Attached: Vergil.jpg (1077x524, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:

still downloading update, does it have co-op?

Rolled 6 (1d6)

if 6 we get coop bloody palace tonight

Rolled 1 (1d6)

if 5 theres coop

Rolled 5 (1d6)


Attached: vergil-devil-may-cry-5.jpg (896x504, 135K)


Attached: 1552230264423.jpg (1920x1080, 123K)

Vergil is kawaii!

Attached: kawaiigil.jpg (606x418, 101K)


Attached: urizenposter.jpg (3840x2160, 2.26M)

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 1552818122862.png (900x649, 614K)

I've been trying to analyze Crimson Cloud's lyrics.
>Save your blood
Keep yourself from harm.
>Stain hell
By killing devils.
>Fire Shadow
Perhaps V is not happy with his performance.
>Have a 'nana
V does look low on potassium.
On Shadow's back, I suppose.

Cute post bellow

I still need to figure out how the fuck to datamine this pak if RE2Hook doesn't work on Win10
and it's not as easy as just running a Win7/8 VM, I need to actually run DMCV to get the file list before I can properly unpack the pak

No. It does have a bunch of cool new stuff, like being able to practice any floor you've cleared and being able to suspend the run on any cleared floor. It also calculates how long you spent on a floor and how much time you gained and shows time net loss or gain.

Attached: 1554055164144.jpg (974x737, 433K)


Thoughts on co-op announcement?

>linear outdated level design
>the worst cringe dialogue in the series
>art direction is horrendous
>muh blood platforms and sewers
>game ends too soon after Vergil
>doesn’t tie anything up
>bloody palace is a fucking joke
>no playable Vergil
What did we wait 11 years for

Attached: Lady_%28Model%29_DMC4.png (208x498, 134K)

Your fortune: Outlook good

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Okay. I said in the last thread I'd post here.
I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but I noticed pic related on steam just now.
If 3, I'm right and multiplayer is coming tomorrow.

Attached: Multiplayer.png (369x670, 136K)

Serious discussion is very cute, yes.

Does santa work

What would Dante’s human half look like?

That's it?

Attached: 1551326173256.jpg (440x404, 10K)

Attached: 1552768850487.png (401x351, 194K)

Attached: 1553878957989.jpg (735x968, 485K)

I want to fuck Vergil, but he ran off to Hell.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

I need (Lady) GF. I'm so desperate...💢

Attached: ll3.jpg (2560x1440, 662K)

I want to marry Vergil and ride his dick all night long.

Attached: 1553831311850.png (448x710, 668K)

What did Urizen mean by this?

Attached: 1554137234816.jpg (800x1067, 132K)

i follow a couple 'style' players on twittter and the amount of niggers whining that 5 isn't exactly like dmc4 is fucking shameful

Attached: fuck you dmc.png (1110x649, 646K)

ye ;^)

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: smug dante.jpg (112x125, 2K)

>play sekiro
>wow, this boss is fucking bullshit. I'd better try it again tomorrow
>play dmc
>wow, this boss is fun as fuck. I should replay it again
Why is it like this?

australian guy from the 90s screaming about chilli dogs and pizza with a skateboard weapon

Your fortune: Bad Luck

You're probably right but some others anons has already noticed that a while ago



I will do my best El Donte impression. Give me lines to say

Attached: 50999D52-D67C-4936-80FE-040F73D59468.jpg (543x766, 104K)

here's your hat bro

>Mine's bigger

Attached: dmc5nero.png (672x372, 197K)

fortune teller, will this user marry Vergil?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Dante is Shaggy Blanco already

bloody palace not having coop confirmed april fools joke, real update coming tonight

>Descendants of Sparda desperate for the party hat

Anyone else feel demotivated to keep playing this game after no co-op confirmed?

Yeah, figured it wouldn't have gone unnoticed, but I've been busy playing all day so I wouldn't know.

Attached: 0010800c-500.jpg (500x280, 34K)

that was me, also where my vergilfags at

Attached: 1554050923405.png (582x586, 199K)

This but with Nero.

Attached: 57233943_p5_master1200.jpg (900x900, 483K)


Remember to invite us to the wedding.

>Donte with party hat

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

right here bro💯

Attached: 1553635294231.png (900x820, 127K)

Fuck, what about Dante then? Will I have more luck?

