Is there any hope for good star wars games in the future?

Is there any hope for good star wars games in the future?

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It's not the force that's not working right in that scene. It's the vacuum of space that isn't working right.

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Up til Episode 7, every SW character had a little training or was shown using force abilities before using others. Even Luke was actually trained before he used the force to lock on to the exhaust pipe in the Ep 4

Twists that break universe consistency are retarded. Even fucking anime knows not to pull this bullshit

>slightly moved
>was able to survive the vacuum of fucking space for 30 seconds

Wouldn't Leia have had some training in the 20 years between the original films and the sequels?

You die and freeze instantly in the vacuum of space with no protective gear you big retard.

>B-But it's scifi just turn your brain off
Even in Empire they're still wearing breathing gear inside of the space worm.

Considering the 20 years between 6 and 7 basically didnt happen, no.

Probably, but why not show or mention it at all before having her float herself through space? Not to mention the force was also keeping her from freezing which no character has ever been shown being capable of

When has the vacuum of space ever worked correctly in Star Wars?

women can breathe in space
it's the patriarchy that chokes them

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>vacuum of space
If space in StarWars is a true vacuum explain the close-range low-speed old school dogfights.


It's funny how nearly every comic/rant defending The Last Jedi has to completely ignore the actual argument being made

We had the comics and novels

no, there's nowhere for your body heat to go
but you definitely die as every gas and fluid in your body is violently expelled, probably taking your eyes and lungs with them

In pretty much every instance ever.

The only time the rules got bend even a little was in the space worm in Empire. And even then they still needed gear to go out of the ship.

Probably when nobody's ever lived in space before. Also that's presumably why space suits and space ships exist in this setting.

lol, you are the reason the new movies are garbage

Of all the things wrong with the movie, I never understood why anyone grabbed unto this. Other than looking wonky as hell, a Skywalker using Jesus force powers shouldn't really be a problem right?

The horrendous character assassination and entire second act should be enough to damn thr movie.

Thrusters what? You're saying everyone is intentionally limiting their top speed for no apparent reason?
The kind of fighting you see in SW is technically possible in a vacuum but extremely disadvantageous. Therefore either literally everyone is retarded, there's a millenia old treaty prohibiting realspace speeds for some reason and everyone just obeys it, or space isn't really a vacuum in that universe and acts closer to very high-altitude on Earth.

Of course this assmunch would like TLJ.

Wasn't there a scene in the shitty Clone Wars CG series were there was a jedi fighting in space vacuum? I can't recall it exactly, but I think there was something like that.

>You're saying everyone is intentionally limiting their top speed for no apparent reason?
You think they are going to go mach 5 in a small curvy trench?

The vacuum of fucking space. user.

Pretty much every ship battle since the prequels has highlighted somebody getting sucked out into it to show that they died instantly.

Radiative heat. Which is a problem in space, not vacuum.

Plo Koon did fight in space, but since his species can't breathe oxygen he already had proper protection

But Jedi are fucking wizards.

The CGI shows had a scene with Sith using their lightsabers as helicopters.

When has the force ever outright nullified damage taken?

Star Wars has long established that Space and Humans function identically to their real-world counterparts. Making the Space Leia scene unforgivably retarded.

TRAINED Jedis are fucking wizards

She had training at some point in the 20 years

This is what happens when you think your mystical space magic bacteria can do absolutely any and everything ever. And that it can also just protect you from the vacuum of space simply because you “will” it to.

Also no, not until EA loses their license on Star Wars, which isn’t going to happen anytime soon because Disney doesn’t see them doing anything wrong

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Well, the problems with gases being sucked from your anus still exist for him. Unless he does not have an anus. Or any other hole.

Nah, that was a later shitty CG show.

