic. Maybe you would have meaningful relationships if you actually got a real hobby like hiking or working out?
He’s right you know
>having sex
cringe who would do this when a 30 dollar onahole feels 10 times better
maybe she should TAKE A HIKE, and WORK OUT why shes such a whore, am i right boys?😃
Why do women care so much about what men do? Are they really that pathetic?
Reminds me of Euros' obsession with America.
My pleasure comes before your standards.
It's an absolute beta move to conform to the standards of thots.
>not birding
Jokes on you, fool. I work out, play video games, and hike. Model trains are for weaklings though
implying i want to go spelunking in some whores roast beef cave
>not birding on your hikes
bitch how is WALKING not the most pathetic hobby? how in the fuck can it even be considered one?
>Men who play videogames are pathetic
>Videogames are for women, too! #forALLtheplayers
She's right.
If she was a man, with that personality of hers, she'd be a virgin too.
Most girls who say this kind of shit have zero personality, zero interesting hobbies, are not smart or interesting in any way. They just get attention because men want to fuck them.
Rolled 47 (1d100)
These bitches be rude on the twitter.
i bet if i hiked 8 hours a day this bitch would still kick off
>Model trains are for weaklings though
What the fuck did you just say?
hiking means to go out on long adventures on foot. Like these girls used to do.
Don't fall for it, it's just a method for raising the bar
"Even incels lift nowadays Chad, you have to try harder"
Says the blue checkmark roastie whose hobbies include bitching about men all day on twitter lmaoooo
>A hobby is something that has no motive beyond your enjoyment of the activity.
I workout and hike because I enjoy them, not because they make me attractive and healthy. Thus, they are hobbies by your own definition. Retard.
Is sticking your dick in a hole really that much of an accomplishment?
Working out is only a hobby if you are devoid of personality. It's something you do to stay healthy, like looking before crossing the street. Is breathing a hobby?
I play vidya all the time and I'm married, I also work out. What she means is stop being fat and hairy.
Will I get a gf this year?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Because women can do nothing but shitpost on social media all day and get miles of dick.
She’s not exactly wrong but at the same time why the fuck should anyone give a shit what she has to say? If she has time to waste on Twitter bitching about men she feels are beneath her then I’d assume she doesn’t have a man in her life because anyone with self respect would steer clear of her. If you let women control your emotions then you’re retarded. Don’t @ me
I don't mind being a virgin desu🍸
>no dad
>Study folk lore in my free time
>Watch old documentaries
>Enjoy some anime and manga on the side, usually from the 70s-90s
>3 pets birds i hang out with
>watercolor a few times a month when i have the time
>Thinking about getting into woodworking when i have the space
Im not alone either, im sure most dudes also have a lot of hobbies. Men typically have more interests than women from my experiences. Women are the types to be happy to watch Netflix most of the day when they're off school/work and fuck around on social media. Most women are pretty passive and don't have interests of their own, they simply latch onto whatever man they're fucking at the time and adopt his hobby.
All women are whores
hiking can be a hobby, but working out is something you have to do to maintain your current hobbies.Coin Flip: Tails
I play videogames specifically to protect virginity.
Well, she did say "nothing but".
Absolutely based.🌮
>feminist complaining about video games
This isn't ResetERA, you self-hating cucks.
anal adventures?
people without real hobbies and failed normalfags tend to live just for that, so they consider it the ultimate accomplishment
they RIP?
Based fag
Poor user
Even fortune knows men are superior right fortune?
What is it with pairs of white girls going on hikes and ending up dead. I guarantee if they'd went alone they'd have been fine. Or even if they went with an additional girl. Never do doubles though, doubles starts with D and that means death.
i play hockey, sell electronics on ebay and work on cars and i still cant get bitches on my dick
>hates that men objectify women
>measures their worth based on if they've had sex
It's alright user. I dodged a bullet.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Sorry, fucker! I work out, play video games, hike AND build model trains. But fishing is kinda stupid,
Your fortune: Average Luck
Should I kill myself if I get a bad fortune
What kind of hobby do women have besides sucking dick?
Good luck eating those trains when the collapse happens fishlet.
Just sit back and hope the bad fortune means imminent death
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
I work out regularly and go hiking in the summer. The rest of the time I play video games. Women are jealous because their retarded woman brains don't allow them to truly enjoy any hobbies.
>maybe I'd actually get a girlfriend if you weren't such an annoying, despicable waste of skin.
good thing i only fuck my boyfriend and not whores
Why you get mad when woman wants men to be healthy and strong? She literally wants good life for men and defends masculinity. Do you prefer men becoming soiboys and trannies?
>Dumb thot glasses
>Social media
>Cringey thot selfie
She may not be a virgin, but she ain't pulling a real chad.
reading books and watching movies with prettyboys
nothin'. everyone knows bitches can't do shit other than suck dick🍥
will i get laid
You tell 'em girlfriend
>nonononono I have sex and that's the only thing that defines ME so you must desire it because I'm NOT A FAILURE OK
salty roasties 5 years away from suicide lol
>still no pusy
What's the story on those bitches?
A guy isn't going to pull women by taking up makeup tutorials and bitching about the men he wants to date.
I warned you faggots, now I’m gonna have to fuck you all.
Staying fit to remain worthy of dick and being annoying as fuck talking way too long on the phone about jack shit all the time
what hobbies do women have?