Attached: 1553975993980.jpg (1280x666, 138K)

>try bloody palace
>progressing quickly, seems easier than 4
>game crashes, killing my progress
Is this what they call artificial difficulty?

Fortune teller, will I marry Vergil?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1553622185721.png (1080x1920, 2.27M)

What did I say that’s shit? The level design is objectively trash and uninspired.

Vergil is extremely cold today

Cavelliere boss with Nero was amazing. Holy shit @ how Nero turns every boss into cheese. His gun and buster is ridiculous. And his aerial capabilities makes most bosses miss their hits kek I want to do every boss as Nero now. Deadweight actually OPweight?!?

Attached: 1554091948458.jpg (954x791, 103K)

you better not be giving up today

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 1553092387632.png (362x488, 216K)

>tfw no hat nor fortune

Attached: 1532024960642.jpg (799x939, 117K)

will this user marry Dante? please tell us, oh great fortune teller.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

I can't, I want the taunts

Rolled 5 (1d6)

If 2 Vergil will get all the likes, if not We all say J word.

Attached: 1554134529077.jpg (253x196, 15K)

free hat

What's the best way to grind orbs using Faust without losing orbs?

what about me
I want to marry dante😃

Anywhere to get the update for a cracked version?



Attached: griffon.jpg (400x400, 17K)

I kinda want to play some DMC3

>Vergilfriends this desperate for likes and (You)s

will Kyrie have twins?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: celine_farach9.jpg (960x1200, 158K)


Not getting hit

>throw hat
>don't shoot👌


Attached: 1552825652332.jpg (1024x576, 46K)

Attached: vergil_hat.jpg (434x161, 25K)

I just want Vergil and COOP BP

Attached: 1529588137287.jpg (181x280, 23K)

I wanna hat

Attached: 12.jpg (2522x1578, 1.3M)

Go ahead

No because I don't have friends

When will Dante and Vergil finally hug?

Attached: 1552370321634.jpg (800x725, 420K)

Your likes.
Give them to me.

Attached: 1553704453000.png (377x465, 345K)



Your fortune: Bad Luck

What secrets do you keep, fortune-tron?


Your fortune: Good Luck

probably same old Dante but looks younger and isn't as cocky

Will literal faggots ever get banned from ruining every thread with their garbage spam?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

V looked nothing like Vergil, so how do those make sense? Come on anons

Vergil is a fag, so hopefully never


Your fortune: Outlook good


You killed Nero and Kyrie's children you dick

But you have him as V

That’s Little Nicky user

>no coop
What the actual fuck? I thought whole point of stupid cameo system was to use online code from Bloody Palace in main campaing. But turns out it's just two gimmicky online missions and no coop in BP? Wish I pirated this game.

Attached: 1415980412592.gif (336x199, 1.97M)

Who's the faggot now?

Motivation level:💯

Me I guess

Attached: birthday boy.png (559x1043, 380K)

But I keep getting hit

It turns out user was the faget all along.

Have fun with your black boyfriend user. I’m sure he will fill your dark soul with WHITEEEEE!!!!

Oh shit

Will Lucia ever come back?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Stop using the party hat

Attached: 1554060181348.png (1280x806, 692K)


I....I-I want a hat...

Attached: 1554128828298.jpg (550x280, 14K)

Hazy like her soul

Heres a hat

Vergilbros where you at?

Attached: 1553995774271.jpg (800x533, 257K)

Okay then, one more try

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

I seriously hope you got a S rank on your first bloody palace attempt

Attached: big_1409271148_1382470060_image.jpg (1280x719, 139K)

Attached: 1553985387595.png (441x452, 143K)

Attached: 1552668200094.jpg (488x488, 60K)

Does the fortune teller hate me? I've been rejected for both twins now.


Get fucked

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Berial > Goliath > Urizen (tree form) > Dante > Vergil
R8 and H8 fags. Be warned, I have better taste then all of you.

Amigos!!! Te amo mis hermanos!!!! Vamos de fiesta!!!!

Attached: 7822646C-F832-4E2C-89E3-F6EB65428AC0.png (500x600, 352K)

is itsuno gay?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Vergil also rejected his human half while Dante's more chill with it.

do you have an exploitable of this?

Attached: 1552364895996.png (538x575, 724K)

By what

Will Nero be the main protagonist instead of that ugly old deadweight Dante from now on?

