Risk of rain 2 thread

risk of rain 2 thread
ror1 fags also welcome

Attached: RoR loader.png (1318x1000, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how do I get a RoR2 key

first for thicc

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Anyone interested in doing a naturopath lobby? One of the last achievements I need to do.

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AND FUCK Huntress's ass

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Can someone tell me what the shit that thing is

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buy the game
if you're going to beg then do it on the steam page, since people are giving away their extra copies over there

anyone got a lobby?

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That's a really easy achievement user. Just don't pick up healing items.

*gentle sniff*

It's how you unlock the BFG

get to that level and find that chest again in under 10 minutes from starting a run

>chase 20 hermit crabs off the ledge
Who thought this was a good idea? The most shit achievement in the game.

You still heal over time. I assume it means take no damage at all.

get to the chest before 10 minutes


Why does Raging Reginald let Delrith stream on his channel. He's so bad and uncharismatic.

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Time-locked chest. If you get to it in under 10 minutes or cheat and unlock it on the prismatic trial like everyone else did you get a prize.

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Also play artificer right now, if she ever gets buffed/reworked then she will destroy even harder

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>normal mode
>can get hit 92 times and not die
>spends hours holding LMB, this constitutes "skill"
>painstakingly cheeses for hours and hours to get a "run" together, even though it's not fun at all and their weapon is a wet noodle

>glass mode
>one hit is death, must use all skills to evade enemy attacks and kill enemies before they strike
>enemies still have sponge HP, they just die in normal amounts of time now
>one small mistake ends the run, yet the glasschad remains calm under pressure
>hours and hours of FUN

FUCK normal mode!
A toast! To Shaped Glass!

Nah, healing over time doesn't count. t. complete shitter who hasn't gotten Flawless but has completed Naturopath.

It doesn't count natural regen.

you better not be bullshitting me user
gonna go test it out now

4 man monsoon lobby, let's try to get Deicide for some anons


it's glitched. supposedly you can only get it if you trigger a mountain shrine AND if the main boss is an elite. Which is fucking bullshit

try checking the ones out of the way first like the ones on the swamp pillars or the one in titan that's on top of a fucking arch

>play glass mode
>can only play 3 characters because you are forced to abuse i-frame and invul 100%
WTF I love glass mode now.

>you will never have a thicc lemurian gf

Daily reminder to kill beggars on sight.

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>35 minutes to get to the 3rd stage on drizzle
What the fuck are you doing, leaving the game unpaused while you jerk off between stages?

Want to know how to keep your modded save?
Reinstall the game without verifying.

Every character is viable in glass mode. Except Artificer who isn't viable in any mode because they're trash. It's actually more balanced than the base game.

Commando is really underpowered and underperforms in any situation compared to other character.

>can only play 3 characters
how to spot a shitter

>can only play 3 characters because you are forced to abuse i-frame and invul 100%
All characters are viable in Risky 1 glass.

aaaaaaa Artificer makes no sense
Her abilities and DPS requirements scream close-range but her lack of movement or defensive abilities screams stay the fuck away from enemies and position well

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EU monsoon lobby
need 3

>jojo profile picture
>394 owned games
>actually has comments

Do you know which file(s) count as your save so I can just back them up directly?

>compared to any other character
I'm guessing you haven't played Artificer yet.

16 player lobby Europe


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Now make it 200% with a fully item'd-out Merc.

I just made my first run as Merc, Monsoon and fucking god, that fourth map fucked me in the ass so rough I'll need to shit in a bag for the rest of my life.
>land in red land
>immediately attacked by Titan and Magma Worm before I'm even done appearing
>enemies spawning everywhere
>map is littered in enemies within a minute
>most of those fuckers are fire elites
It was so fun playing merc despite that.

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they meant a) we don't really know what we're doing and b) buy every single goat hoof, monster energy, and wax quail you see


>No you're not suppose to play the game the way it's design or intended
>You are suppose to play with glass and command with all these arbitrary made up rules! Making every single game the exact same
At this point it's just autism, right?

th-the other tps were hard to find!!!
also notice how I'm playing on lowest settings, my laptop is a fuckin toaster

So what'd the update do?
Shut up and play and learn things, good lord. You can cancel out of flamethrower into a sprint, or energy ball. Ice instantly kills anything with low enough health. You ALWAYS need to be attacking; two fireballs, flamethrower, energy ball/ice. Mix it up.

God bless drawfags

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Do people that pretend that Artificer is "good" even play on moonsong?


>three man lobby
>guy instantly triggers tele on first map
>ok whatever
>teleports before I get to buy all my items
>"dude it's not risk of grandma"
>instantly activates teleporter on second level
>dies within seconds
>leaves the game

since when did Yea Forums allow people under 18

On an unrelated note
>you can fly through ceiling on fourth level

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>Ice instantly kills anything

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NA East 16- Server. Get in here, lads.

Used to be baller, then brought a house... (plus humble bundles)

Anyway leave Speedwagon out of this..

The only way enforcer would work in a 3D setting where you can't reliably keep all enemies in one direction at all times because lol stay in the circle is to make his shield so comically large it ruins all his aesthetics

Forgot screen

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post the number u twat

Really you only need to be blocking a few key enemies at a time.
It could definitely work.

>He's never played with the old Yea Forums rules
Glass is balanced by Honor

Why are turrets so shit? Any level with the long range crabs completely fucks their ai and makes them do fuck all and they will go from attacking the bosses to shooting pointless trash for no reason. Doesn't help that you have a 50/50 chance of it not doing anything after you place it, oh and you can block it's shots. What even is this stupid character

enforcer literally doesn't work in a 3d space without a kit overhaul, get over it

does anyone say artificer is "good"?
does anyone say anything other than MUL-T is "good"?

Artificer is bearable if you get some magazines so you can fill the gaps in your rotation and if you do that she outputs a good chunk of damage, although she is pretty unsafe for a chunk of that rotation


>having multiple ukeleles, wisp jars, sticky bombs, gas cans, tri-tip daggers, and leeching seeds
>attack once
>entire crowds die instantly and your health is full again
this game rules.

>Why are turrets so shit?

Engi is fantastic. You do realize that turrets get everysingle item effect that you have right?
AI does need some work though.