>two years ago do nothing by play video games
>no gf, virgin
>currently play video games and work out
>no gf, virgin
How does working out get you a gf?
Reminder that poetry, philosophy, coding, and math are the only acceptable high-IQ hobbies.
Can someone tell women watching netflix is not a hobby.
She wants men to be healthy and strong so they can work and buy her things
>caring about what a wymyn thinks❌
now you know you can't lift the autism away
riding dick
This sounds stereotypical. I can link you at least ten instagrams off the top of my head with shitzillion followers that fit this to a T.
how is math a hobby
I work out and also hike, though.
Maybe I would try to be better if 2D was actually real and they wouldn't try to dangle 3dpd as some sort of carrot infront of my face.
Dumb whore. Women don't have hobbies. They always try to imitate men and will take their hobbies as their own, until they find a new mate and their tastes suddenly "change".
women have no hobbies thats why they’re so boring and unfunny. I wish i was gay but thats gay
Ha, faggot! I work out regularly, play video games daily, hike almost religiously, build model trains every night and just planned another fishing trip this weekend. But breakdancing is the gayest shit out...
Says the thot with tattoos and fucking glasses making minimum wage lmao
I’m not a virgin, I just fuck qt shortstacks who have better hobbies than sucking nigger cock and watching netflix
Fucking chad and their dogs
all faggy shit, see op for what women are looking for
>Woman talking about hobbies
Can't wait to hear about your microblog and how you got 100rt's for a GoT meme repost
Does such a thing really exist?
No its because that's what 90% of all men want. You think
>TFW no gf
is just a meme?
does chad know the women are fucking his dogs?
Why should I give a shit what other men do with their lives? It doesn’t change who I am or what I live for. Of course just out of empathy I don’t want other men to pursue self destructive habits, but if they’re content in how they live then I don’t begrudge them even if I myself couldn’t stand living that way.
Bitch, walking somewhere instead of getting a cab once a week is not hiking.
that is ehhhhh how you say...... based
Jokes on her cause I have a girlfriend who is okay with my gaming hobby.
videogames stink, but i'm just going to assume her hobby is bitching on the internet
Writing Proof's and Theory Testing with other math folk. It's a great hobby.
Like this post if you a white supremacist!👌
low key kinda based ngl, imo iirc👌
I picture you as not being the brightest... who the hell builds model trains that doesn’t have autism or isn’t in their 40s
>Social media
Meh, it's basic bitch but still all hobbies
>what I live for
What you live for if you don't want to be healthy and strong? Planning suicide?
of course! they'll do whatever it takes to please chad
>real hobby
>hiking or working out
Isn't that just called basic body conditioning?
I don't know why Japan does this contrast, but I enjoy it.
Replace men with women and video games with social media and I also agree.
Fuck off with that "real hobby" shit though.
>caring what women think about things that you enjoy
That’s a pretty beta outlook, my man.
They forgot to tell you if you're fairly okay looking but fat or a lanklet, getting fit will indeed getting you laid as long as you try. That is real.
If you're very mediocre, ugly and/or short, you're fucked even if you get built like Eddy Guerrero 2005.
>''''''social media''''''
They’re rare and you probably have to accept some trade-offs, but the advice I give to anons is not to find a woman who likes your hobbies, find one who accepts your hobbies. Gamer grrlz and weeb roasties tend to be ugly vapid whores, but there’s tons of qts who are actually invested in things that will take interest in your shit so long as you ease them into it properly and it doesn’t consume your life. Tbqh I’d rather just fuck animu girls but I’ve fallen for the vagina jew and it is what it is. I will never fuck a netflix and chill racemixing instathot though.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin.
if bitches didn't over value their cunts then maybe men wouldn't see them as the hole that they are
working out and hiking aren't hobbies, though, they're just basics that people should do in order to stay in shape
nah, chad is a betacuck, he'd just bow his head submissively and leave when he finds out.
this is your brain on reddit
stop liking your thing
like my thing
>self respect
>getting your panties in a twist over criticism of couch-potatohood as a lifestyle
Pick one, user
Because working it out isn't a hobby and only normalfags think otherwise.
And yet she'd still whine if her man was hiking/at the gym all the time and ignoring her.
What, is she gonna go on a 5 mile hike with him? Not fucking likely
>woman defends masculine behaviour in men
>autists attack her
Is literally everyone cucks here? She didn't say anything wrong.
Women who do nothing but complain on Twitter are pathetic
Don't chat shit about food. You can sit there with your shitty shop-bought dessert while I make a whole fucking chocolate cake you bitch-ass nigger.
I'm 26 and am still a kissless virgin
"Cooking" and "Food" are 2 different things user.
>women get to define what masculinity is
women wouldn't know masculinity if it slapped them in the face
>says man who complains on video game forum
it literally doesn't matter, don't beat yourself up
Literally this.
>girl accepts games
>now we play switch games and she likes watching me play shit like Sekiro
Stop looking for someone already into your hobby, just introduce her to your hobbies.
I do archery when its nice out, do photography and I go to the gym addtionally, I dont talk shit about people on twitter. instead I do it on 4 chan
hiking isn't a hobby, it's just a thing chicks claim to do because they walk outside once a month
>I workout and hike because I enjoy them
Liar. The only people who enjoy exercise are druggies addicted to dizzy highs.
