Which DT is better?
What was your favorite Devil Trigger in the series Yea Forums?
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Does Vergil have a Sin DT as well? How did he get that?
I want cute art of the empusa queen.
Dante unlocked is his via just absorbing Sparda aka a massive power source of demonic energy.
Half of Vergil (Urizen) ate a fruit that can elevate you to mundus tier.
This stacked on top of his Sparda blood allowed him to unlock the next level of DT.
The Bloody Palace has been conquered in the name of the rebellion
Stay out of my way, boomers.
gee if I could compare the gameplay of each one of them...
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Plot twist
I knew Vergil could do it, he tough.
And just to clarify, Vergil's only used his SDT in his boss fights. I think the running theory is he'll get a standard DT and borrow Dante's SDT mechanic/moveset when his DLC drops. It makes you wonder what SDT moves he'll get when he's playable, though.
Some sort of Sin Amped Judgment Cut end to act as equivalent to Judgement and some flying dash, like Sin Stingers but like his jet mode.
Still my favorite. Mostly because how alien it looks.
Those are still my favorites.
Honestly, all other DT forms look lame compared to these.
Honestly I just plain liked that DMC3 gave unique DT's for every weapon. I wish they'd brought it back for 5 but it must be a pain to do that for like 6 unique ultra-HD models.
How do guys think Vergil will play in 5:SE?
Will his Dark slayer play more 3's or 4's?
will he have the consternation (aka motivation) meter back?
How many weapons will he have, or will all his moves be put in Yamato, if so what will the triggers do?
I never liked using Nevan as a weapon much but that and Rebellions DT form were my favorites.
>remember Agni and Rudra?
>this is them now, feel old yet?
I just realized that that's the DMC2 Rebellion design.
fuck this enemy, bloody palace run ended on stage 45 fighting 3 of them because they kept grabbing me while I was 10 ft in the air. not to mention that constant super armor
Ironic that Nevan is the only Devil arm with DT exclusive moves in 3
They're pretty easy if you're using nero
I'm genuinely thinking of commissioning a custom-made Dante coat from a local leather clothing shop.
How much am I gonna fuck myself over?
Probably a lot depending on the quality of the leather and a coat is a lot of material.
You can parry them putting their supermasks on, it takes away both of their masks and their superarmor. Wait until one of them reaches for the mask and wail on them with balrog
Is there some quick kill for furies I don't know about? I'm going through Nero's BP and it seems like every round they appear is like 40-50 seconds and i keep going over by about 30 seconds when I fight them. Luckily i'm finishing everything else pretty fast so I have like 30 minutes free right now.
overloaded buster arm attack after max act shuffle instakills them, an user posted a webm of him doing it on the void
use Nero's hyper-armor lock-on back-to-forward sword attack to catch furies when they nothin' personnel
I should have waited for these before I moved on. I asked it on level 68 and just went a minute over time on level 70 where you fight three at once. I'm gonna need to practice beating them faster,
>Level 100 or w.e of BP with Dante
>Fuck up on Vergil a few times so its close
>Oh fuck gonna lose
>Guard break him and do a giant combo
>Bounces out on literally one hit away
>Summons clone DTs and gets 1.5 of a combos of life back
>Accidentally enemy step the clone and get orbed and die.
Im so fucking bad and sad. The whole thing is pretty easy bar some of the gauntlet later levels all the bosses are like SoS tier and the ones that do DT have SoS damage its a weird mixture. I know the regular DMD boss life is gay but they felt really easy fuck im so bad i know how to fight Vergil even true DMD Vergil took me like 2 tries fuck.
God these were so fucking cool.
Also true for DMC1.
In universe reason is that Dante is now so strong that Devil Arms unless they are Sparda tier can't even influence his demon form anymore. Even then that was inconsistent as Devil Arm Guns for some reason didn't alter DTs (Artemis, Nightmare).
Out of universe reason, the various DT's would probably eat a ton of resourced.
DMC2 was a mess, DMC4 was rushed and weird, DMC5 had those amped graphics which would have made the tweaks resource intensive.
Could you even swap weapons while in DT in DMC3?
Would have sucked with 4 or 5's system to be locked to a weapon once you DT.
This is now a Lady thread
Too much effort or something.
>Could you even swap weapons while in DT in DMC3?
>Could you even swap weapons while in DT in DMC3
Yes, it changed forms instantly iirc, no animation or anything, they just popped into existance
So does this mean that Dante hasn't actually surpassed Sparda in terms of power?
He literally absorbed the entirety of Sparda into his own sword in 5, so no
DMC3's DTs were the absolute best. Bring back Kaneko you fucks.
>Could you even swap weapons while in DT in DMC3?
Yes, just like normal.
He was stronger than Sparda by the end of 1, I think.
he so hawt💜
Will it be too cringe to wear though?
