Vinesauce Vidya Thread

Why is he so perfect bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

im a little gay for vinny ill be honest

Whos going to TooManyGames, just to meet this jabroni?

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How do I beat the Vinny boss, guys? I've been at this for four hours.

Combination of his chill and dorkiness

>tfw vinny has this fine piece of ass on tap
how does he do it lads?

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>For me, it's Mike

inb4 thread get's flooded with
>zoomers who don't know vin
>boomers pretending Yea Forums never liked vin

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Her face looks kinda like my ex. Probably just the makeup and lighting, because my ex's body looked way different.

Still made me do a double-take.

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Tell me about Vinny
What does he like the Miku

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he deserves better

no one puts cheesy on his peeny or slathers sauce on his balls quite like her

not watching his sekiro vods until it's all on youtube, how is he at it?

he's shit though to be fair he's not all that far in yet so hopefully he gets better.

I just have vods on my secondary monitor as background noise and watching vinny struggle is fun, so I don't mind a long playthrough
I just hope he finishes it and doesn't drop it

I want to watch him play another Silent Hill game, I also want a Silent Hill game remake the same way RE2 was.

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waiting for him to stream Banjo Tooie before E3 so his announcement magic will give the bear a chance in Smash

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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i wish i was vinny

Why do they hate eachother?

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you mean joel's italian persona?

Check the filename lad


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Has the Vappy situation been explained yet? I always seem to miss "important" shit on streams.

waht vappy situation?

Vappy got fired and doesn't do Fullsauce shit anymore. Vinny said he'd explain.

Does he wear the hat because he's bald?

Has Vinny done a movie/vineyard stream lately? I swear the last time he did one was as far back as last year and I usually don't miss them as they have the only decent members from chat so children and furfags are hardly there shitting it up

okay. Well someone is still uploading so I don't mind honestly

Vappy was never fired.

vappy got fucking axed for being a degenerate, it's about time Vin cracked down on these fucking furries

>Vappy was never fired.
He got replaced for Fullsauce uploads, deleted all of his Vinesauce vids on his own channel, other mods have said he didn't leave of his own volition, and Vinny's been keeping quiet about it. He got shitcanned.

Yeah I did, still no clue who that is

>deleted his vinesauce vids
I hope someone makes a proper archive.

>Vinny will never notice you

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>vappy pls cut

>these threads can't help but be flooded with people desperate for drama and peeks into people's personal lives
the gossip mindset is a fucking plague

anyways vinny's super monkey ball 2 stream is fucking kino and that hour long single level attempt is great

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>mfw Vinny has replied/vocally responded to several of my chat messages over the years

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Agreed completely, I love vinny and his streams but I’m not interested in his personal life and people should just give the dude his privacy.

what's all this then?
what's the story behind this?

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>tfw vappy got cut

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Every time he's replied to me it's been in a mix of disgust and shame since I get him to say horrible shit out loud.

This is fake faggot. Fuck off with this shit.

How'd you manage to find info on this thot?
She leak any chats like the last bitches he sperged out to?

Someone’s fan fiction.

chat was a mistake
quality goes way up when you watch his stuff without it

>tfw chat rarely but been read aloud every other time

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Hi Cap!

>t. SgtFgt👌

modern vinny > depression vinny

Believe it or not he does read chat and will just randomly respond to people. If you’re in chat constantly every single stream for years it’s bound to happen.

No, Vinny just retweets her art.

This is true, I never tuned in live and it's great

Every fucking thread, you are the saddest nigger alive, Cap

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Half of it is vinesauce art, so not much to read into there..

He retweets a lot of dumb art hoes art. Doesn't mean he fucks all of them. Seeing as that one's like 10 years younger than he is, even with the large tits, I doubt he would try it.

>say some dumb shit in chat
>vinny reads it
>give legitimate advice for the game he's playing
>get ignored

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I think he has a fine taste in music, and has introduced me to a lot of good stuff through his streams.

What is this faggot's problem?

>Put mac demarco into a spotify mix
congrats you now have vinny's entire discography

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Dunno, I've just noticed many times over the years Vinny has responded to shit I asked him or stated in the chat, plus I've watching the stream since 2012-2013 so I think by now he just knows I'm a long time viewer, don't even know him irl or anything like that, would like to but I live in a place where I don't see myself meeting with him at a con anytime soon or at all

you must be obsessed if you think vinny is anything but a scarred asexual

Tag him in whatever you write in chat and try to actually say something of substance or sheer stupidity and he's bound to read it. Also make sure to do it when he's not doing something attention-grabbing.