Ok, here's the issues with the scene. I don't even necessarily agree on every point but these are the issues I've seen listed
>Logically, she should be dead almost instantly
>Leia was never trained in the force and suddenly can zoom around in space and keep herself alive with it
>Leia somehow gets back onto the ship by opening the door and just... getting back in with no airlock, how did it not kill everyone in the hallway
>Seriously, getting sucked out into space didn't kill her? Why? She's like 70

not even slightly true. you can survive exposure to a vacuum. don't just make up science to fit your narrative, you fucking cum hoarder

Lol dude just stfu and turn your brain off


She explicitly did not. Cope retard.

Because it's fucking hilarious.
I mean just watch it

No. You'd be more likely to overheat

It wasn't even that. It just looked lame. You can't make an elderly woman flying trough space look cool


Yes she did, read the wiki

why would you train a diplomat in the jedi arts? even if you trained her why wouldn't you give her a lightsaber?


>Read the wiki
Your typical normie does not do that. Moreover, if you need any kind of external information for the things in a movie to make sense, it’s a bad movie

Self defence

Yeah, but Star Wars always had moments like that where George Lucas would swooze in after release and point out some weird detail to explain away a plothole. Why are people so mad about it now?

But they're going super slow even outside the trench. In their approach they come in at roughly the same speed as the freshly launched TIEs and get caught up in a dogfight.
If they just kept accelarting they could've been much faster and just zipped past them and only decelerate once they're extremely close to the trench.
Also in Ep6 looking at the canonical sizes of some of the warships and how long fighters take to zip past them they must be going like 200-400m/s or 720-1440kph. That's pretty damn slow for high-altitude flight and absolutely snail's pace for a vacuum. Why would they do that if they didn't have to?

I was too busy laughing my ass off at that terrible scene to be angry

Maybe because a diplomat wouldn't want to use the force to fight, but still learn it for some neat survival tricks. I mean, hey, it worked out.

Because all of those are extremely nitpicky and only autists care about it.

>It said in the novelization of the books that she was trained
Fuck off

I don’t remember any glaring plot holes in the OT

>Why are people so mad about it now?
Because they are acting as if their already shitty movies (even without plotholes) are better than George's worst ideas

Is there any hope for good star wars films in the future?
Answer one and you answer the other.

>Let's not shoot that escape pod because we cannot detect bio signals even though we live in a world where droids exist, a fact that we are also very well aware of.

You mean the Legends part or the Canon part where also now the Death Star's Dianoga turned out to be a good girl who dindu nuffin and was just baptising Luke.

not a plothole

JJ's back so yes

>implying the problem isnt them crowding around an airlock so they can open it into space and let her in

The were looking for the princess

It's still possible for EA to lose the license and a more competent developer acquiring it. It's not very likely, but it could happen.

TFA wasn't even that good and there's no way to salvage anything from TLJ, not for JJ, not for anybody.

>When has the force ever outright nullified damage taken?
Can you blame the force for Anakin and Obi-Wan not both instantly turning into charred corpses around all that lava in Mustafar WHILE still having a duel with each other? That seems about equivalent to level as environmental protection you need to survive a vacuum for a short period.

PROTIP: Freezing is the act of your heat syphoning off into the matter around you. There is no matter to sap your heat in space. You do not freeze.

You do get barbecued by radiation, though.

the fact that you aren't making that up makes me🙁


They were wearing hear resistant robes my dude

>Freezing is the act of your heat syphoning off into the matter around you
You'd still emit blackbody radiation

It's dumb, but a lot of the force power stuff has been dumb so that didn't really bother me. It seemed more like it was writing her out of the movie into a convenient coma when they realized Carrie didn't have the energy to stand for more than a minute at a time. Also so they'd have an excuse to bring in a character to replace her that only exists to play the exact same role and then die so Leia didn't have to. The movie is such a clusterfuck.

Going fast isn't a very effective method of escape when lasers are a thing. Or are you going to outrun lasers? It's better to keep close and make it hard for them to keep you in their sights, let alone aim their weapons directly at you.

