

Attached: 1554129975638m.jpg (763x1024, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:


lol gays

post D to dab on racists, drumph and ypipo



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imagine browsing reddit

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Thanks for the reddit update! but really, eat shit, fuck off and fuck JANNIES AND NIGGERS

>Noooo I really wanted to be a toxic bigot today!

How nice of them to make a joke out of trans rights and racism

press F to say FUCK NIGGERS
also like my post

Attached: images (1).png (249x203, 10K)

I mean, yeah, that's why hiro added the updoot system today.

>positive move
>shut a thing down for everyone, even those that discuss GAMES in a civil manner

>the shithole of the internet gets even shittier

Attached: AITA For distancing myself from my bf after he admitted he was raped .png (1174x468, 43K)

literally all this does is tell your userbase "hey, here's what you can do to really make us mad"

why are forum moderators so socially retarded

Friendly reminder that homosexuals are gay

Attached: 245986.jpg (347x520, 21K)

Yea Forums penises = huge
reddit penises = small

like if u agree

>no fun

I'm so sick of this virtue signaling shit

This thread is shit
Assemble skeletonbros

Attached: skeleton gangrape.jpg (1200x3250, 610K)

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""""""Laura"""""""" Kate Dale is a man.

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Who is Laura? That said, based xboner

-__THE__MAN_EXQUISITE__- Drop likes for my mother who is battling cancer!

>liberals trying to suck the fun out of even april fools

Fuck you my dick is tiny

>gay furry has shit opinions
What a shock.

Even though this is April fools

Twitter screencaps should be banned

>Doing this shit out of spite

Please, I do not need more shitposting reddltors over here

Attached: _______.png (413x350, 166K)

At least the discord tranny subreddit is still up.

Sure they might get praise from blue checkmarks. But they do realize this will just make regular people hate trannies or hate them even more for inconveniencing them?

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Rolled 2 (1d6)

Fuck twitter

>why should a video game reviewer be even vaguely competent at video games
Just like movie reviewers should go "WOW LOOK AT THE PRETTY PICTURES" and clap.

Have you seen how fucked up this bitch's face is?

Reddit gaming stopped existing for a day, so Yea Forums turned into Reddit for a day.

Holy fuck the way this faggot replies feels like he's stepping over glass shards trying not to piss anyone off...

Attached: 8e3840245eef7f546dcfbfd7a9e3db5b.jpg (640x360, 108K)

can you do it anons?
everyone who does it right gets a like from me!

Attached: boskeletonrp.jpg (330x153, 15K)

I'm going to need Yea Forums to post proof like if you agree

>not about games

Why do people have to shove their degeneracy everywhere?
I'm glad I never went to that stupid website.

Attached: 8ec.gif (178x188, 145K)

FUCK jannies

That’s gay

>tranny cabal ruining games

Whowouldathunkit that unnatural behavior would be mocked and shamed as it should be? It's not discrimination, it's called ensuring the status quo stays that way so civilization can continue to thrive.
Notice the largest strides in civilization never came from accepting (insert race) or (insert mental illness) into the fold.

What are the odds the subreddit being closed for april fool's (with the whole reasoning behind it and all) is the joke in and of itself?

i'm a girl though

I'd rather their reasoning was to avoid all the garbage April fools jokes by tech companies.

People joke about Gamergate 2.0, but I'm sure this won't backfire whatsoever.

>its not down as a gag
Im pretty sure it is. Even then why only r/games what about other "toxic" subreddits?

>>not about games
You could say the same thing for Yea Forums desu

Why is larry dale have a blue checkmark? Isnt his only claim to fame lying about a leak and being wrong?

What was the post?

This is just going to Streisand effect the whole sub. The mods have a past of making poor decisions based purely on their own personal politics like banning posts about Total Biscuit this feels exactly the same.

>HAH, now everyone will respect my frankenpussy

Can't wait for the 'nice april's fool joke' postst once they reopen it

Attached: OC.png (403x324, 235K)

Wow. WOW! It's a straight white male genocide!
Call Milo!
Call Sargon!
Tell /r/koatkuinaction!
We Kekistanis will FIGHT!
We are Kekistan. We trigger libtards. We game. We never give up.

Attached: 1524515862760.jpg (1024x683, 64K)

this is the enemy of gaming

They'll say shit like
>we still have much work to do
if there's backlash to the """""""''joke""""""""


Attached: megumin.jpg (707x1000, 88K)

What's the point of being an unpaid internet janitor if you can't power-trip and smugpost?

wheres the dlc

Wow, my like button is bugged and it makes a sound when you click on it!!! :)😃


What a bunch of fascists.

Attached: 20190401_111252.jpg (720x720, 146K)

t. seething discord tranny

So what are the "toxic attitudes" they are referring to? Reddit is fucking tame as shit.

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lol the same happened to me with my first gf
women all think like this, they hate weakness


obsessed much?


You first.

This explains why this site has been shit today, more-so than usual April 1sts.

That one guy on reddit who doesn't care about those things and just wants game discussion is toxic.

I find it really funny how those bad at games always call for easier difficulties so "impaired" and "disabled" people can play them, when in reality they just suck and those who do have disabilities don't like to be pandered to.

Based + redpilled
Cringe, bluepilled, and probably seething

It is amazong t osee how they behave like the very people they so desperatly hate.


Oh noes, whatever shall reddit do without one of their dozen gaming forums/boards/whatever the fuck they call them.


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Oh no, they won't be able to say Nigger for 24 hours! That'll surely teach them!!