What the fuck do they mean by 'food' as a hobby then? Just eating?
>social media
holy mother of reddit
that would be implying any of those basic ass bitches can make a tea without rendering the building they're in completely unusable, let alone anything that requires a modicum of effort to make like a chocolate cake
they're just flushing away their money in starbucks
hiking is great fun, though
>Work out
>And play video games
So suck it bitch♨️
Romantically unsuccessful men don't want to be told that it has anything to do with their behavior. For further reading, see literally anything an incel has ever said.
I know people who think driving around eating food is a hobby.
how do I use emojis, how do I get likes and how do I get points?
holy shit based💢
I only work out to make my butt big and juicy looking while maintaining a small waist.
girls are a meme
Majority of the reason I ever vacation to any place in the world is to try the food. Can I call it a hobby at that point?
>Tfw my gf had a passing interest in vidya but never played much
>start playing switch with her
>get her a 3DS for her birthday
Its so cute watching her have so much fun playing animal crossing bros, she sends me pictures from her town all the time
like other people for points
get likes for more points
get emojis with points
Your fortune: Good Luck
women who do nothing but watch netflix and drink wine are worse people than us
Same. Based and wholesomepilled.
You know what a foodie is?
Make posts for points too❤️
Thank god I don't play video games and that I just shitpost on Yea Forums because Yea Forums has too many cock and pussy threads.
Imagine someone saying their hobby's walking with a straight face
Literally the only thing that matters in life is money
t. 12 yo
They call themselves foodies.
All women are bitches and whores
>ITT: autists pretending going to gym and trying coding once means it's a hobby
Just stop. It's cringy. We all know your only hobby is browsing internet.
don't reply to me ever again
>twitter screencap
Id love to meet the user that made this thread, you are so epic
I like hiking honestly. It's like going on an adventure like one of my japanese role-playing games.
This post would literally only annoy you if you were a virgin, way to out yourself losers.
There was a study last year that suggested the projected numbers for male virgins in the U.S. over 18 was 27%.
who gives a shit
just feed me likes🦖
Jokes on you, I'm this faget.
>Why do women care so much about what men do?
Because women are incompetent, pathetic creatures barely capable of surviving on their own. they want to manipulate men with the only thing they have to offer (vagina) so these men provide for them and allow them to survive.
Kill yourself underage faggot
>stop being neet, get a decent job, move out of my parents house to a new town I've never been in by myself
>Sign up at the local gym and start a strict diet and workout routine, four months of hard work later my gut has shrunk and my muscles have all grown and my confidence is literally higher than it ever has been since I've actually got real accomplishments under my belt now and I'm self sustaining
>Still talk to 0 females, both irl and online
This would normally be a bad feel but now that I'm 26 I'm finally starting to understand it. It's literally my personality, how I look doesn't matter, where I live doesn't matter, how much money I have doesn't matter, being in shape doesn't even matter. I'll never get a girlfriend because I refuse to use social media and there is basically never ever a reason to go outside except to go to work/purchase things to make being in my apartment more comfy so I'm even less incentivised to go outside. Women do not want a man who chooses to live life the way I do, that's the bottom line. Nothing else matters if I don't change this.
And I don't want to change a single god damn thing, this is optimal. If it doesn't work for women then fuck em. I'm going to keep doing what I want to do forever.
Cooking is a hobby. Maybe being a gourmet. But just fucking eating isn't a hobby.
Women define masculinity. Who do you think defines it?
They were le dumb "altruistic" cultural relativist 1st worlder women who thought hiking in some nigger country would give them some ethereal experience about da life or some pseudo idealistic shit like that
Money doesn't matter though
At any point, the economy could make your money worthless.
thats bullying though
dumb poorfag
I mean. That's probably true but I don't really care. Why would I want to not be a Virgin? What's in it for me?
I wish I could have physical affection and closeness with someone, sometimes, but it's not really necessary to live. As for transient pleasure, I just masturbate a ton.
>implying you wouldn't get laid as soon as you showed up in an environment where there are single women
oh I don't know.... men?
Oh so just like that dumb bitch that hitch hiked in the middle east to prove that Muslims were peaceful only to get raped and murdered by the first muslim that picked her up.
What hobbies does this woman have other than binging on Jewflix and spouting shit on Twitter and Facebook?
Pretty much yeah, many such cases
you really had to photoshop a tweet from this literal who to rouse some rabble today didn't you
Also it doesn't matter how much you work out, your dick will never grow
Hey Elliot
That's gay. Men aren't the ones who date men.
ladies cannot resist a nice pair of hiking boots with proper ankle support and 10 different shades of brown and gray.
Why are women so pissed that more men are waking up to the fact that once they get married, life is over, so they put it off until later in their lives?
They went to Morocco (which I should point out, is one of the safest tourist destinations in the world with a insanely low crime rate) and went camping in the mountains.
Three Muslim locals kidnapped them, raped them, and beheaded them. Video is on liveleak somewhere. Look for Morocco girls beheading or something similar.
Imagine sucking dick for a hobby
Promises promises.
I date men and I'm a trans woman of power.
Men invented every single masculine pursuit, every single sport, activity, and occupation was invented by a MAN. Men decide what is masculine because Men define the world.