Your fortune: Good Luck

I won't stand for likemongering of this caliber.💢

alway here🖤

Attached: 1554005464610.png (559x534, 117K)

was it the partyhat all along?

Attached: unknown_75.png (643x633, 371K)

Does the V taunt do good damage?

Attached: 1553016052972.jpg (1200x675, 128K)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

if 2 user will never get a hat, but everyone else will

All my game does is crash now, I can make it to maybe the 11th floor before the game loses audio then a second later freezes and closes. Real fucking aggravating

okay, is he bi?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Dante might be fine with twinks though

V is in your post


No but this was in the data mine.
A new mode has been unlocked: Online Bloody Palace.

Attached: 1553580459762.jpg (401x349, 89K)

Attached: 1554004026803.png (559x1043, 237K)

Why does Nero keep doing the thing?

Attached: scoutburd.png (250x250, 90K)

what the fuck

Attached: 1554072106390.png (400x400, 152K)


Attached: 1535937963221.jpg (553x441, 34K)


well that explains him liking that image of v blowing nero


Attached: 1554007820891.png (337x481, 150K)

very nice

Attached: party_v.png (541x175, 42K)

Floor 97 is hard man, Behemoth animations are so dumb


So what do you guys think is up with the scar Dante has in this concept art?

Attached: devil-may-cry-5-early-concepts-5.jpg (1200x900, 258K)

>Finally figured out balrog but can't style switch trickster properly yet to make the enemies go higher into the sky
Playing so much Nero made me a brainlet and worse of all, I almost press R2 all the time to knuckle.

Attached: 1553704484619.jpg (1094x1379, 613K)

>no way it's real
>wait no error?
>look at tab

Attached: 1533694128893.png (496x430, 122K)

Do what?

Attached: 1554007839401.jpg (1000x1000, 444K)

No way, you got your own.

Attached: 1553516395473.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

Unga brain


Attached: blowjobber.png (815x220, 44K)

Why didn't you tell me i could download deluxe items individually on PS4. I'm playing with Devils Never Cry blaring and it fits right in i feel right at home. I'm on floor 55! I'm kind of bad but i'm rocking shit up! Do i need to finish the BP before i can unlock multiplayer BP? That's a great idea. Punchpunch you guys.

Attached: 1530459488371.jpg (960x745, 45K)

Spooky scary skeletons

You piece of shit

u got me hyped

Attached: 1554005989131.png (559x535, 118K)


That looks great

I geniunely can't get V's playstyle to click.

His summons feels so inconsistent, I don't the summons AI behavior, I don't understand why chaining finishers don't seem to trigger at times, same with royal fork (even when I have DT). It just doesn't feel like I'm in control of what's happening. Which I guess is the point, but man sometimes I just shit out an SSS out of nowhere and sometimes I barely hit A. I just don't get him.

Attached: L9MlEPw_d.jpg (640x523, 21K)

i hope you burn you worthless cuck

A bit too edgy, and he doesn't scar anyway.

What is nero doing to vergil? owo

They were probably taking DMC2 seriously at the time and wanted to show his scars from fighting in hell so long.


Attached: 1552180264716.jpg (3840x2160, 672K)

>got to level 70
>btfo by furies
now the game keeps crashing in BP
fuck my life senpai

Attached: 1553032069734.jpg (1540x1278, 360K)

Good hat, but I don't care for the ultra-cliche over-the-eye scar.

Yikes, is this the game Yea Forums was slobbering all over all this time? Looks like ass

so finally played BP and manged to beat it with Dante first try but i legit got scared with Urizen 1 and Vergil was pretty close to killing me cuz i got cocky with the parries while he was DT and got stunned by his phantom sword, after that i got very cautious, i didnt even bother parrying the AOE judgement cut cuz if it landed i was dead, how was your first experience bros?

Attached: 1552603891138.jpg (960x640, 105K)

I don't like it.

Something to make him stand out since he looks strange with short hair.

Attached: partydante.jpg (606x169, 60K)

I'm glad he finally put those DSLs to use.

fuck, that right one is really hot looking. his hair looks so nice there.