I had this drop from an elite fire golem. Do all elites have a chance to drop this? Also it doesnt make you immune to fire which is gay.

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based brainlets

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8 unique newt alters just means 8 newt alters in different levels, right?
or is it in different locations?
Like it has 2 spots in each map, if i get it at one spot in the map can i get it in that same spot next time and still progress newtist

It doesn't mean shit when they just sit there doing nothing and you have to wait on a CD to place another one that will stop working in 20 secs

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Commando is middle of the road actually. They feel weak because every character besides Mul-T and lategame Engineer are weak.

The order of strength goes
>God Tier
MUL-T (amazing durability, good mobility, good damage, crit exploit that skyrockets damage, but he's good even without it)
Lategame Engineer (stack shrooms = literally invincible, syringes = death turrets, items applying to turrets basically means each item is worth three of other characters')

>Good Tier
Mercenary, if you're not a shitter

>Okay Tier
Earlygame huntress

>Bad Tier
Lategame huntress
Mercenary, if you are a shitter

>Shit Tier

explain, in no less than 100 words, how enforcer as he is in RoR1 would work, go

Good times

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It's the easy mode, glass combined with command lets you just abuse your i-frame and invul to become unkillable while killing everything on the screen by just looking at them.
Only time you die is because you snooze because it's so boring.

And also, characters like Encorcer becomes unplayable and don't try and pretend that people actually played him.

Yeah the AI's garbage, it stops scanning for targets after a while until it's hit again. I also with it would focus ping targets but that would probably be busted.

Literally doesn't happen to me. Engi melts everything.

>We finally know what's in this magazine

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Every elite has a chance to drop those. It gives the same effects of an elite when held as passive effect.

Flawless tier list, great job user.

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joined ;)

someone please post a 16 player lobby

>We the 5 people in the circlejerk is "all of Yea Forums"
The absolute state of the avatarfags.

Yeah all elites have a small chance to drop actives which let you become their variant.

>wandering vagrants with welcoming vaginas

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like for free copy of ror2

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>not rushing with engi
Engi doesn't need any items for the first two levels.

16 player lobby Europe

Rehosting because some moron pressed ready at only 4 players.


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There's a reason shields are only used by cops, not soldiers. It does not work when you have enemies from more than one area.

>to become unkillable
Completely untrue. 10 man wipes happened all the time.
>characters like Encorcer becomes unplayable and don't try and pretend that people actually played him.
I don't know that to tell you. A guy named " " regularly carried us as an Enforcer. He was incredible.

Is it true that the difficulty you selected technically doesn't matter by the time you're in HAHAHA? Like, I recognize how important the early game is to get your stacks up and how easier starting difficulty gives you a huge head start, but once you're in HAHAHA, enemies are exactly as strong as they would be between Drizzle and Monsoon?

RoR1 server anyone

I'll give you likes for a copy, bro. My treat.

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Lucky you then I place mine and they will have an enemy right in front of it and unless that enemy smacks the turret it will just sit there, it's fucking retarded. The only way to fix it is to plop another one down but unless you get bandolier that's a pain in the ass

so is the update that prevent 16 lobby bullshit?


>host-set player limit
>modding framework (in construction)
>super easy to add new survivors, adding bandit takes 6 loc
>easier to update when the game is updated, which will be real soon
>a readme on how to install
>comes with bandit as an example on how to add survivors

i could probably make it read JSON instead of DLLs for the survivors if anyone's interested in that

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> A guy named " " regularly carried us as an Enforcer. He was incredible.
Why make up lies like that?

It does matter. Players on Drizzle get equipped with an invisible item that gives them a handicap. And the difficulty of monsters that spawn is constantly multiplied by the selected difficulty, so Monsoon will always be harder than the same level in lower difficulties.

Where do you place your turrets anyway? Do you use any elevation? DO NOT use any elevation

pretty sure the spawns are more gentle on drizzle vs monsoon

oh and also 16 more survivor slots

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The amount of enemies changes and difficulty changes is affected even when you are past HAHAHAHAHA
I got the entire map covered in enemies in Monsoon as soon as I reached HAHAHA while it still takes quite a while to fill the map on Rainstorm

>Everyone lewding Huntress, Artificer, and Lemurians
>Qt space jellyfish girls get ignored💢


>equipped with an invisible item that gives them a handicap.
Expand on that, please.

>royal capacitor + fuel cell printer
>actually deleting overloading worms left and right
>blazing elder lemurian accidentally glances in my direction and puts a 500 dmg per sec dot on me
i was on lvl 16 too fucking burn dmg

>he can't play with Yea Forums rules
oh nononono

Yeah I try to give it as much view as possible, I wanna enjoy this character but this ai is literally ruining runs with amazing items because the fucking things will not shoot

i did :)

Go back to the discord, tränny,

no, but I joined it
also don't namedrop you literal fucking nigger, it doesn't matter who hosts servers unless you wanted me to give you a class

>>host-set player limit
could already do this

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any monsoon lobbies?
i'd really like to get deicide, but i keep dying on the third loop

I don't know what to tell you. I'm pretty sure his name was " " because he was one of those fags who changed their name to disguise who they were. We had a few of those.

my favorite

current character power ranking?

Why do you use ufile? That site is such script heavy bullshit. Are you an adfly shilling nigger?

Because turrets try to attack the closet enemy, even if they have no LOS. If you put turrets up on an object or a cliff or something, then enemies will get into an angle where the turrets can't shoot them, but they target that enemy anyway.

> tfw people wanting enforcer instead of chef and loader

yall are gay

So I'm assuming the naturally spawning on map turrets are not worth the money at all unless you're desperate as absolute fuck for cover fire?


Shield: Now partially a passive. Reduces 60% of damage from the front passively. Activate to hunker down and slow your turn rate/sensitivity slightly in exchange for 95% DR. Doesn't have a cooldown like it did in RoR1, you can activate and deactivate freely.
Replace shield bash with a new ability entirely or make it a close-range cone stun.
M1 is medium-range (about 1.5x the Artificer's flamethrower maybe) but has infinite piercing.
Simple, familiar, and true to his original design. Anything else, retard?