I love my big titty anime figures more than girls :)
Lol fucking wheelchair virgins can’t hike!
wtf is so character-building about hiking anyway?
and exercise is bad for you beyond 20 minutes a day
it's all meeming
at least he's self aware roastie
I'm married and life improved from it. Being single forever means your life is over.
>one piece figures
You'd best have a Robin.
I know what you mean, but it's definitely something you can put enough time, effort and planning into to make it a hobby. Like powerlifting, trying to be an amateur bodybuilder.
If you are from Boulder, Denver, or Pueblo you can kys
>you see that mountain, you can climb it
They invented those to impress women.
Why Yea Forumshate thenselves soo much?
Why posting literal who twitter a Just to hurt each other?
rape is the most masculine thing you can do
Wrong. If you get married, then your paycheck is not yours anymore.
you will have a terrible life🏴
not married =/= single
Also girls are disgusting, boys are pure
I have 3 robins so far and a fourth one is on the way.
Top tier taste, thought I think Boa's hat looks fucking dumb there. Once I get myself a detolf I'll start picking up a few myself.
I've looked online at single women in my area. Every single one is obese. There are no women who live around me who are single, of a healthy weight, and on a dating site. I'm not going to make any attempt to meet anyone in real life and my workplace is literally only men, so it just isn't on the table.
I have access to sex somewhat though, I found out if you go on seekingarrangements com and make a premium profile and message a bunch of girls offering a few hundred dollars for sex one will fuck you eventually. I've done this a handful of times with different young, attractive women. It's just so expensive I basically can't do it more than a few times a year. Just passing on the good word to you Bros since prostitution is illegal in the USA and it fucking sucks, but I'm glad I found a method that works entirely from your computer so long as you have money. I've been thinking of trying those Asian massage parlors but, I never have. I've always been so terrified I'll go in there and nothing cool will happen, thus wasting my time, money, and energy.
Hedonism / self indulgence.
Personal growth.
Anything you want that you decide for yourself. Its not about health its about valuing yourself over the opinions of vapid cunts that if you could have you'd dump after getting to know them.
Yea because I want born rich. If you aren't rich you might as well be cattle
absolutely based
Its not even in a hobby sense like going to super small locales in a far off neighborhood known for this one really good dish or anything like that. It's literally eating the shit food they sell at Starbucks and posting pics of it on social media. Actually going out and finding that one place that does perfect crepes that would be closer to a hobby. These bitches buy Starschmucks muffins and act like they're high class.
It is, retard. Women have their own paychecks.
It is dumb but dumb cute. I'm gonna get my dad to build me a bookcase for my figures. I'm running out of space.
I need power also
I wonder what her hobbies are?
But I went hiking this weekend.
Good man
This. Of course this should be reciprocated, I want her to have her own hobbies that don't overlap with mine. Everyone needs their own space and interests separate even from a gf or wifey imo
Gotta get one that already works out though, so you know she's doing it for herself and not just to catch you, and is more likely to keep the habit over years and decades.
Good guy🏀
So you're hurting yourself because woman told you to not hurt yourself? Epic high school philosophy there, kid.
Typical woman, using the only thing she has of worth as a bargining chip to get what she wants.
based FBI agent
I need more Nami swans though
false, competitive sport was invented to impress other men (GOLF: Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden)
Most occupations were invented to make another man's job easier
the only things men invented to impress women are decidedly feminine quality of life improvements for their wives, such as the vacuum cleaner, spinning loom, washing machine etc.
bitter social media roastie
She's "Not like other girls."
Doesn't have female friends.
Do girls like big scores?
I play vidya and my partner knits and does crafts. She's definitely wife material, that roastie is just projecting because she's boring herself. Her interests are probably "drinking" and "travelling".
>caring about nami
So close were almost my nigga
Like this if you would bleach a brown girl.
fuck off whore you hold no sway here
>exercise is bad for you beyond 20 minutes a day
t. fatass
Why do women feel the need to talk shit about men minding their own business playing video games?
Are women afraid of video games?
>implying people can't do both
That's just pathetic
Never forget what (((they))) took from you
>bitching about netflex and racemixing when he is fucking women that could actively fuck any future children he has with manlet/womanlet genes
And don't say you're just fucking shortstacks but would never settle with one either. As that just makes you a hypocrite. Fucking short girls isn't a problem on it's own but don't try to act high and mighty on that soapbox.
Because womem hate men having interests that don't revolve around them. She wants a social media trophy, not a partner.
Hiking can be a hobby but only if it's an actually interesting and varied hike, and not just you walking for exercise and calling it hiking to seem like a more interesting person.
Working out is only a hobby if you're an extremely boring person who finds bland repetitive actions entertaining. At best you might listen to music or something while working out but that's only a means of entertainment during the workout, not an actual part of the working out itself.
>one sport was gay so all of them are
Of course. It genuinely turns me on when my gf teaches me things about her hobbies, its 100 times more interesting than
>teehee look at my titties user :3 lets fuck!!!!
what the hell! I like all the one piece ladies! :(
Proud momma to two dogs, they're my entire life
Raising dogs is degeneracy and not a good thing. Get your /pol/ memes right.
Why should I care about what women think of my hobbies?
I mean I've played video games football and golf all my life yet I'm still a virgin at 23
I’m a fat manlet with kike blood in my veins, I’m not continuing my shit bloodline. I won’t fuck racemixers because white women who take nigger cock have zero self respect
Nami's a 2 cent whore at best.
