Reminder that CoD4 has the hardest Veteran campaign in the series even when Mile High Club isnt taken into account

reminder that CoD4 has the hardest Veteran campaign in the series even when Mile High Club isnt taken into account.

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Grenade spam != difficulty

>cod hard

Grenades arent going to be what kills you in the last phase of Heat

I finished it when it first came out but I absolutely cannot get past the part where you have to fight your way down that one mountain in the remastered version. Like holy fuck those faggots are everywhere.

Surely you can't be serious...

I CANNOT fucking get past the part where you wait for the chopper I'm Chernobyl, its fucking impossible on veteran

I thought it was pretty neat you could shoot the dog in that one level and then a pack of doggies would kill you.

I fucking cheesed the shit out of that part. I put claymores fucking everywhere then I hid in that one little shack next to the ferris wheel until it was time to go.

my strategy was to crawl through the drainage pipe to the left of the barn and make a beeline for the dilapidated hut at the end of the ditch. Once you get there its pretty much a home run if you dont get nailed by the 1 dude that spawns in the path to the objective
which would you say is the hardest?
git gud, if you hide in the part of the level that the game tells you to place the captain you cant fail
and if you ignore the dogs at the bottom of the pool near the end they will attack the enemies that come from that angle

I don't remember cod4 veteran being a grenade spam. World at war on the other hand was stupid.

CoD4 and World at War were the apex of Call of Duty

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Heat is probably the most frustrating level in the entire series.

>he didn't caught the refference...
The absolute fucking state of this board.

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Just finished MWRemastered two days ago on veteran. One shot, One kill and Heat made me want to pour cement mix down my cockhole. Fuck Veteran Difficulty.

Airplane sucks

Don't call me shirley

>Early 90’s Delta aesthetic
Sauce, if not I’ll eventually reverse image search or look for Cod bhd mods.

Seems like bullshit to me when 3 and World at War exist.

tf is this? black hawk down mod?

I didnt think WaW was that bad outside of Reichstag which is easier than Heat but I havent played CoD3 in like 10 years so I dont remember it very well

I wish the remaster of this would get discounted more on steam.

cheapest key you can find online is like 30usd. which no ones going to be willing to pay.

if activision made the remaster like 5$ literally 100k people might be playing it instead they want to sell it for like 40$ to no one.

only reason BO3 is still played on steam is it has a 15$ version.