Attached: Capture.png (721x733, 442K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>police kill people
>go to jail

All muts are shitty people. I’m just sad more of them didnt die


And nothing of value is lost

Dios mio....

video games


stack up, try the lock

Attached: 158406-swat-4-windows-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 102K)

Is this the cod one where the guy went out of his front door and got dropped before he even knew what was going on?

Spare like? Spare like? Spare like?

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proof that the police is just a tool


>Hold your position, shoot anything that comes out the front door.

Swat 5 just got too casual for the sake of realism.

wtf he's not white delete this

based and cucked by justice

>"A US man"

>That nose

Not even suprise.d🐷


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>Going to jail for vidya

He's going to kill himself, isn't he?

>absolutely nothing for the officer that shot the guy walking out of his door after being told to do so

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I thought SWATing was dead in 2013.

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How will his anus fair in prison fortune teller?

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Blue lives matter :)


Express delivered by Tyrone and Jamal.

making bogus police calls should really be punishable with jail time even when it doesn't result in people being hurt
if you can't be trusted to use your basic human rights properly, then you should be given a time out until you learn your lesson

>Punishing Police
Yeah no, the second you try to touch one of them the entire force and their union goes apeshit crazy no matter what they did.



>tc we've got one suspect down

Is that Ice poseidon's brother?

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I'm bluedabbedi💢

la creatura...

You'll get suicided unless you're a high ranking congressman.

>what if I did something illegal
>several time
>Hoping for something bad to happen to others
>and it does

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>Teleports past you

still less killcount than niggers

What perk is that?

>free a bear from its cage and throw meat at someone you don't like
>bear mauls them
>"What's the problem? I didn't kill them, it was the bear!"

This guy was an asshole who deserves some kind of punishment but the cops are the ones who totally fucked it up and they basically made him a scapegoat for their inability to talk to a unarmed man without blowing him away.

We live in a country with police so incompetent that you have a decent chance of assassinating someone if you sic the cops on them.

How come police is a dangerous animal that should be caged?

Tis the way of the prison industrial system. He's a fag for doing that but the wrongful death is on the police

It shouldn't have happened, but in any other scenario where that guy was some gangbanger like it is 9 times out of 10 the officer would be dead. It's a stimulus at this point. It's all on that faggot in OP for a reason.

The times where the officer is accountable would be when they lack any sense of situational handling whatsoever, like that lady cop who killed an actually-innocent nignog for no reason.

>comparing a professional police force to a wild animal that goes around attacking people
Actually, on second thought, there is nothing wrong with that comparison.
Carry on.

>making bogus police calls should really be punishable with jail time even when it doesn't result in people being hurt
I'm pretty sure that it is, at least in a good portion of the developed world.

if the guy they shot had a gun he would still be alive today

post yfw you're not fatmerican

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Just a prank bro

What the fuck Is wrong with white people

could be

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>be murican
>get shot


Predictable, boring response.

>ever going to jail
laziest April fools ever

Like this post or your mom dies in her sleep tonight


because they are the people who have to walk into nigger territory and ask them to stop shucking and jiving

send some beta cuck to do that and see what transpires

B-but what if he thought he was actually a gunman with hostage!!

Bear should still be put down along with the person that threw the meat.

I bet he used his one phone call from jail to swat another guy too

so cops are just wild animals who will kill anyone who comes near them

>just running ramshod with the beanbag squad.

The best.

fuck white people
fuck the police

Serial Swatter sounds like a british insult.


Sure, mutt cops are trigger happy retards but placing false calls to emergency services isn't funny, it's seriously fucked up. If he hadn't made the call the dude wouldn't have gotten shot by the police in the first place.
He deserves every single one of those 20 years in jail.


>throw meat
>bear follow
bed time didi, you play too much zelda

>hey rabbi whatchya doin

And faggots wonder why the police force could possibly ever be hated.

Of course courts aren't going to side with you. And admit that using no-knock warrants and SWAT more often is a bad thing??