You just know...
Are you blind? There's a child in that photo and animal husbandry is a very important skill to teach children.
But hiking is my hobby? I love it, and I have time for video games too.
you're either a fucking pussy worshiper or a woman yourself. The abscence of women in an activity or group does not make it gay.
Besides, there isn't a single competitive sports league which allows women to participate in games against men
>mudslime detected
too bad her figures don't cost that much
>hedonism / self-indulgence
So, how do you deal with the emptiness inside?
Do all these things and women still don't want you. What the fuck do women want anyway? I went to a party once and saw this beautiful girl with striking blue eyes and an amazing smile and found out she was going out with the small, fat guy who was dressed in just a t-shirt and shorts.
What the fuck is going on here?
But I'm the one who video taped that.
Nigga got money
>if you dont revolve your life around my fishy hole you are pathetic!
>no Carrot
Shit taste
>there isn't a single competitive sports league which allows women to participate in games against men
Exactly. Men invented them to impress women, so women are the audience instead of participants.
Make up is fucking magic
He was probably interesting and made her laugh while you were an insecure faggot sulking in the corner
too bad they don't make a concealer to cover up that extra ~70lbs
Makeup was a mistake, how did men let this shit happen?
there's no carrot figures yet. She is my youtube mascot so I'm going to get her figure that is coming out later this year.
Women are vapid shallow whores who are devoid of any real personality, they are not sentient humans beings they are just NPCS
What's a real hobby?
men invented them to COMPETE AGAINST OTHER MEN, people watching is an afterthought you fucking dumb bitch.
you think the guy that invented basketball was thinking about how many girls would be watching?
Fucking kill yourself you dumb, vapid cunt
>Eating and sleeping are hobbies
Why are women so fucking barren and boring.
Seriously. they dont even try.
At least i can say im passionate about a few things and give you a great talk about them with intrincate details.
I cant expect that from any girl, i´ll honestly be shocked if i happen to meet one by chance.
anons, do you have any other hobbies besides vidya? For me its only vidya and target shooting.🌈
who needs to be interesting when you can win any man over by having a cooch
Watching anime and copying movie opinions from Yea Forums doesn't make you interesting, autist.
>Do nothing but play video games 3 years ago
>no gf, virgin
>Still do nothing but play video games
>gf and not a virgin anymore
Sometimes you just find the right one guys, just keep on looking, you'll find her. I believe in all of you
>walking is a hobby
Lmao, fucking normalfags
hey, somebody left the projector on again
Stop projecting this hard, user.
Women are incapable of genuine interest.
women who do nothing but post on twitter are absolutely pathetic.
maybe you all wouldn't be attention whores if you got a real hobby, like painting or playing an instrument.
She looks like shit both ways.
>caring enough about what other people do for fun to publicly denounce them
kek. What a faggot
lucky bastard
>tfw manwhore and vidya-obsessed
Has very little to do with your hobbies, it's how you carry yourself.
IF you didn’t grow up here, you can gtfo
>you think the guy that invented basketball was thinking about how many girls would be watching?
Yes, pussy is main motivation why men do anything.
>Projecting this hard
You can only feel empty if there was something in the first place.♣️
I cook and do fishing. Where da pussy at?
What's your secret user?
She sounds like an absolute cunt so I'm not missing anything.
Find the cute nerdy/outcast ones who don't talk a lot, if you get to be good friends with them after a few weeks they'll no doubt say yes to your confession
Literally all of my hobbies are things women hate, but I don't give a shit because women's opinions are worth less than dirt
name a single female that would find a guy with a girly hobby like knitting or some shit even remotely attractive
protip: you fucking can't
>pussy is main motivation why men do anything.
I'm done with you bitch. Your narrow minded view of what inspires men is frankly so brain dead you can't be anything other than a woman
here's a pity like
all women are whores
Dancer and singer guys always have gfs.
Heads.Coin Flip: Tails
Ordering at restaurants and spending men money.
Damn that's some bad luck user. You can have my fortune.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Fuck you, I'm on my tablet and thought that was a spider running across my screen
Okay I will try again for user's sake
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
I have a good full-time job while also taking full-time college classes. What should I do other than playing vidya and practicing sax in my free time?
I'd like to go workout at the gym but don't know where to get started. Memberships are only like $10 a month.
Oh no...
I have a girlfriend
It is really not that grand
All jannies are fags
I'm not giving up on you, user
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
you go to /fit/ and read the sticky. 5x5 starting strength is a good basic workout.
>play vidya with friends in spare time
>no interest in having a gf just for the sake of having one or for sex
Feels good
Just like my Japanese animes
>(which I should point out, is one of the safest tourist destinations in the world with a insanely low crime rate)
S-surely not the quiet one that sits behind me in math class right pepe?
she will become the biggest whore of them all once she realizes her power over men
I've seen it happen many a time, its a sad fate
>You fags think this is superior to the genderswapped version
I go birdwatching and build cities in Cities Skylines, when do I acquire the puss?
All my physically fit friends are forever alone whereas I'm getting married to a hot bitch in October. The key to finding the guy/girl of your dreams is to not be a presumptious unlikable cunt.
>work out 6 times a week
>haven't gotten laid or even gone on a date in 5 years
Not even ugly either
I spend all day on Yea Forums instead.