Attached: DSLs.png (812x479, 188K)

God I miss orb posting. 5s orbs ain’t got shit on 4

Attached: 8B2CFE42-897F-4F01-9E4E-310EAF34364A.jpg (416x305, 17K)


Attached: of your sugar or your calories.png (569x450, 266K)

I was thinking
how can the get stabbed through the chest and not have a single cut, but they get many small cuts and bruises through their faces/arms later in the game?

For me it is because the self healing is conscious and they need to focus demon power to heal, and they were too busy to deal with small cuts during the game

thanks for reading my blog
like and subscribe😃

>before update
>40-60 fps
>after BP update
>constant 120 FPS

Attached: 1552674612128.png (390x398, 226K)


>still Ja*ckpot


Attached: tumblr_oi15helrLN1ryw3x4o1_400.jpg (400x509, 21K)

have a pitty like m8

I'm having similar issues honestly. The hardest thing is trying to make Shadow do what I want. He just doesn't feel like an extension of V in the way I was hoping. I don't really understand why sometimes he comes back to V's side in the middle of a fight, especially when I'm charging his AoE, making it useless.

Also, what's the point of the spike attack?


Attached: uncomfortable.png (404x382, 135K)


can someone explain to me what reversals are and why people are mad they were removed.

best track coming by



If he's constantly teleporting to you then you might be too far away from the action. Skewer does a shitload of damage if you land it and it looks cool.


Attached: 1534504362797.png (588x715, 916K)


you change the direction of directional attacks mid input (for example doing stinger away from your target instead of to it)

Spin the stick slower for royal fork

>and here you see we went from DMC4 too many belts and zippers design to DMC5 belt is on the right place only
And is it me or does the DMC4 drawing look different than how for looked?

Attached: DnnshyAUUAA1bAW.jpg (800x534, 57K)

>Nero's dance taunt song is rap/rock
>V's dance taunt is old school pop
>Dante's dance taunt is disco
What did they mean by this?


Attached: this again.jpg (1920x1080, 437K)

Wondering if this is different hair than what's on Vergil and might fit Nero better for mods.

a reasonable opinion, however FUCK YOU

Big AoE knockdown and parries, like Round Robin basically
Use it defensively not offensively



If you bufferedvan input but then turned lock on off and turned away you could preform it backwards. This was useful because you could use shit like reverse stinger to get away from something.
People are mas because it's lost tech

>Yea Forums won't teach me how to check score or my fortune.

why do you hate me so much? ;__;

>choked at level 82 as V
That's 1 hour and a half wasted

Attached: 1553530188579.jpg (720x817, 58K)

Approved, it sounds not bad at all.

Attached: hank music.gif (480x280, 1.06M)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

FIVE (5)

Attached: 1553895789566.png (500x1943, 515K)

Click perks next to the options bar

thank you mr skeltal

the options field darling


Zoomer, Hipster, Boomer
the holy trinity
holy shit someone stop this lad

Attached: motivated.png (146x144, 53K)

Did any devs explain why they chose to remove it?

in your options field you put in "showscore", like me for the help. for fortune you need to get a score of 200

Next to the options faggot

Is there an Animorphs meme of this?

Are you supposed to kind of be in the thick of it? I try and stay out of the fight but maybe that's part of the issue.


>pickle rick
i had a feeling and i still took the chance anyway

you have to unlock it first by liking my post

shadow will come back to you every time you side step

I know that a Nico tummy can rack up a dozen likes, but how many can we get for our boys in blue?

Attached: boys in blue.png (1363x719, 1023K)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

if 85 Nero and Kyrie will never have kids




Has Yami returned?

Urizen 1 and 2 are legit harder than Urizen 3

Attached: 1553930440441.jpg (1150x696, 507K)

>Stops you mid air

Attached: Fuck you.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>our boys in blue?
v is green tho

show me your motivation

How did they make her tummy look like the softest thing on the planet?

Very nice.

I want art of an animorphs cover of regular dante turning into really buff version of sin devil trigger dante.

Will I ever feel the insides of the demonbucci

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: A64EA889-EC89-4A3C-8B8F-F3A55EC534A7.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

>2 of 3 are in blue

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Royal (1)GUARD

>V's dance is old school pop
>old school
i mean if you consider the 50s old school and singing in the rain "pop"..

Attached: 1552529974969.jpg (500x500, 32K)


shit that was close

Attached: pizza.jpg (250x250, 14K)

I do wonder why they made his green and yellow. Odd choice.