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>not hosting one yourself

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Stick to mexico, Mariel

>the fucking things will not shoot
I'm glad to know its not just a me thing, that just means it'll get fixed eventually and that makes me happy.

they're only ever worth it if they're basically on top of the teleporter

>play engineer
>no shrooms stage 18
>play merc
>2 shrooms, 2 shroom 3d printers

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so is there any reason to not just hold the mouse button and shoot forever ?

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Yeah, pretty bad. Honestly I think they should just be removed, all they do is remove useful crates and drones from the map.

Glass isn't equivalent to easy mode at all. It's Command that enables you to become a hilariously broken god.

Reminder that "carry" does not mean a guy afking on a rope and picking up all powerups until he's unkillable because of the scaling with glass/command makes the game too easy at that point.

>The guys enforcing the "Yea Forums rules" are avatar and namefags
Woah who could have known?

first result when i google 'upload files'

If you change your profile name with notepad in the XML file does it fuck with your unlocks at all? I need to change my name to Judgment Nut when I play Merc

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You have out of combat effects/items.
You are playing artificer.

Sprinting, and ability usage mainly.

100% Accuracy during teleporter event duration challenge coming soon.

No one plays glass with command, the discord trännies need to play with these rules to feel good about themselves.

>Artificer run
>Get a syringe printer

i play huntress so anons can look at my butt

can't sprint

Attached: THICCER.png (378x504, 9K)

Huntress player?


Fuck it, the game is really tiny. I'm going to just backup the entire game.

>find a glasses printer in the first level
>get the shittiest of greens from most of the chests and only end up with 2 glasses

Attached: tfw.png (282x305, 127K)

>explain how enforcer as he is in RoR1 would work
>list of complete kit overhauls, most of which renders him virtually identical to the engineer's playstyle, making him totally redundant
fucking smooth brained ass nigga
also passive 60% damage reduction from the front is both broken as fuck and virtually impossible to implement. people would frequently die thinking their front-facing damage reduction would proc, leaving the char feeling like total shit.

god damned user

Doing a monsoon run right now and I'm doing fine.
What did he mean by this?

US Midwest
Got that G I G A B I T so no lag, need to get artificer, got the ten shekels, shit at finding the altars.

if you are getting shot from all sides you are going to die no matter what class you are playing. being able to put up a shield that blocks damage from in front of you would work fine, it would be perfect to deal with titans and all sorts of ranged bullshit

16 man US west

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>Reminder that "carry" does not mean a guy afking on a rope and picking up all powerups until he's unkillable because of the scaling with glass/command makes the game too easy at that point.
Yes, I agree. He was a great Enforcer. There was another Enforcer who was almost as good as him, but he didn't carry. Died a lot.
>The guys enforcing the "Yea Forums rules" are avatar and namefags
You're so sad, man.

sounds like someone hasn't found the joy that is UNLIMITED GLAIVES

Someone draw Huntress sitting on Engi's helmet with her butt in his face while they're under Engi's force field with mines and turrets.

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Post screenshot how long in you are.

>changing an ability slightly to fit into a 3D plane is a complete overhaul
Was Huntress completely overhauled, you fucking retard?

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What's the point when huntress can't fail it?

I can host one in a bit.

>not artificer

How do I go about doing 4+ player lobbies?

Is it worth grinding out the gold chests? I keep getting frost relics and I'm not sure if they're that good in this game. I just want an alien head for my merc.

more like
>play engineer or artificer
>no hoppo feathers in 8+ stages
>play literally anything else
>feather within first 5 items

Don't want to farm coins what file do I edit to give them to myself?


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Do I need to have the mod too or just the one who makes the lobby?

Playing mercenary on monsoon with 10 glass shards is the way the game was meant to be played.

That's disgustingly lazy of you. Use catbox, or something not infested with superaids.

you need the mod

Honestly I don't think gold chests are worth it at all.

How do you open the secret areas in the levels?

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An Artificer is fine too.

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Hey can you guess what MY run was ended by? Spoiler alert: It was something more broken then a simple fucking lemurian
Can you make an educated guess on what status effect you can't outheal that does more then half your HP and if your not paying attention to everything (which you usually are in the late game), fucks you and your run completely no matter how good you are?
This is what fun is right? Losing because of some bullshit that you can't pay attention too ontop of the 90 bosses and enemies ontop of you?

Attached: run.jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

>mfw I get home and the mod is finally out

Oh god I'm so excited

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lol git gud
>insert your own version of smugwojak.png

they cost way too much for a chance to get shit of vultures

Actually, you can completely avoid that status effect by getting good

>Can you make an educated guess on what status effect you can't outheal that does more then half your HP
is it fire

EU lobby (16 slots but starting in a few min or whatever)

Seriously, of course a scientist who most definitely has a PhD would bully an Engineer,

>if you are getting shot from all sides you are going to die no matter what class you are playing.
If you're complete shit/retarded maybe. Commando, Huntress, Mul-T, and Merc all have disengage tools, and most of them give you i-frames. Engineer has no disengage tool but he survives because of a literal invincibility barrier. Artificer is total shit due to a lack of either. Enforcer's shield is just a worse version of Engineer's barrier, and he has to mobility to compensate, so what would be the point of playing him over Engineer?
Huntress had one ability replaced. You're 1) overhauling Enforcer's shield's functionality, 2) suggesting to replacing shield bash, and 3) didn't even mention his stun grenade which LITERALLY already exists in RoR2 in Mul-T's kit. The fuck will you do with his stun grenade, faggot? Replace that too? I.E. overhaul his fucking kit?

Reminder: Teddies save lives, get a teddy

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Where are people getting these mods?
I want to play as Bandit.

Mfw i only have an old ass pics from the first risk of rain threads back in 2013/4

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They need to buff or rework most of the red/legendary items, most of them are so bad.

guys, can't decide, should i do a run on RoR 1 or RoR 2?

put commando on a regular gap after merc and then a double power gap to huntress


RoR 1 is old and busted, get with the age gramps.

There is an invisible item called "DrizzlePlayerHelper" that's added to every player's inventory on start if the difficulty selected is Drizzle. It adds a bunch of armor to the player to make them take less damage. Not sure if it does anything else

Most definitely.

