Like if you think Sekiro is the best Soulsborne
Sekiro Help thread
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Git gud
Have sex
Uh oh user! It looks like I can't upvote you if you're the OP! Well it's not like fake internet points really matter anyway ;)
Cheers! Have one of my favorite songs instead:
I did with your mother
Daily reminder that you can like your own post as much as you want
Yea Forums is too casual for Sekiro
I think dark souls 3 was hardest, I was so burnt out on the soulsverse I didnt care enough to even finish.
My mother died in her sleep last night
I was shitposting that poll to place DaS2 second. I too think Dark Souls 3 is the hardest because it has way too many enemies that are sponges/have more than one healthbar/have huge AoE that insta kill you