Is he right?

Is he right?

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why are souls fans so boring


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Yes, he is


I agree but this guy is putting way to much value in winning video games with this "winner get to feel like real winners" shit. You'd think he was talking about something like actual sports.

Based XChad. Looking aout for the real gamers and not some fag weakwilled trannies who only play pretend in the most literally of all senses.

I'll give you a (you) because thread hasn't taken off and you clearly tried

How am I wrong? You can't just call shit b8 because it upsets. Beating a video game is not an accomplishment by any stretch of the imagination.

The "I don't like thing, they should change thing to my liking" mentality is absolutely insane
They wanna be part of the secret club but not work their way in

>Secret club

lol you need to get a life


Lazy deflection faggot

Apparently it is now and everyone wants a participation trophy

Not really, the idea of adding an easy mode is that the game can maintain its current difficulty but also add a cushion for retards. That said the argument for adding an easy mode is fucking retarded, it's also ironic that the same fags calling gamers entitled shits feel entitled to games being easy.

Or they just want to have access to the thing they paid for.

People who obsess about difficulty to the point that they gatekeep others just come across as really needing a win in their lives.

??? They have access to the game though
They can play it to their heart's content

They have access to it, nothing is restricted, but like a DVD has the implied assumption you're smart enough to use a DVD player, a game has the implied assumption that you're smart enough to play a game.

>i'm a REAL WINNER because I beat a videogame
he sounds like a faggot tbqh
and he's on twitter so he's probably a retarded faggot


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You can open any page on a book you like, any timestamp of a DVD, games are the only media with a restriction like that.

There are plenty of people who have kicked up over this in the past, and easy mode is just an iteration of that.

have sex

Is Dingaling over his white guilt phase?

wtf books don't cater to the illiterate, they need a retardese printed version.

You seem confused about what the "thing", playing the game is the content, playing it is what you're supposed to do with a game
If you don't like to play that game, don't play it
Find some other game that you do like playing and play that, simple as
Or why do you insist on being part of the "crowd that plays that game" if you don't actually like it? If you just want to see what happens, watch somebody else play it, you don't even need to pay anybody anything for that
Some fags just want to own the thing and be able to say "I own the thing and I played the thing and I beat the thing" but don't actually want to play or beat the thing
How is that not fucking retarded? Do you unironically think these are the people devs should cater to? Those who treat playing and beating games like some kind of e-status symbol and just collect "vidya clears"


he is right

however soul game are frustrating piece of shit rather than games you could actually call hard

>I want to see that horror movie
>But it's a bit too scary for me
>Can you make it less scary so I can watch it?

>I want to see that horror movie
>But it's a bit too scary for me
>Can we watch it at home during daytime?

He's being a bit dramatic about it, but yes, he's absolutely right. These people come across almost like incels, feeling that they are literally owed easy modes and then going sour grapes on these games when they don't get their way.

I watched Terrifier with my friend at mid-day and he was still spooked

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wtf i love xbox now

>buy book
>can't understand the words
>>wtf they shouldn't use words like this it's wrong where are all the pictures I'm being ripped off give my money back

>he actually plays on easy mode

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XCOM will whoop your ass on anything above easy if you're not a seasoned veteran