I'm not impressed by any of the new devil trigger designs
I like Vergil and Dante's sin triggers OP
that's not a lady, that's not a lady at all😃
Lame ass boomers with your coats being your demon form. Pathetic. What is this exhaust on the top of dad's head kek NERD no wonder Dante bullied your ass. What is all these spikes on the clothing? this a Lady Gaga outfit you faggots. Please remain in human form when we're out in public, please I refuse to be seen with you, and god forbid you go Sin with those badonk rooster asses. What's with Dante's head, shadow the hedgehog looking ass.
depends on the color and the leather, I suppose
bright red might be a bit much
I hate mission 7 so fucking much
make it bright red it'll look badass
They unironically look better than Kaneko's designs.
>inb4 butthurt weebs
Let's see your fortune user
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
they both look very nice.
They look generic as fuck.
This and Rebellion were the best ones, also does anyone have the Nero pic with the hood on and yellow eyes? I meant to save that but somehow I forgot
Surprised you didn't throw in a comment about how they used Devil Arms to DT whereas Nero does it without a crutch.
Though Nero's Sin would probably look similarly weird.
Though with how some of these DTs look like their clothes it makes me wonder how the DTs would look if they were wearing different clothes entirely or even just naked.
Would they look completely different?
A&R DT is definitely the best. Cerberus is also great. For me, it's as follows: A&R > Cerberus > Rebellion > Beowulf > Nevan. Nevan used to be above Beowulf but I really like the chest on Beowulf.
Sith Nero I suppose.
"If we wore different clothes, would our lives be different?
You mine and I yours?"
Thanks kind user, just saw the BP taunt and this came up in my mind
>play bloody palace
>music begins
>plays for 10 seconds
>music ends
>repeat over 100 minutes
So why does the DT appearance change every game?
DMC has never had a clear vision as a franchise. 5's base DT is like 75% from 4 though.
The power of redesigns and retcons I guess.
That or their demon forms mature over the course of the games just like their human bodies.
Apparently after DMC 1 his demonic power was so strong his DT stopped being influenced by equipped Devil Arm beyond Rebellion.
I think this has no precise lore reason, the closest link you can get is that 2-4-5 forms can be somehow compared. Maybe 1 could be the middlepoint between 3 and 2, or could be just an Alastor or Ifrit thing
Or maybe they just change design 'cause why the fuck not
I assumed Dante was weaker, since he just technically sealed Mundus just like something Sparda would do and that he literally turned into Sparda to beat him but he was weak on his own and still borrowing his dad as a crutch.
DMC2 he had Majin DT which if still canon is probably a weaker form of his eventual Sin DT and it representing Dante starting to come into his own, then from the anime/spinoffs to DMC4 Dante just got bored and lazy so he pulled a lost muh gains because I stopped training thing and aside from a possible Mundus revival or Vergil there was nothing out there that could match him.
Then DMCV happens and Dante's lackadaisical attitude comes to haunt him and he jobs to Urizen's first form, mixed with him maybe going easier because he assumed it was wholly Virgil and he was hoping to bring him back. Once he revives and gets Sin DT both Vergil and him have obviously surpassed both Sparda and full power Mundus to the point where they're gonna really need to dig deep to find a threat for the brothers to not curb stomp off the bat. Like I feel bad for hell right now, all the major Demons are dead or sealed up, Dante and Vergil have a lot of time on their hands, there's no sundaes or magazines or Dante to peruse or classical literature for Vergil and they're all out of gum.
I've seen some people say it has something to do with how his power has matured or some shit to where he doesn't rely on the power of his weapons and his DT matures to become its own form, like how he awakened SDT.
I'll meet Vergil?
That sounds alright.
So the brothers have peaked right? Surely there is no way to ascend their power anymore? Unless the absorb the whole demon world I guess?
He actually uses that normal DT in OP's pic during his fights, the SDT is the one he uses when he does that Rathalos around the world dive charge.
Just shorten it's length and you're good to go
More like Morrison
post his feet and i'll like your post
user, they are sparring buddies now.
IMO DMC5 Dante/Nero normal trigger looks the best. I hate Vergil's base form.
Dante looks like a Dragon. Nero looks like a WoW character mixed with Onimusha. And Vergil just look....meh. I like his sin form though.
This ain't DBZ though
Wrong. Vergil’s normal DT does not appear in the game. Only the concept art.
Now that you mention it, Dante and Vergil are basically Rathalos and Azure Rathalos.
How do I get good with Dante, am I supposed to practice the land combos first and then go for air? I'm feeling so stupid trying to change from one style to the other and from one weapon to the other
>He actually uses that normal DT
If only this was true
if you have to ask then yes
the majin form from 2, the perfect devil trigger from the concept of 4 and the sin devil trigger from 5 are all called "shin majin" with the same kanji
Just memorize the inputs for moves and then segue them into one another. He’s the best once you get the hand of him. Cavalier works best for big damage and stunning larger foes.
royal revenge destroys them
Ahhhh the perks of being 1/4 demon. You still get to be handsome in your demon form.