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genuinely can't tell if it's a self aware joke or not


Attached: [SMC-Subs] Idol Time PriPara - 027 [CF5AABB9].mkv_snapshot_22.14_[2018.08.02_21.24.36].jpg (1280x720, 196K)


why would shutting down a subreddit for just one day make people suddenly donate to a bunch of trannies
this has to be a joke, even the holy day for trannies is just a day before april fools

>check score
>surprised by how many people enjoy my posting
did you check out his books?

Do people actually think shutting down a sub for video game talk because a handful of hundreds of thousands of people says shitty things before they get banned is some enlightenment of humankind?

the most ironic thing is this is actually very disrespectful since today is the official day of jokes

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Of course. We took Reddit's place.

That’s part of the gameplan though. They do something ridiculous, and use the reaction as justification.

Otherwiswe he would lose his mod status and we just can't have that now, can we.

>A woman with a drawing of her cartoon self as profile picture.

Every. Fucking. Time.

For a subreddit about video games they sure are taking themselves way too seriously

99% of the ""toxic"" behavior I see on any kind of message board is someone taking the piss and then some other fool who started using the internet with Facebook or tumblr throwing a fucking hissy and escalating the situation.
I've never been to r/ games, but I have a feeling that's why they're notoriously """"toxic""""

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Meanwhile, the frontpage on Yea Forums has runescape music

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not even the best sibling, also you confused the shit out of me because I have that thread open in another tab and I thought I was hallucinating.

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how I unlock skelly?🐸

Attached: scorelet.jpg (573x459, 71K)

I don't hear it

fags are a joke and trannies are the punchline

punch a tranny👌

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it's actually a tranny lmao

It's an advertising, user.
No one would talk about r/games if it wasn't for this shit. But after it, you can find a few hundreds of comments on twitter and chans.

What is this man talking about?

>avatar doesn't even slightly resemble their actual self irl
every time

No? Are you using an extention? It seems to work with 4chanX

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its not playing for me

What's his problem?

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Gotta get rid of all the wrongthink! Think there's something a little off about this new odd transgender phenomenon happening right now that came seemingly out of nowhere and want to challenge the idea? Go fuck yourself and learn some respect, bigot!

top kek

Try turning your extention off

Fucking Lol. I guess they're always one step ahead of me.

Women can sense weakness like a wolf

Attached: 1554136638033.jpg (763x1024, 156K)

Who knew /r/games had such brave and heroic internet janitors?

>cartoon avatar
>blue checkmark of mental illness
guaranteed tranny with shit opinions.

Normally I would be okay with this, but they legitimately are asking people to support Planned Parenthood, so fuck them for supporting such a garbage organization.

I was using brave browser so i guess that was the problem

based and redpilled. Have a like goodsir

>Yea Forums
>being about games
The one true revelation is that every site is shit in some way, and claiming otherwise makes you a fag


Attached: 1522346585104.png (1136x640, 502K)

Be me.

Attached: 3265346235.jpg (686x751, 54K)

To be fair, even people that use r/Games don't agree with the moderation there. Eg.) The banning spree conspiracy where mods just kept banning stuff to compete with each other. Source being a previous mod.

>April Fool's Day
>a day where no one is supposed to take anything seriously
>start talking about trans rights
So....are the mods of reddit saying trannies are a joke?


Why the fuck don't they make their own subreddit then? Doesn't it work like that?

Rolled 2 (1d6)

check these 5s

Attached: 1550224755853.jpg (935x1083, 42K)

Maybe we should stir things up with that angle.

What did Larry mean by this

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I think everyone is, to some extent.

Attached: 1380221272367.jpg (840x952, 140K)

Just rape her to assert dominance. Problem solved

>take your forum down to make a statement
Whoa...powerful. But why just for one day? Think what a strong message it would send if they just shut down permanently. Trump would probably resign in shame and donate his fortune to Black Lives Matter.

>muh dick
Look asswipe just because I don't have a dick (yet!) it doesn't mean I'm less of a man than you.

300 iq


You'll never get fives.

If you're making a statement, April Fool's is a poor time to do it.

Im confused. Did they shut down ironically for April fools or are they unironically shutting down as a moment of silence.


Attached: 1550011159902.png (1416x1062, 876K)

Its the right way to troll this shit

i will definitely get this right

The latter.

bolike this post of your mom will die in her sleep tonightrp😂

Jackie Chan

When I was a kid until I was 16, my dad used to cut my nails, shave me, trim my pubes, pop zits on my face and back until I would bleed and weep, smell my penis and armpits after I showered, and sometimes showered with me. He would beat me if I ever denied him. This went on until I was 16 and my mom and I moved to another state.
I also have a 3.5 inch erection and I'm cut

Attached: 1551992522356.jpg (1020x574, 58K)



Rolled 6 (1d6)


April fools day is serious business


>reddit thinks trans representation should be treated as a punishment for their users

Rolled 5 (1d6)


Attached: 5.gif (200x200, 49K)

Can you imagine being so mad at people talking about games you don't like because of certain things, and being absolutely ass blasted because of that?

Attached: 456456.gif (266x181, 1.75M)

Didn't know women were this fucking based

Source: raped as a kid as well

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I can never get over this fucking sense of entitlement these people have. Literally everything is an issue and they can never stop victimizing themselves, even if you're talking about a fucking video game. Keyword there being game.
Any other person will just go "oh, this game isn't for me." or "I just don't like it" they have to make a big stink and cry their fucking eyes out about easy modes and """accessibility""""
You get an idea about how spoiled, coddled, and generally childish these people are when you see them victimize themselves and feel attacked because a faceless stranger on the internet said "Git Gud"

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did that cat do the rapings? he looks like a chad.