Women are incapable of loving anybody besides their own child the only thing they care about in a partner is their perceived social power. If you want a gf just have lots of money or a high position at work
Women who’s only hobbies are dogs, drama, and social media are pathetic
Women are capable of loving you if you have decent personality.
What if I RP as her child
fuck this bitch
She'll probably breast feed you.
>besides their own child
that's not even always true
women are all pedophiles too
Vidya, synthesizers, literature, hentai
unless you're actually deep into it working out is literally just a chore on the same level as tidying your home
someone get this gentleman a pin
Implying we care.
Anyone here wanted to go back after getting a gf? I just couldn’t stand spending so much time with someone else.
They always get away with it too
Rolled 5 (1d6)
never had one sadly, but i feel like i'd be in the same boat
I need my comfy alone time
>Yea Forums has created a giant meme around the idea that only basedbois like playjng video games
>still buttmad when women tell them that they want nothing to do with them
holy mother of based😂
Yeah. I like being alone too much. The dream is to somehow find someone that meshes with that. Either they're quiet most of the time too and don't mind a little distance a lot of the time, or being around them doesn't wear on me like being around most anyone else does. I think the latter is just wishful thinking though.
This is false, women have plenty of hobbies. Modern feminsts have just told young girls that their hobbies are demeaning and they have to ape mens pursuits otherwise they're perpetuating the patriarchy. It's a fucking shame since a lot of feminine arts like crochet, knitting, haberdashery and quilting are going to be lost.
That's my boy.
you cant be posting things like that with out source
What is this from anons?
But user those are all sexist hobbies made by men to oppress women!
You are spending time on something other than them and they can't be involved. At least with other activities they can post pictures about going outside and brag to their friends, you can't say "oh my bf played ROR2 for 7 hours while I watched youtube videos" to your friends. I can't tell you the amount of fucking dumb thots forcing themselves into fishing trips, surfing trips, hiking or range days from my friends. They just sit on their phone and take pictures or browse some bullshit and then want to go home as soon as possible after they got their fill. Buddy brought his new gf to the range with us and she sat behind us, shot 2 rounds out of his pistol then went back to sitting. An hour later she is asking when we are leaving when we had barely been set up and then sighted in our rifles. She went and sat in the car for 5 hours periodically coming out to bitch and ask when she could go home. She wanted to come to take a few photos and then leave.
>Why you get mad when woman wants men to be healthy and strong? She literally wants good life for men and defends masculinity.
But does she also believe a woman should obey her man? Does she believe a woman should maintain the home, care for the children and not work? Does she think women should vote? Does she think they deserve the right to work, become police officers, soldiers and firefighters?
Because if she does - and you know damn well that she does - then she's just a fair weather traditionalist. She wants to retain all the benefits on muh traditional gender roles while taking on none of the responsibilities on her side of the equation.
I see it all the fucking time.
>Y-yeah I think a guy should pay for the first date. I guess I'm just a bit traditional that way teehee xd xxx
>Whaaaa-?! You think a woman should keep the apartment clean? OMG muhsoginyst much?!
Almost every single modern woman holds these two viewpoints simultaneously, and others like them. They are hypocrites to their very core and therefore no one should put any stock in their opinions.
When men were in charge there was no hypocrisy. Men voluntarily took on incredible hardships like maintaining and protecting their civilisation with the expectation that women would also make the 'terrible sacrifice' of birthing their children and obeying them.
But now women are in charge of the votes, they have immediately pursued complete and utter hypocrisy. Men still have to do all the nasty awful shit women don't want to do but that is absolutely needed, like sewer cleaning, trash collecting and shit. Yet women have wasted absolutely no time shedding themselves of every responsibility possible.
Women don't have hobbies, they have activities that they were taught to like by their previous boyfriends, and the shit they like to think counts as hobbies (make-up, gossip, etc.) are the last thing that would be impressive in a man
vidya, shooting, surfing and backpacking. Nothing more comfy than going to the range for a few hours and then coming home and playing some comfy games.
I enjoy some light reading and crudely drawing naked women.
>listening to a girl on the internet
Repairing electronic hardware, Video editing and Audio, both equipment and mixing.
Also 3D Modeling.
This is why you never invite faggots that bring their gf along for everything. Long ago I used to have a friend but he stopped hanging out with us after getting a gf, that same bitch ended up getting him arrested and sent to prison because of some retarded fight they had and she lied to the cops saying he was going to kill her or some shit. Of course they never bothered to check if what she said was true until after they arrested my friend and even the he was still stuck in prison for years. The worst part is the retard didn't learn his lesson and is with another girl again.
Did you know? With proper hygiene, respect, a little thought, and talking to people, you can have a cute GF AND video games.
fuck off, reddit.
I don't care. I just want to play video games.
She's not wrong. Fucking hurts to read, but she's not wrong.
He normally didn't, he got a new gf though and he was being a retard. Straight up told him that next time he wouldn't be invited if he was bring that cunt. We had a guy who decided last minute to bring his gf on our 4 day weekend backpacking trip in the Sierra Nevadas. We went to our meet up spot and then he pulled up late with his gf and my buddy and I literally told him "she is your responsibility and we aren't going to slow down for you" after an hour we didn't see or talk to him until we went back to work on Tuesday and he was there. His gf apparently got really mad that we were assholes and then after they walked for like 2 hours she wanted to stop and then they ended up leaving the next day. We don't talk to him anymore since she dragged him down and he doesn't do shit anymore and is cucked.
