Who /hype/ here?

Who /hype/ here?

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me actually. never played a porn game before. but I like space and I like titties, and the 3d models look good.

I'm pumped just like I am going to be pumping my dick when this game comes out.

I don't pay for porn games, I'd wanna see what the final product looks like first, and frankly it sounds like it's gonna be full of cuck shit anyhow


Why can't western porn game devs take their own games seriously?
It's always full of childish "humour" and irony.
Regardless, it won't be finished like all of these pojects and keep a patreon going until people forget about it.

Tempted to pay for it anons

But it goes against my not-paying-for-porn principles that I usually abide by

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If it'll make me interact with the game during the sex scenes, then it'll be instantly dismissed and deleted.
Hate that shit when I'm fapping. That's why VNs are superior.

But this is a space game. You need to earn the porn by doing good in game. So think of it as a Space fighting game with porno cutscenes.

Why? Its already funded. If it turns out good, which it wont, you can then buy it on steam.

>studio fow

which is the worst type of porn game. If a porn game can't be played with one hand (better yet, one finger) it's shit

with this much hype the game is sure to be overrated, prbly wont be much of a game... outside of cheesy porn scenes

Lily is the only hot one so far.😃

some extra goodies but also to reach that top funding perk that isn't yet unlocked

Big hype user. Big fucking HYPE

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That chick needs a good BONING

she won't be able to feel her legs toMARROW

because theyre made by people who make porn games

Hopefully there'll be mods. Porn games without mods are shit.

I'm surprised it got so close to the loyalty quests with so many days left. I though it would barely scrape to 300K with the final day rush but now it could actually reach all stretch goals in the end


Stop shilling this shit daily. It's not even close to release.

Isn't what they are doing somehow illegal in the UK?

>It's not even close to release.
but I am heehee

i just wish the girls didn't have gross cow utters and have tits instead


Pledged 20 bucks earlier today.

Looking forward to the game.

based gay user

As long as each breast is smaller than the head all "too big"-complaints are void

$30 tier here.

I see it will be on PS4 as well.

too old

>paying for porn

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Have they made the pricing clear?
As in, which tiers include the actual game, how much it will be on the store...

I can see the clitoris and the labia tho

Fuck this NTR KEK SHIT.
Someone report this please.
Forced rape is shitty.

>constant shilling of a kickstarter porn game
Do you fuckers have the memory of a gnat or something?

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is it just xcom with big honkers?

Don't, its a shitty waifubait
if you are in for the porn you'll get it anyway on the internet and if the gameplay is shit then there is no point in playing

I backed it, legitimately hyped

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Spoken like a true newfaggot straight out of reddit

have a like

For a second I thought that picture was a Sims 4 mod.

How do her glasses stay on?


>that morrigan animation on their website
Suddenly I'm interested

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Looks great. I've never played a porn game but I'm interested.

give me likes you fucking niggers

Kickstarter has a way better track record than Patreon.

This game has a legitimate studio behind it, not a couple guys from furaffinity shilling to pay their rent. In no way will it turn out like Breeding Season.

I meant to support it day one but didnt have funds. Its past pay day, do thanks for reminding me. Loyalty missions is the one I want most.

the sad thing is i'm sure it could be great if it just goes slightly above meme status

>and if the gameplay is shit
no one will ever know if no one ever tries and no one will try unless they get the necessary funds.

since the beginning of time men have sacrificed more than a couple bucks just to get their kicks.
brave prehistoric men shoved their dicks into bee hives only to learn that wasn't such a good idea. now getting your dick into honey combs is an entirely different story.

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Reply to this or I will back the game.

Why not just watch porn?

>Strategic lens flares

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>unavoidable cuck scenes
stop shilling your game cuck

>Believing Studio FOW: the masters of hyping shit up and completely under-delivering.

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>the bioshock video constantly hyped
>only good one was the first 1/3rd that had BAS Liz.

I'm hypedCoin Flip: Heads

Don't forget Colosseum of lust
or that samus video the promised in 2016, then 2017, then deleted the trailer for it.

considering its NTR shit, im going to NTR them out of their money by pirating it

>vanilla consensual shit
>generic looking gameplay
>probably no decent story/wordbuilding
It's shit.

>all of the $750 tiers are gone
Jesus H. Christ

You are like little baby. Watch this.

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I'm worried it'll be mild normie trash seeing as its on steam

They already confirmed bitches will be fucking frog turtle monsters for one thing