>borderlands 3
>those other games
How the fuck do we stop him bros?
He's destroying everything we fought for.🙁
Borderlands 3
fuck this nigger
but you gotta hand it to him, he's based
>Unironically says Consumers mean nothing
>People will still defend him
He's based in a ScroogeMcDick kind of way
Gods bless me and strike down this sinner!
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
pirate everything
heads and tim dies of ass bleeding after taking a donkey dick on stream
tails and he gains a 100% monopoly on vidyaCoin Flip: Tails
Just pirate everything that is an Epic exclusive, timed or not.
You don't owe him shit and the devs sold you out anyway.
Literally just steal what you want from Epic and ignore him.
This guy looks like such a fucking gremlin
this ugly looking motherfucker here looks like Sloth's long lost brother. Whenever this mother fucker smiles he is probably planning to rape and murder you.
Anyway just wait a year for the exclusives to go back to the other platforms or just pirate it. The idea that this failed abortion is destroying anything is laugh worthy
why would anyone waste their time pirating this absolute garbage
We'll have to see what Steam does in response to Epic luring devs over with ass loads of money up front. I guess if sales and users decline and their money to bride devs over dries up then Steam wins. I can only assume that Valve is thinking about changing their practices. Steam does have a massive install base and most PC users who are worth their salt know how to pirate stuff so i guess time tell.
>epic gets AAA western garbage
>steam gets Halo and all the good japanese games
fukken lel he already knows he lost, huh? i mean, it probably crushed him a little when he dealt with the chinks in the first place
USA #1
Taiwan #2
Tibet #3
China #4
And nothing of value was lost
Aside from maybe Borderlands 3 all of the games seem like they are going to be like bigger mistakes than Tim Sweeney
>store wars
Well at least I have my consoles🌈
imagine liking a franchise with literally zero value.
>have to see what Steam does in response to Epic luring devs
it's called, "let's put halo on steam." i suspect it's going to be huge. "huge" as in almost out of hand. i mean, it's MS who wanted it there
Why doesn't Epic have Halo?
imagine liking a franchise with literally zero value
>ebin games store
like this if you pirate every time🏴
is this a meme
pirate them🏴
There are certain rituals... Certain deities to appeal to.
That's all it takes for Delta Force to break into this guys home and send him to gitmo on the suspicion of cooperating with Chinese intelligence. Why haven't they done it yet?
Jim /r/ourguy/ Sterling told us to support the based Epic Store because FUCK steam and FUCK capitalism!!
USA #1
isn't it funny now? leftist shills are now supposed to hate tibet now. aren't the supposed to "free" them?
who fucking cares about memelands
unreal tournament🙁
watch how we'll have hundreds of threads about it when it's released
>Using Steam
>Using Epic
Either use GOG, buy physical or just get the console version.
PC is honestly not worth it anymore.
better to pirate a shitty game and use it to get better tastes than to buy it and force yourself to play/enjoy it so you don't feel like you wasted an investment
Outside of the US government suddenly realizing the Epic store is just a facade for China's Tencent to prey onto the states' market, nothing.
Tencent has pretty much unlimited budget compared to any non-jew owned company, nothing will stop it bar making it purely illegal.
kek, thanks for the laugh
you mean before it's released
with the same op images over and over
with the same talking points over and over
then maybe a month after release those threads become ghost towns
we've been through this shit 3 times now gearbox is fucking scum
>Tencent has pretty much unlimited budget compared to any non-jew owned company, nothing will stop it bar making it purely illegal.
legalizing piracy
i was in a borderlands 3 thread a couple days ago and one of our fellow anons just happened to know how many views the trailer had gotten across multiple sites. but nobody would ever market on Vee no sir.
He isn't destroying shit, they're only going to the chink store because they're being paid money.
I would geniunely feel nothing for pirating any game on their store.
But Jimquisition said the Epic store is actually better because Steam doesn't promote indie games.