Doesn't vinny like turn 40 in a few years

I don't like it

He'll be 40 before 2030

He's only 33 I think

google vinesauce fireden capicoli

vinny is good but hes become a bit too passive aggressive and he has a new laugh that sounds ultra forced. its the one thats really fast and really high pitched to the point it sounds unnatural and almost sarcastic

wow this is pathetic. five year grudge

I'm convinced he's only able to spot my shitpost comments and not my genuinely good advice

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When did you start watching Vinesauce? I remember the first stream I was actually engrossed by was Joel's Deadly Premonition playthrough. These days I can't stand Joel though.

Shame his music isn't all that great.😂


He hasn't done one since November. I think there was something about Ustream or another service and having to pay to stream there. Im glad I archived what I could from those pepsecret nights.

>chat was a mistake
so much fucking this

I didn't catch his streams until 2013, I think around the time he ditched chatango for Twitch. I think there was a lot less furry infiltration at that time.

What is the most kino sunday stream?

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Whenever he streamed the Fantastic Game, so apparently sometime in early 2012. I absolutely lost my shit at that one.

the one where he showed jerma.exe

i think i randomly stumbled upon their videos on youtube. either someones channel or a compilation channel.

it had clips of the different streamers and only the ones labeled vinny were funny. i figured that was the end of it but i somehow discovered that wasnt a shared lets play channel and those were in fact stream clips and vinny had his own actual channel. then from there i found the stream and debated joining chatango but realized im not the kind of queer who does that kind of chat shit for attention

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I bet you posted this yourself. There's always one of a few female artfags posting in these threads, pining after Vinny and how much of a "sad boy" he is. It's pathetic.


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About early 2012, with the weird games, and the snes corruptions. They were pretty funny, but I haven't seen him much since

>join vinesauce discord
>some of the mods are edgy, brooding 15 year-olds
>still can't escape the blind nintendo favoritism

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he used a brb image i made for him once

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imagine preferring vinny over joel

Started in 2012, stopped in 2015. That was around the time Vinny started getting less depressed and too memey for me.

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And each one thinks they'll be the manic pixie dream girl who will waifu him finally.

Is this real? There's no way

>Vinny laughing at Jerma laughing

I will never not watch the whole gif

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it's not

Don't worry about it.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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Joel is the epitome of "obnoxious streamer who's only popular for screaming memes".
He's enjoyable when he's not talking about memes or being loud and obnoxious but that's rare.
Though Vinny has a pretty equal amount of gripes with his rambling about stupid shit and his own memes.
Also Vinny is hypersensitive to any negative comments and his mods ban anyone who says anything negative about him where Joel doesn't care as much.
At best I'd say they're both equal but if I had to pick one to watch it wouldn't be Joel.

how do we save him, lads

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my favorite parasocial relationship

>hold on guys check this out
>*pauses game*
>*finds dumb image while snickering*
>*displays image*

The only thing thats unreal are his luscious knockers t b h f a m

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joel’s accident is weird

Never liked this faggot or Giantbomb
Suck my ass newfaggot nigger

Don't ever post this again

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Amazing fortune


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Hi Vinny

Whichever one of you fags made him and mike completely lock down their facebooks, kys
also Desert your're a nigger

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when is he streaming mbz 2 again
i need more kanna art

>vappy stopping uploads on fullsauce and privating what's on his own channel
>vinny being purposefully vague about it
So do you guys think Vappy is an area rug or car seat covers now?

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I want to see his reaction to Kanna. Both him and Joel get pretty uncomfortable about anything sexy.

What happened?

Joel has kind of turned into a passive aggresive asshole over the years, moreso than he used to be

>The whole controversy with the fullsauce upload of chrono trigger being heavily edited and cut during the sewers part
With how much aids infested dried crusty cum is on that hide, throw the whole thing out.
And burn it.

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but that isn't Joel

>joel gets meaner every day is a legitimate opinion now
o i am laffin

>It's the legitimate one!


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>unironically posting Reddit e-celebs.

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Wait, what? What did he cut?

Can we talk about Jerma here? I watched him play Sekiro and he has effortlessly fucked over plenty of bosses that i personally struggled with. Is he usually good at games or am i just terrible?

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vappy's bf was bitching at vinny and vinny owned him, so vap cut all of that out

Isn't fullsauce shit supposed to be unedited? What the fuck is this shit? Stop altering potentially the only fucking copy of the video, faggots.

>tfw his comfy animal crossing stream edits had furry porn hammered into them for no fucking reason
So glad Vinny has more editors now holy shit

he's a soulslike savant

In my experience, I think Vinny, Jerma, and NL are the only streamers that Yea Forums seems to almost universally like.

His boyfriend at the time liked to be antagonistic towards Vinny in chat and it boiled over at the sewers for whatever reason. Vappy cut a lot of it out to save face.