Get on my level scrawny Nero
I assume they can always get stronger, more skilled or find better weapons?
Get comfortable with 1 or 2 weapons/guns/styles at a time and inch your way forward.
>dmc threads not only manages to get through the smash directs but also april fools faggotry
Let's rock, baby.
Provided it fits and the colors well balanced in itself and with the rest of your clothings then it should look fine. Seriously if you're going to spend all that vanity money, make sure the result is right
I'm surprised myself that we're even managing to keep 2 alive right now during it.
This one is limping a bit but the other one is still steady.
Who likes the Sparda sword?
Which version of it is your favorite?
Says the guy who was so butthurt over losing an arm that he grew like three more just to compensate. Get over it, people get cuts and bruises all the time, you're not special.
Who is best brother?
>heads: Dante
>tails: VergilCoin Flip: Tails
DMC 4 version.
Feel the 5 one is over designed and the 4 design is just a higher res DMC 1 design so I pick it.
I mean even Dante got his arm cut off in 3 and it basically instantly reconnected and healed (we saw his sleeve get cut off but his arm reattach early on).
Admittedly Nero was sucker punched because his Waifu was about to step into danger.
Vergil Beowulf DT > Nevan DT > Cerberus DT = AgniRudra DT > Dante Beowulf DT > Rebellion DT > Yamato/Force Edge DT😃
>but no "It's Showtime!"
love the new one
>he gets an even further upgraded version of judgement cut end
cant wait
did you beat bloody palace yet bros
this one
The normal DT used to appear on the gallery before though, but now it doesn't
so is bloody palace co-op or no?
No fuck off Dante
It's pretty cool, I just wish Scythe form was a separate mode instead of like one or two attacks. We've had like three weapons across the series that are ALMOST Scythes but not quite.
Assuming we get new characters + add ons with the existing 3, is there anything the rest of you like to see?
>Vergil: Claymore & Halbard
>V: Phantom, Nelo Angelo stand, group of mannequins
>Nero: More arms. At the very least a boomstick or chainsaw
>Lady: New guns pls.
I'd love to hear what the rest of you can think up. Especially for Lucia as I have no clue what they can give her.
me and my weird big bro chilling lol (he didn't want to take a photo)😂
Trish gets either Alastor or a custom sword by nico that looks like cav angelos, but instead of revs it shoots lightning
They really should redesign that trash at least Vergil. You are supposed to feel cool when going in super mode in games, instead it literally looks less cool than the normal character.
>practice Fury timings in the Void
>learn to counter them with every weapon and RG
>get to the first floor you encounter one in BP
>sperg out and lose like a full bar to it
I'm starting to find Nero's DT attractive. It's fine if I want to fuck him in DT form, right?
If you didn't like him at his deadweightest, then you don't deserve him at his lesser deadweight version.
Of course. It's literally his naked human form with a few accessories and body paint.
you tell him, Kyrie
People keep on talking about how his crotch makes him look like a girl.
So probably a bit gay regardless.
Dude this fight is so sweet with this music youtube.com
I wish Kaneko would return from the field of flowers
he has a cunny user, his DT is built for pleasing men
We are falling
The light is calling
Tears inside me
Calm me down
How did he take such good care of his skin and teeth in hell?
Shunted it all onto V, and left it out when he remerged?
The Fruit does wonders for the body.
I never really liked Sparda since it doesn't get its own moveset
Nothing ever took advantage of its transformations besides just buffing Stinger and Prop Shredder
BO and yellow teeth are a human condition
he isn't (entirely) human
I'm not going to play with the denuvo exe.
Yeah, just pass your controller to a buddy between floors.
I miss this chicken
>3 Furies
>forget Cerberus so I just Trickster around and shotgun
Just like my Japanese anime
Nero was always best boy.
dang he the cute
He looks great in 4 and 5 he so nice.
any tips for handling furies as Nero?
Use the trainer
max act shuffle and overloaded buster arm
Wouldn't it be funny if Dante performed Michael Jakson's Thriller in Sin DT wearing the Dr. Faust at Patty's birthday party and finished it off with a large bottle of ultra red monster energy making a fountain leaving Patty with her jaws open staring blankly?💯
Funny I'm the other way around
Vergil's design is fine since is closer to Keneko's it's Dante that needs a redesign he looks like a lava demon which makes no sense since his ST form doesn't give him fire powers
Shuffle, Payline, or Rawhide for parries
Hard Way to force them to bounce to delay them teleporting, or just Buster
Dauntie is a cool auntie! Nero agrees!
Does Nero's Bloody Palace taunt do anything special other than glowy eyes?
Vergil's shock at being a Mom would be something else in that timeline if he's also gender flippped.
be honest with me which dmc girl would be the best wife and who would be the worst? give reasons over your argument
>I want cute art of the empusa queen.
uuuh I can try I guess
Think he has room to get prettier in DMC6?
I'm sure he'll get used to it.
thank you, that's very kind of you.