So this fuck Tim Sweeney, AND I KNOW YOU'RE LISTENING FUCK YOU, comes out of the woodwork in 91 when he founded Epic Games. Can you believe the balls on this prick to name his company that? "Epic Games" THOSE FUCKERS HADN'T EVEN DRAWN A DIME YET AND THEY'RE CALLING THEMSELVES "EPIC" LIKE THEY'VE SOLD OUT THE SPORTATORIUM BEFORE! But I digress. So this asswipe makes this company, and they make some decent games. I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to talk about this fucker ruining the business! He comes out, and he says, "Let's only do exclusive contracts" and then this fucker has the gall to blame the fans WHEN THE BOYS CAN'T WRESTLE ANYWHERE ELSE FOR A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR! Theeen this shit-for-brains, whose only redeeming trait is that he didn't vote for fuckin' Chester cheetah, says that HE'S GONNA DECIDE WHO WINS THE STORE WARS!? What a fuckin' joke! If he had tried this back in the retail territory days, he'd have been laughed out of the fuckin meetings. I don't wanna talk about this prick anymore, just give me another fuckin' question.
This fucking nerd can't even decide if he wants to have basic security for the users on his store.😃
it actually used to be called Epic MegaGames
Love this edit.
Epic games are buying the games for you, so you don't have to.
What does it mean if I already own haze for ps3?
does the original say the devs will decide?
There is nothing incorrect about his statement. Consumers will bend to the will of their corporate overlords and use whatever service offers what they want.
>I would geniunely feel nothing for pirating any game on their store.
That implies you feel something when pirating games otherwise, you fucking poof.
Da Halo killer
don't buy from them
they're accepting upfront loss of revenue by covering companies' risk by switching to their store so as to make it up later once a sizable install base exists who buy from them
if enough of us hold out, they won't make up that loss
you have a bad game for ps3
By 1989 Tienanmen Square Protests, free Tibet, epic store is run by Tencent and your president looks like Winnie the Pooh
>because Steam doesn't promote indie games.
it doesn't promote for them, he means
sink or swim, and if you're that indie, do some honest shilling to get word of mouth out there
sell it for like $10-15 to get your name out there
it takes actual work to promote
Year of the Pig? More like Year of the Pirate
This is the original
Publishers is what he actually meant.
if that was the case, then devs wouldn't go out of business
I can't wait for the American release of this.
You can't stop someone as based as Sweeney desu
Will Steam niggers ever win?
fuck epic and fuck niggers, like if you agree
I agree with the second statement so you only get a (You)
>Install Epic for Metro
>Account gets hacked by indians withtin 2 days.
Guess it was my fault forr not pirating
liked and (You)ed
if the games i want to play arent on steam - i just steal them.
im use to steams its BS.
Origin and that ubisoft store are hot garbage
>if the games i want to play arent on steam - i just steal them.
And you want Borderlands lmao
He literally fucking didn't tho you sperg.
i didn't say i wanted borderlands.
if fact - i've never played it nor have any interest in it.
Remember when they said they wouldn't allow bad games onto their store?
They said that after putting up the mobile port of rollercoaster tycoon too
>buying Borderlands: Leddit the Ebin Lootin' Game
There's a reason they call them "consumers" and not "customers."
A customer expects a basic amount of value for their purchase, and a moderate amount of respect in exchange for their money.
A consumer is mindless cattle that will be taken for all their worth because they're too stupid to not purchase things from an exploitative system that hates them.
I don't care about a single one of the games that are epic exclusive and wouldn't buy them regardless
taiwan and China are actually just one country (China) you know?
no it isnt chang
they literally are
their autonomy is a meme
American and/or westChinese education, everyone.
yikes, imagine being an actual wumao
imagine being a retard
>He hasn't been part of the Free Tibet Steam group for 11+ years now
Haha what a dumb faggot
A lot of gamer retards are just consumers
Based but also kinda cringe
>I can't tell the difference between being de jure part of china and actually being a unified state
Fucking wew
>le commodity fetishism
Stop playing video games
Steam drones ding dong diddly seething
It's an edit
Literally who?
i just gave BL1, BL2, and BLTPS negative reviews on steam because of this epshit store
what you gonna do?
fuck epic chink store
The fact that you own them says more about you
Reminder Steam drones said Apex Legends would kill Fortnite and Epic Store, thus saving Steam
people literally only played apex legends because they thought they were being cool flipping off all the zoomers who play fortnite
these are the same people who think that the outer worlds somehow btfo bethesda