1. Splatoon (Wii U)
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch)
3. Super Mario Bros (NES)
4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
5. Super Mario 64 (N64)
6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
7. EarthBound (SNES)
8. Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
9. The Legend of Zelda (NES)
8. Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES)
9. Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC)
10. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
11. Fire Emblem: Geneology of the Holy War (SNES)
12. Yūyūki (Famicom-DiscDrive)
13. Super Mario Kart (SNES)
14. Famicom Detective Club Part II: The Girl who Stands Behind (Famicom-DiscDrive)
15. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC)
16. Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (SNES)
17. The Legend of Zelda – Links Awakening (GB)
18. Super Mario World (SNES)
19. Super Mario Sunshine (GC)
19. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
21. Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
22. Ice Climber (NES)
23. Mother (NES)
25. Kirby Super Star (SNES)
26. Mario Kart (Wii)
27. Mario Kart (N64)
28. Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow (GB)
29. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
30. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
31. Star Fox (SNES)
32. Magical Vacation (GBA)
33. Kirby's Air Ride (GC)
34. Golf (NES)
35. Joy Mech Fight (SNES)
36. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES)
37. Super Mario 64 (DS)
38. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC)
39. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)
40. Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)
41. Donkey Kong (NES)
42. Super Smash Bros (N64)
43. Volley Ball (Famicom Disc Drive)
44. Banjo-Tooie (N64)
45. Baseball (NES)
46. Famicom Detective Club (Famicom Disc Drive)
47. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (NES)
48. Metroid (Famicom-DiscDrive)
49. Metroid II – Return of Samus (GB)
50. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)
51. Kirby Super Star (SNES)
52. Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon (DS)
53. Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)
Famitsu's Favorite Nintendo games Ever
>only one F-Zero
>its not GX
two nukes werent enough♨️
>Super Metroid nowhere in sight
Yup, Japan has shit taste.
Based and woomypilled
> Fedora's mask is the lowest 3D Zelda
>Majora's Mask the worst Zelda
You guys told Japan has shit taste though
Yeah, not really shocked to see Splatoon at the top, it's the new Dragon Quest for Japan at this point.
Yes it is, it created the formula for future Zelda games. The 2020 3D Zelda will literally be the GOAT
It is tho.💯
>Tooie being better than Kazooie
I guess Japan does have good taste after all.
Redpill me on the Splatoon series Yea Forums
Fake and gay
Wow chinks have shit taste.
Sukapon and Ayumi really should have been in Smash, too bad both of them got fucked over during.
Also surprised to see no Starfy games, Nips love that series.
> nintendoeverything.com
To keep it up to date i added BOTW, Splatoon, Mystery Dungeon & New Leaf as well
> nintendoeverything.com
>1. Splatoon (Wii U)
T. Seething Golden Sun cuck
VolleyBallfags on literal suicide watch!
This, just imagine having a Danganronpa style reboot of Detective Club, that would be based
T.Splatoon Child
> Gen 1 is the only Pokemon Generation on there when it's literally the worst one
Nier: Automata, Persona 5, and Breath of the Wild were also with Splatoon in the top five of the full poll, with Dragon Quest III being the only one of them not released in the span of the last five years. Recentness definitely played a factor here, even if all of them are amazing games regardless.
First game, so it gets priority
>10. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
Did they offer any explanation for this
It was a great game, it's only 2 flaws were the Motion Controls & Backtracking
surprising to see tooie on the list, thought it wasn’t that popular in japan.
Splatoon is literally garbage, why do Nips like it so much?
>Ice Climber
Mario Bros. is literally better, wtf
>Mother 1 and 2 made the poll
>Mother 3 is absent
This is pretty surprising to me considering how much the game is praised.
You will unironically have a happier life if you seek a different hobby. Best wishes.
When the fuck is Ayumi getting into Smash? Nips clearly love Detective Club
>50. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)
shit list, best platformer ever made💯
it's like rocket league of shooters
At least Kirby Air Ride's getting some love
>Japan doesn't care about Banj-
At least FE13/14 isn't on it, I guess.
>1. Splatoon
Pedophile nips, who would've thought?
Even Japan thinks Melee is the best Smash game
They don't know any better, multiplayer shooters are pretty rare over there.
Seething, kill yourself Tranny
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>no X
>no 2
>fucking golf and baseball on the list
Is this some publishing technicality at work or what?
Xenoblade X & 2 are objectively pieces of shit
Golf on NES sold over 4 million copies user, and that was only one game. It was a huge hit.
Not any more so than 1
This is the top 50 Nintendo games of all times, though.
You’re telling me nips only have 33 games they’d rather be playing than Golf right now?
Pong was insanely popular and lucrative too, but putting it in a list like this would get you laughed out of the room.
Golf is a legendary game in Japan, the same way as Punch-Out is huge in America for example. There is a reason why the Golfer was in Captain Rainbow, Nips love Golf.
What a horrible fucking list