Running Yea Forums x

>running Yea Forums x
>wonder why nothing is showing up for me

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Other urls found in this thread:;


Are you me?

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I am using my phone so nothing is showing for me either.

Yea Forums x beta just got updated so it works now


how to see?

oh even the regular version got updated. just go to tampermonkey's dashboard and click last updated for Yea Forums x and it'll update

>running tapermonkey


I have no clue what that is.

scroll to the bottom and use the desktop version

>running Yea Forums x

guess how i know you don't fuck?

Attached: lulwut.jpg (240x240, 11K)

>Yea Forums X in 2019

Attached: 1545797256703.jpg (1024x576, 52K)

What happened? Clover use here.

what else do you use nigger

He's probably a phoneshitter.

What's the benefit of using Yea Forums X now when Yea Forums has all the standard stuff you want from it.

Posting images from url.

you can change board names

Attached: firefox_2019-04-01_14-05-30.png (334x152, 37K)

>not using phone app
Yeah thats gonna be yikes from me

protects your virginity even further

No it doesn't.

and archive redirection

able to view deleted posts, images and threads

Attached: 1525004791144.webm (640x800, 719K)

It has all the useful features without the bloat of greasemonkey/whatever clone is in vogue and a hundred thousand lines of generated JavaScript.

Seeing dead posts and direct redirection to the archive when stupid mods decide to delete something they don't like.

And that's a good thing

easy sauce

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[showscore] test

No no no no no I need to see the deleted porn at all times! Yea Forums X! Redirect me to the archive!

This is a must and not sure why the base model does not do this.
Is not needed.

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Yea Forums x! on!

No argument. Yea Forums X is a factual improvement. You lose.😂

I didn't give you permission to respond

seething + cope

>Saves my Yea Forums settings in the plugin instead of browser cache so I can clear browser history every time I close it.
>Post images from url
>Can edit the uploaded image in tengaki
>Can remove file from post window that you uploaded
>Good quick reply window generally
>Marks my post and other people's replies to me with a clear marker.
>Open images and webms in a specific way that native can't do
>Clicking quotes and replies does a thing that native can't
>Can see deleted stuff and redirects to archives
>Shortcuts for wrapping highlighted text in tags (like spoiler with ctrl+s)

Attached: kitten-face.png (600x567, 1M)

The base model does the first and third ackshually. Technically it does the second now that we have the local archive, but people will insist that they need it to see all those manually deleted posts, like the porn and blog threads.

Just added the extension, what are some settings I should change from the defaults, the ones to turn on or off.

>Saves my Yea Forums settings in the plugin instead of browser cache so I can clear browser history every time I close it.
shit i didn't know that

>running 4chanx
>has been showing this for days

Error loading; try going to chrome://flags/#network-service and disabling the network service flag.
Failed to load board configuration. Invalid Data

what did they mean by this

Turn everything off beside 404 redirect and resurect dead quotes. Then re-enable native extension

>>Saves my Yea Forums settings in the plugin instead of browser cache so I can clear browser history every time I close it.
You configured your browser wrong
>>Post images from url
In stock
>>Can edit the uploaded image in tengaki
Nobody has ever used this
>>Can remove file from post window that you uploaded
In stock
>>Good quick reply window generally
In stock
>>Marks my post and other people's replies to me with a clear marker.
In stock
>>Open images and webms in a specific way that native can't do
>>Clicking quotes and replies does a thing that native can't
Nesting is retarded
>>Can see deleted stuff and redirects to archives
See >>Shortcuts for wrapping highlighted text in tags (like spoiler with ctrl+s)
In stock

Kys lmao


can't remember which ones are default now but turn on these

>404 redirect
>video autoplay

you can press shift+click to hide threads in catalog and press Q to quick reply

How do you re-enable sorry.

had the same
it is a problem with chrome testing a certain version
you have to go to "chrome://flags/#network-service" and disable "Enable network service", then restart chrome and it should work fine

Turn off disable native extension on both Yea Forums X and regular settings

Another good thing about Yea Forums x: it blocks hiro's scumbag tracking domains without you having to manually check ublock/umatrix every week.

Don't do this!

Where my based /clover/ Boyz at?

I think X also disables middle page ads without turning on your adblocker


and why the fuck not

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What else do you think would happen if you disable a network service. Bang.

No it doesn't.

Oh no

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Whore posting already started, like always aprils fools is the best day for chaos fags.

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I use X and I have no problems
The perk button doesn't show up, but that's all

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Not really, I tried using stock when the 4channel split broke 4chanX after using it for the better part of a decade and Yea Forums's native extension is still fucking trash.