ITT: Forgettable Games

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Fuck this sjw trash this is an E.Y.E. thread now.

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Sweet christ I can't even imagine what your life is like with a taste that shit.

Do you wake up and eat dirt for breakfast?

Do you drive a nissan?

Do you only play games on your xbone?

It's sad.

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Post E.Y.E. related memes.

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The fuck is wrong with you? That game is a classic.

Reminder that even blatant samefagging is a form of E.Y.E. posting.

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sorry I've misread the thread I thought it was the forgotten gems

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>tfw no gf with 2 extra holes

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It was such an inept pile of shit, completely overshadowed both by previous installments and active competitors, people already forgot it happened.

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Anyone know what this game's called?

Can't forget that booty

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It's pretty good, but it's just another TPS from an era riddled in TPS.

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The best part of a woman are her eye sockets and legs and she fails at both of them. Her game isn't the only thing thats forgettable about her.

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It had a pretty large advertising campaign for how forgotten it is.

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Always remember that this guy is your enemy.

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Remember a game that was going to kill Halo?

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