Holy shit. I want to be this guy.
See, this is why Chris should've choked her out too.
makeup sells
men like money almost as much as they like pretty girls
based as fuck
>doing something you enjoy is absolutely pathetic
>why don't you just do some boring shit like fucking HIKING
Fuck women and fuck all the pussy whipped 'men' that let them boss them around, they're literally why women are such cunts these days because they keep enabling their shitty behavior.
Women are fucking BORING. Yes, more boring than the autist who only likes games because that guy has some passion and knowledge no woman will ever touch. Women think fucking walking is a hobby, that's how dull they are. They watch the most boring shit conceived by humanity on Netflix because that's the level of entertainment they can handle: absolute boredom. How many will say the same fucking shit for "hobbies"?
>READING (bullshit romance novels or harry potter)
Ummmm sweaty I only watch pro-lib and pro-blacked propaganda on netflix not just anything...
women have no biological need to be interesting so most of them aren't
I used to surf but as I got older I have become more and more scared of the ocean, so I kinda quit but still go sometimes when it's glassy and no more than 5 foot.
Then I tried doing some gardening but the birds just won't stop eating my tomatoes, bell peppers and even the jalapeños. I also have some trees of wax apple, mango, avocado, lemon, navel oranges but they are all only 2 years old. The banana and papaya trees bear a lot of fruit every 8 months and it's kinda a problem because it attract a lot of rodents.
lol it doesn't matter, I just order up a hooker and fuck her instead and I don't have to pretend I care what she likes to do for fun. Take a hike, bitch.
>Walking through the woods/hills is a hobby
No its not its just a leisure time activity. You actually do something with a hobby.
I liked walking in the woods when I could, I don't like city living
>having friends is reddit
Having to pay for sex is more pathetic than not having sex at all
Caring about it in the first place is more pathetic
Girls don't have hobbies. They have social prestige activities. All their "hobbies" boil down to social prestige. This is why they can't understand someone enjoying a non-prestige hobby.
Half the people on this board unironically agree with her though.
The funny thing is women DO want to do just that. They just want you to be exciting at first and then let them be stay at home kids again while you work and be hot, come home and fuck them. And then they can just watch Netflix all day and get fucked by a hit guy with a good job again every night while they don't lift a finger.
Plenty of fatties and lanklets have gfs though. The idea that working out will get you laid and you shouldn't just do it to maintain your health is a myth
Working out is no more a hobby than brushing your teeth or taking a shower.
This post would literally only annoy you if you were a virgin, way to out yourself losers.
all relationships are paying for the sex the only non-cucked sex is rape
Why are thots so obsessed with the sexuality of the latent intellectuals in society, yet they can only keep black cock out of their mouth long enough to check their snapchat?
This is a big problem with society. There's less and less incentive for people to actually meet. Relationships are de-emphasized in favor of hookups. People are having less kids due to this and depressed wages in general. Because the powers that be worship GDP growth, they offset the lower birthrates with foreign labor and immigrants. It's a spiral to the bottom tbqh
appeal to base animal instincts
You have to appear to be someone that is a leader and can protect children/the woman. This is why shows of wealth are important
not him but the funny thing is I have literally no problem with this. This is how it should be, but unfortunately it's not feasible to have just the man working to support the family nowadays with most jobs
Why are all men so trash?
Same desu. My fiance works a lot and it's my secret goal to transform her into a stay at home wife. So I'll let her work while she's paying off her student debt and then I'll fuck her into submission. Literally all she'll do is work out, take care of the dogs / kids, clean, and get fucked by me. That's the goal.
She said "nothing but" video games, maybe you should pick up reading a swell.
Sure gonna fuck a lot of trees and dudes doin those hobbies.
Yeah, I mean really, anyone sitting at their computer or with their face in their phone trying to tell you that you need to be more productive can just fuck right off.
Both genders want sex dumb fuck.
Most people are well adjusted, user. Most people have had 4 to 6 girlfriends in their teen/college years. Most people leave the house to live with some roomates. Most people are also fuckups, but not "I'm a neet KV virgin at 28, play vidya all day" loser, but a "Oh man, I should've had taken that job opportunity that one time" kind of loser.
You've just been on Yea Forums for too long.
wtf is so character-building about hiking anyway?
and exercise is bad for you beyond 20 minutes a day
it's all meeming
>Letting your wife go to university just do you can stop her from doing the thing she went there for
Absolutely pointless and a waste of time for everybody involved.
The cut is subtle, but the sword strike true.👌
I agree her going to university was a complete waste of time since she and every woman alive just wants to be a stay at home mom.
he's right in a way since some people opt to raise pets instead of a child
Virgin is an insult because it implies you were socially rejected. The only people who want to spend time with you are equally undesirable beta males and only in the context of an online forum or Discord. Enjoy dying alone with your anime figures, faggot-kun.
Fuck women and fuck NIGGERS
Nigger dick
>Finally have sex at 25
>Not as good as my onahole
You're basically a cuck
Except I'm 39, married, kid, two cars, house in the suburbs, future-proof career, and fucked more women in my life that could I remember no matter how hard I tried. And none of what you said answered the question. Why are women so obsessed with what men do with their dicks?
