Roadmap To Nowhere (The Jimquisition)

>We've touched on roadmaps a little before, but let's take a good ol' look at the concept in more detail. In tech, roadmaps can form crucial paths for development. In games, roadmaps have become a crutch - a buzzterm used to clothe the lack of content when a game is sold.

>Roadmaps are the latest disguise for what's been happening in "AAA" games for years - software being pushed out in a half-baked state to make as much money immediately, with a plan to add value to the product being relegated to a distant secondary concern.

>We know where we're going, but we can't say where we've been.

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fuck off with eceleb shit faggot

I agree with a lot of Jims points usually but why does he take so long to explain literally any kind of point

funny how you never complain when it's a giant bomb thread

He's right, online games should be completely stagnant. Release them and let it die a week later.

Jim Sterling is an embarrassing, self-righteous jackass, but "roadmaps" really are a completely insufferable product of an industry that only cares about "engagement" numbers. Roadmaps and post-release updates are just early access by another name, and they exist to string the addicted along so companies can tell their shareholders that people are still playing their half-baked abortion of a game 6 months after release.

Games as a service suck ass. Release an entire video game or don't release one at all.

Who gives a shit about what this fat fuck says.
Check my 5


Haven't you seen the pachinko threads? now that the nips are doing it Yea Forums is pretty much pro-dlc

Yea Forums can't handle Jim because of his political views, hilariously enough

He can't handle remotely challenging games like Sekiro or Cuphead, and the fat oafs defense of pitiably incompetent game devs was embarrassing

Neither can Yea Forums. You people suck ass at games for the most part, I'm far better than most people here.

That's not the point, you stupid mongoloid. Games should have actual content when they are released and bought, not be devoid of content with only the promised of more content to be added later. These "games" or "online services" are not designed to be fun, they need to be engaging. Which means that you should be playing for longer periods of time, even if you are bored out of your fucking mind, just for the slight chance to drop some coin into a microtransaction or whatever

sure you are

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Thanks for the backup bro

but Yea Forums is 99.9999% liberal?

because the longer the video is, the more ads it can hold

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I wish jim wasn't such a faggot and a hypocrite, because he occasionally he'll take the 18 inch dildo out his ass and actually make a good video like this. is right

I mostly hate jim because he's a hypocrite
>hey everyone look at this dev stealing people's money
>but don't look at this other dev doing the same thing because she's my friend
Also just because you're a faggot it doesn't mean you have to shout about it all the time, I'm biscum myself and it still annoys me

Cause it makes him look like he knows more. Despite almost never giving nuanced look at a subject

>Games should have actual content when they are released and bought, not be devoid of content
But the accusation gets thrown at pretty much every game with DLC. If they even think about how DLC will be done before launch the game is incomplete, if the game releases something unplanned 2 years later people will ask is there a complete edition yet. The arguments around the subject are awful cause the people assume intent by how much the like a game rather than knowledge of what went on in development.

That's blatantly not true. Roadmaps exist because they want consumers to spend as much time in their games as possible, for as long as possible. Roadmaps are basically saying "Don't sell your game if you're bored, we have more coming down the pipe to get you back in"

Some devs use roadmaps the right way, but those aren't the ones jim is attacking. Using them in the way you described isn't a problem, but shitty lazy greedy devs sell you a half assed product with vague promises of "we'll fix it when we can"

Also used as a way to make sure the community doesn't moan too much. If you have a multiplayer game where the devs completely shut down communication about what there next plans are people get really worried. Comes off like the devs have abandoned the game, which very often is the case.

>but shitty lazy greedy devs sell you a half assed product
The practice he described is sleazy though. Your problems seems to be more devs making bad games, so of course they'll do all the practices around it poorly as well.