More the fact that she somehow forgot the nine months it took to pop Nero out.
Nero's nose thing a cute.
How do you incorporate pic related into Nero's moveset?
Heard it charges DT more
I'm taking a break because the game crashed on floor 60.
Did V have decent teeth?
I don't recall him ever smiling.
>this island sucks
>why am I even here?
>I think my tampon fell out
>is that a tank?
>I swear if this bald mustached jackass talks for one more second I'm gonna kick him in the dick
>Who's Lucia and why should I care?
>I can't tell the difference between this place and Hell
>I wonder what Guy is up to? I wanna squeeze his ass
>I wish I was back in my office, looking at the latest issue of Men's Fitness
now that I think about it, what was up with Vitale?
the initial leak got just about everything right except that
Best birb
While the unique weapon forms are cool and all that, they don't make much sense. I mean, why would DT Dante's appearance change just because of what weapon he's using?
She's greedy as hell, but if you can ignore her jewing you out of shit constantly for a relationship, she'd be fine, and would probably shoot guns with you so long as you covered the expenses of the bullets both of you waste.
Some weird demon that's kinda cardboard when it comes to personality.
Don't put your dick in crazy. That said, she's at least smart enough to build you cool robotics shit if you get amputated, and is at least down to earth enough to know she's batshit.
Lady or Nico win this one, mostly Lady.
how positively smt
I thought that was from a later leak.
>fuck everyone
including Griffon
Make it so when he has taunts that acutally command enemies to do things they listen.
"Shall we Dance?"
Will flat out cause the enemies to dance.
Can someone draw a large humanoid Griffon with demonic features and a sword?
japan already got to it
heres your human griffon
SONY BENT THE KNEE BROS. PS4 patched the Snoy lights out of Trish's ass.
He looks a lot like nero here for some reason
>we get vergil dlc with new weapons and movesets
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
She'd accept being a mom, but Dauntie would still taunt her for being unaware of it despite carrying and giving birth to Nero. She'd also worry about her sister being taken advantage of constantly by Guy.
he looks too human, I'd rather a humanoid demon form of him.
I hate this
This is good
Probably from getting shit on for being the objectively worse version of the game on top of censorship.
>objectively worse
Enjoying those BP crashes? :^)
Trish and Lady's dlc will never be called ladies's night because that's what Dante calls their their play dates when they sit around and talk about boys.
Lady would make the worst wife dummy, shes a drunk wreck with daddy issues on top of being a turbo jew
And Lady?
I can't imagine him giving anyone a succ
Let's see my chances of getting a succ by this griffon (pls be bad I don't want the succ)
Your fortune: Outlook good
Not seeing it, if anything he looks more distinct than usual.
Where can I pirate DMC V's Bloody Palace DLC?
No clue. I just saw this video: youtube.com
We are reddit right now not tumblr
You don't have to pirate it, it's free.
dmc5 but everyone is modeled after their voiceactor
>the initial leak
Which are you talking about?
what if they bring back griffon by introducing his robot double
Works on my machine etc.
But I was comparing it to the x1x version.
I imagine that Judgement Cut End and Doppelganger will be SDT moves, among other things.
Vergil! I need to tell you how much I love him.❤️
Lady seems like the girl who would wake up at 12 or 3 am screaming or crying so if you are into healing girls you might get your moneys worth. Trish on the other hand seems like the type of girl who would mock you and rarely show affection
Neros devil arm animations used to give invuln frames in 4 didnt they? Maybe I just remember wrong. I remember abusing the fuck out if the swing on those ice enemies. Maybe its because the hits staggered them or something
>Royal Releasing on Artemis while she flys at you
Barbeque time
Anyone else kinda burnt out on DMC5? It's a great game and I fucking love it, but man, when you've S ranked all the modes and finished BP, what else is there to do? I've been playing nonstop and there's only so much of the same thing I can play through before it loses its luster. I wish BP came with a co-op mode to spruce it up a bit or a mode where you can play any character on any mission you want, but such is life. I feel like a break from the game would do me good. Maybe like a week or so.
Can someone spoonfeed me on the origins of Vorgilsaurus?
Think it's the nose
I just practice my combos for a little bit every now and again. I don't think I have it in me to 100% go full in the game nonstop.
>Love DMC4 Trish
>no good Trish porn
>She looks like goblin 99% of the time in DMC5
He loves you t
He hates you hCoin Flip: Heads
>wtf I'm burnt after playing through the single player games innards several times within a month
>Dante is now literally as strong as a god
Hey maybe he can compete with Bayonetta.
I'm confident that the modding community for this game is going to get the co-op working before an official update does. Just watch.
>you've S ranked all the modes
Found your problem. You wasted too much time on easy mode (Human, DH, HoH, SoS) and you're burned out. You should have only S ranked DMD and HaH and then thought up challenge runs or no damage runs. You shot yourself in the foot.
maybe thats a sign you should stop trying to jack off to gonlins
Demon boy puss!