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I suggested either replacing an ability that functions totally different on a 2D plane with either a new ability or a functionally-similar ability. (The stun in case you were the type of child who tried to put the square block in the circle hole.)
Also his ult being a bouncing bomb with a longer stun (like it was in RoR1) would be leagues better than Mul-T's current stun grenade.

will keep thread on watch

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>Doing prismatic trials as merc
>Everything going smoothly
>Beetle Queen on 2nd stage
>Hmmm should be easy
>Only goes in for dps after spit
>Aight here we go
>Dashes in, Eviscerate dodged another spit attack

Got to round 17 with Artificer. She has good tools but the main reason I did a metric shit load of damage is because of chain lightning and at least one of every proc. All in all she is fine as she is.

>three commando runs in a row with zero syringes or glasses
>play merc
>syringe printer in second level

>every host is 16 slot unfun bullshit where you sit in a list for over half an hour before start then sit in 1 place and hold m1 for 5 years because enemy hp is so high


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After some deliberation, I've come to the conclusion that Artificer is good and you niggas just suck as her.

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>tfw have already collected quite a bit of Huntress and Artificer art
Have at it, lads

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Huntress is underrated. Glaive is OP as fuck once you get a few items for it.

>accidentally click quick play instead of private lobby
>back out of it
>people inside are gone
>nobody joins again
guess no lobby

now that just makes me want to load some lizards

>calls other people trash
> can't wreck shit with artificer
Don't talk shit when you don't know shit

Runs are miserable if you don't get a feather or two early on. Without some mobility she is just a misery to play compared to others.

Really wish Artificer and Mercenary had a higher base movement speed.

come join

This list amuses me because, with the exception of MUL-T, the exact opposite is actually true if you git gud.

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East coast

dude what the fuck is the gunner drone referred to as in the game's files

how do I unlock more characters?

aah I love these posts from people who haven't played 16 player lobbies

>wreck shit with artificer
yeah ok, that happened
I'm sure you only had a few dozen items
Let me guess, Drizzle?

Attached: ishygddt.jpg (680x680, 170K)

All I need is a couple zero ultra's and im good to go with artificer

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oh, almost forgot, 16 man lobby

What kind of items am I looking for on Artificer? Does each tick of her abilities cause on hit shit like missile launchers, bleed knife, sticky bomb etc? Seems like you want to grab a lot of speed on her to try and keep ahead of things.

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>extra magazines and some proc items
not anything special
engie is shit without fungus and he's still good

epic and based

charges your right clicks faster, get backup mags

>Mouse suddenly moving to topleft of screen after update
>Making the game unplayable

I bought this game for me and a friend. Does the difficulty scale with the amount of players or are we gonna fuck ourselves by duo'ing? Also, is it possible to form a party of 2 and then queue up with randoms?

I was lying user.

Why do I have to be poor? I want to fight this man so badly.

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works on my machine

just unlocked artificer.

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Monsoon or bust. Artificer melts bosses quicker than anyone, including ez mode characters for scrubs like MUL-T without items. You just think stupid thoughts because you're shit at positioning, aiming, and resource management. If you had even half the skill you pretend to have, you would love playing as her.

>Also his ult being a bouncing bomb with a longer stun (like it was in RoR1) would be leagues better than Mul-T's current stun grenade.
It would be better but it would still literally be the same thing, functionally. So Enforcer would play the same as Engineer (low mobility, high reliance on preventing damage while just standing in one spot and dishing out a shitload yourself), have identical M1 to Artificer, and have virtually the same R as Mul-T. Are you seeing why they aren't putting him in this game now? He's a redundancy, not worth the development effort. He needs to have a bunch of changes made to him, and he won't even be that good compared to the current characters. Face it nigga, he ain't gettin' in.

-Mobility Stuff
-Teddies and Healing up the wazoo
Just damage of your choosing. Extra Magazines and crowbars if you go heavy on M2, proc build for flamethrower.

Anything that increases speed, extra mags, and crowbars.

spoiler alert every class is good, its just that some are much better than others

Scales properly, no worries
Still hard as fuck tho

Movement speed and defensive items are a must on her since shes slow as fuck. Cooldown reduction and items that give more charges on skills are great too.


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Point out one (1!) poster who has been avatarfagging
MarielX was a beaner in Mexico who would frequently crash risk of rain threads and matches by picking shit like infusion, Ceremonial Dagger, and Glowing Meteorite. The only other name I even vaguely remember is E34 because he made the guide images. Lurk moar newfag.

artificer is not good

>MUL-T will be nerfed so hard no one will play him again

Attached: 675755.png (640x360, 343K)

where the EU hosts at

I'm waiting for him to be nerfed so I can pick him and not be hated for it because I like going fast.

I didn't even play the game much, but the Remifag is one of the circlejerk guys, you also always refer each other with names.

And the few games I joined all you did was blog about your lives and talk about stupid IRL stuff.

>have identical M1 to Artificer
>standing in one spot
>virtually the same R as Mul-T
b____ r_____

Attached: 1540495714671.png (800x949, 356K)

>every single item I get is defensive
what the FUCK

Friendly reminder that chef will be cut,♨️

until i can ram into bisons as they charge with another class, he will always have a place in my heart

The dev's have said he's only a tad bit op.
I wouldn't expect much.

Is this ok in Singleplayer? My mic sucks and PC is in living room so background noise present from Netflix or snoring GF on couch.

Alternatively, fix his ocular bug and buff up the trash-tier characters to Mul-T levels.
Hopoo I know you're in this fucking thread please for the love of god buff the other characters

>Artificer melts bosses quicker than anyone
you haven't even scratched the surface...

what is the file I edit to unlock characters?

Attached: magisa.png (500x538, 299K)

NA EAST 109775240987798429 4/16

Long Road fucking achieved
I never want to do that again

They only get defensive with you because you act like a real jerk!

Attached: norm macdonald.jpg (1296x730, 130K)

>losing your run because you picked up Wake of Vultures
is there a worse fucking item in this game holy SHIT you'd think that it's great but NOPE killing a shielded elite means you just fucking die late game

Attached: 2l28gov.png (461x349, 79K)

you don't need to use a mic

cube, mags, movement speed, hop sluggo, feathers

>didn't even play the game much, but the Remifag is one of the circlejerk guys, you also always refer each other with names.
Literally Who
>And the few games I joined all you did was blog about your lives and talk about stupid IRL stuff.
I played with Yea Forums quite a bit and never experience this. Unless you're talking about Risk of Rain 2, in which case I urge you to go back to the twitch streamer's chat you crawled out of.