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how’d I fuck that up

One day, when I'll finish my game, I hope Vinny will play it

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Vidyabum is the best vinesauce streamer. Also anyone else enjoying KY playing Myst?

Felt good when I helped him find secrets in mario odyssey multiple times

Jerma is disturbingly good at games at times.
This is the man who beat Jevil in one try.
And died to pinwheel.

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>Northern Lion
No I'm pretty sure thats just you faggot. He is max plebbit tier
>Egg is my favorite streamer hes so genuine he honestly likes playing the game and streaming XD

>for no fucking reason
Maybe because the characters are inherently sexual? Like the red and black dog bitch for example

>for no fucking reason
Oh come the fuck on, dude. If you actually watched the streams live, the chat was nonstop cumming for Lolly and Cherry. only time that kind of furshit was warranted, for the context

anywhere where I can watch all this?

I thought KY stopped streaming a while ago? I like Myst, but I always thought his content was boring and he played too many indies.

Are the full vods still up anywhere?

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The only people that visit e-celeb cancer threads are zoomers that gossips about their favorite celebrity, of course it's mostly going to be positive things people say about them.

post the best Jerma green screen video RIGHT NOW

I got noticed by vinny multiple times in a week by just referencing this

Only thing wrong with his streams is when he pretends to be a retard. Also watching him melt down about people not liking the witness when it came out was hilarious.

It's his eyes. I wish I could have a date him just once and just let me stare at them.

Dude, remember that time Vinny robbed a bank in New Mexico? Crazy shit.

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Unlike you, southbird and vappy, I don't think about fucking dogs in the ass a whole lot

Vinny actually hitting gud for the vergil fight was fucking god-tier and I hope that be plays DMC3

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This is supposed to be funny... entertaining? Isn't this site supposed to be for 18+ only?


motherfucker that was the one i was going to post

well not irl dogs of course

seethe more

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holy fucking cringe

he look like a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you have the sense of humor of a six year old you fat ugly loser

I like his RP voice

Beat me to it.

for some reason this one made me laugh the most, still does. It's jsut ridiculous

>reads a fair mix of both shitposts and genuine posts regularly
heh later losers looks like i'm getting laid

Yeah it's just one of those things where you wanna fuck the thing that's extremely similar to the real life counter-part but there's absolutely no connection at all, I'm sure all the people who post on loli threads would agree


Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

>When he literally orgasms from finishing him off as Nero

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Holy shit these are fucking cringe. Are you 12? This is like those weird spiderman elsa videos the kiddies watch, or those 3D animations made by poo in loos.

>waiting for sekiro part 4

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>shitting on All your Base
This website is 18+ you faggot.

hi grillmaster

come on, you guys normally have better insults than a bunch of buzzwords, try a little harder

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in case you haven't noticed, pre-recorded green screen acting does not give you a lot of freedom in content creation

is there an archive of this

please literally hang yourself

There you go that's better. You just have terrible taste.

I've seen NL threads reach over 500 posts here man, I don't even really like him that much compared to Vinny or Jerma but Yea Forums sure seems to

i can smell the underage from here on this post.

It's just what you would expect from the guy that beat Dark Souls on stream.

>had a chance to meet him in New York Comic Con last year
>couldn't find him
Kinda sucked, NYCC was fun though.

I think I started watching Vinny in late 2014 or 2015. I can't remember what game he was playing when I first caught him live though. I also can't stand Joel recently too.

>all these replies of people saying he read their chat messages
>not playing games on stream while voice chatting
you're never gonna make it bros

>that fortune
oh no

I'm 25, faggot.

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Didn't know about the Vappy thing but know I'm interested

Who here has actually met Vinny at a con?

The only time I got noticed was when he was wondering what RPG he would play next after Mother 3 and said he would never play a Xenoblade game.

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He isn't. He only pretends he is a grounded person. He will ban you if you tell him you stop complaining about the game.


no clue, was definitely one of his corruption compilations though

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Vappy is a degenerate furry and Vinny is trying to cull that aspect from the community. Norixwolf is next for sure.

I'm looking forward to the day he snaps and tells the yiffniggers in his chat to fuck off once and for all

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What was it like?

>randomly bursts into singing
>gives obscure music reference to make himself seem more cultured
>starts quoting le funny british monty python because he thinks its the pinnacle of comedy
>acts passive aggressive when he fails at a game and chat tells him what to do

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someone sent me a video of his through steam

I recognize that funky OST.

>Vinny's reason for expelling Vappy is because he's finally on a furry purge
nope, nope that is definitely not the reason. DesertP is still around. if vinny was purging furries at this point he'd cause a riot

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>not playing games off stream while voice chatting
Ah, those times when Vinny showed up in MHW off stream when low-rank chat members weren't piling in was comfy.