Becaus they have diffrent elements? Would be pretty weird to see a fire demon holding an ice weapon
I pirated DMCV so no updates lol.
thats not his pussy, thats his cloaca!🌈
Did it first try with Nero. Not as confident with Dante, but I'll still give it a shot. I have no desire to take V through it.
I don't have the pic but it was from a picture of an xbox E3 press kit that got the whole devil breakers and V predicted, and was used for speculation of how V would play before we had anything else to go off of
it had something along the lines of "The mysterious "V" (real name: Vitale)" or something
Heads = I become demon
Tails = I genderbendCoin Flip: Tails
No way. I literally cried when I first played as Dante because he's so fun. His moveset is god tier and this is definitely the best game in the genre.
Nah it said Vergil
Vitale was one of those fake leaks from september.
N-no I refuse!! It can't be! I have to reroll!
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
I doubt it, trish is pretty nice to dante compared to lady, probably better wife material, plus all your kids would be badass half demons
Is the genderbend cute
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Got it with Dante on my second attempt (totally completely botched fucking Cavaliere first time around)
will do Nero tomorrow.
and yeah fuck V. Not fun to play as in the slightest. Stupid panther seems to do whatever it wants.
I want to cuddle with Vergillete!
>I've only played every level of this game half a dozen times or more in the span of three weeks and I'm already bored!
Vergil those are not your only two options
>Tails = I genderbend
He sure did
is this cute enough?
SMT devil trigger > numale dmc5 devil trigger
El goblina...
Pre-DmC release troll. Would have been infinitely better than the game they made.
Not yet playing as Nero is hard it's hard to exceed during frantic times.
If she wasn't an insect I would've considered hugging her...
cav whoops my ass as nero
That twig is very unattractive.
Not too happy about sin.
Get the cock out of your mouth and try again.
lmfao cuck
Yes it is.
I said out, not deeper.
I don't care how, I just want griffon back. He's too entertaining to be gone for good.
Honestly, how possible would this be? I know someone was trying for ages to make it work on DMC4, but that had no native network abilities, while this does.
Crashed at floor 50-ish with V. Figured I'd get him out of the way first. I'll try again some other time tonight. Hopefully, it goes alright.
Vergil is cute!💛
This lady should be ashamed
When everyday's like talking in your sleep,
Love is like a silhouette in dreams🌈
QEmpusa is best waifu, keeping Furyfags away
Well, someone eventually found a workaround for DMC4 multiplayer and substituted netcode with Parsec instead. With the code already there in the game in a few missions for live co-op, I have to assume it'll be easier than coding it from the ground up.
>when his DLC drops
There's literally no DLC coming. Stay mad.
Might have nerfed it, I'm not sure.
If you want the full super armor experience use the Buster arm Breakage.
I don't udnerstand Dr. Faust apparently. My understand was that if you used it while the target was wearing the hat, you'd come out with more orbs afterwards as long as you dealt damage while you were using it. It seems like I just fucking lose orbs no matter what
That's right.🌈
I fucking hated 3’s DT forms.
>"Is this a male prostitute?"
I dunno. This one seems good.
You don't have to use it after they're wearing the hat. You get more orbs using other weapons when the hat's on them.
combos will come natural to you, whats important is knowing what does what and what works best for what, if you memorize combos you'll just drop your spaggetthi every time something goes wrong
You only lose orbs if you use moves that consume them or take a hit. Put a hat on the enemy, and then attack with with any move that doesn't consume orbs. And don't suck cock and get hit.
She's not an insect tho, she's a demon
will put some colors tomorrow
>retard thinks we're not getting vergil dlc
Any sfm porn of artemis yet
You get orbs by dealing non-Faust damage to enemies wearing the hat, so just use literally anything else, even other guns
nah, you just need to make it a habit to exceed all the time, like how charging his bullets becomes a natural.
thank you so much.
>Well, someone eventually found a workaround for DMC4 multiplayer and substituted netcode with Parsec instead.
What? When the hell was this and where can I find details/how to make it work? I wanna do co-op with some buddies,
Brian Hanford is more attractive than Owen Hamze IMO
>man kids these days have no shame
>man im old
since the thread keeps going weird places im gonna say fuck it and get it over with: what kind of music do you like /dmc/?
>man im old
Anyone else find it weird Dante seems to age so badly, given he's half demon? Demons seem biologically immortal or at least extremely long lived. Sparda's a special case, as he specifically locked away all his power, where's Dante hasn't. One would think he'd at least age a lot slower or be very long lived. Then again, maybe it's partially the fact he doesn't seem to take care of himself much.
Gunslinger special move (circle on ps4) will tag em bois with hats
get em tagged nice and good, switch to sword and have fun with cavalier's (circle on ps4)
I don't know if there's anything more efficient tho I'm sure there is. You lose orbs when you use the guns (faust skills/ square on ps4). You'll also lose orbs when you get hit by enemies with hats on them.