That’s a man baby

testing also give likes OR ELSE

Attached: GONNA DO IT.jpg (480x342, 26K)

Women truly are a duplicitous and detestable lot.

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So does that mean reddit "highlighting toxic discrimination" or whatever is just a joke? I don't get it.

>how should we prove those alt right racists that they’re wrong?
>I know, let’s just censor the board!
Once that sub opens again it’s going to be an all time shitshow

Attached: 1A2BB2A7-9191-4760-8A3E-751A7276E906.gif (640x266, 3.26M)

or else what?

kek, what a bunch of faggots

are daily reposts now considered toxic?


okay I can't possibly fuck this up

This is the actual answer

Honestly I would have absolutely no problem with gays if they simply stopped existing

Gays aren't the problem, faggots are.

Too bad Mia kinda sucked in IT. She was hardly there.

Attached: [SMC-Subs] Idol Time PriPara - 027 [CF5AABB9].mkv_snapshot_01.22_[2018.08.02_21.05.02].jpg (1280x720, 241K)

>poc, lgbt, women charities
I might start believing in god from now on, it's not fair these people have control like this. They don't deserve to just die, they deserve to burn in hell.

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Okay I'm not giving an F without some likes, we live in a capitalist society shit aint free

So why is it Lynchian, Lovecraftian but Kafkaesque.

>Normally I would be okay with this
Preventing people from talking about video games because you want to force your political gay shit on everyone is utterly despicable and also embarrassing

The worst subreddit manages to get even worse


Wasn't raped, but I was abused by a babysitter (she scratched the shit out of me and verbally assaulted me, I still have scars on my arms from her digging her nails into me) when I was 9 or 10, and I haven't told anyone. Took me a long ass time to get over my fear of women because of that, and that's what I tell myself to explain why I've never had a gf. I don't think I will ever tell a girl this story because of posts like that one though.

Attached: 1219594737284.jpg (525x295, 33K)



same thing tbqhwu

Well, I just went there and I'm seeing lots of post, it isn't offline, so, Reddit just BTFO'd the whole Yea Forums

It always goes to crap. Sadly that's how Reddit goes.
When the communities are small, they can usually self moderate, and it's actually pretty pleasant despite a small amount of drama here and there (niche gaming sub reddits, like virtual reality subs). But once numbers go up, or half the mod team leaves, the thing goes to crap. You get a mix of kids and a megalomaniac mod team, often accelerating the rate things go to crap.

I'll admit Reddit can be pretty pleasant if you find the right subs and have actual discussion. But it rarely stays that way. For one, as I said, once it gets larger, you get a mix of kids and sensationalist trash posters that are there for likes and karma. And as the mod team goes down, sometimes your often left with like one piece of crap. Or the fact that by design, Reddit isn't condusive for decent discussion (Reddit Gold).

>inb4 post is marked as spam for mentioning Reddit

Do it you pussy

Attached: 1524114981309.png (300x200, 137K)

sure thing sweetie😃


user the last thread was created 19 hours ago

Leave it to Reddit to know how to make April Fool's faggy. Never fails with that site.

God wouldn't let these people exist if he did.

isn't /r/gaming the main reddit for vidya? What's the difference?

dont post its face i dont want to puke


Newfag here, someone explain to me the distain for reddit.

Aren't you both chaotic hiveminds that shit on everything?

Attached: 52168138_2174004262915302_3017294476256215040_o.png (1024x768, 542K)

>isn't /r/gaming the main reddit for vidya?
That one is for the bad memes n shit.
games is mostly news

Guess that's why there's so many faggots posting with emoticons.
I bet whoever came up with this is the admin of that shitshow of a place.

R/games is super serious and r/gaming is like Facebook memes

Who fucking cares.

Attached: female attraction to serial killers.png (629x811, 672K)

they are puppets of the jews

Nah just don't tell random women, find the right one and she will be cool with it.

>Autistic gay Tranny
>blue hair
>controls part of reddit
>related to video games
>april 1st
>close forum for no reason
>say its about awareness on the behavior of little 12 years old
totally not virtue signalling for attention

>we are not allowing a reddit forum to be rude for a day
>Clearly its cos we wanna be good guys!
>Yeah that'll stop them!
>Yea Forums comes up reddit style for the day undoing that as reddit arses can be arses here.


r/games is very much like Yea Forums, but with a hint of Reddit sensabilities. Mainly used for news, and the "lol Todd Howard sucks" threads. Occasionally you'll get the threads reaping karma like, "Can we take a second and talk about diversity", but otherwise pretty similar.

imagine actually going on r*ddit. i would rather be burned alive.

the only difference is that you can't shitpost/samefag/insult on reddit, otherwise it's pretty much the same

Great explanation

A website with censorship of dissent as its most integral feature.

Attached: reddit censorship.jpg (1698x974, 407K)

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yeah, you're probably right. humanity is a mistake.

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>"This is not a gag"
>Happens on April Fool's day
Clearly either Reddit is full of retards or they have a good sense of humor


It's bait. You're the social retard.
They bait you into being exactly the kind of cunt they told people you were, and then they have free reign to ban you for being a cunt.

It's how they get rid of the undesirables.



Attached: D8B2C477-A343-4BD5-AB70-B81D54D494FA.jpg (1125x1156, 449K)

>make this shit that will antagonize people on 1st april
>if it goes well calim that it was a deliberatte choice
>if it goes bad claim that it was a joke after all and you fell for it
I epect the second to happen tomorrow in the "meta-thread".



Attached: 7C1D9647-2625-4B65-A620-7D6B78E64C87.png (245x280, 269K)

Liberals & Trannies are literally subhuman pedophiles, i hope they all die

Note that older threads aren't locked. If you go back enough you can shit post all you want.

