How do you guys approach the subject of playing with a black gamer?

How do you guys approach the subject of playing with a black gamer?
>playing apex with my bro
>guy on our team is named DeMarcus
>sounds black but cant be sure
>brother asks if he likes glory. the movie
>did you like that movie where they freed the slaves? Good movie huh?
>black guy just says "white people are fucking weird" and leaves game

Whatd we do wrong??
Pic unrelated

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Fuck Niggers

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Uhm thats not helpful I'm trying to learn how to talk to black gamers

Give em the dick

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I cant that would be gay :( and homosexuahomo is an abomination in gods eyes. Die faggots

So are niggers

Hmm I feel like this might be true but I can tall to faggots easily (just say penis and they flirt with u like gay homos) but how to talk to black gamers??

OP's image is right

are you retarded user

About what? If you work one minute you're paid for one minute. It doesnt even make sense.

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No. Why?

I get paid by hour so if I work 1 minute I don't get paid. Also, if I work 8 hours and 40 minutes I only get paid for 8 hours.
Hence OP is right.

No, that's not how it works. If your job is paying you like that you can literally sue them. You're paid for time worked, in any industry in America. If its not, sue them. Right now.

Save for salary of course. Assumption here is that we are talking about hourly employees not salaried.

I'm not american.

>guy I play apex with is black
>call him a nigger
>he calls my asian friend a gook
>they can't call me anything
Team Mayonnaise wins again

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>Team Mayonnaise wins again
>calls me a crack honkey white boy
>well at least im not black

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ok muhammed or w/e your name is
meanwhile it's illegal in proper countries

I know OP is trolling but that attitude is the same reason so many guys are complete turnoffs to girls. They treat them like some special class that they're worried about offending or making them angry or whatever.

People like being treated like people, even "people" who are black, or female. Make fun of them, and if they make fun of you, boom you have a friend.

Or don't, I don't give a fuck.

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That doesn't make OP any less right

>be working at fast food job
>black guy asks me for extra mayonnaise packets

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That dumb bitch is definitely American

I started kicking retards who asked dumb questions to the gal in our raid group. We were a guild of 6 or 7 so we pugged half the raid and every time someone would say something retarded about her being a girl. So she would call them a faggot and we would kick them

You also assumed I was american and you were wrong

If you want to claim that dumb broad for your shithole country then go for it