Yes, but nobody believed their excuse. They said a tester "accidentally" did it and reported as a bug. Said tester must be a madman because the only way you can accidentally reversal is if you're mashing the lock on button.

Doing proper reversal require specific timing to release lock on. If you release lock on too early, the input buffer would not register, if you release lock on too late the reversal will be just normal moves. 11 years playing DMC4 and I never accidentally did a reversal.

Congratulations user

Attached: 1552370238107.png (181x180, 34K)

Someone in an earlier thread found that Shadow has a decent leash, but he'll reform near you if you're beyond like mid-distance. I like to stay in the middle of things because full aggro V is fun

Attached: 1552519065940.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rollan 4 for coop

Attached: 1553650993527.png (600x625, 482K)

Essentially they are just being quiet as fuck about Vergil and Online Bloody Palace. Fucking why?

Post Vergil smiles now.

Attached: 1554072138325.jpg (329x357, 14K)

Thanks, it only took me all day💚

Attached: 2831D9D6-9A0C-48E0-A8F2-D9844425B0BE.jpg (1024x576, 99K)

So players have more control over their character. Which is fucking stupid because accidental reversal are basically non-existent.

> fuck yes, bloody palace
> can't wait to play as Dante
> die to the Empusa queen at lvl 13
> my fucking face

Attached: 1553466169101.png (458x937, 398K)

Yes, when he's dead

its supposed to be based on the Gilver costume

Attached: gil.png (555x606, 337K)

Attached: D1yg14BVAAEhh47.png (601x401, 83K)

>Vergil is disappointed that his '''''''''son''''''''' was a tranny all along



Attached: 1552866207512.png (680x597, 108K)

If we get no co-op Bloody Palace aren't the files there to someday mod it?

Rolled 1 (1d6)

If 2, we get playable Lucia.

Attached: 1552620061694.gif (480x270, 3.5M)

Attached: 1548922544481.png (370x420, 228K)

>Nero got his Habsburg chin from Gilver all this time

Attached: 1553999290951.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)

Attached: 1553453434798.png (900x881, 1.25M)

Who's the most OP character in this game? I'm inclined to believe Dante cause of quadruple S

They can't just spoil they're future content dude.

Wait, the perk puts the party hat on a picture?

Attached: yusuke.png (309x308, 70K)

We need a DMC version of this

Attached: 33968F5F-C07A-48D9-967C-05CF11CB82ED.jpg (640x640, 230K)

>not happy he can now fugg his pucci and dominate him like a real man

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン


Attached: 1554137454616.png (1011x1200, 879K)


Why do you want Lucia? She's ugly

maybe Nero is more up your alley user remember you are only a casual if you give up

Attached: 1553221281705.jpg (574x574, 53K)

It's not the dice roll, but digit checks out

like this post or else your s ranks will disappear overnight

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1552304649788.png (628x552, 504K)


You're ugly.

What you lack

Attached: 1553633606685.jpg (3840x2160, 3.16M)

Lucia a cute! And I kinda like her play style and wish to see it expanded.

Your fortune: Average Luck

There needs to be more art of the complete Vergil family

Beat BP (as Dante) on my first try. Is it easier than 4 or did I git gud? Was great fun either way, looking forward to doing it with Nero and V.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.55M)

Will Vergil come put me to sleep

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

>Barely scrapped through a couple of the levels on BP, even with Super Dante.
Fuck I'm bad at this. That Room with like 6 fucking Death Scissors can go fuck itself, same with the room with 3 Behemoths.

Maybe that is why I feel out of control a lot. I'll try changing up my style to have V more in the middle of fights.

I guess with that, when are you safe to read? Should I be doing that often?

Rolled 2 (1d6)

I don't even have that many S ranks, but if 3 I get to keep them and you'll also buy me a pizza

Rolled 81 (1d100)

if 99 we get vergil for 5 bucks or less

Jesus Kyrie has a phat one. How?


Attached: immunity.jpg (480x600, 53K)


Attached: vergil.jpg (631x913, 222K)

That's incest

who gives a shit about coop

Is there reason I can only see it on Chrome and not Firefox?

It actually is past my bedtime, just five more minutes, Vergil, I swear.

