Doomer thread

>when no amount of likes will change anything
>too early for /nightwalk/
>forced to watch a bunch of discordboys fap in every thread while you /sip/ that white
hopefully it'll be over soon

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself wojak poster


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have sex

like if this thread sucks ass

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>learning "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" on bass to pass the time
I'm trying to change my life. We're all gonna make it bros.

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learn to code

What is even a nightwalk? You just walk down the street at night?

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i walk into the dead of night without a flashlight
using the skybox to see the top of the pines
guiding me along the road, only seeing the dimly lit sky filled with stars

between the hours of 1 and 5am is peak /nightwalk/

I used to listen to this a lot when I'd go out for walks.

>Tfw neighboorhood too dangerous to do nightwalks

It's not fair bros, I hate niggers.

Why does this make me uncomfortable wtf?

Literally me.

Why the fuck does monster fuck up my stomach so much? What can I do about it?

zoom zoom

only drink to treat yourself i guess
used to drink 2 whites every single day, really torn me up

If I nightwalk here I'm literally asking to be raped, robbed and killed. In that order.
God bless Chicago.

Are you drinking the sugar free ones? Those are better

that's what I did this weekend and it fucked me
I drank the red one and the white one, comfy and good af, but afterwards I'm fucked


i stick to the white
delicious citrus-made-in-a-lab flavor

>work in three hours
>didn't sleep at all

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Call out sick? Or just no call no show and get autismbux.

This is OP and he makes these threads to farm likes.

True story.

Aww i just wanna hug you all and tell you it's gonna be ok

Like if you've never had sex.

>God bless Chicago.
i thought chicago was MAGA country
according to jussie smollet anyway

>the few people I can talk to are all wageslaves and busy during the work week
>use Yea Forums daily to get my dose of social interaction
>can't do that every April 1st because of le epic memes

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first thread on Yea Forums in a while
only make "how do i write sickest rap lingo" threads in Yea Forums until someone asks " who's under the balaclava"

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Do you have to drink and smoke to be a doomer?

Fuck you Blade Runner purple man is cool

>finals are coming up
>have to find a job after
>don't want to do anything with life but know I can't just keep living at my parents

I really don't get along with anyone and I really don't care about having things, I wish it were possible to just become a hermit innawoods somewhere away from everyone

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fuk yeah bud get the bux!!

funny how "forums" really do break into garbo shit when there's a like system added
fucks with all the users minds. upsets the paradigm

upboat :)🍫

I think I have permanent brain damage because of lack of pussy🙁

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ONly if you are a weak willed beta...or the average woman

guess 99% of the userbase are weak like women
just look at them roam around sucking eachother off for one like two like three likes
it never ends
antisocial men who just wanna hold someone

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This is what braindead doomers think is deep. Christ it's pathetic. You retards need to get a fucking hobby.

>went to therapist
>therapist asked if I was an autist
>never went back

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Use a different fucking song for once.

It's going to be really interesting to see what the future holds, the amount of lonely young men out there is insane, just look at the doomer meme and the spread it got once it hit youtube

>he doesn't understand an obvious joke

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>WAAH my life sucks:the meme

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8^) my hobby is putting on shoes during nighttime and walking