It's on Reddit which is indistinguishable at the current moment, right here. reddit.com
Had it for a while, worked great, but suddenly my copy of DMC4:SE won't boot up with the mod installed, so something else is effecting it for me. You should be fine. 2 players is the most stable at the moment, but the mod can work with 3 sometimes. It's a little testy, still pretty early in development, but the same guy did one for DMC3 that's stable for 4 players.
As for the Parsec part, just install Parsec and make sure your hosting abilities are set. If you don't have good internet, let someone else host.
Cat, hat
In French, chat, chapeau.
In Spanish, el gato in a sombrero.
In German, I'm a katze in a hut and don't you know
I'm a gwunka in a bunka-kwunk in Eskimo.
>what does morrison think he's doing?
all those pizzas and stress is fucking him up hard
I like anything that excites my devil within
A diet of pizza and sundae's won't help in the long run.
DMC4 had a random like ~200MB update like a week or two ago
No clue what it did but that might be why
>this is the person who voiced Griffin
Well damn, I hoped his VA would look like a chad irl considering how he is styling on everyone and everything throughout the game.
Well at least he's young enough to have no regrets
Son of a bitch, he got it working for DMC3 as well? Thanks. I know what I'm gonna be doing. How wonky is it and can you play different characters or are you locked into being the same person?
Try reading the description in game. You're supposed to hit them with weapons that aren't Faust when the hat is on.
Gonna guess that was it. Any way to set a product back on Steam? I haven't had to before.
Dauntie opening her sister's shirt in front of Nero!
Sparda sealed what seemed to be a majority of his power into Devil Sword Sparda/Force Edge 2000 years ago.
So it seems he was able to live with just Yamato and Rebellion (Which were also derived from him) for the 2000 years hence.
Don't judge a book by it's cover, sempai.
Why did people think it was nolan north again?
Ive heard of ways to do it by finding the specific build ID through steamdb and then downloading through steam console window but im not 100% how it works and would look up a guide
These were the best.
It's pretty safe to judge this book.
Nolan North tweeted a DMC joke some time after the game was announced.
DMC3 one works fine and you can use different characters and costumes, but the effects for the other character will be a little weird looking if you decide to do Vergil and Dante, or use a different weapon set, and they'll use whatever is player 1's voice clips.
DMC4 on the other hand, doesn't have this issue. All sound effects and character effects work really well, the only issue is alternate costumes, for a fact, crash it, and I think Nero's rev mechanic is disabled aside from Ex-Act and Max-Act.
i hope he does a style announcer voice over just like what that balrog VA guy did⚽
the complete lack of care in Vergilia makes this 10 times hotter
>tfw you will never meet Charles Martinet
Different artists I guess
Not him, but I don't think we'll be getting that DLC anytime soon
Dante is a mix of the power of his dad plus his Majin form, he accepts his human side so he already is quite strong. Thanks to that he was able to awake the Sin Form. Urizen was strong (he defeated post DMC4 Dante without a problem), he took the Underworld fruit plus fusing and accepting his human side.
No, it isn't, you're just experiencing anger over nothing
Reminder that Dante is mean.
>Fighting through the Bloody Palace
>Some problems here and there but I can style on enemies
>I was even able to style in the room with 3 furies
>Reach room 80
>Some random Antenora waves his arms, hits me and now I'm dead.
AHHH, How is this possible?🙁
She knows her son is family so she really doesn't care if he sees her tits.
No anger, just disappointment.
go back
I think it's sage to say that we aren't. At least not for a good long while.
My favorite DT is still the one from DMC1 with Alastor.
Any sub-90's out there? Dante could probably do it easy with Faust cheese.
But who got the chocolate?
Buttrock and Devil Trigger
Agni and Rudra were so fuckin cool. Its a damn mistake that Itsuno made not putting them on DMC5.
I think its the slight jiggle the tits do as they are being caressed alongside femdantes facial expressions
>5 anetoras+1 Fury
Looks like barbecued sausage is back on the menu boys
DMD damage.
Fortune, is this user right?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Baba was Dante all along
Getting there bros
I feel in love with the 4/5 DT once I realized Dante's "coat" is actually his wings wrapped around his body.
It'll probably get announced soon though, reuben will be at e3
>my uncle's childhood home got no business looking like this
>you meet a VA of your choice
>they'll say anything you want them to in their respective character's voice
what do you get them to say, /dmc/?👌
He probably came close after DMC1, but only now he surpassed his dad. His Majin Form from DMC2 is probably on pair with his dad. The argosax is described as having the same poder as Mundus, and Dante defeated the argosax without a problemas.
It's also his father's.
And his grandfather's estate.
Still wonder how he's processing being the grandson of his island's God.
You can do it!
April fools, now give me the real fortune.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Reuben to voice style rankings, D rank gets you called deadweight
I like at least one song from every genre, even nucountry. But in general I mainly listen to stuff like Skeler., Alexisonfire, Henryisdead, etc.
I think Dan might actually do that anyways, though.