>References I understand > References I don't understand

Isn't DesertP just a lizardfag, not even a scaly? Or is that another one of his mod-squad.

Sometime in 2010, I think. He was still on livestream, joel was known as exh0rder, and I still miss bobito.

He's taller than you'd think. Well spoken and pretty chill. I went to a panel he did and he commanded the crowd pretty well. Would get a drink with/10

>this used to be me
>got banned two years ago for making a joke about being a moderator
i guess it was my fault but still

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lizardfags are still degenerates

you can fucking be specific about it all you want, scaliefag, furfag, who cares. they are still all the same thing, you're just covering the shit with silver instead of gold

How many different names has Joel had? Wasn't he also exinthevatican or something like that?

I meant specifically that he wasn't into furry shit, he just liked posting pictures of geckos and shit.

I don't know exactly when, but it was before everyone had their own channels on Twitch. I remember Tower of Guns and Pokemon Emerald Corruptions being some of my first streams.

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I dunno it was really fun to watch the twitch vod of me being on stream and watch chat

he was for a bit, not sure why he changes his alias so much

Been watching his shit since the livestream days when he used to shill his streams in here. Never participated in chat.

>Obscure music reference
>It's almost always the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Gorillaz, or sometimes King Gizzard
If any of that shit is obscure to you, I don't even know what to say

Id be too tempted to trigger chat if I happened to be on stream during a game that had voice

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I'm not sure Saint is human enough to hate anybody

>that one time he streamed JanusVR and someone opened up meme621 in front of him
>he took a second to think what he was looking at and immediately recognized what it was from the search screen alone

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Three or Four I think. God, I remember everything. I remember the adultswim style vinebumps when they got steve blum and JSJ and Rich Evans doing the mr plinkett voice to mock the stream.

you are not initiated enough to know such things

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Next V-Dub when?

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>vinny read my message and it affected the stream positively only a few days ago

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got a clip?

He's dead, Jim.

He does come off like a pleb, especially only using Spotify to recommend him music. I tend to find new artists all the time through other sources, so I just can't stick with the same stuff all the time.

post more vinny gifs/webms

Hopefully never. V-Dub should have only been a one-off unless Vinny can actually think of new material instead of just rehashing the old jokes from the first one.

I'll give you a like if you tell me

These are good containment threads but please keep your furry faggots out of Joowz thanks

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Always been a personal favorite

>Vinny read my message once when I was trying to help him
>He thanked me and said that was good to know
>He forgets it within like 30 minutes

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seconding this, sounds hilarious

can one user explain this autism?

So when's he back from PAX? and how bad is he going to suffer at Sekiro after being away so long

That's okay, we all are.


here you go

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Late 2010 -- right around the time he was getting noticed. Vinny used to shill his corruption streams and Mario Retardy ones hard on Yea Forums back then before mods started cracking down on those threads, but the raw, early days when he only had a few hundred people watching at most were definitely his best.

What the fuck went wrong? Popularity?


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I don't watch this faggot.

Also not vidya. Why is this thread still up? Are mods asleep today

He's back tonight, probably streaming Yoshi

right click > copy URL at current time btw

>absolutely demolishes Sekiro while loving every minute
>meanwhile ster tries to play as an epic max efficiency gamer, bitches constantly about "game design" and then ragequits on the last boss

ok. open this image carefully

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meant for

>trying to play a game
>has to stop every ten seconds to thank someone for the 100 dollar donation
>spends 30 seconds each time going "wow oh my goodness thank you so much holy shit haha"

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Can't wait for him to complain about all the kazoos

>those dweebs in chat seething after Binny said he still liked Bayo 2 more than DMCV

I know it was you guys.

>got banned for making a tranny joke at the last VGA stream
how the fuck are these freaks always in mod positions jfc

Thank fuck Vinny has no donation or message options at all.

To someone who only blazes through each game once I can totally understand why he'd hold that opinion


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>29 points
You need every like you can get big guy. Lemme support a fellow freegamer🐺

still better than 90% of the rest of twitch who do the same thing, but for every single donation AND sub
i still wish he would turn off notifications altogether but he's too nice for that unfortunately

>never played DMC outside of DMC3's release
>only ever experience with these kind of games was Bayonetta
>hurrr why he like Bayo 2

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>I made Joel laugh once
My life is complete. Senpai noticed me.

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That's honestly one of my favorite things about him. It's so rare for him to call attention to anything like that.

I can't watch any other streamer because it seems they all have that cancer attached to them. Not like I blame them though.

I can understand liking Bayo over DMC but Bayo 2? What the fuck?