Ahem, FUCK trannies

>If I could platinum this comment I would. You said it so well, all I can do is make angry velociraptor noises of pure rage at my screen ATM.
I hate reddit.

It was wrong of her to do that user! You're a good person. Keep truckin'.

Attached: 1550969693046.gif (512x288, 471K)

me too

I'm a liberal and I too hate pedophiles

Thank you. Reading this from a mod on reddit... made my morning. Thank you so much.

And FUCK niggers too?

Roll out the gallows for these tranny faggot freaks. We need to enact the final solution to the faggot question.

why can't anyone tell the difference between lolicon and cp. I don't even like lolicon anymore (haven't since I was 13) but I know the difference.

They have completed their transition (ha) in becoming ResetEra. Now when they open back up I fully, unironically expect them to ban for things like whataboutism or ableism or other buzzwords.
That sub was good too for discussion a few years back, before the mods and userbase went full idpol 2-3 years ago.

What the fuck

Attached: 1553136484629.jpg (1200x675, 100K)

Point still stands

Attached: IMG_20190401_095037.jpg (1024x2048, 254K)

Yes, can I get a FUCK kikes too?

what wrong user. are you getting

Attached: b.png (500x315, 57K)

I hate pedophiles but I'm a big supporter of lolicon. It gives actual pedophiles an outlet, reducing violent sexual acts committed against actual children and allowing those pedophiles to have at least a neutral impact on society rather than being a definite detriment, and it is effectively just harmless art to everybody else.
People who can't separate reality from fiction are dangerous with out without access to drawn pornography, and should be locked up.

This is the same site that has a pickle rick emoji if you level up enough by liking posts.
Also, I don't take any of that back. If you can find a decent subreddit, it can be decent because of the community. Think /vg/ but without the incessant drama. Saying x good, y bad is really stupid.

All of Reddit has been like this for years now. At this point Reddit is laughed at by even normies for being basically the Twitter for loser faggots. Unironically Yea Forums does more in changing the world than Reddit does to normies

That’s the secret they don’t want normal people to know about trannys. If everyone knew the truth about gender reassignment surgery, trans would never be able to trick people

this is called hybristophilia and women are beyond saving desu

>That sub was good
You need to go back.

Lolicon is more of a protest against Japanese sex laws rather than some pedo-fetish, also all pedos need the rope

This is the only post made on that account. THe part where he's described as a /pol/ macho fantasy is also a giveaway. Most blatant false flag ever so you guys can feel better about yourselves not having a gf. Meanwhile the comments are all shitting on her.

I've been raped and i know exactly that feel. You get forced into shit you don't want to do like sucking dicks, and god forbid if they give you pleasure first to make you come back like a drug addict in hope you'll get more action between your legs. This fucked me up sexually

I have someone trying to date me, but it's kind of shit. First of all that person is trying hard to date me by buying me lots of good shit. I don't want to hurt any feelings there so i keep dating. Plus, I have to feel the lust to act, which only happens once in a while. Else I'm gonna feel like shit. Also no oral except for me because fuck you, that's why. I don't want to do that at all. If i don't feel it at all, then no way fag. I can't. Fuck you. It feels like I'm being forced into this shit.

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Fuck niggers

Attached: 1552905666531.jpg (124x125, 2K)

You're a retard.

maybe you should take it back to rebbit

Looks like I can't go to reddit now, time for that place to die like neogaf, sjws just can't stop killing themselves.

>brings up /pol/ out of nowhere
>going to reddit
Admirable sluething if it was only that, but still kill yourself.

skeleton basketball

Actually it's men who are all shit, incel

Attached: attraction by sex.jpg (500x632, 96K)

>Mentioning /pol/ outside of /pol/

Xbox is based!


Attached: brah.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

>It gives actual pedophiles an outlet
The existence of porn is to literally indulge, or feed your thoughts. That'll only make it get worse, as people end up going down the degenerate rabbit hole. Eg necro-scat-furry-lolishota-alphabetsoup
I don't agree that it's as harmless as an outlet.
But I don't agree with the idea of the thought police. At this point I feel its about sticking it to those incels rather than a sense of justice. It certainly doesn't help people lack a self awareness saying "x porn is okay, but y is where I draw the line".

It's all degenerate. It is what it is. Don't glorify it. Eg.)Furry porn and genitalia is okay, but loli is where I draw the line! Said the Discord.

It's not "out of nowhere". There is a blatant appeal to the /pol/ mentality in that post and you're delusional if you don't see it - from the convenient Aryan/alpha description of the dude to the blatant woman-hate bait. Looks like people in the comments section with more sense than you fucking idiots are realizing it.
The fact that this trash is passed around here is proof enough that it works.

Attached: 4chan apes get baited.png (1005x390, 38K)

Like this if youre browsing in 2019!

You'll be stuck with abusers your whole life with that miserably passive attitude

this upsets me

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Attached: 1541384883191.jpg (774x850, 197K)

She's absolutely right, we ought to listen to her and understand what she says so we ca-

Aahhahahahah some fucking tranny started reading this and thought "oh good, FINALLY a fucking incel on this board (I love using the word incel it helps me take revenge upon these assholes even if the only thing I've fucked in the last 5 years is my dilating wand and my wallet with that trip to Thailand for my "womaning surgery") is using proper pronouns" but no, just kidding, HE is a fucking faggot tranny and like all trannies HE should join the 40% immediately. I can't even pretend for more than a few seconds that that thing is a fucking woman, not even an ugly woman. LOL

Based and likedposted

can they even orgasm anymore after doing this?

