What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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i hate video games
check this 4


Your mom for birthing you.



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What didn't go wrong?

>what went wrong
my digits🐰

Quite literally everything.



Yea Forums’s shit post are the downside of free speech. Not bad at all considering the alternative.

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not enough pylons

vydeo gaems suk

>what went wrong?
April 1st.

Your fortune: Good Luck

Yea Forumsirgins

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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I'm not sure, but this is now a pickle thread


this april fools is the dark souls 2 of aprils fools

Sonygg*rs, e-celebs, and too much "board culture".

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Pic related

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Unironically /pol/'s autism spilling into Yea Forums and all other boards. We were shit, we were autistic, we hated everything, but we had a fucked up kind of homogeny. We would argue, but it would always be about video games until someone posted porn or something to derail the thread but now 90% of threads devolve into politics this and "tranny cucks" that and it's fucking exhausting. I don't want to talk about politics. I don't want to talk about what side did what. I don't care about bullshit that doesn't have to do with anything. I just want to fight about video games with a bunch of other social recluses on a Tongan embroidery BBS. I miss old Yea Forums so goddamn much.

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The lowering quality of April Fools ideas.

>saying we
You need to leave

PC gamers, we should ban them all.

We all exposed ourselves as Redditors.

how did it all go so right?

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Yes. We. Yea Forums doesn't give two fucks about /pol/. It's only you faggots who showed up and went full fucktard MAGA or whatever that are welcoming of it. This is a board for video games. Now it's nothing but Yea Forums 2.0.




Holy fuck could you be anymore of a newfag

you not liking my posts

He's entirely right. Your inability to counter his posts with anything but shitty one line memes is telling.

Blaming everything on one massive clusterfuck of a board while not realizing every other post is either samefag reddit meme bullshit or anime/furfag bait makes you look like a pretty huge newfag. If you wanna discuss video games, start a thread faggot

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Cum dump threads only once a year

he's not wrong..

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>How bad do I smell?
>*sniff* *sniff* quite *sniff* *sniff* *sniff* indeed my dear

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Such a popular hobby on the internet means that this is many people's first board on Yea Forums. These people don't do anything other than play video games, so they just stay here and infect Yea Forums with r/gaming.

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Shitty mods ruining all the fun

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>What went wrong

Over 500 anons liked this post and I didn't even post an image

Rolled 2 (1d6)

roll higher than a 2 for Yea Forums to be saved

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Too much.

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