I miss them too.
fucking hell
Ask Dan to recite william blake poetry
Griffon saying "AHAHAHAA FUCK WOMEN AND FUCK MINORITIES" but I know that wouldn't be allowed
I fucked up on PREPARE TO DIE moment, sorry
DMC4 had the best DTs for both Vergil and Dante, but Dante's really should've been kept as toothy as DMC3 or Sparda. I get that it makes thematic sense for Vergil's to look more alien/demonic while Dante's got more human features, but having a regular face just looks too silly.
I can't believe this happened to me! Please be gentle, or I'll get really angry
Power metal
V's various poetry lines in the Vergil voice.
Vidya music, fusion, progressive rock, rap, electronic, and wubstep
I'm waiting for somebody to make a proper music mod so I can frankenstein the shit out of it and add my own custom music tracks.
Let's see
Kahri Wahlgren talking dirty as haruko
It wont end like this.
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>just finished HoH part 1
>want to go back and S rank everything else before doing part 2 and bloody palace
>have to redo just about every V mission in DMD
fuck forgot to write it okay.
Your fortune: Good Luck
time to fix that
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
In your fucking face
why are dante and vergil lizards when their dad is a bug?
I want a personal "Fuck you" from every character
could just be "Fuck you" or it could go on a in-character tangent about how I'm a stupid motherfucker
oh also Griffon saying "EY I'M FLYIN' 'ERE"
Roll to have fun with our Lady.
Your fortune: Good Luck
JYB reading the entire Riddick pasta
Does this post cancel out
Yes h
No tCoin Flip: Heads
It's alright. I tried to be ballsy during his jet attack, but messed up the buster timing.
Eva is a secretly lizard (Heads)
Eva isn't a lizard (Tails)Coin Flip: Heads
He looks like Raiden.
Leave me alone.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Look at this fuckking boomer
If you can farm up orbs outside of BP then yeah it's probably super easy
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Look at this fuckking big hat🌈
It was probably preemptively censored by Capcom themselves so that Sony wouldn't hound them. If it was censored by Sony they wouldn't have changed it.
Haven't played with Dante yet, they let you go into BP with all your orbs?
Demon Art Thread
I enjoy listening to classical music a bit, but mostly is just the many types of Rock out there (Alt. Rock, Math Rock, Hard Rock, etc)
>get to urizen 3 with V in BP
>he doesn't know who to punch between v griffon shadow and nightmare and its super easy
I desperately want V's va to read out
>While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a clapping.
>As of asscheeks, gently clapping, clapping at my chamber door.
>“Tis a visitor” I muttered,
>“Dummy thicc and nothing more”.
Like you❤️
i dont use faust, when fighting malphas who gets the hat? the womans or the chickie
Your fortune: Average Luck
It is literally the peak physique to be a smug snarky asshole.
Yeah still practicing until perfection
Did you S rank DMD?
Teasing Nero for being such a grumpy little nephew!
4 songs that just played on my spotify playlist, enjoy the mood whiplash:
>Fantasy - Dye
>Loser - Beck
>Settle Down - Kimbra
>My Own Summer (Shove It) - Deftones
you forgot the tail bro
I'll book you two a room💚
yes what does that has to do with Malphas?
hey Vergil check this
Your fortune: Outlook good
How is this not a girl
Join us🖤
>Playing through Bloody Palace
>”Oh man, this is pretty eas-“
>Floor 70 with 3 Furies
It kind of is tho.
>Not liking twigs
What's wrong with you user?
Rolled 66 (1d100)
are you a leaf?
>from kimbra to deftones
its mood breakneck at that point
I'll let this coin decide.
I will join you (Heads)
I won't join you (Tails)
pls be noCoin Flip: Heads
>Patty: you promised to marry me
>Dante: i though it was some kind of Pizza, well whatever i guess we are engage know
meanwhile Lady and Trish lose their shit
>get to floor 62 and die to baphomet ice spikes because I wasn't looking at my health
I mean Vergil and Dante managed to level up a fair bit just through fighting constantly throughout DMC3.
Nero himself basically leveled up during DMC5 due to sheer will power/love boosts and repeated fighting.
Remember his big scene where he confronts Vergil is when he doesn't even have Breaker's to lean on.
It's just him alone and gear he started with.
Our boy is back.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
*SoS furries
fixed that for you
Get ready user
What happened today while I was at campus
Man Artemis stands no chance against Dante. This is actually p fun
you are not the real Vergil. here's how it's done
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Look at the calendar
Well the song that came on immediately after My Own Summer was this: youtube.com
But don't worry, I'll be gentle in breaking your neck.
oh shit you right
>Aerial Cavalier SM combo
literally melts her in 2
annual april fools joke
Well, it's just my luck huh...
I'll support our boy! HAVE MY FORTUNE!
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
you are like a baby
watch this
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Unironically seeking heavier metal thanks to DMC5.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Your fortune: Bad Luck
This is why we need a Sparda prequel game that will utilize his sword the way we all dream.