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an actual answer or just a joke. Knowing the way Star Wars canon work it could really be either...

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Take it as both given the retarded gadgets that Jedi had in Phantom Menace

>The only character they didnt kill off was the one whose actor died

>bring in a character to replace her that only exists to play the exact same role and then die so Leia didn't have to
I thought her hair was a weird lighting thing but it was actually fucking pink

>People think that her moving herself is what people are complaining about
>not her surviving getting blown up and fucking drifting into space
>not her using force powers without any in universe explanation or training.

I swear the fucking SJWs can't do anything but build strawmen to fight against.

This is probably about the new movies, no? One of the reasons why I didn't bother to watch them.

To answer your question, no, because that would imply Star Wars was good in the first place.

I don't know--Star Fox is dead, so maybe a new Rogue Squadron?
Shadow of the Empire is a close second.
Super Star Wars series is third.

>Going fast isn't a very effective method of escape when lasers are a thing
You mean the "lasers" that you can visibly see travel at very slow speeds? Those definitely aren't lasers, they're magnetically contained plasma or something similar. Real lasers wouldn't even be visible in a vacuum.
Not to mention that the point of going fast isn't to escape, it's to maintain the maximum possible energy. Having more energy gives you a massive advantage and since gravity isn't really an issue in space altitude doesn't matter so it's all about airspeed.

My feelings matter more than facts

I complain about all three

People are more willing to overlook things in good movies.

There was an episode of the Rebels cartoon where Space Aladdin and Twink!Kyle Katarn were riding space whales in their regular clothes with only a silly helmet on their heads. Fucking normal shirts, vests and fingerless gloves, as if they were insulated spacesuits.

I guess that's just the new canon for you.

Never mind the explosion not frying her or loading her with shrapnel

old canon had dumb shit too like a clone of luke made from his severed hand called "Luuke"

I suppose that was technically canon, but I don't think people included all of the expanded universe on the same level as the films

well people still cared when the majority of the EU was culled.

EU is not old canon. EU wasn’t ever really canon except where it fit the plots of some video games

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the games were also EU though?

That was just due to the sheer amount of material that DID get culled

At least Thrawn was reintroduced.

Except star wars videogames were EU, you retard.

It didn't help that the new stuff we got in return was pretty awful.

Star Wars is rule of cool space fantasy shit.

And then Disney uncullled it and raped the old stuff

Did you expect anything else from them?

There is a difference between something being unlikely and something impossible.
Cloning from the hand and recovering the hand is still possible even if unlikely and stupid but not wrecking your fingers by wearing fingerless gloves in space should be a serious offense in every kind of fictional work.

The old EU system was tiered, after films was the 2008 Clone Wars show, after that came most books and comics and the general plot of videogames. Only after that it became really weird like with comics and books that contradicted newer material, the exact stats and maps of videogames or flat out non-canon stories like Vader v.s. Darth Maul revived by a Sith cult.

I don't really care if it was realistic/feasible or not, it just looked silly.

I agree. Therefore trying to use physics to whine about what should and shouldn't be possible is totally pointless.
As long as it's internally consistent it doesn't matter if it's nothing like reality. This is also why the hyperspace ramming is extremely stupid while floating through "vacuum" is fine.

Even if the floating through the vacuum were fine, how can people explain Leia surviving the explosion in the first place, or returning to the spaceship without sucking everyone else out because there was no airlock?

I think we are all forgetting the real travesty of that scene. Akbar is killed unceremoniously off screen.


no one is going to claim that 100% of EU stuff was amazing, but it did have some gems in there that were gutted, like everything related to Dark Forces, which was a better Rogue One than Rogue One was

I don't care what anyone says, the hyperspace ramming was fucking cool.

I don't know man, I think the force system is complete bullshit and the new movies only made things worse.
Honestly I only like Starwars media if it focuses in something other than the jedi, like the bounty hunters or the clones.