>actually typing in a twitch chat



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>recognized what it was from the search screen alone
>there's a big ass lizard
I say there's nothing suspicious,

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>Vinny's chat: Ugh, this game has such old memes from 3 months ago

He said he was gonna do that before he left, it'll probably be PAX stories, Yoshi, then Sekiro tonight.

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sorry I dont really give a fuck about today. this april fools sucks cock and people are still just gay erping in every thread almost. fuck gookmoot and fuck 4channel. and fuck niggers.
but thanks

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Meme hipstering is some fucking atrocious cringe, you can tell it's a twitter user

Bayo 2 is a fantastic game for a single, casual playthrough. It goes mental with the spectacle, gives you a ton of new toys to play with and tones down the bullshit from the first game. It only starts to fall flat on its face once you get to higher difficulties and start playing for medals.
Given that Vinny is a massive action game casual who only played through the game once, it's a perfectly valid opinion.

bayo 2 is easier than bayo 1 and it doesn't hand out stones as harshly

t. seething chat member that got called out

I don't really want to turn 4chanx off so I'm not seeing it

I got like a 2 minute ban for saying "sheeeeeit" during the rap part. Worth it

he's nah.

Except I'm calling
>Ugh, this game has such old memes from 3 months ago
cancer not jojo

it's not about suspicion, it's about him recognizing it right away

What is it about Vinesauce that makes it such a natural draw for furries?
Why the fuck hasn't anyone done anything about it?

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Disregard my previous post, I suck cocks

the mods, and to a lesser extent, the furry artists that like vinny

Yeah I agree, I think that teams were peak april fools mini bro btw

You can update it they already have a patch out

>got popular because he shilled himself on Yea Forums
>people question why there are degenerates in his chat

It really isn't that hard to see why someone would. Bayo is much much more casual play friendly, while still having a metric shit ton of depth and less limitations or execution barriers.

I'm not saying it's better, but I can see how for many it would be a more enjoyable experience.

Which is probably why he likes Bayo 2 more. He doesn't replay games, and Bayo 2 is a good first experience, but shallow reputability, especially on harder difficulties.

He thought it was funny like a decade ago so a few of them wormed their way in and, as always happens, once they realized the community wouldn't eject them their population grew. And he's too nice or scared to just tell them fuck of.

Furries like AC, and Vinny does a lot of AC.

the guy plays nintendo games, naturally he's going to attract a bunch of manchild autists with all the colorful games he plays

>You can update it they already have a patch out
Nah I've already fapped a ton today

Semi related but what happened with Panoots? Did he is died?

Also fuck Desert.

Vinny used to pretty frequently make fun of furries but as time has gone on he's become less inclined to rock the boat. So they all move in and shit up the place like animals are wont to do. Doesn't help that a lot of his high positions on both mod team and youtube management are furries.

I was mini too well done user

Attached: nigga toilet.png (640x640, 147K)

Because Vinny just likes to be a guy who streams games, not a community cop. It's also part of why the team isn't a rigid thing anymore, because Vinny hates when people use him and Vinesauce as champions for whatever argument they're having that turns into a giant shitfit. He's not your Helen of Troy, he's a dude that streams stupid games.

What? He replays games all the time. That was his third time playing Kid Icarus a few weeks back.

I want to squeeze Vinny's hog if you know what I mean

I think his grandmother died and then he went through an early midlife crisis. He said he should be back in a few days according to his twitter

what'd Desert do

Me possibly met him so many times already though

How the fuck do you guys even know Vinnys mods are furrys without doing research?

Yea Forums told me

Vinny was my cousin's next door neighbor. When I was around 10 years old(he was probably 15 or 16 at the time), I'd stay over my aunt's house in Staten Island and my cousin and I would have our Gameboys. I remember him showing me his one game save of Link's Awakening. Lost contact with Vinny when my cousin stopped hanging out with him when he became a NEET who would play Phantasy Star Online/WoW for hours. No one really believes me when I say this. Had a pic of him somewhere when he was a kid.

>he's planning on replaying HL series
>won't be able to play HLVR with his boomer bones

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but that's because it's a nintendo game

>using Kid Icarus as an example that he replays games a lot
You mean the game he made a point of saying that it's notable he replayed it three times? That he specifically said was notable because he rarely replays games? The game he's played a total of three times in seven years?

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you know what it means to be a leech in streaming? desertp gives off strong leech vibes

>reading usernames such as "norixwolfe" and looking at fursona avatars is now research
god fucking damn dude, you have to be 18 or older to post here

very based

So he didn't actually do anything wrong. Got it.

easy, be around since chatango and at any time view the discord or vinnys twitter and the people that reply to his posts

True if big. Go look for the picture, user.