Why does Dauntie keep shoving the faces of her family members into her chest?
Double negatives = positive so, you lose.
Your fortune: Outlook good
Young Thug, 69, A boogie (with the hoodie), Kendrick and J cole.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I totally agree user.
>Agni and Rudra come back.
>They’re Vergil weapons this time.
vergilfags have very bad luck
hey bro this is how is done
heads I punch V in the face
tails I punch V in the face but put a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bandaid on him and apologizeCoin Flip: Heads
You catch unga rabies (heads)
You get away without unga rabies (tails)
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
is rushing blindly all you can do?
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
if heads you are a retard
if tails you still are a retardCoin Flip: Tails
Damn I need to go to bed.Coin Flip: Heads
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Unga user used the wrong perk
Here ill helpCoin Flip: Heads
>Got casual filtered by the Seether Caveliere in mission 60
>Still, thanks to warm up, i can play SoS cavaliere as much as i want without having to complete mission 11, or with Nero / V
Really fucking fun
please deck him
ryona is my fetish
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
This thread needs more pizza eating Dante
You fags make Vergil cry
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Why is Vergil's sister such a weirdo?
Hold up--- I'm you, remember? If you hurt me it'd be like very emo. You can't be emo.
Your fortune: Outlook good
So wait, is the Devil Trigger their true form? Or is it a transformation/ power up like in Dragon Ball Z?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Can someone give me a list of all the blake poems used in DMC5? Fucking love that shit and everything I've searched doesnt have a complete list.
He's best boy
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Yea, like this?
My Unga sense is tingling, there's danger somewhere
It's a power up
Sdt is their true form
DMC is just Dragon Ball.
>all this negative energy
Your fortune: Bad Luck
I think Nero bit me in my sleep and I caught some unga. Fuck.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Usually, DT (and SDT in 5) are referred as their true forms in the games.
I assume their human form is like a power restricted form, like frieza
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Someone needs to document all this bad luck
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
this doesnt look like vergil at all
>caught some unga
unga being used like a verb tickles me pink
I lost all my score by rebooting to fix an audio problem, please like this post so I can fortunepost again. I'll post cute fanart to make it worth your while.
Morrigan is proud of her handsome baby boy!
and you all call Vergil fans?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Ill bring good luck
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>Your fortune: Bad Luck
Vergil a devil boy
The hero we need but not the one we deserve
Your fortune: Outlook good
Well I did invite the comparison, but only because I figure almost everyone has seen DBZ and can relate it to another anime-ish series.
No need to be shitty about it though.
let me help you
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
You suck vergil.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
dear fortune, what kind of luck Vergil has with womans?
Your fortune: Good Luck
>Dante has heterochromia while wielding A&R
cute CUTE!
Do you imagine how would it feel to know your true form is an devilish monster? Dante is basically a wolf in sheep's clothing.
At least good enough to get laid.
why is dmc threads always filled with gay posting? isnt it a game where we push ourselves to get better?
Vergil gets the lady
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>Urizen DTs early in his second phase sometimes
The actual FUCK is the trigger for enemy Devil Trigger in this game?
will Lady ever fuck Dante?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
just ignore them
don't want the thread to devolve into arguing for an hour
....cool? but that's not helpful
>Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Vergil stop meeting with strangers
( ´_ゝ`)
does anyone have a clear screenshot of dante's butt
for drawing reference
Everyone is welcome.
Gay or Straight.
Rolled 4 (1d100)
77 and Vergil will show Lady true power while Nero sleep in the next room with thin walls
why is Vergil hot?
why is Nero hot??
why is V hot????
I don't want to be gay what do I do
>fight Vergil in mission 19 for the first time
>lead up in cutscene is amazing
>played DMC3 when I was a teenager for hundreds of hours
>I got this
>treat it like Vergil 1 in DMC3
>shoot at him with E&I for shits and giggles
>he deflects the bullets like I expected
>use stinger
>he deflects it, time slows down, and the camera zooms in to the exact moment when he does it
Visual Kei/J-metal (girugamesh, -OZ-, sel'm, DIR EN GREY)
Eurobeat, Synthwave
Vidya/movie/anime OSTs
Metal-oid (Metal vocaloid)
Metal-Utaite (Metal vocaloid song covers)
Nu-metal, Post-grunge from 2000s (Chevelle, Hoobastank, Killswitch Engage)
I listen to classical music only if its a piano/violin/cello/orchestra cover of the music listed above
Vergil is best boy
Yes is heads
Better than V is tailsCoin Flip: Tails
>you can warm up on boss stages
do you have one without devil trigger
i'll take the meeting a dark handsome stranger (as long as he or she won't hurt me) and also reroll
Your fortune: Bad Luck
well you can't say i tried, vergilfags
how about my own luck?
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Ruined it
Your fortune: Good Luck
Symphonic, gothic, industrial and heavy (metal); classical and some edm.