For that matter, why couldn't she just force the ship back together around here
Why hasn't this been done before
>brb writing Disney now

It was a cool scene, but completely retarded in the context of the Star Wars universe as a whole.

>slightly moved

Did they not teach these people about momentum in school?

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Rule of cool isn't absolute

If you care about Newton, Star Wars as a whole probably isn't for you.

Read your own fucking article nerd. You go unconscious right away and someone else has to rescue you.

There is no vacuum. Force is absolutely everywhere and it causes slight space friction(preventing high speeds) and provides at least some pressure.
Even untrained force users subconsciously manipulate pure force around them to create a pressure zone. They can't do this in an atmosphere where the force is mixed with air but in space they're basically bathing in pure force.
It's also possible that the explosion completely knocked Leia out and her subconscious completely gave itself to the force, let it guide her. So it wasn't Leia that pulled "herself" or created force bubbles to minimise pressure but the force itself that was doing it with her body.

Isn't this what you people want from your space adventures?

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The films and The Clone Wars showed clone troopers getting sucked into space and dying instantly multiple times. Leia survived too long and the shills from Lucasfilm can only address the flying through space shit while I have yet to read a story in EU or BasedEu where a Jedi created a forcefield to shield himself from vacuum/keep oxygen around himself. And on top of that she was unconscious for 5-10 minutes, so force powers can activate without the users input at all now? Willing the shield into existence and staying awake for it to hold always seemed necessary.

Either explanation sounds incredibly convoluted and retarded, you should go to Disney and apply as a SW writer there.

The problem is that the OT had no flaws that glaring and the prequels, despite what revisionists want you to believe, have been mocked mercilessly for similar issues for over two decades.
The ST is at prequel levels or lower, yet it still wants to be respected and have its glaring flaws ignored.

Yes, I mean there's sound in space and the space ships fly like airplanes even though they're in a vacuum.

But I have difficulty imagining what exactly Rian wants me to believe happened to Leia after she gets blown out of the ship. I guess she matched the speed and trajectory of the ship perfectly so that she just had to superman her ass back a few hundred feet.

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That’s what I’m saying niggers

Jesus Christ.

It's like it was literally written by tumblr.

For me it was how the ship just fucking stopped in place while she took her time getting back into it.

>uses the force for the first time in her life
>flies like superman

yeah, luke needed months of training to barely move a fucking pebble

Goddamn, I completely forgot that they were doing the whole fleeing thing.

Sure, it was cool as shit. But it brings up the question of "why the fuck didn't anyone do this before?"
Disregarding physics as we know it still shows KKVs going at FTL speeds are very effective in the SW universe according to that scene. Maybe the accuracy is shit, right? But that still doesn't explain why that tactic wasn't used against massive slow targets like the Death Star or static targets like the Kuat shipyards.
We know droids can pilot ships, and we know that the safety features in a hyperdrive can be overriden. So why not just slap a hyperdrive to an asteroid and chuck it at whatever massive target you want to obliterate? Previously you could just say "hyperspace doesn't work that way" and easily get around the problem. But EP 8 shows that it DOES work that way and retroactively makes everyone else seem retarded.
And even ignoring the question of why nobody tried this extremely obvious tactic before how are they going to get around that issue in Ep9? Any massive supposedly threatening warship is now just a massive targets to chuck FTL asteroids at.

You wouldn't freeze in space anyways, you'd die from lack of oxygen

the force is female

hello fellow gamers, i also FUCKING HATE women

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Can I stick my dick in the force?

Wow, Shortpacked still exists? Huh.

Something I saw tossed around is that there'd be a big risk of collateral damage as there was no way to guarantee where the ship would stop.

Would the Empire give four shits about collateral damage?
Or any of the "evil" groups in SW for that matter?