Is it bad that I want him to lose double hold items?

I hate switching gun modes and realizing that the use item I want isn't on that mode.

>thinking that's "melting"

Bruh. I've seen bosses spawn dead

Mod support when?

I want to play the game as cute 2hu characters with custom made abilities.

Attached: 1523562672855.jpg (1000x1000, 92K)

>Didn't get any damage upgrades
>Spent 25 minutes slowly trying to kill three magma worms
>10 minutes into the fight an overloading magma worm spawned

Attached: 1553456717431.png (750x953, 807K)

Commando makes the first impression of this game very sour. Huntress (fuck auto-aim tho) and Fastbot (brobot needs sips really fucking bad) are much more fun. Like heaven and earth.
That said, Commando with afterburner is fun.
Anyways, is Artificer held captive by Mr. Lizard and he put her inna telly?
And what is this item? I didn't use the printer, was happy enough with my current setup. There was also a syringe printer on the same level, but again, I was "happy" with my current setup.

blz no. Hopoo said "Noting people like going fast".

Attached: 20190401224134_1.jpg (2560x1440, 574K)

Artificer's only downside is no GTFO skill. Her DPS is insane though. The only people who think she is bad are scrubs who hold M1 the whole game.

US East

He doesn't need a nerf. The other characters need a buff. Just fix the crit exploit and he's fine. I swear to god Hopoo don't nerf one of the only two fun fucking characters

>without items
Nice reading comprehension you've got there. You're even the one that claimed she was only good with items, and then go and post that.

In early game you need mobility and defense. Teddy, Feather, and Quail are all helpful, as are Goat Hooves. After your first loop, you need to start getting on-hit effects, particularly Crowbar, and Backup Mags + at least one Alien Head. If you don't get all of this stuff, she's complete shit. Remember this when retards who had one good run suck her off.
>literally said "his m1 would be like artificer but with piercing"
>says the character gets 95% DT if he stands perfectly still, but somehow this won't lead to his playstyle largely being sitting still
>literally says his stun grenade would be Mul-T's but better
Why do you even bother replying if you're just going to embarrass yourself you fucking nimrod??

Make enemies have proper collision so I can extend my merc autism by jumping on them thanks

Attached: 1549421115135.gif (487x815, 65K)

where is the timed chest in prismatic trial? someone posted on top of shipping containers. its not there. its not anywhere

should be a separate key to switch equips

You can jump on wandering vagrants

Fuel cell, let's you store an additional use item charge, reduces use item cooldown.

>all these retards that actually believe any characters from RoR1 will be cut
What the fuck would be the point of a sequel if it doesn't include as well as improve upon the original? Why would Hopoo alienate old fans like that?
You niggas 'tarded.

Attached: 1553742170841.png (382x346, 170K)

Literally outed yourself as a baddie, my dude.

Attached: 1552679391240m.jpg (768x1024, 130K)

>is Artificer held captive by Mr. Lizard and he put her inna telly?
>And what is this item?
It gives you an extra use of your Q item, and decreases the cooldown. You don't have one equipped in that picture, so it would do nothing for you, but it's a fantastic item when you have something equipped

I don't know why but the joke of helmeted characters trying to drink always gives me a nice chuckle.

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You can also stand on wisps

>They`ll give Commando his iframes
>They`ll nerf Mult
>They`ll redo Artificer`s ice wall to work like ice qube from Overwatch
>They`ll make it so you can dash in any direction with HuntrAss

Attached: 1554002435_Huntress.jpg (3373x4771, 1.18M)

how do you open up the secret area in level 2?

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Yeah but not to Artishitter L M A O @ u stupid thighshitters can't even catch these fists cause ur 2 slow faggit

Attached: lmao (2).jpg (825x963, 375K)

Her literally only don't side is she doesn't have any mobility skills/ iframes the trade off is all her skills hit like a truck and she has a skill that can install kill low health enemies

What's the easiest way to complete 20 stages? So far I can get around stage 17 with Engi but I always get one shotted by some dumb shit like overloaded worm.
Same question about Monsoon elite boss, when do these start spawn?

>Nerfing the perfect Eurobeat music playlist character
Hopoo you better not

Any class can one shot bosses with a Preon

She have shit sustained damage tho as you can barely use your "R" ability most of the time.

and stone golems. You can stand only on the stone boss' ass tho, not his head

>Decreased everything
>Except Shift Damage
>Now has 5000% movementspeed
>Cooldown removes because it never ends

Attached: 1533609103216.png (583x608, 366K)

So I haven't played as Bandit/HAN-D or any mosters, but I have played in 16 player. I verified my game files after backing up, and also tried reinstalling, and there is no update yet. People who say they've updated are mistaken, there is no screenshot of a build later than 3678136 which is launch. Verifying didn't mess up any of my saves, but I can't confirm if playing a strange character would do anything. I don't think it could since it should just pass over any saves when verifying.

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I had started it when I posted. Got cocky against the Clay Dunestriders and got rocked. I sincerely believe the people who shittalk her are people who hold down the fireball and think
>This should be firing faster, fuck that I have three other attacks!
Like you save your flamethrower for the big enemies instead of it being your absolutely most used weapon.

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Attached: 1548722947876.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

So is the update out yet? And does it fuck up mod saves?

Learn some resource management. You only stop doing damage when you fuck up.

>tfw no lemurian bf

not sure what you're trying to say

>says the character gets 95% DT if he stands perfectly still
never said that, I said it would reduce your turn rate or sensitivity, meaning you can't just activate it and whip around whenever an enemy sneaks up on you
>"his m1 would be like artificer but with piercing"
Also never said that, I said it'd be an auto attack that has a range SIMILAR to Artificer's FLAMETHROWER (her R you fucking dumbass) but have infinite piercing
And his stun grenade, if it is to stay similar to the first game, has to function like Mul-T's, but bounce and perhaps either cover a larger area or last longer, this way it's not just a copy-paste ability

Commando is just bad right now, he's a basic bitch character that can't do anything well due to damage falloff and an extremely lacking DPS output.

