Deleted Borderlands 3 tweets say it's coming to the Epic store on September 13

Another Epic Games Store exclusive

R.I.P Steam

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One Like = 1 Spit on Epic


Deleted from twitter:

>Tweet about Borderlands 3 being an Epic exclusive is coincidentally on April 1st which is a day where everyone makes jokes and tries to fool each other
OP is a faggot
no surprise here


Good. Fuck Valve♨️



Rolled 65 (1d100)

>Wanting to play Borderlands

>he doesn't know

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For every like, I will say the T-word.

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>professional billion-dollar corporations still don't realize that you can never delete anything off the internet

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>randy pitchford


>on steam ever again

Like this if you're not Anthony Burch

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No problem, i'm gonna use the CPY store then

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None of the people who liked Borderlands will be able to play it . They do not have the time anymore, because they need to wait for the next Drumpf tweet at their local Star Bucks. Randy knows that , so he tries to get the Fortnite zoomer. But zoomers are busy watching pewdiepie and Ninja. Guess Gearbox will finally go bankrupt.

Good thing I didn't plan on playing 3 because Borderlands fucking sucks.

Yeah, I'm sure they'll go bankrupt with all that tencent money LMAO

>unreal engine game
>published by take2 who has already sold out
we're taking to the high seas lads
sing me a shanty🏴

PC master race BTFO.

Okay, I'm starting to worry that Steam is going to die soon. What do we do, bros?

Seething Valve drone detected

Guess what lol

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But we already knew that a coupel weeks ago.🏳️

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Gabe might have to get off his fat ass and make Steam enticing.

Why should we do anything really? (TENCENT SHILL!!!) But srs time. They dont make games anymore. We now have to deal with a ton of launchers for almost all AAA games. Epic is raping them with Fortnite money. Gaben let Steam become irrelevant. Theres little to nothing to buy there anymore. Steam sales used to be the thing for pc games. Now its dead. All the big stuff is on their own platforms. idk..

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What do you want him to do? It's better in almost every possible regard than any other storefront.
The only thing he could do was buy in exclusivity for Steam which would be the worst possible move for consumers.

>Thinking they will get anymore money after the inevitable bomb
>Thinking Randy is good with money
We will see I guess.😃

That's where the competition is.

Consumers prefer Steam, developers like Epic. One side is going to win. So Gabe needs to entice developers, or Epic needs to improve their service. Epic has the edge atm however.

Another option is for Valve to make a game. L4D3, Portal 3, Half Life 3 etc.

Didn't he lose a few million to a scam artist half a year ago?

That's fucking retarded you fucking subhuman devs.♥️

I'm just gonna wait a year shit for brain

Make games to attract gamers and have a better pricing for devs so thay will publish there again. If he does nothing he eventually deis.

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It's april 1st, my guy

How the epic shills detect

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Welp, was looking forward to it. Guess it'll be a bit of a wait now.

>making a game has something to do with managing the storefront

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CODEX gotchu famalam


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Pirate it, Epic even pays for your copy

Yeah, lost about 3 Million $ because he gave some assistant full access to his accountant or something.

It draws massive attention and a flood of consumers.

Even an announcement would change the news cycle from Steam BTFO.

Guess Gabe has to buy off devs then. Thanks to devs who can't keep their mouth shuit we know already that the but is a non-issue and it's only about the money they get for the exclusivity. Can't wait for that dark fucking future.

>be randy
>get scammed out of millions
>daddy tencent comes in to save the day for him
how does one man have so much luck

Your fortune: Outlook good

At least we got local files, you got what “the state of pray”?

I doubt he did as coupled with the porn on a USB stick fiasco he was also being sued for embezzling money, so it's more likely that he was just stealing it and blamed it on an assistant

>Epic has the edge atm however.
In what sense? They're throwing millions at publishers for exclusivity contracts, paying even more for failed sales expectations, judging from the lack of any sales numbers they're not making enough back to justify it, and Tim Sweeney's is doing such a good job at tanking any goodwill Epic Games has everytime he says something on twitter that people are unironically starting to think he's trying to sabotage the company on purpose.

Fuck the chinese

He’s a pedo, so harnesses the power of children


Why would Steam care at all about those news?


They have Fortnite money user.

They can throw it around until Steam is dead. The ball is in Gabe's court.

>replacing Maya with a filthy nigger
I wasn't going to give them money in the first place.

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Or, you know, he could make Steam competitive again. Remember, the reason Steam got big in the first place is because retail was so expensive.

People didn't see this coming from an Epic game?

Fucking retards.

thing to remember is tencent can throw money at the problem for literally tears. its a war of attrition and they have unlimited soldiers.

And you think Valve hasn't, when they have had a stronghold on PC gaming for 15 years now while barely spending anything?

>implying vavle has no money
Guess the great firewall really is effective at shielding you from the rest of the world.

>from an Epic game?