The fuck is this comic? People made fun of that scene because it looked goofy not because it was "unrealistic"

Any explanation of how magic fantasy physics work is going to sound convoluted and retarded, which is why this shit is best left unexplained(looking at you phantom fucking menace).
A simple "different universe, different physics" explanation handles any departure from reality as long as it's at least somewhat internally consistent.

>the point of going fast isn't to escape, it's to maintain the maximum possible energy
user what the fuck are you even trying to communicate here this isn't a thing. If you go fast you then need to spend more energy to change directions, not to mention the extra energy spent getting up to that speed to begin with. Unless you mean for the purpose of increasing the velocity of your weapons, but that's even more retarded, if you're driving down the road shooting a gun it really doesn't matter if you're going 60kmph or 90kmph, it's not going to noticeably effect the power of the bullet. Also you clearly haven't payed a huge amount of attention to the lasers in star wars, they move slower the closer to the screen they are and speed up as they move away, it's a cinematic effect and lucas just didn't like the traditional beam lasers. There is no consistency to properly measure the speed of them because sometimes they move slow enough for a guy with a sword to deflect and sometimes they surpass the speed of light in an effect to get them off the screen quickly, it's called a movie.

I don't get it

>Slightly moving
>Literally pulling yourself through space faster than a space ship is propelling itself through space

God, why was it such a shit show?
>Poor ass Hamill doesn't have a family, is a fucking recluse that's been hiding instead of living his life
>Chink loses her sister
>Nigger gets intercepted by Chink
>Somehow, the Chink acts like a Nigger instead of letting the Nigger go
>Later Nigger is about to sacrifice himself, Chink smashes her ship into his
>Somehow they both live, and the Chink claims he saved the Nigger's life
>Bunch of fucking whores doesn't want to ease their men, keep saying they have to wait with a chance of being destroyed
>All that blatant grimdark edgy shitshow instead of trying to bullshit new races and fun shit
You'd think you'd have a funner Star Wars focused on adventures like the OG series did, but no. It's all bullshit. All feminist bullshit with no real sense of what the fuck is going on

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>I won't explain the actual argument about the Leia scene, I'll make up an issue nobody really has
Does anyone think they ever btfo someone
with shit like this? It's like you're terrified of being wrong

>as long as it's at least somewhat internally consistent
And that's the crux here, isn't it?
The entire scene doesn't really fit with anything we've seen force users do up until that point. That's why it breaks my suspension of disbelief, at which point it becomes either ridiculous or laughable.

Pretty much this. Why waste 20 years making the Death Star and spend so much time on R&D for that gigalaser when you can just build massive husks, slap a hyperdrive on them, and chuck them directly at rebellious planets. Using our physics one would be enough to obliterate a planet, but maybe Kinetic energy is a bit weaker in SW so they'd need 10ish. It's still so much cheaper than the superlaser.

No you don't.
You can't lose heat if there is nothing to take it away.
In the void of space you can only lose heat with black body radiation, which slow as hell.

Space ships actually have overcooking problems.
Half the solar-panels-looking structure you see on the space station (the plain white ones) are actually radiators desperately trying to radiate heat *away* fast enough.

No you don't either.
Crazy commies got some semi-failed experiment on Earth where a guy testing their space suit in a chamber recreating an ever more advanced void than in low orbit got a leakage.
The guy didn't explode or anything and got up pretty much as soon as they re-established normal pressure.
He did fall unconscious nearly instantly due to the same phenomena than divers and sudden decompression, and testify how he felt his sweat and saliva vaporize.
Our bleed vessels, skins and eyes are good enough to endure the vacuum of space.
Remember there is less pressure difference between normal Earth and space than between your house and the bottom of the ocean. It's not something beyond biological tissue's reach *at all*.

>Decades of treating Storm Troopers like faceless cogs and expendable resources
>As soon as they are about to completely destroy the enemies capitol ship, call them back so they don't go "out of range"

Your fortune: Good Luck

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Hard magic systems with defined rules are a thing you know?
Having a soft magic system is not bad though, unless it feels like writers are pulling shit out their ass to solve major conflicts.