Right. The problem is finding the retards who do this in the first place.

der untermensch😃

The only reason people join the police force is to murder and harass other people. There are no exceptions.

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>The times where the officer is accountable would be when they lack any sense of situational handling whatsoever, like that lady cop who killed an actually-innocent nignog for no reason.
You mean the lady cop who got off scot free? That kind of accountability?

>just a prank bro
Based. It's just a prank bro. A 20 year long prank lmao.

Maybe in America.
In actual developed countries they uphold the law.

absolutely based


*uphold government tyranny

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What perk is that?


how can he have a full head of hair and look like he's balding at the same time?


the gay one

they show these cops worse case scenario events via tapes during training procedures to scare them. they also hire pretty much grunts to follow orders.
thats why they treat even traffic stops being life or death scenarios as well


The fuck happened to your pic?💯


The face of the third world retards that inhabit Yea Forums

>be american
>get shot
Oh say can't you see~

not an argument

>be me
>get 5

Because in some states everyone carries a gun it means that even traffic stops could be life or death. The cops approach everyone presuming they're all armed because in half of the country they actually could be. It's terrible all around.


Friendly reminder that white right-wing terrorism is a far bigger threat.

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he should be arrested and sentenced exactly as he has been, but the cop should have lost their badge and also been prosecuted


How do Burgers even manage to kill an unarmed skinny smelly nerd that did absolutely nothing threatening and did everything the cops said?

Must be scary as shit living in the US.

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anyone who willingly shares their identity on the internet should be shot
purge all normies


Good. Fuck him and the guy who died, Americans don't deserve to live.

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What race is this guy even?

back to red.dit faggot you dont belong here

I read somewhere that the best cops are typically former military. American police could benefit from being more military. Even the rules of engagement are different. Cops routinely draw on their own people while Marines aren't allowed to point their guns at enemy combatants unless they're ready to actually shoot them.


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In America at least, hate crimes have gone up by a like 50%, especially against blacks, and the vast majority of all terror attacks have been from right-wing extremist.

This. Police are cunts.

>Told to put your hands up
>Dropping your hands down quickly after you do it
I think these people want to get shot by police.

His fault for calling the SWAT and expecting everything would turn out to be just fine.

But it was literally just a prank!

the guy who died had a niece who later killed herself. after she died her boyfriend also committed suicide
basically a triple kill

Wasn't there a story that went something along the lines of :
>an armed, suicidal man gets cops called on him
>an ex military cop shows up and actually tries talking down the man, says that he was making steady progress with the suicidal man
>another random cop shows up
>just shoots and kills the suicidal man
>shooter gets congratulated
>ex military cop gets fired

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that's completely false, but ok

>niggers on every corner
>penis gets violently mutilated at birth by jews
>cops are trigger happy tards
>4 mass shootings on average per week
>violent crime rates out the ass
>need to hold down 3 jobs to pay basic rent and living expenses unless you have an engineering/law degree and are 200,000 bucks in debt
>minimum wage is non-existant
>illegal immigrants are allowed to cast their vote without ID because "muh racism"
>bug chasing now ruled a misdemeanor instead of a felony in Cali
America is 3rd world as fuck yo.

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el abominacion de las profundidades...

americops are trash but swat team situations aren't something you fuck around with

if you have a problem and you call the police

now you have two problems

she did the west a favor, god bless her soul

>get called in on a guy you think is armed and dangerous
>he was unarmed though

How were the cops supposed to know otherwise? They acted with the information they had.


These are FBI statistics, these same source your ilk use to demonize black people, how are they false?

I remember that exact story. A lot of cops are trained to be cowards. It varies by state though. In the more metropolitan areas you don't hear as much about cops shooting people. They do other shady shit but shooting unarmed people is comparatively rare.

>tell guy what to do
>he does what you say
>kill him anyway because why the fuck not?

woops, meant for

SWAT is an unfortunate necessity but it's also overused. They send them in to execute low risk warrants and shit. Hell, the FBI arrested Felicity Huffman at gunpoint. It's completely crazy.

check my score virgins

>Says the most racist shit
>Puts "muh racism" in quotation marks as if to gaslight

Why do you homosexuals always do this?