Unlimited tears for Valve

No like for you dumbass

>Or, you know, he could make Steam competitive again
Do I really have to ask how outside of buying off devs? Since you gave no point as to how they should become more competitive when they have the edge in virtually every fucking aspect except that they're not buying off devs.


So is there gonna be a point when one of these Epic exclusives is a game I actually give a shit about?

kek, I can't wait until Epic money runs out, Tencent gives them a "helping hand" only to get them so deep in the fucking red that they can simply buy the rest off from Tim. They've done similar shit in the past and seeing how invested they already are in Epic it's safe to say that they're thhe next target.

>he could make Steam competitive again
They have, by far, the best launcher in the market while Epic literally needs to bribe everyone in order to even have games on their store.

Fortnite money is going to run out eventually, very fast at the rate Tim Sweeney's throwing it at exclusivity contracts and failed sales guarantees. Epic Store is currently bleeding millions of dollars and isn't remotely making that much money back if the complete radio silence on sales numbers outside of hilarious shit like "Exodus on launch sold better than Last Light on launch" when Last Light had one of the most horrific launches in years on account of the going going bankrupt before it even came out.

>when they have had a stronghold on PC gaming for 15 years now
locking yourself in jail insn't a stronghold. the """""""""""""""""""monopoly"""""""""""""""""""""""""""is entirely self imposed by video game buyers who refuse to use anything else because every other service was memed to death and people are still swallowing the same 10 year old memes

Isn't this a good thing? Competition means that Valve will have to stop being lazy.

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In what way does that change the fact that they've been hoarding money for 15 years?
Valve isn't poor, they can take whatever Epic throws at them.

No, this kind of competition means that, if Valve does anything, will be buying exclusives.
What do I get out of it?
How do I profit from this situation?

And do what exactly?

They already have more features than basically every other online store, what else do you want them to do? And before you mention the dev cut, keep in mind that 30% is literally the global standard, and Valve doesn't even charge THAT anymore.

epic blocks 99% of third party (legitimate) stores


Like this if you're also spitting on Gearbox.♨️

Make episode 3

What part of that tweet implies it's going to be on the epic store?

It's funny because Steam has several times more features for it's store than Epic does, and Epic still somehow uses almost double the memory Steam does while running somehow.

They can keep it.
Borderlands 1 was boring, Borderlands 2 was even worse and had obnoxious reddit millennial humor.
There's no way Borderlands 3 will be any good.

you don't need twitter to see the writing on the wall. its an unreal engine game and take2 has already sold out. its a forgone conclusion.

Tiananmen Square Massacre

This. Fuck chinks and fuck Valve drones!

Would not be surprised. Randy seems to be a wicked one.

Thank god.
Randy Bitchford and Gearbox will get all the hate they deserve.

See but the title of the clickbait article doesn't say "Borderlands 3 is coming to the epic store because logic" it says "Deleted Borderlands 3 tweets say it's coming to the Epic store on September 13"
The tweet does not say that.

More on this?

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1 like = permanent like button for Ep*c threads so we can BTFO the Ep*c shills.

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was it worth it user?

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>Fuck Steam, I love the Epic store!

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Let's try to get to 100 likes so we can print and humiliate Epic-shills.

i play games
not launchers


Your fortune: Bad Luck

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Epic's scummy practices will catch up with them. While Steam may be slimy, they aren't scummy.

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>Epic's scummy practices will catch up with them
not if idiots keep falling for their relentless false narrative

Fuck Epic

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KYS Sonycůck.

That's the problem in the first place, inevitably if it isn't Epic blowing air Steam, Origin or other platforms will have to do buyouts because it becomes a norm. Then it becomes buyout wars, devs and publishers won't need to make a great game or make sure it's fully supported past its pump and dump because they've already made bank, and it'll all be who can suck their platforms cock but also have their cock sucked too taking out anyone who doesn't play the game or is in incapable of it. Hell, it can be used for censorship too "I'll take Epic's paycheck over your paycheck till you remove this offensive game." or "Remove my competitors or don't sign that deal with my competitor's game."

Every fucking scenario is bad whether we end up worse case or mild case.

Hope they won't do a Fallout 76 on that one after they started talking about new Homeworld games.

This is not about consumers, this about having a bad reputation in business among other business goyim. Does anyone remember that one episode in that anime Spice and Wolf? Not a fan but there's a part where the main character tries to be scummy and his life is literally ruined because none of the other businesses want to deal with him. A bad reputation can isolate you among other developers, publishers, ect. It's best to keep your hands and nose clean or it will catch up eventually.

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b-but user
m-m-muh $10 saved
muh trickle down economics
T-Tim Sweeney said it'd work this time :(((

It'll either be epic exclusive and I can enjoy the ensuing shitstorm, or it's launched on steam. And depending on ratings I can enjoy the shitstorm of it being a bad game or play it with some friends.

I'm fine with any of those endings.

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Holy fucking wave of nostalgia, how old is this video?

Lmao same exact reason, maya was the only character I like, not touching that bigger land 3