Only genetically inferior people are leftist.

Attached: blackmaincharacters.png (1204x404, 79K)


non retard user solved the case the post was probably made by the guy using the screen.

you guys are a bunch of emotionally stunted limp-wristed faggots.
I got molested by a 9 year old girl when I was 5 and I fucking loved it.

Attached: 32774.gif (177x199, 260K)

Take your time with that shit, i'm sure someone would understand.

Now you know how women felt when they were raped. Fucking patriarchal men and their retarded need for power.


bo skeleton rp

so based


did it work??

Fuck sake mate

My mom used to pop my zits. It was great. I wish she stuck to doing that instead of making me use proactiv and all those medicated acne face scrubs that didn't actually do anything.


Women are dumb desu

Only important question: family or not?

Attached: 1558576434787.gif (540x300, 1.16M)

this nigga looks like a thumb if you saw his selfies

Do you have a single fact to back that up

no you
being gay is cool
yea what a loser lol


What's funny is even after they get a hole cut into their dickroot they still almost exclusively do anal. Fucking psychos.

Attached: 1553899379431.gif (217x199, 384K)

Does anyone else's dick feel in pain when looking at this shit?

Attached: 1553305666204.png (479x248, 34K)

10+ points

This is the perfect April Fools joke
A showcase of a dystopia
Somebody prank her💯

Attached: 303px-Th15Reimu.png (303x340, 73K)

That is not a vagina that is an open wound.

Attached: NOPENOPE.gif (352x198, 1.53M)

Are you seriously asking for post-op tranny masturbating gifs
Because you will get that with questions like that.

Holy kek, imagine taking the games forum this fucking seriously, I hope all the people who go to reddit for anything not related to piracy get fucking castrated

>When a "fuck niggers" post gets more likes than all the virtue signalling posts combined

The redditors here must be seething.
You're doing god's work user.

Fucking stop >:(

well yes would you want to get fucked in some cut you got in your ballsack somehow?

Occam's Razor says BestJayceEUW is correct though. Which is the simpler solution?

>Someone has a bad opinion
>Someone typed this whole thing out as a LARP to get people to hate women

I don't know why I'm like that. Maybe it's because I didn't receive enough attention as a kid, or i never really learned how i should act toward people. I was always told "No user, i don't have time for you" or "Go play alone, user!" "Shut up, user". In the end it left me craving for some sort of attention. At school I'd do stupid shit in order to get attention from others, even if that was some bad fucking attention and I'd get in trouble for it.

Didn't help i accepted to go with my fucking cousins in the wood thinking it was fun. Turns out they just wanted to fuck me. The sad part is they even asked me if it was okay because it was getting dark outside and i said it was fine. I just want attention man

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if you don't get rock hard at the sight of that and want to fuck it then you are transphobic and worse than HITLERxDRUMPF


Why do we care what goes on over on Reddit?

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Possibly. I remember reading something where they will take the skin from the penis and line the inside of the "vagina" with it so he'll still have the nerve endings.

basedbasedaaaaand based


Attached: 15.gif (645x402, 157K)

>The existence of porn is to literally indulge, or feed your thoughts
And yet no one has ever raped a person due to watching too much porn.

4channel is my secondary website I mainly use reddit to talk about videogames

probably in the pamphlets you got from your jew horror doctor, tranny

bacause.. because... ehm...

>the absolute state of plebbit

Attached: em.gif (969x581, 814K)


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I like all of you :)

>why don't men show feelings
>why is this beta showing feelings?
Women don't know what they want.

Makes me want to ethnically cleanse my neighborhood, desu senpai.

Attached: THEGODOFHELLFIRE.webm (320x240, 2.82M)

consider this post liked!
it is!!!
reddit is stinky peee yoooo!

All you newfags say the same thing
>everyone here argues about everything
>you people are all a hivemind
Of course I'm not saying you holding both opinions at the same, just that it's ironic two contradictory statements are so popular among newfags

It's not positive. It's negative.

You got us, you got vidya, you don't need to force a bad relationship just because you think it's expected of you.

Obligatory Dilationpill

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Fucking cringe, dude.

The best part of this whole thing is that it actually is an April Fool's joke and the entirety of the gaming community are just so unbelievably easy to troll that they all believe the shit they said on A DAY ENTIRELY CENTERED AROUND FOOLING PEOPLE.

God damn, trolling is too easy now.

Attached: autistic trauma.jpg (703x516, 99K)

Pretty much

>the existence of porn is to indulge
Puritans like your are why society is breaking.
Freedom of expression and access to pornography does not breed or inspire degenerates. Degeneracy thrives only in response to oppression. The actual kind, not the fake kind. Repressed sexuality is fragile and prone to outbursts. That's why banning pornography DEMONSTRABLY increases the incidence of rape and sexual violence. When you take away people's freedoms, and push them into a corner, that's when their brains lock on to weird fucking bullshit to get themselves off.

Free expression of art and sexuality is healthy for society. The quickest way to damage the sexual and mental health of the youth is to restrict their freedom of expression and repress the sexuality that is their human nature.
America is a great example, is a culture that is paradoxically hypersexualized and puritanical at the same time. Sex sells, sex is everywhere, but for the love of God you can't teach kids about condoms in school!
There's a reason social justice has gained so much traction in the west and part of it is because of American culture. Over reaching puritanical Christian morality is the reasonbhardcore conservative anti-gay politicians often end up being total faggots in secret. Many young boys have grown up in a culture which forces them to repress their curiosity, and it builds and builds until a little curiosity turns into full on repressed homosexuality.

YOU are the reason there are so many degenerates around, not pornography. People consume porn, porn does not consume people.