Attached: 1552836121134.jpg (1920x1080, 926K)


Attached: 1537191610744.jpg (294x294, 19K)

Kind of sad only a few hours left

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

You need to use partyhat and don't attach a pic with your post

>wanted BP to have co-op so I could play with all you cool cats
well alright itsuno

Attached: 1554083348335.png (1280x813, 906K)

you are both wrong

>aggro V

Attached: BLOODSTAIN.webm (640x360, 1.96M)

the whole game is easier, just as 4 was wasier than 3 unless you played Nero and abused buster

>Fight Malphas as Dante
>man this is going to be a chore
>Cavalier compleatly rapes her
>fight is over in a blink
well that was depressing

Attached: 1553235814676.jpg (640x640, 33K)

Made to breed out more of Sparda’s kin

Attached: AB55BAA0-B41A-4DAF-8A3F-981102F98298.png (966x1013, 621K)

I want to be savagely raped by 2 Furies as they pound me from both ends!

Goddamn, Vergils PC is breaking reality


I just realized that can't be the real cover of the book. It has a big V on it because Vergil was forced to always write his name on things to make them truly his. This is just an advanced version of that.

Attached: 1553975192495.jpg (900x650, 78K)

Its a shame that they spent so much effort on V NOT being Vergil pre-release when its the most fucking obvious thing ever

We could have gotten cool-ass Gilver instead if they had just let go of that one thing. V is my one problem with the game, even though I enjoy playing him.

Let’s see

is this an evolved fujo

will Kyrie have an even bigger butt on dmc6?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Why is Devil Trigger such a good song I can't stop listening to it
please help

Rolled 5 (1d6)

>cant roll a 0
this is useless desu

Attached: 1535426317926.jpg (592x555, 185K)

Rolled 22 (1d100)

CHECK THIS *50-59*

Attached: ur a fagget.png (1280x1476, 1.74M)

oh well i tried
how do i roll for my fortune bros?

How does it compare to clearing DMC?

Also, can you only resume from a floor if you manually quit? If you die you start over?

Can you quit right before dying to restart a floor?

>very bad

give me likes

Attached: 1552618397034.png (310x440, 323K)

Oh good, we want it squeezable, not seriously overflowing.

Attached: 1552593694044.png (800x633, 314K)

will her tits at least be bigger?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

no it's a Yumejo

Post them favorite quotes boys!!!

>Dante: Look at you, making a big dramatic entrance and stealing my spotlight!
>Vergil: Well... you don't possibly believe that he deserves to be our main event, now do you?
>Dante: Now that you mention it, you're right.

Both. haven't done dante yet only Nero

Guess we go back to replaying mission 13 over and over

for all the anons that are yet to play BP or strugglign tor each floor 98 and beyond, Urizen 1 is just the crystal once you break it you are moved to the next floor, so dont waste your resources

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Will Kyrie be pregnant in DMC6?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

whats frog?🐸

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>Clearing DMD


Guys, since the new bloody palace update the denuvo-less exe doesn't work and my performance has dropped significantly.
Do any of you know any solution? Has this happened to any of you?

Wise words friend

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>Nero eating Vital Star
>There are no Vital Stars

same magic that makes the van invincible
>that moment when you realize you've been sitting in the shop menus for ages just staring at Nico's tummy

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How the fuck is V meant to fight DMD Urizen (Throne and Standing)?

Will it be twins?

Your fortune: Outlook good

Hopefully someone else can chime in on this because I know I don't use Nightmare as often as I should. Most of my DT comes from taunts and cane slaps.

Because he ate them all.


oh shit son you're right

Oh god, Kyrie being pregnant means her ass and tits will expand. As well as her thighs. Jesus

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take the subhumanpill, user

Gib sauce


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Tell me about the Divergance, is it the all characters on all missions mode ???

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>I don't really understand why sometimes he comes back to V's side in the middle of a fight,
Same used to happen to me, it's basically you being too far away from the action. If you move in a little closer, Shadow should stick on the enemy.

What will his inevitable ex dance be?

