Left or right Yea Forums?
Left or right Yea Forums?
Your fortune: Outlook good
holy fuck, where can I get more of this guy's busty splash woman?
Rolled 4 (1d6)
rolling 3 for both
Based and cunnypilled
left is for men, right is for boys
why not both?
Left or Right?
Oppai is truth and flatfags will deny this
I'm going to be a boy forever!
>being so new you don't even know who fupoo is
>doesn't even notice the signature
Your fortune: Average Luck
holy fucky check out those milkmountains
god imagine just getting your hands on them going to town doing whatever the fuck u want with them, just like bouncing a fucking tennis ball of them trying to catch it
I'll have one Splashwo man please.
Rolled 96 (1d100)
lets let the dice decide
below 50 - right
above 50 - left
100 - both
Left has the better tits but right is the better character
so right. Tits are fleeting.
Right. She's cuter.
Right with left's tits.
The artist already picked right
right cause Im not a normalfag faggot
I love the fat tummy FuPoo draws on splashwo
right, obviously
left is way past her expiration date, she's hardly worth even looking at
>that tiny bit of chub
left, easiest choice of my life
have a like for enlightening my retarded ass
>hating on based fupoo
Better a normalfag than a pedo.
If you say Left you might be gay.
whats wrong with it?
its not like he makes a shitton of art and posts it in Yea Forums threads
Ok. Sorry I'm bad at this.
fupoo is based
Which has more likes?
Best answer itt
Requesting to take the face from the loli and place it on oppai mommy pls
He's only based when he's drawing Furrets cumming inside pokegirls.
oh great minds think alike beat me to it nice.
I've jacked off so many times to this picture.
Boy I sure do hate vorefags.
I wish he drew more of these.
Spare likes? so
>love splash woman and fupoo
>Hate vore
I'm conflicted
There is plenty of Fupoo Splash without vore, you know.
Both. At the same time.
Most of Fupoos art isn't vore, it's just his cashcows giving him money for vore and giantess garbage.
Yeah, I really fuck with his lactation art, the expressions sell it for me.
Left obviously
Bless me with a big tiddy gf in the future, please.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
This. People are throwing money at him for giantess and vore shit. If you look at the contents of his Pixiv (uploads of his actual tastes) there's none of that in there.