Here you go, Risky 1 server.

Attached: risk_of_rain__by_rocketpen-d7rb6hk.gif (700x682, 1.39M)

Yeah I will just stand in melee range on these 4 elite bosses that spawned, nothing can go wrong!

Trying to git gud as engie, how the FUCK do you deal with imp overlords teleporting into your shit

Yes. Modded saves can't be updated.

People think there is an update, but there is no update. People think verifying your files will delete your save, but it shouldn't.

look shit up yourself homo

Attached: TGfqDSv[1].png (948x277, 21K)

ok I give up what the fuck I've been trying for like 10 runs to unlock the 10% life while charging item
can I get the XML line corresponding to this item/some tips? I have literally finished charging the porter at 4 hp and not gotten it lol

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Fuck you, now I want this too.

Why is this game so well received?
It feels like an absolute clusterfuck compared to the first.
There's only 5 maps.
Class balance is non-existant.
The game is AFKable by simply picking engineer.

Attached: 1520527883375.jpg (1254x1770, 223K)

hop away dumbass

>playing with Yea Forums atm waiting for them to finish looting so we can tele
>tfw playing merc and got alien head as first drop
good times ahead

Can someone go into their user data and tell me the name of the achievement that unlocks the artificer? I'm just going to add it to my list because I'm a lazy fuck.

>tfw had a RoR2 copy i was just gonna give away in one of these threads
>tfw all this liking shit happens

Help me out, how do I best exploit this for likes?

Attached: tenor.gif (196x236, 340K)

she's strong early game, falls off severely in damage lategame
these are objective facts

Literal minefields

What the fuck does Bandit's R do? Also does his M2 reset on kill?

At least Overlords give you a heads up, assuming you're not being blinded by 50 particle effects.

Late game magma worms is basically a coin flip between living and dying each time they go underground.

see just check steamdb when people say there's an update
of course your save files aren't going to get fucked, that'd be retarded

mods are gonna be gone, but since we know how to add the mods ,it's gonna be easy as shit to do it again

>tfw no more bandit until someone fixes the mod because I'm too small brain to do it myself

Attached: sad-yeehaw.png (128x128, 7K)

Look for two player-sized circular plates hidden in the sand next to rocks, push pots onto them or stick turrets on them.

In the early game when she doesn't have enough items to have no problems dodging she can melt bosses before they can do enough damage to kill you. Later when they take a little longer you should have enough items to be able to deal with it.
You are bad. Just get over yourself.


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>Class balance is non-existant.
>The game is AFKable by simply picking engineer.
Now you're just lying. A golem will gladly walk in and clap your shit.

>No player number listed
>No region listed

Euro lobbies when?

>just want a good character that isn't super fucking busted like MUL-T or super fucking easy like engineer
I'm gonna play the shit out of this game when we get some good characters

Attached: 1552342510235.gif (540x540, 558K)

Early Access, devs acknowledging changes that need to be made one day after release, fun gameplay, etc.
Also half of your points are just wrong.

link pls, i'll give you a like!

Attached: giev guy.jpg (371x250, 45K)

that was slow as fuck

Attached: 1529013284155.jpg (600x655, 42K)

cringe & redditpilled

I'll still give people roles they want after update

Dunno, desu. I don't really trust anyone's opinion on Artificer because, more often than not, they just suck and don't experiment with canceling out of attacks and such. I'll probably work on my Monsoon run with her over the next few days and get back to you.

>Still can't show any SS of him reaching high number stages on moonsong.

Just copy the files into the folder the readme says. that's it

I'll give you a big hint:
What they've given us to work with and fuck around with is really fun and makes for a really good ground work for future updates, thus this makes for a really good [Fill in the blanks] game.

Mod your save and play as an enemy or a drone, then.

>EU host
>4 players no bandit bullshit
join me 109775240987812562

either play with 2 people or play engineer

>trying to do the 20 levels achievement
>know taking portals counts as a level
>get advice to go as mul-t and rush teleporters as quick as possible
>free BFG on 3rd stage every time and an easy ride for the next 4 or 5 stages with it as a crutch
>best I can do is 12 or 14 on average before I get overwhelmed and annihilated❌

Attached: 1553914813827.png (750x937, 93K)

Thank goodness.
I was worried Huntress would hog all the art.

You can do it as anyone, just roll pots over the buttons

fuckin NICE

Attached: █▀█ █▄█ ▀█▀.jpg (546x415, 34K)

That's why i play merc, he's just in the middle, not broken and good enough to make fun run.

>get an extra person or play engineer
>look around every rock and in every bed of weeds for floor buttons
>stand on them both at the same time/put a turret on them
>there's 2

I'm coming and picking bandit and there's nothing you can do about it♨️

What do you got against bandit?

>4 players no fun allowed bullshit
what did he mean by this

I lean pretty heavily towards merc but man killing magma worms on him is a chore

Attached: 7ef.jpg (600x600, 32K)

What's over there I wonder?

Attached: 20190401063121_1.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

A teleport wall.

Yuropoors hate fun, Brussels mandates it.

>had a ridiculous fucking build earlier
>killed magma worms in two omnislashes
That felt fucking wonderful.

Attached: 65e887ab53b62db9b9ac5fe7b3206583.gif (500x500, 229K)

>REEEE why don't people do meme shit!


If your flamethrower ain't constantly on cooldown, you're playing wrong.

If I'm from SEA, how bad is the lag if I play with US/NA?

Give me Acrid or give me death!

connect to a lobby
open console with ctrl+alt+~ (you might have to swap keyboard layouts if u got a funky one)
type ping
there u go

flame thrower should be last resort
everything else should be on cooldown at all times

user Bandit is legitimately good though, even without a functional R.
>tfw 4k damage crit at minute 30 with M2

>artificer RMB pushes you back a little bit
>can never proc fungi

This is a little annoying. I know you want to keep moving at all times but at least let me spam my fucking RMB if I get in a good spot

Attached: 1531596077152.jpg (320x320, 29K)

Objectively wrong

>meme shit
He's literally an almost done character made by the devs themselves, there's no meme about it.

normal est

Objectively wrong

pls help

>error connecting for me. is anyone else in ?


