Tfw king of jungle

>tfw king of jungle

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Tiger is terror.

lion wins easily,you're delusional if you think otherwise
>biggest muscle mass
>deepest roar
>strong bite
>big dick

>lionfags lying again

Lions don't live in the jungle, tigers do but not lions.

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>brown bear

Tiger >>>>> *

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Jaguars are objectively the power powerful cats, individually. Lions only work in groups so they are not comparable with other animals.

I want to fuck a tiger :3

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Wtf is going on here I thought I was in Yea Forums.

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Tiger, although Jaguars are the true kings.

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bears and lions aren't in the jungle

Oh my

>implying a tiger or lion wouldn't immediately back down from a kodiak

lions dont live in the jungle
neither do grizzlies

How do you know? Have you ever been to the jungle?


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No but I did go to school.

ITT retards who don't know about the Indian Lion

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Schools are terrible and teach you nothing.

t. retard

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Indoctrinated simpletons.

says the guy that thinks there are bears and lions in the jungle