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Not real

i sent him an email a couple of years ago saying how i very much enjoy the streams and his commentary and he replied back the day after with more wholesome shit :^)

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tfw vinny doesnt talk to eve once during his BMZ2 stream!

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>vinesauce official discord is a fucking mess
>sections of tumblr treat vinny like a saint
>the subreddit is full of furries
>the booru is full of furries

I wish he'd play more games that work with twitch chat, like Dead Cells

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>send him several e-mails
>never a reply
I guess it's probably because I told him about the undertale demo in 2013 and look how that turned out.

I saw Vinny at a grocery store in Staten Island yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Ok so if you’re a casual viewer of husband streams you’d never know. You’re going out of your way to be annoyed.

He's a very casual guy who doesn't even bother trying to figure out jump cancels after so many hours. Of course he'd prefer Bayonetta, it's much more casual-friendly in that regard.

>Vinny says multiple times to don't enter Smash lobby if you played him before
>can enter his lobby easily and fast
>change name and icon everytime

I started doing this after the second or third time I joined but then stopped cause I didn't feel like playing the game.

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I emailed him once not too long ago, not expecting a reply, and I was surprised when he did.

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It's amazing how all these streamers are such assholes, somebody always has a grocery story about them.

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Fake and gay unless proven

I wish Vinny would stream [MY GAME].
But really, I think he'd like S&P.

the vod might still be up

How can we rub meat and send it to vinny?

"Games don't scare me" Bynyoot
Fucking bet
also joel I fucking Dare you
1-Like= Fucking do it you coward

what a scumbag. i knew he was a cunt from the moment we found out he liked to fuck bees and held them still with his tiny hands

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"him to play"

What do you think Vinny's favorite Warhammer 40k space marine chapter is?

isn't vinny like 33 or 34 this year

>usernames such as "norixwolfe"
I mean, even if I did assume everyone who uses the word "wolf" in their name was a furry, why would I care?

>and looking at fursona avatars is now research
Literally where do you even see these? I watch Vinny VODs and streams pretty much every day, and am in the Discord (though I don't check it regularly) and I've not come across anything that seemed particularly offensive to me. I guess even if I did see a furry avatar it wouldn't be memorable to me though.

I fail to see why these things bother you so much.

>being this new

I'm pretty sure it was back when twitch didn't save vods even for partners. I was there for it live though and it derailed the stream for a good 15 minutes.

He's gonna be at Toomanygames apparently

He's 33 and will turn 34 this year

there's gotta be an archive somewhere. I wanna hear him yelling at vappy's degenerate bf

He's weirdly decent at hard games then sucks shit at easy games.

Angry Marines

how many layers of irony are you on user

I liked my little joke, no need to be an asshole about it.

Top 10 Best Streams in no order (not including Sunday stream since there’s way too many good ones)

Animal Crossing
Mother 3
Ocarina of Time
Silent Hill

You could have just said "I like being an unobservant retard" and saved your time.

That's randomized OOT, yeah? kino.

>that 33 year old italian boomer that does silly voices and plays babby games on twitch

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>redditspacing furry defense force is here
threads over lads🐷

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The claim is he recognized it from the search screen. But he backed away because a huge fucking nude anthro lizard appeared.

shut the fuck up retard

Yea Forums audience

Anybody wanna cuddle?💔

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I almost threw up laughing when I saw the super mario galaxy repainted stream

I wonder how long him and Jerma will keep going
When you're a teen playing games in your 30's seems unthinkable, but by your mid 20's that gets pushed back to like 40


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Too bad Gay Purple Man turned out to be a literal faggot.

>vinny is a celibate, senile, grandpa streamer
>comfy streams all around
>just talks about the good old days and corrupts GTA11 while making autistic noises the whole time

Vinny you gotta come to my cousin's club

furry btfo

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>Vinny thinks he’s streaming again :)

I just don't care. Been watching Vinny for I think four years, almost every day during that time. The only time furry shit is brought up in relation to him is Yea Forums threads in my experience.

I'm not even criticising you here. Shit on them all you want, my only experience with this "norixwolfe" person is that I probably heard their name mentioned in a stream once or twice. I'm just genuinely baffled why you care so much.

Surely gene therapy will cure aging by then

DesertP's OK.

This. Yet his chat keeps ignoring it and says its fine except like 2 or 3 people.

Super Mario Sunshine is still one of my favorites for the random glitches sometimes. I seriously did not expect Mother 3’s ending to make me sad as shit.

why does he put "vinesauce mod" next to "software developer"? one of those is actually noteworthy

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you mean the extreme amount of effort put into shitty meme insertion because they have actual shit humor? I'm glad he got kicked out.