Luke performs telekinesis in Empire without ever having seen it done.

My suspension of disbelief was broken when half the dialogue of Episode 7 was quotes from the previous movies with the characters desperately trying not to wink into the camera.

Eh, I managed to sit through Episode 7 without hating every single second, but the moment 8 opened with that god-awful dialogue and the worst bombers known to Star Wars was the moment everything truly started falling apart for me.

You clearly have no idea how WVR air combat works. Go ahead and familiarise yourself with BFM, there's a reason boom and zoom completely won out against turn and burn.
You "spend" energy to gain altitude and position. There's no altitude in space so it's all about airspeed.
Continuous turning burns off airspeed until you stall out(or in space, basically just slow down to a crawl and become an easy target since you can't stall). Going faster means you can turn for longer and come out of the turn faster. This is super basic stuff for air combat.

Except the issue here isn't the "magic" system(the force) but the entire physics system. Even non-force users are limited in what they can do in what should be a vacuum but clearly isn't.

>Not getting completely pulled out of the movie by the first sentence of the text crawl.

Sorry user, I already know that my tastes are sometimes incredibly plebeian.

That's because it was

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Luke got basic training in his first movie.
So him being shit but still able to do basic Jedi stuff is much less of a plothole than Leia (who has never even really expressed any interest in Jedi training) suddenly pulling comic book hero stuff.

God, this reads like the backstory of someone's shitty OC.

>I suppose that was technically canon, but I don't think people included all of the expanded universe on the same level as the films
That literally comes from one of the most beloved EU stories, the Thrawn trilogy from Timothy Zahn. That is usually held up as the *best* of the EU.

The EU was mostly garbage.

Well of course, but not the near future. Disney is making incredible profit by pretending to care about woman power and minority issues and (worst of all) deconstruction of fanbases aka giving the finger to established things. It doesn't all come across terribly but a lot of it does and the end result of so much disingenuous pandering is a fickle audience and absolute lack of depth.

That bleeds into everything they touch. So we end up with half assed games because EA has to chase that mythical audience that wants Vader to apologize for Jawas being slaves and offer reparations to Leia's family. And that shit makes for terrible games. It just does. I don't even hate SJW causes, I'm relatively indifferent. But it has to be genuine. And nothing Disney does strikes me as genuine, it's just popular and profitable to have it.

But one day it'll tip and they'll hire someone that cares at least a little. Zoomer culture will stop being bratty assholes that just want to destroy what everyone else likes. And then we'll get some good SW games. But that's probably 20 years away.

>Akbar is killed unceremoniously off screen.

Ackbar's actor died. That's 100% the reason.

Meanwhile they want Leia to retire instead of giving her a proper funerail

The EU was mostly just ultra-super galaxy destroying supership and superweapon spam combined with constant resurrection and everything always gets solved with a massive asspull. The power creep got so bad you'd think you were reading a shounen manga.
Almost everything set after EP6 was total garbage and basically the only good things that came from the EU were the X-wing and TIE Fighter games.

>implying the Dark Forces and Jedi Knight games weren't good
user please

>Luke got basic training in his first movie.
Luke's "basic training" consists of deflecting a couple of bullets blindfolded, and literally nothing else.

The biggest problem with the new prequel memers is that they are obsessed with characters' appropriate "power levels", like if someone didn't spend enough time in the hyperbolic time chamber they shouldn't be allowed to win fights or know anything about the Force.

Leia is in her 50s, and she's the child of the most gifted Jedi in recent history. There are 3 decades unaccounted for in the cannon during which it is perfectly plausible that she learned about the Force, either from her brother or by self study.

No, there will be no more good star wars games. Also your comic is autistic.

Fine, those were good too. But they could've been even better if they weren't trying to tie into other garbage EU plotlines.
And some of the comics set between Revenge and Hope were ~OK.