Cause retard shit is funny to look at


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no, i am actually curious because i've seen people say the orgasm is the female type instead of male but i seriously dont understand how since its just rearranging a dick to look like a pussy

>I-It's a joke bro
No, It isn't

Attached: clinton okay.jpg (295x178, 11K)

Thanks user. It feels good writing to you glorious faggots about my problem and finally deciphering why I'm such a fuck up.

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Because it's stupid

>yadda yadda
fucking jews

As an alt right 4channeler I am glad reddit considers trannies a joke.😃

Well, alright.
Boys, show this guy the Chris-chan post-op masturbation video.

Who cares about those niggers?

like my posts and I'll tell you how

Hating a character for the presumed reasons he's in the game is retarded

Totes a joke bro.

If tomorrow they say that was a joke the shitstorm is gonna be epic, Are you high or something? Reddit is a heavy moderated community.

Try start doing more things for yourself like learning something or starting a project, do stuff that keeps your mind distracted and makes you grow as a person.

Dale is a man but Laura and Kate are both women

>only games need to be accessible.
What about extreme base jumping accessibility for furry mongoloids?

It's funny to see their attempts at justifying this

he isn't post op, that was a taint hole he made unless something happened recently i dot know about

trannies are delusional. they will pretend to get pms.

This, what a stellar turn of events. Shoot me in the nutsack please.

All the games mods go on resetera big shocker.

Sorry, but there's a timer before I get to like ;((((

No need to imagine, we're already doing it.

Attached: BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY - Copy.gif (500x277, 719K)

autist coming through

Lmao wat. This is actually unironic? Hahahahah

bo skeleton rp

what a cunt


just b urself

I've been doing a vidya lately. I got most of the lore, backstory and some mechanics done but I've been procrastinating instead of trying to find a solution to my problem.

All the shit I've been writing is opening old wounds

Press like if you think reddit is based!



bo skeleton rp

That is NOT a vagina

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: 231.jpg (500x500, 21K)


borp. Sorry, user. I couldn't keep the lil guy spoiled


I guess I'm autistic then lol


Has anyone actually met anyone that gets angry at "toxic gamers" while playing games? I've played games with plenty of people regularly from being in guilds/playing lots of team based games and what not and even the ones that were liberal didn't start crying when someone said nigger or made fun of trannies or some dumb shit, I get the feeling normal people (especially people that consistently play games) don't actually care about any of this shit aside from redditors.

Sometimes you need to see what a dick looks like before you realize it's not what you're into.
Not as far as "if you haven't sucked a dick how do you know you're not gay", but if you can come across gay porn online and not get an erection, you know you're straight.


When did we stop publically berating newfags for admitting that they’re new? Lurk more faggot. Goddamnit this place really IS reddit.

You guys know this just means even MORE redditors will take the trip to Yea Forums?🙁

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>Laura Kate Male
Man, he really withered into nothing now that the Switch lost all its fucking momentum, huh?

I've never seen anyone seriously use the word toxic. All I see is piss taking about GAMERS RISE UP and what not.
The ones that take it seriously forgot "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me".

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Let's be honest, they've been coming here since about 2013 anyway and most of the older users here migrated to infinity chan.

>Puritans like your are why society is breaking.
Why does my post saying "don't encourage loli porn but don't outright ban it since both are their own rabbit holes" degrade society in anyway?
>Degeneracy thrives only in response to oppression.
While true in some sense, I don't think it's true if you take it in this context. A culture of "loli rape is okay guys" will no doubt encourage it in reality.
>When you take away people's freedoms, and push them into a corner, that's when their brains lock on to weird fucking bullshit to get themselves off.
Agreed. But that's not what I was encouraging.
>Free expression of art and sexuality is healthy for society. The quickest way to damage the sexual and mental health of the youth is to restrict their freedom of expression
>and repress the sexuality that is their human nature.
I don't agree. There's things you outright discourage. Would you be happy if your kid was fapping to the "furry-loli-necro-alphabetsoup" crap I mentioned above? Normalizing this, especially to the youth is horrifying.
>America is a great example, is a culture that is paradoxically hypersexualized and puritanical at the same time.
It reflects the culture of taking legislation and forcing it as "morality". It's just as hypocritical as Americal's legislation on age of consent is. "18 or older, except really not really".
>There's a reason social justice has gained so much traction in the west and part of it is because of American culture.
I'd say it's because of the current culture of pitting everyone else against each other, but not daring to question, else be punished.

>YOU are the reason there are so many degenerates around, not pornography.
Haha, nice. Let's make this immediately personal. That'll get somewhere.
I'm not even encouraging anything get banned. Don't encourage a kid to browse furry necro, is my point.

>Lurk more faggot
Why don't we say this to people anymore? I've always had the courtesy to silently observe a community upon first joining to get a feel for unspoken rules and whatnot. Places are trying so hard to be inclusive that they won't even let people properly assimilate.

>and most of the older users here migrated to infinity chan.
Nah, but it's a viable alternative.

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>lmao u guys REEE about muh SJW boogeyman literally not invading your games, stop being so paranoid you bigots!
Uh huh.

it's time for a reset

Attached: guys only want one thing and.jpg (591x620, 107K)

One of my irl friends, but I don't play games with him. Partly because I don't like the games he plays, but also because my other friends always tell me what a fucking obnoxious whiney asshole he is whenever they play, blaming the game if he sucks ass, crying "toxic" at every little slight thrown his way, throwing tantrums if you don't want to play with him, spouts parroted and ill informed SJW-ish stuff all the time, etc.

He never used to be like this. He could be annoying sometimes definitely but he's just awful to be around now.