I want him to play GRIS
Vinny's chat in particular would like it for the artsy fartsy

Because he got popular through Yea Forums.

I wasn't the person you were responding to initially. I was pointing out that not recognizing blaring fucking signals that so-and-so is a furry is almost willful ignorance on your part. I don't give much of a fuck about furfags in the community though I wouldn't exactly cry if they were shoah'd to the door.

So yeah, outside research. Why would you even be on this mods page unless you wanted to find out if he was a furry or not?

>tfw vinny often reads my messages because im semi-active in chat during lower viewer counts
>tfw he always misses my helpful advice and reads when im jokingly insulting him

Vinny is based as hell. I'd love to have a beer with him.

im ready for balding grandpa vinny who just sits in his rocking chair playing the guitar and making dumb noises

Vinny is probably one of the nicest and most understanding people I've met. Had experiences with him the average viewer wouldn't, so i'm thankful for that, even if it was under a semi-negative connotation.

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GPM wasn't even part of the community who repainted it, it was GamesRepainted.

Didn't he cheat on someone?
No one is actually nice

Why is every furfag either someone who is or wants to be in a position of power or a huge faggot who has a profession that involves computers

He got cheated on.

because they were bullied in school for fucking animals and this is the only way they can feel in charge

Well from an analysis standpoint it would seem so. That's why he's so negligent to dating. But non of those paste bins are true user, Vin emailed me himself saying so.

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>Norix bans people in his chat for typing in caps.

idk man you tell me

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It's not that I'm missing that people are furries. It's that that shit slides right through because I have no reason to care that the funny streaming man has a mod that is furry. It doesn't impact my experience. I don't remember everyones username and profile pic

Why would anyone cheat on him?

No it's nightbot you actual 12 year old

what a beautiful man

That's a bot. Vinny literally even said on stream that typing all caps will be auto banned.

>mfw I've met Vinny at several cons over the last few years and he remembers your full name along with your Twitch handle

It really pays to not be an autistic neckbeard. Treat people like people and they'll remember you.

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Also, his sudden ranting about cringe culture in his Tucker voice. It's true, though

he didn't get cheated on. the story is he when he was a real youngun he cucked someone with a crazy bitch but then ditched when she turned super crazy and has probably felt bad about the whole thing and has had no faith in relationships since

Nightbot times you out. Not bans you permanently
I was also banned by Norix in his chat for typing caps. Lmfao

>too poor to go to cons
>just want to meet vinny and get him a beer or something and thank him for being entertaining

Not in Vinny's stream. Norix's.

fuck e celebs

who dat?Coin Flip: Heads

You were probably being an annoying cunt in chat
Cheapest con he goes to in the one in Atlantic City mothafuckaaaaaa

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I can't wait to meet him at Too Many Games this summer. Even though I'm gonna be too shy to say hello.

>in his chat
Surely he can ban for whatever reason he wants there then?

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What happened to GPM?

It's a really humbling experience. Guy interacts with thousands of people and takes the time to remember me specifically. He's a good dude.

No because if you appeal for an unjustified ban the mods will get yelled at

Is she still on Joowz

Attached: NSOA0ZB.png (765x829, 536K)

Begged people for money and got kicked from the team for a year. Never came back because he's a huge faggot good riddance.

>want to go to tmg just to get my another light record signed
>don't feel like it warrants the 20 hour trip there and back

joowz isn't anything, people are just repeating others saying joowz
no one actually knows what it's supposed to be

Fake and gay
He basically stole money from the community by saying "I need money to pay rent" and spending it on useless shit

Begged people for money, *got begged-for money and spent it all on weeb anime shit instead of supporting his living situation like he said he would use it for

who fucking cares about this stupid skank.
every single time she is posted. who fucking cares dude. or should I say, dudette, since you love posting your ugly mug every time

Only good streamer that feels like a semi professional show rather than the
>thanks for the sub dilfofaggot53
>comercial comercial
>I love bits

claimed he was in dire financial straits and begged for donos while also simultaneously posting on twitter pictures of all the merchandise he was buying with the money.

It's worth it. This is my very first con and I'm not sure what to expect. I heard it's fun though.

vinny is the only streamer that I know of that does
>streamer voice
and nothing else. I get really annoyed by notifications on stream shit, which is literally everyone else

>tfw never available/awake during streams but still enjoy the recordings

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In b4 1000 angry replies

Joowz is an oldfag stream

full of attention whores just like vinesauce chatango

I loaded Vinesauce chatango it's dead with 1 person in it

Also for joowz why is there a .com and .org

>dont bring anyone into the team for a good long while after pointless drama unfolds with old members
>this guy seems to be solid and hes fitting in well with everyone else
>take the risk and welcome him in
>IMMEDIATELY scams viewers and destroys what little trust you had left
>kick him out and be depressed while furries infiltrate your community

i wonder just how upset vinny got. i wouldve been beyond furious

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>Joowz is an oldfag stream
like kind of thing?

when even is it this year?