>fuck a woman and make her do what I want her to do
>a cuck
Dumb faggot
>utilizing your two legs to walk up and down a dirt path is a "real hobby"
>going to the gym (which is code for "I'm trying to get laid")
Yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg. God forbid you exercise your mind with some vidya
Is this Chris Benoit's daughter calling from beyond the grave to make me feel sad?❌
it's just a roastie shaming tactic because they think their fish holes are somehow special
Woman here. She's right. I find men who ONLY play videogames BOOOOOORRRRRINNNNNGGGGGG
Seriously all they talk about is " have you played this classic game it came out in 1993 it was hailed as one of the best sness games of that time.
You're never gonna get laid by blaming all your problems on roasties.
I like this post
It's a nice fucking post.
then why do you even bother speaking to them lmao. clearly you are too stupid to understand or appreciate passion about something.
dumb cunt.
Keep going I believe in your pursuits
That's traveling, though. It's traveling to not be a food secondary, but traveling.
>Implying i want to get laid
why do beta cucks ALWAYS put sex in a pedestal? god fucking damn it dude.
its like that virgin movie, you always put the pussy on a pedestal.
What if I workout and play video games?
>Tfw 25
>Literally halfway there
>I'm freaking out since I don't want to be a virgin anymore and want a girlfriend
>Dad never gave me advice since the fat fuck got married and had kids in his 30s.
I thought their remains were mysteriously found with little to no evidence of foul play? Or am I confusing it with another case?
You men are just so damn BOOOOOORRRRRINNNNNGGGGGG when your all about videogames. Talk about something hot like rock climbing or working out. Something that gets you outside or in social events. Not "oh I went to play videogames online with my friends who I never met."
That's just a boring personality in general. It has little to do with the hobby itself and more to do with the personality types that are attracted to such form of entertainment.
There's nothing wrong with liking something and then asking someone (esp the opposite sex) if they shared that same experience.
Personally, I find people who call other people boring to be lame. I just can't wrap my head around it. If someone has uninteresting stuff to say, I find it fascinating beyond belief
Obligatory BEGONE THOT
Sorry but not all of us are socially rejected virgin losers like you. I know a lot of Yea Forums posters that are in long term relationships. Even the women. My roommate is a girl and she goes on Yea Forums constantly. And we are definitely not virgins or beta loners.
>"Men who do nothing but play video games are just absolutely pathetic", said increasingly nervous woman for the 5th time this week
This thread was effectively a sprint to make this post.
I mean yeah if you play vidya all day without working or doing anything else is pretty bad unless you are getting paid like being a streamer or a youtuber, you need to get money and be fit in order to look like someone in control of their lives
Sure bud, I too go on a website known for being a haven of social rejects and hobbyist interests like collecting figures and watching anime to shame them for being virgins with all my real life friends who are all women including my roommate and we're very cool socially accepted people unlike you beta virgins who are inferior to me
>tfw went hiking zero bitches
>tfw working out zero bitches
>play vidya feel like a scuba diver drownin in pussy
I find working out fun fatty
>trying to damage control this hard
lmfao, insecure much?
That's a pretty accurate summary. Thanks, user!
I hope you know the demographics are changing here. All the "virgin teenagers" from 10 years ago are now chads with girlfriends. And they come back to meme and make fun of you incel losers who couldn't make it life. Enjoy dying alone.
Complaining about men's hobbies.
She can say what she wants about whoever, but if she's making a hobby of writing broad general assumptions about large groups of people she hasn't actually met, how is she any better than any racist pr sexist in the world? I guess she might feel smarter because she picked a group with no political lobby to defend against her attacks, but otherwise she seems to be engaging in the same behavior as a common clansman.
>Implying going to the gym and playing video games aren't the only things I do
>Implying I'm not going to die a virgin
Yeah but then I wouldn't be playing videogames?????😂
This. 90% of the guys who try to hit on me when they somehow find out I play videogames do so by talking about how much they love some absolute pleb shit like Ocarina of Time or modern AAA western games.
That’s quite a bit of projection
Everytime without fail.
"Projection" isn't a get-out-of-arguments-free card. At some point you're going to have to grow up and discuss things like an adult.
Holy shit. Were emotes always allowed? I've never once thought to use them
how is this a 'hobby', again? it's fucking walking on some semi-rough terrain, that's not a hobby that's a basic function of human beings.
*snap* kill yourself, pathetic redditor.
>cooking doesn't count as a hobby because you need to cook to eat
>caring about 3DPD
You're thinking one of the many other ones that happen around the world, like the two that went hiking somewhere in south america and just vanished, where the only remains they found was the foot of one girl and some bones.
I wish we could keep the like system, maybe change it to "Score"
At this point I'd be fine with at least being able to kiss a girl then I can just be a virgin instead of a kissless virgin.
>friend found a magical wife that's 8/10, easy-going, loves video games
>he takes her for granted and never takes her anywhere nice, packing on weight and lazily working away at a dead end job
She's a great friend but GOD DAMN it's rare upstanding girls like her that make me go and slave away in the whore mines in the hope of finding a diamond instead of writing the entire sex off.
nobody actually likes women now that porn and fleshlights are easy to get only literal cucks want them for the potential thrill of being cheated on. the increasing amount of virgin men in their 20s confirms this
>he actually fell for that incel meme
I hope girls don't actually think this.🏀
>redditor replies to me
>dont reply back