Most user, most.
There are still a handful that stayed here but they're few and far between.

First off, can't prove that or disprove that.
Second is the production of it, that can be encouraged and monetized by so much as viewing it. Eg.) Deep net CP, "acted rape" videos in the clearnet

I'd say that it was a fair move, maybe the best one. Weakness shouldn't have to be tolerated by anyone, especially by women.

men cant be raped though

>First off, can't prove that or disprove that
That's the point kiddo.

unironically makes me think

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testing fortune in a shitposting thread

But that's the point of your point, though, not mine. wut

what site is that? doesn't look like reddit

that's one of /r/games moderators posting on Yea Forums 2.0

You need to level up.
Read: Spend the whole day trashposting. If you're asking why its designed as a Skinner box to keep you active, that's the point.
PS: It's not worth it. But hey, I can do this.🐰

please keep it closed

user, your point relies on evidence that it fosters thoughts that people act on. Evidence that does not exist.

literally /ourguys/

Why the crap would someone look up porn outside of feeding their desires? Or perhaps I don't have evidence to back that up?

Looks like shit that my friend in the ER sends me during lunch. Did he fall on a chainsaw?

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Your post isn't explicitly calling for banning pornography, but if you actually read my post you'll notice I'm talking about how the puritanism behind your "pornography is degenerate" mentality is what actually breeds degeneracy in society.
It IS personal, it's about your twisted puritanical philosophy, because as long as people with misconceptions like yours are still around, ACTUAL degeneracy in society is just going to grow more powerful.

There's a difference between encouraging somebody to seek out furry necrophilia and acknowledging the fact that restricting people's freedom of expression will only make them develop weirder and less natural fetishes than dead animal fucking, and the porn they make is a symptom of their fetishes rather than the root cause.

When people are sexually repressed their brain rewires itself and they start to develop a taste for fucked up porn. You can't just show somebody fucked up porn and make them up and get off to it.

Mike Ybased

>r/gaming's mods work for Resetera
That's pretty impressive, probably their largest raid since the gangweed raid that happened here!

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This + ironic shitposting killed slowly the site

fucking bigots all of you

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>close down an entire reddit
>"dude I'm only getting positive responses"
Can't wait for the rude awakening tomorrow.

So why is it that I find necro furry scat to be repulsive despite that being horrific taboo? And you're logic sticks with "don't make it taboo, that'll encourage the human brain to seek it out by default". I'm not exactly going on a killing spree.
>it's about your twisted puritanical philosophy, because as long as people with misconceptions like yours are still around, ACTUAL degeneracy in society is just going to grow more powerful.
I'm saying all porn is some extent of degenerate, and feeding your thoughts rather than learning to control them, or discipline yourself. How twisted.
PS: I consider myself far from pure. I'm just saying it as I see it.
I find it makes more sense to discourage porn in general than to say x good but y bad. Or you'll get the outright hypocrisy you see today. "gay porn is empowering, but yuri anime is degenerate"
You complain about a hypersexual culture, but since the internet porn became accessible, it only got worse? The culture of "its okay to look at porn" made it so frigging preteens have a porn addiction. But oh no, I'm the problem, and it is personal.

Hear, hear!

What happened to not feeding the trolls? Did these people took RISE UP "women/islam/minorities/Trump/EA against gamers" shitposting so seriously?

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*nods respectfully toward you*

>political stuff isn't political stuff
Oh ho ho, now we know where the trannies came from. It ain't discord.


don't mind me just posting so that 4chanx reminds me what can I post

Can't believe I'm gonna unironically lurk a trendy subreddit tomorrow, the butthurt is going to be legendary.

Only incels like OP would have an issue with that. Proof that this ingenious method worked.

Most people on the internet now weren't around for that time period, or they've completely forgotten like the ADD insects they are. So people don't even understand that basic concept.


Like, it’s not even like I’m oldfag mcgee. I’ve been on here for only like 5 years and that was the fashion of the time.

No wonder it's so awful here today.


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The shitposters themselves started to take it seriously. Consider Christchurch. Actually, I guess it's possible to argue that the shooter didn't take it at all seriously. But at that point it's kinda moot, innit?

It's almost like if the internet is becoming the complete opposite of what it was just over 10 years ago, how the fuck did everything go so wrong.

FROM Yea Forums TO /JP LIKE Yea Forums TO Yea Forums

-__THE__MAN_EXQUISITE__- Drop likes for my mother who is battling cancer!

>reddit mod is on retardEra
Not even suprised anymore.

They'll just delete every "wrong" opinion and that's it.

Reminder that if you put a space between the spoiler and "bo" or "rp" then you didn't do it right and are also a faker.

The like system is to bring the worst of everyone, but all you need is all the perks to feel satisfied with all the other Kings of shitposting.

>Reddit shuts down
>Yea Forums STILL can't stop talking about them
Wish they would shut down this shit hole as well

>pretend to be non-jokey and serious about bigotry and hate, blah blah blah
>all the sjw news sites eat it all up
>totally not one big elaborate april fools joke
so fucking obvious, and everybody bought into it

>For those curious, yes we will have a meta thread for a discussion when the sub reopens. Stay tuned tomorrow for that.
I'll make a wild guess. People will give them crap, and they'll lock the thread due to gamer "toxicity". Like they usually due when their crap moderation gets called out by their user base.

People want to have fun trashposting on April Fools. But "lets take a second to talk about diversity". As if this changes anyone's mind or helps anyone come to a realization outside of how crappy the sub's moderation actually is.