He's already got Alzheimer's so that's entirely possible.

I'm a neko
I'm a cat

GPM is an oldfag Yea Forums streamer too though, desu datstream and joowz were the only real rivals of vinesauce back in the day

Vinesauce took off in 2014 though while the other 2 remained niche, although that is to expected when you shill mario party every day and attract regulars

Toomanygames it's overcrowded and bad

This is how you out yourself as a redit fag who has only been here like a year

being on the team doesn't mean anything anymore. there are quite obviously undesirables, people to avoid, slowly going mad (joel), and vinny

June 21-23

or get an user to explain what some minor stream service is

>slowly going mad (joel)

Dude joowz goes back like 6-7 years ago when we would watch DBZ streams and also its full of autism

cant believe vinny said fuck niggers and trannies way back on his twitter. glad hes woke now

I maintain that Vinny was far better when he was miserable and obscure. Now his openly furry mods have him by the balls and he isn't anywhere near as focused as he used to be.

you seem like a fucking faggot for fawning over this unfunny retard that plays video games for a living

Only two mods are furries.
give me likes you niggers

Sounds like Senpai never noticed you and banned you for being a faggot

I wonder if rcr is going to tmg again this year. they could make fun of my shitbox car

Having a casual conversation with someone at a convention is fawning now I guess. It's ok if you don't like him but how ass pained must you be for someone enjoying something you dont like?

because its a magnet for fags of all kinds

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>people in his chat spamming the trans heart nonstop for no reason and getting offended when people tell them to cut that shit out
why would you do that on such an apolitical stream

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holy shit control your seethe aspie

Nah fuck off the people who say this just miss when he was depressed so they could relate to him more. He’s had some of his best streams in recent years.

He is a stupid faggot and you are all faggots for liking him too

that happened? what

>that one vinesauce is hope twitter announcement written entirely in furfag speak that got removed because people made such merciless fun of it
>The followup asshurt tweet about how disappointed the vinesauce team was
Why is the vinesauce community such cancer

His mother 3 stream was great but some of his fucking voices are physically painful to listen to. I either have to skip or stop watching for a minute.

Joel is basically only tolerable during the april fools day streams.
Funny how he's only an obnoxious memespouter when speaking the language of the fats.
Really makes you think.

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The best part is Vinny himself called out how awful the fucking tweet was.

also vinny making a reply to that original tweet saying good thing he didnt write that, kek

I don't know why people get so autistic over those heart emotes.

the no politics rule doesn't mean anything anymore

Vinny is great because he doesn't take shits on people, doesn't start drama, JUST PLAYS FUCKING GAMES, has decent taste, can articulate why he does things the way he does, and is just a nice guy.

Love him.

eceleb board when
I fucking hate you kids and lonely 30+ year old with social issues that think he is your friend

regular car reviews. both of the hosts went to tmg one year and just made fun of cars in the parking lot

I'm pretty sure Norix helps work on the vinesauce corrupter so i can't see him getting booted

Thats two too many

>tweets "sigh" immediately after the announcement, deletes it a couple minutes later
>then replies to the announcement tweet "good thing I didn't write that tweet"
When will Vinny purge the furry scum


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Post a pic you fucking faggot, you people have twitter screencaps for everything else


I don't think he's my friend, we don't know each other.
I think he's entertaining enough to watch.
I dunno where this idea of "people watch streamers because they think they're friends" came from. Do you think you're friends with fuckin' Steve Harvey if you watch Family Feud?

Do you think people on tv are your friends?


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Your subconscious thinks he is your friend
You are fucking pathetic and you know it

Speaking of furfags, RCR's videos are so boring and stupid now. I thought the entire idea of the channel was to not be a boring car channel

Youd be surprised how many people think that actually

Don't pretend to be me fucking eceleb fag

who?Coin Flip: Heads

>repeat bullshit until you believe it

3D is PD

At least those are real people you fucking eceleb retard

you respond to him in stream chat and devote a large chunk of your life to watching his shit. you post these fucking threads about him and his personal life and best moments. stop denying it and accept that you are a lonely fag.

it's just a girl, user

>Your subconscious thinks he is your friend
How does that work? What does that entail exactly?
Fuck off faggot you don't make any sense.

>Im retarded, I dont know shit about parasocial relationships and how fucked up it is

It means you are a huge faggot basically