Find out by joining my game

Nobody came so I shut down. Lemme start it back up.

>talks shit about glorious mage ass
>posts that garbage
Git gud jesus christ

That would be very fitting, given the amount of crazy late game action.

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Does this open somehow?

Attached: unknown.png (1783x1573, 3.17M)

This is true but people refuse to realize it, she has shit sustained damage lategame.

How do you cheat in more lunar coins? Mostly just want to stack up so I can buy orbs for people.

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reminds me of the engineer webm where its all fucked up and edgy for no reason as he wrenches the scout to death

Random chance, sometimes there's a box and item.

Anyone else having an issue with spawning in a new level under the map and taking a free 70% health hit? Shit killed my run on map 16 and I was salty as fuck.

Attached: 1483952887925.jpg (300x222, 9K)


It's random, just like how the ledge to get to the little area by the spawn is sometimes not there.

so, what are these mods and how do i get them?

Attached: 1459999838004.png (300x300, 34K)

Pick drizzle
Pick Mul-T (highest starter health pool)
Rush teleporter
Charge teleporter to 99%
Step slightly out of the red teleporter field
Kill boss
Let the garbage hit you until you're at 30 health
Step back in
EZ achievement


The bloom / hdr in this game is a bit janky. Ogreloading worms especially screw with the brightness and it's difficult to see shit when the screen dims.

Sorry, this one is broken- i messed something up
new link
this one works for real

If I download some mods for the 16 player or the altered appearances, and then verify the game cache to replace them with the defaults...is there any chance of fucking up my save?

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Attached: disgusted crab.jpg (238x241, 29K)


How the fuck are you suppose to chase 20 crabs out the ledges? They never spawn near them.

ugh I've hit a lunar coin drought send help

scroll up, near there's a link about it

or this might work

RNG, but you can climb the cliff to the left side and drop in on the other side, sometimes there's either a lunar orb or a newt altar back there, you can fall off the map to respawn back to normal


Blackhole with 4 charges helped me

I really like this game but fuck me some damage sources should be more obvious. Or maybe the screen shouldn't be so cluttered with effects.
Cause a lot of my deaths are a result of me either not realizing i've taken damage or gettin fucking destroyed by something that just leaves me scratching my head as to what the fuck just happened

Loop. Crabs will spawn on the plains after you see them once in the lava level.

If I go into the celestial portal can I leave it without committing die? Does it count as a stage?

Easiest to do on the fifth level(level 1 first loop). Just be patient and scare them off the edge of the map.

>tfw got it today when soloing a 3 man boss with no items accidentally
felt real nice

The best part about her inclusion is how she outs scrubs. She's a casual filter.

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same way you do it in ror1 with the whorls; lots of patience and hoping for ez spawns near a cliff

Wasn't aware buying orbs for other people to shake things up was a disgust move, little crab.

Attached: 1504433053739.png (300x310, 19K)

need 1 more

rush every level, stop on lava level each time to grind for the red chests since there are 1-3 of them that can spawn. the one in the middle of the map under a cave is guaranteed to spawn every run.

when someone buys me shit, I expect them to have earned that lunar coin
if I wanted to cheat to buy all the orbs, I would have done it myself
fuck you

>dude I just cheated my money so I could buy all the items for people to spice shit up

Someone in a previous thread said that there is always a crab in the merchant area that is super easy to chase off. He also said that it doesn't need to be all in one run. It may take a while, but as long as you always visit the merchant when you have the option, you'll get it sooner or later.
Assuming he was telling the truth that is.

When can we do this in 3D?

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ROR 1 server:

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use the blackhole cube for the pots. It's a pain in the ass to move them otherwise

>tfw can't draw, every time an idea pops up on my head i scribble something but end up throwing it away because its jank
I just wanted to draw some memes with elder lemurians

Has anyone found any files for artifacts inside of the game yet, and force enabled them? The first trial had 2 artifacts enabled, start with 50 gold and randomized level order

Na East 109775240987798429 7/16

You sound like a dude who plays Bandit before release, or as the giant drone who can barely pick up items anyways. You're just asspained that you can't pick up the shaped glass, aren't you, you little faggot?

i did it with mercenary, theres a bug where if you use R towards the ground youll take fall damage, so i just killed the boss and charged the tele to 98% then did that to take myself to 1hp

Do it anyway and post results so we can judge you.

I hope that's true, it would make it so much easier.

>datamining shows fucking HAN-D
>no loader

Attached: manhattan rage.jpg (700x745, 211K)

course I play bandit, why wouldn't I?
he's more fun than half the characters you can currently play

Attached: bandit.webm (960x540, 2.04M)


>missing Swamp, Lava, and assuming the Gold map logs

Attached: mr toad.jpg (890x900, 243K)

HAN-D has a grapple

he has two hit swing combo, grapple, unknown utility & the beetle guard ground slam


Gesture of the Drowned + Hellfire Tincture =

Attached: BURNNNN.gif (405x270, 1.06M)

I rest my case. A dude currently cheating and making the game piss easy by playing a broken, unreleased character is being a faggot about cheating currency.

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they spawn as busted down shit you need to pay to repair

there are fucking cloaked chests?!

For real though, blazing is fucking cancer right now.

damn nigga, you gonna get bored of bandit as well at this rate

>play with Yea Forums
>one guy hoovers up all the items

>shit tier
You fucking suck.

Finally, someone who actually gets it. Things can't hit you if they're dead.

A quail for disengaging, feathers, on-hit items, crit items, death trigger items, magazines, generic durability items. Avoid attack speed. Best use item for her is cube or maybe wings.

Not that I agree with him about not cheating in lunar coins, but bandit is among the weaker characters.

Sounds like the usual RoR 1 Yea Forums games.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in 1st game one could repair fallen drones more than once. And this isn't the case in 2 I guess.

Yup. Just found my first one today. You can walk right through them as well, so if you don't see it when you step on it, and aren't paying attention to the Press E notification, you'll never notice it.