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Nero being Sparda 2.0 fucking CONFIRMED!! The man followed Spardas wise words of Thick Thighs Saves Lives, But Thick Thighs In Thigh Highs Are A Dicks Demise

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>that BP with the 3 furys

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uhhh guys, i think i figured something out
V = 5
this is the 5th devil may cry 5 game
v is vergil
i dont know what to do with this information
venom snake

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It says it right there you Devil Trigger

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someone tell this boomer that doing that only works if you're a theatre kid or a 50s dapper

1 million iq user


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pls female twins

>ywn eat out Nero's pussy

It's not that bad

I was on floor 60 fighting cavalier angelo
Then my game crashed my display driver(which usually only happens in mission 2 during the V cameo)
Now all my progress is lost because the game only creates a suspend point if you do so manually

I love king Cerberus's theme song

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>How does it compare to clearing DMC?
Byt the later stages enemies are DMD versions, but it feels like bosses are in a weird state between SoS and DMD, but Im basing that on my disbelief that I actually did it, cause I don't think I'm that good.

>can you only resume from a floor if you manually quit? If you die you start over?
Yuh. Nice quality of life feature. Another new feature is that you can jump to and practice on any stage you've previously reached.

>Can you quit right before dying to restart a floor?
Dunno. Don't be a pussy


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just use the dual K lazer, it fucks them good, there is another mutli fury room later too

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this almost ended my first run. couldn't put in the right directional input cause they kept teleporting all over the room.

what's with the RE Engine and guys with butt chins?

>Vergil identifies with Griffon, V, Urizen, Nelo Angelo, Nero’s Devil Bringer

Check fucking mate

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woah holy shit

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Seems to be but we will see.

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Rolled 1 (1d6)

If evens I'll play DMC5, if odds I'll play DMC 5 for POWER


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Has a drawfag got in on this yet? I want this poster.

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Anons, will I be able to no item DMD, even on the V missions? Give me some good fortune. Will I manage to land a Trish gf

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I hope that's the case.

Dan is cute

>parental advisory
Yeah lemme just call my mom in so she can watch me look at gay sfm porn. not underage btw

>Chris watching in the background


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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

No, that means she'll have saggier tits like an old woman, she'll be fatter in all the wrong places and she'll have stretch marks on her stomach and ass. And since all the mothers in DMC die one way or another, that's the least of her worries.

you are a real scum suck fuck. this is not how you get likes. i know i'll never give you one more like ever ever ever horrible person.

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Only if you hit 1000+ points

too ravey for a Dante fight in my opinion

V's missions aren't that bad

Will it come true

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

will i ever get to be embraced in the comforting twig arms of v?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

There's more breather floors (roots/green empusa) and also more generous with time (or maybe because enemies don't stall around like 4's blitz and mephisto, scissors also seems to be more aggressive than in the normal game)

>it feels like bosses are in a weird state between SoS and DMD

I'm fairly sure this is the case, there's no way the later bosses are the DMD versions. They don't have enough health, even though they do still DT. I don't know if DMC4 bloody palace was like this, cause I never got very in that one. I can't tell if 5's BP is just super easy or I just managed to gir gud. Maybe a little of both.

Nigga have you SEEN EVA? She had fucking twins and retained that body of hers.

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Turns out I was right!
Fucking lol. Suck my dick you computer illiterate redditors


Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Sorry user, V's inside Vergil now.

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rollan for vergil

Will I ever get a spooky skelly V bf?

Your fortune: Good Luck




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JACKPOT and deadweightpilled

Yes please, will I?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Poor u

Haven't had the chance to play BP today, do Devil Breaker refills spawn for Nero? If so, how often? Trying to plan out an equipment set/

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So the guy he was modeled after?

She's an exception then, and she's still a dead mom. All the things I described happen regardless of the number of kids anyway.


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Every 10 floors IIRC



Your fortune: Good Luck

Rolled 1 (1d6)

1) V is a bottom
2) V is a top
3) V is a powerbottom
4) V is into BDSM
5) V is into pet play
6) V is into food play

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wait when



Your fortune: Excellent Luck


I don’t think you know how DMC women work lad. Kyrie is pretty much Eva 2.0. Plus it’s capcom. Aging has no meaning in this series. Look how old Jill and Ada are.



Your fortune: Outlook good


>first fight between dante&nero
>nero straddles him in the air and bites his gun
Anyone else get hot🐪

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Rolled 4 (1d6)


Can someone with the power of fortunes tell me if I will ever get good at DMC

Some drawfag has already did this

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Nigga Chun Li is 43.

dont forget to like

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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>vergil a bottom

Does Nero get breaker drops in BP? I can't imagine having to clear the whole thing with only 8 arms.