>he switched to a cartoon avatar


They're not clever or ballsy enough to do it ironically, this has to be sincere. I mean I hope you're right but I just don't see it

Yes, a fat blue-haired tranny will totally do this as a multi-level prank.
Are you clinically retarded?


probably because lots of people here admit to being redditors.
also, back in the day we had plenty of fun posting about SA, HH, GAF and various tumblrs.
nowadays we cannot do this anymore sadly. probably because these people now literally post here and we'd rather block it out i guess


That would be too clever for the mods of that shit forum



lol! i unsubscribed get fucked


They seriously think they're doing a favor, user. Too much autism in them to understand how to have fun

They could’ve done that shit literally any other day of the year, and they just coincidentally do it on april fools? Yea I just don’t buy that

Hahaha, imagine that she is probably getting rammed by his step brother while he's overdosing on pills or streaming his suicide with a shotgun. hahaha

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Leftits are obsessed with subverting expectations, see The Last Jedi and shit

why does this literal who have a checkmark? also nice job abusing your mod power r/gayming mods and ruining the point of april fools with your no fun allowed move.

the word "boskeletonrp" without the quotes and spoiler the word "skeleton" inside it.

This task is nearly impossible for autistic people.

Does the tape over his mouth symbolize silencing those racist, racism-practicing racists?

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hand over the likes real slow

Attached: 1538288731905.png (320x320, 88K)

Classic case of a mouthbreather so theres some neurological impairment


Why are faggots so fragile, bros?

Your fortune: Good Luck

>Yea Forums users pretty much admitting that they browse /r/games
fuckin losers LMAO why do you retards actually browse that fuckin forum?

bo skeleton rp


Sounds like normal fathering to me.
He was just making sure you were fully clean.

Absoulutly based, we win again✔️

Well if the joke was having everyone make fun of them for being so stupid then yeah it's spot on.

Fun fact: in every single case where pornography featuring children was legalized, physical sex crimes against children (indecent exposure, molestation, and child rape) dropped dramatically.

Child sex crimes in Denmark dropped by 70% (more than two thirds) after child porn was legalized. Similarly, sex crimes in Japan and the Czech Republic dropped significantly after legalizing child porn.

An even larger body of research on of-age pornography shows the same (albeit not nearly as dramatic) drop in sex crimes when porn is made legal or more accessible.

Access to pornography, very literally, makes the public safer. Decriminalizing the distribution and collection of child pornography would, every year, save hundreds of thousands of children from being molested and raped.

Attached: Legalization of child porn dramatically reduces sex crimes against children.jpg (1868x777, 321K)

Why are bigots?

Where is the joke, Buckley

is child porn considered a sex crime? if so your statistics are garbage. did child sex crimes other than child pornography decrease? and why should abusing children by using them for porn be allowed? the line should not be drawn at penentration.

Can you say what's wrong with browsing reddit if I want information about videogames? If I exclusively browsed Yea Forums I would only know about the latest smash leak lmao

"Bigots" are just people who prefer the company of those like themselves. They don't fold in on themselves because somebody said the word "niggardly" or "tranny."


Based Xskelechads


>we just want to live our lives and be accepted
>did you just misgender me? you're going to jail asshole!
>did you just disagree with me? You're going to be censored until you stop committing wrongthink

Gee, if I didn't know any better, this kind of feels like fascism.

Attached: Untitled.png (416x352, 173K)

You're wrong, I also prefer the company of those like myself, i.e., people who are not bigots.

>close forum for a day
It seems another gamer is rising up here.


-__THE__MAN_EXQUISITE__- Drop likes for my mother who is battling cancer!

Hey guys i also think black people and minorities are like bad and stuff haha. Can i get some likes?

Attached: frag.jpg (2000x1247, 821K)

You call x incel expecting him to vote for Clinton, nothing happens.
He calls you a tranny, you demand an arrest and patreon shutdown.

>Laws against harassment are fascist
>Harassing minorities isn't
Classic fascist duplicity


Attached: 8D5A739C-9EDE-4C01-8B00-FC71BD4C7CD5.jpg (1055x551, 85K)

>is child porn considered a sex crime? if so your statistics are garbage
You didn't read what I wrote.

>physical sex crimes against children (indecent exposure, molestation, and child rape) dropped dramatically

No, professional researchers and statisticians didn't come to the conclusion that "if we make this crime legal then the crime rate goes down lmao". Access to child pornography gave potential offenders a non-violent, non-harmful method of satisfying their desires.

>Circle jerk which bans making fun of trannies is proud of shutting itself down for a day
Wow so brave

>You call x incel expecting him to vote for Clinton, 50 people die
>He calls you a tranny, nothing happens

but why should child pornography be legalized? why draw the line there? you are still sexually abusing children.

If this was true, why is it that Japan got more strict with CP laws? They have the data according to this, after all! Actually, it might be a scheme to make more money off of fining people. CP is still very much a thing there, just somewhat less so.

Either way, I don't trust raw data, I trust what I lived through instead. If I were to trust /pol/ for data, I'd be going through crap that's older than 100 years for the sake of sticking it to those blacks, or crap that's straight up false.

>Reports show rates haven't gone up after legalization
Give a time frame. We don't know if the people pushing this legislation or distributing the data are impartial. That's assuming I trust their word. In the long run, it's very hard to believe this will remain unchanged.

Define how calling someone a gender is harassment.

>accidentally calling someone a he over the internet, without any way of knowing otherwise, is now on the same level of crime as seeking out and killing people

>No, professional researchers and statisticians didn't come to the conclusion that "if we make this crime legal then the crime rate goes down lmao"
Source. We do not know how this data was processed, and it's very very important because it can mean the difference between an intention scheme to mislead, and solid data.