Attached: 20190401171033_1.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>new level starts
>run off while others fight to open chests with the money they earn you
Shared money was a mistake

>One guy took over twice the items of everyone else combined
>Actually stops to tell us to share better
>Proceeds to steal the most next map, too, by rushing sac shrine first
Literally worse than playing with random pubbers

Do any traps play this?

tfw too late


he cute

>Boss is Blazing Elder Lemurians
>Someone mountain'd

Attached: 1514139010354.gif (255x191, 1.75M)

Any easy way to get Rapidfire? +200% attack speed achievement?
Or just find a syringe printer lategame and dump it

Degenerate trannies are exiled to

How do I git gud at mercenary?

I wish the drones weren't so stupid. With a couple of speed upgrades they lag behind so badly that you actually may have to wait upwards to a half a minute for them to catch up.
Also why the FUCK do the healing drones keep healing other drones or each other instead of me? Fucking stop that shit goddamnit.
Waste of money, drones.

ctrl f "coin" lmao

>literally doesn't have a fourth ability
>has one of the weakest utility skills in the game
>has the worst M1 in the game
>relies completely on landing killshots with M2

bandit is weak as fuck, he's just FUN

yeah but where the fuck do they spawn? Are they in random locations, or are they fixed like the other maps?

Rigger and miner are the two guys I really want in the game. I think 3D is the real environment for a melee nigger.

I got 13 syringes from a printer, and still didn't get it.

I miss RoR1 drones. They sort of latched onto you and felt like an extension of you.
These ones feel like derpy dot/hot's with bad ai and too slow movement to keep up half the time

Cool, so we should be meeting cute traps any thread now?

>that one guy who plays MULT, runs around opening all the chests and then converts them all for syringes or other meme build and then reminds everyone to share boss items
I wish my one friend played this game

I believe you need 13 and a warbanner, or 15 total

>permanently connecting.
Hit us up when you're open again.

Who ready for some fucking annoying additions to the enemy roster?
>flying lemurian
>archer bug
>C R E M A T O R

I wish antlion guards & drones didn't get stuck on shit, just give them a teleport if they stay in the same area far away from you for too long, fucking hell

I'm fairly sure it's random and they're not even guaranteed to spawn
I've only found like 4

Random, and they don't seem to always spawn.

>He's always the first one to die somehow

How the fuck do people even die on Mul-T

Attached: B.png (613x474, 285K)

>I suck too much to hit his good skill so he's bad
All his other skills being bad doesn't matter if you just hit M2. If you do, he's the best. If you can't, you are too bad to comment on balance

>how I not get +200% achievement?

>an unreleased character with unfinished attacks and animations is weak
gee I wonder why

no it's april fool's day you normie


Well at least it was fun while it lasted

Attached: 20190401153147_1.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

Fuck you asshole.

>runs around opening all the chests
Chests are first come first serve nigger, you're literally complaining about a normal person.

>bandit is among the weaker characters.
uh negative ghostrider.
I ended the run cause friends wanted to play.

Attached: yeeeehaaaww.jpg (1440x900, 200K)

i only found mine because it was next to the teleporter after i activated it

no EU lobby?

They need to lock in a radius around you and gain your movement buffs, similar to the engineers turrets gaining item abilities

>has the worst M1 in the game
you can rapid fire it by click mashing just like in RoR1

>parents that go apeshit and rush you down
>blazing ifrit that locks you in with him

Attached: 1553913509180.png (725x550, 439K)

Zero chance

Why not play singleplayer at that point?

learn math, retard

>Deaths: 3

>get ror2 from a friend
>have to disable all effects and lower the resolution extremly to run the game smoothly
I'm glad the option is there

Working on expanding the survival selection screen slots, already got every monster showing up on the logbook as a survivor, but the slots are preset to a number, gonna make a while loop that uses the survivorindex count to put a slot for each monster on the catalog, probably gonna remove the ability screen for space, what do you guys think?

Anyone got a picture of that Han D model?

NA East Rainstorm


What fucking line of logic is that?

3 dios, also my knives didnt like me towards the end.

Those brass things kind of take the role of archer bugs already. Stone golems now cover spitter role as well since they have that hitscan laser attack.

when i looked at the video on the store page, some of it seemed like EDF and how you co-op to take out large enemies, and the guy playing in the video was roll-dodging just like an EDF ranger. it is KIND OF similar to EDF? either way, i'll probably get this game today

also those fat crabs
and the nautilus

I did it alone, bros!

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Mul-T's charge shots deal the same damage as bandit's M2 without having a cooldown
once you get past the first few stages & start encountering shit that survives 16 m1 shots and 5 M2 shots you start running out of steam real fucking fast

They also love getting stuck on terrain and standing still while enemies slowly whittle them to death before you've noticed.

>believing what you read on the internet

Attached: it's a meme you dip.png (535x231, 23K)

>mercs R rolls for procs/crits on the ability usage
>with lots of attack speed and a proc, you can get 30+ procs on a single R
merc seems pretty insane desu, not engy level but hes sick

Because you aren't going to be helped by item-less knobs helplessly falling behind

6 Player, NA midwest
Get in here dweebs

oh yes

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Beetle guard gains 200% attack speed from one of its skills if you’re willing to hax.

It's unlike EDF as it actually plays well and doesn't feel like a joke game you see being played in the background in a 90's disney show.

>deaths 3
>probably drizzle
show your teammate's stats user

You'd have a point if this game didn't have shared money.
Stop fucking buying all the items you see while I'm off earning money to do the same.
You're doing fuck-all while reaping all the rewards you gigantic faggot.

Unless you're a dumb faggot who actually farms gold instead of just starting the teleporter at no point should anyone be that far ahead in items without deaths.

What's the point of playing with other people if you're just going to treat them as drones. I'm sure you're having a lot of fun fuckface but the rest of us have three items to share between us to your ten and all we can do from now on is die because we're completely crippled.

Learn to share dickhole.

I just cheated cheated, desu. Just remove - Run.instance.time.

Attached: I'm a filthy cheater.png (1298x728, 80K)

merc is just as good as engie but he has a higher skill floor
just look at all the bitching about worms. a good merc can fight worms while in the sky with his dashes and R

Few more spots open, we'll start in a couple minutes

Why are you standing still lmoa

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Good God you are a miserable cunt and I'm glad I have friends so I dont get to experience playing with dickbags like you