I’m so lonely

I’m so lonely.

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haha lol

then go out and make some friends you faggot

Stop being lonely.

Will you get a gf sometime that cures your loneliness?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Just b yourself bro

What does that mean?

just take the wizard pill user, you dont need other people to be happy

and horny

But I’m not a wizard.

please give me likes I don't know how I lost all off mine but I ddid

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then just take the lonely pill

hi lonely im user

you will never experience this

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that you will forever be a lonely memelord👌

>tfw scorelet

Nigga you can't just keep making up pills.

Me too. Let's become besties

I'm working on the "alone, but not lonely" thing. It doesn't help that I'm an outsider even to my own family.

play vidya,watch movies, watch cartoons,read books,work out
you don't need to socialize to be happy, at least i don't

I did briefly and that’s why I know exactly what I’m missing.
Also why do people record themselves in these intimate moments and worse, share them online? You’re ruining something beautiful just for Internet points.

Rolled 57 (1d100)

if dubs, everyone in this thread will get a cute gf

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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

>I did briefly


I want to

fuck off you failed normalfag, you are pathetic

Ok thanks

Not OP, I have friends and I still feel lonely.

That’s why I’m here.

s-same. i dont get invited anywhere, have no friends and all tinder experiences were horrible to the point where i can't be bothered to even start chatting again (even after getting matched with a girl that i see every other day)

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just jack off daily and you'll be fine

I’ll probably hate you irl too.



You can’t kiss your hand.

i fap multiple times a day, it doesn't help.

i'm just a social autist dont hate

Haha :)😃

im too ashamed to show my score, no girl will ever love me

Lonely I'm so lonely
I have nobody
To call my own
I'm so lonely
Yo this one here goes out to all my players out there
Ya know got to have one good girl whose always been there
Like ya know took all the bullshit
Then one day she can't take it no more and decides to leave
I woke up in the middle of the night
And I noticed my girl wasn't by my side
Coulda sworn I was dreamin', for her I was feenin'
So I hadda take a little ride
Back tracking ova these few years
Tryna figure out what I do to make it go bad
Cause ever since my girl left me
My whole left life came crashin'
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
Can't believe I had a girl like you
And I just let you walk right out of my life
After all I put you through
You still stuck around and stayed by my side
What really hurt me is I broke your heart
Baby you were a good girl and I had no right
I really want to make things right
Cause without you in my life girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody to call my own)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
Been all about the world ain't neva met a girl
Hat can take the things that you been through
Never thought the day would come
Where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing you
Cause ain't nowhere in the globe I'd rather be
Ain't no one on the globe I'd rather see
Than the girl of my dreams that made me be so happy
But now so lonely
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)

Attached: lonely.jpg (600x325, 31K)

What’s wrong with gamers RISING UP fellow gamer of Yea Forums also known as a video game board as in a board where people discuss video game related stuff.

says you

Attached: FatButtandPancakeHead06.jpg (700x450, 27K)

>tfw i started hugging myself in bed
>tfw every night i fantasize about having a gf to the point where i can't sleep

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Rolled 100 (1d100)

will I get a gf sometime that cures MY loneliness?

im here for you user

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good luck and be blessed, user

Your fortune: Average Luck

I have lost control of my life and only live for the brief spur of (You)s

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you dont get a gf but you get a good roll, it's a good trade user

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HAHAHAHA what a madman, no way he can do it

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i'm so fucking horny and lonely

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Rolled 1 (1d6)

if it makes you feel better i will never get a roll that high

give me love anons

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checking if we're going to make it and get a gf before the end of this year.
this applies to every user in this thread and all other fortunes don't count from this point on.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!


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we all gonna make it brah

damn, will she be cute?

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

mail order bride

I've begun seeing a therapist just because she's forced to talk and be nice to me for an hour each week. I don't think I'm getting any better but it feels kind of nice.

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>tfw you’ve been depressed for so long this is what you identify as now and any thought of changing myself for the better feels like losing a part of myself
Is this thought normal? Is there no way around it?

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What the fuck does that mean?

haha! have a like my friend!

it means that your mother will die in her sleep tonight unless you reply

Please subscribe to my blog


It could be worse, lad

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Yea Forums, I got a gf today!

haha April Fools haha... ha... ;_;


no thanks, but i can give you Reddit Gold if you want

it's ok user have a like
we're all going to make it... one day... yes...

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Stop getting my hopes up.

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What broke you anons?

Arent we all



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Life user, it's been awful.

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spare some likes, please?

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What was her name?



wanna be my bf user?

No way fag


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAA 1.png (366x401, 69K)

>get vpn so I can finally watch this movie on american netflix
>it's removed there too

Attached: lonely.webm (1600x1600, 3M)


You have us tho :)

Uncool incel

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just download it

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: goose.jpg (460x578, 142K)

yer ugleh!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

well now that you have a vpn.


please maam please accept my follow request its been 24 hours

here, have something to eat🥐