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>janny keeps taking away your Good Boy Points

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Imagine how great the world would be without police. No dumb rules! Yay! Do whatever we want!!

>Comparing a wild animal that acts almost solely upon instincts to human beings given the responsibility of carrying lethal firearms in order to protect people from legitimate harm

>become a cop
>your only defense is the Nuremberg defense
>don't even have the luxury of being drafted so you can so you didn't have a choice

Shoot all cops.

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what's sad is you might actually believe this

knowing burgerland i thought he would get life

Yeah! Fuck laws! ANARCHY 4 LYFE XDD

Are you being retarded on purpose? Just think about it for a second. You are a part of a team trained to handle dangerous situation and the information you get is that you have to deal with an armed man who has killed someone. All of the blame is on the swatting retard.

t. Pulled over someone for a rolling stop 3 seconds ago

I sure hope you are pretending to be retarded

would be a funnier prank to torture him and put it up on liveleak
like that video of the prisoner getting melted plastic poured on him, then forced to eat his own fingers. fuck im getting hard again.

Civvies getting shot/harrassed by cops in 1st world countries is next to nothing.
Also they're only allowed to draw if the person is armed and poses a danger to himself and others. In muttland they already have their gun out when they pull you over.
Fuck off will ya.

deserved. fucking faggot thinking life is a game; he deserves to rot

t. lives in a gated community without blacks so you don't have to rely on police protecting your businesses, homes, and property. and instead you rely on private security.

This but unironically. Cops are just cronies for the elite. They sure as fuck don’t uphold the law.

your cops get overpowered by a random 6ft dudes because all you're armed with is sticks.

Rules are all stupid and should never exist! We should be able to do anything we want with no consequences!!

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Or maybe people need jobs after getting out of the military, jackass

I sure hope you have never given a dime to google.

The NYPD protested with the actual Nuremberg defense as a slogan. It's scary how people can lack self-awareness to this degree. It's so true that everyone is the hero of their own story.

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>implying I'm an inbred bong or Swedecuck
Fuck off retard.

Imagine actually believing this

t. trying to fill that quota so got someone with a license plate light out

>a system has some problematic traits and flaws
>instead of trying to fix the said traits and flaws, let's just get rid of the entire system lol

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Mixed people are beautiful.

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usually those are the only people who care about american politics.
carry on.

> trained to handle dangerous situation

Exactly you fucking retard. You're trained to not kill people for no reason.

Unironically this. I live in Texas and know a ton of people who would like to serve, have served, or are currently serving in the police force or military. Quite a few of them are confrontational and egotistical cunts that just want to be in a job that gives them a gun and a bunch of benefits. There's some good people serving as well but unfortunately the culture surrounding martial jobs in America attracts a lot of undesirables that just want to be "badass".

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And now he'll eat taxpayer money for 20 years without ever refunding the costs of mobilizing the SWAT team for a practical joke.


do you think the person bagging your grocieries is a "crony" for the "elite supermarket conglomerates" too?
LMFAO. the state of /pol/acks.

Or I just own a gun. Cops don't protect shit. They're there to take a report and do nothing.

No, they actually shoot them in the leg.

>American police are trigger happy
>American people are psychopaths
>America sportspeople are wifebeaters
>American politions are corrupt
the absolute state of the United states

wow maybe because the "swatting retard" gave the cops the info that whoever was inside was armed to the teeth.
hurr durrrrrr

>create a police force to enforce society's laws
>they do so
>you happen to be the one being punished for breaking the law


Is this a Semite?

>bear analogy

if they are such a threat why don't you just move back to your nonwhite shitholes?

He'll probably never have a normal life.

Thank god because no one needs his waek chin dorky ass looking genes and stupidity.

and yet you still think about us 24/7.
I live in america and I think about my country less than you do.

looks like a jew.

Yes, because all these litaral anarchykids advocate for compromising at a middle ground.