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Why is "gamers rise up" seen as offensive? Don't they realise gamers lives matter?

at least we still have 4channel, redditbros...

Hiro should've done that instead of this gay-ass like system

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

I don't go on reddit but wow really? You play a "videogame" and suddenly you're all these negative buzzwords? And you're punished for it?

Holy shit, blows my mind that people like this actually exist.

praise reddit to showing us the light!

It's kind of funny but at the same time, I hope they don't all end up here

It's really funny haha to make fun of marginalized groups having a bad time in society until they snap and mow down 1/2000th a mosque the War on Terror provides

Then they're super commando incels capable of taking down Seals in order to post a frog

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Looks like reddit is about to join, neogaf. After reddit dies, I'm assuming twitter is next?

pretty sure they've all been here for a while now

Do you want cock in your mouth? Because that's how you get cock in your mouth.

I want to orangetext

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Rolled 1 (1d6)


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>Do you want cock in your mouth?

A slick dick lick is fun compared to the garbage we're facing these days

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Nice. Shutting down r/GAMES is for sure going to solve all of their problem and make that people stop being toxic . Remember kids! the best to solve a problem is act like it doesnt exist.

P.D: Fuck off billy

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like, pic related

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>meanwhile, we get a gamified ERP day.
Feels good man.

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I' happy they are doing this, it means reddit can die just like neogaf, social media outlets will be dropping one by one, I said trannies took over reddit, glad I wasn't wrong, place needs to die, I hope twitter is next after reddit dies.


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Can't fucking believe they somehow managed to ruin even the april fools day with their faggotory
I used to talk shit about /pol/ for being too far-right, but fuck they were right after all, fuck those libtards

It's fucking retarded and only gives attention to this shit that they're already deleting, but I can at least understand not liking a lot of that garbage. My question is, why are some of those posts there, notably the ones saying rape shouldn't be censored from games and those saying drawings aren't child porn? An anti-censorship stance is bannable, and stating facts is endorsing pedophilia?

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Massive migration soon...💔


whats with this retard

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It'll be our new home. Our new safe heaven.

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they're fucked in the brain user

this april fools is so boring.......

Are Yea Forums and 4channel viewed as the same place on this?

>makes claim how everyone is racist sexist transphobic and what not
>locks down discussion so nobody can disagree
Why are leftist such totalitarian cunts

Are you stupid? These people just move elsewhere. Every board on Yea Forums is already unrecognisable from how it was 5 years ago, and it'll be the same in another 5 years, but if Reddit shuts down it'll be unrecognisable in 5 months.

>Chop off your dick
>Get free money

>it's another oag shill post

>such an obvious prank that they have to tell people it totally isn't a prank
>people still believe it

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gamers rise up, they're ruining our video games!

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Its like reddit wants to burn down in flames.

>Marginalized groups

>Implying anybody can make the difference in this clown world

As if this person cares about games over social justice

>such an obvious prank
maybe 10 years ago

That explains what all the redditors are doing here, expect to see overwhelming support for the like system and people begging for it to be kept on.

Is this one of those april fools jokes that you just keep saying it's not a joke when it really is?

As if anyone does...

Oh yeah Bats? You won't survive.... THIS!

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That's not even the problem, the problem is that they are showing examples of "toxic community posts" that have no upvotes at all, which means the community has already deemed those posts as bad, so there is no need for the mods to say that it's toxic

Its a passive aggressive joke.

Their ideology can only stand with censorship. That’s why they fear dissenting opinions

When did journalists start writing as if they're your friend and try to inject levity in to everything?

>I' happy they are doing this, it means reddit can die just like neogaf
and where do you think the redditors will go? this is why r/gamers needs to rise up, to stop them flooding here

I thought the jannies here retarded.

That's amazing on reddit.
But they should have done just giant flashng neon pink


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Yeah it's highlighting a tiny minority and padding the list of offenses to make them look bigger with posts that have nothing to do with bigotry or personal attacks.

When the corporations think that the best way to shield yourself from criticism is by making customers perceive you as their friend. No other industry does this.

It's weird..
With reddit the way it is, I honestly cant tell if its supposed to be a joke or not.
I can easily see them lacking the self awareness and seriously doing this on April Fools

Pedophiles != Lolicon

Your ideology can only stand with dishonesty. That's why you fear moderation.

literally every brand does it on twitter

2 and OP is a fag

Yeah but they don’t use the media to label the customers as entitled if something goes wrong

This guy is a Yea Forumsirgin writing for an audience of Yea Forumsirgins

>That's why you fear moderation
Hey kike, do you want to be moderated by herr Hitler?

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why do sjws and normalfags hate loli so much

What's that? I thought you loved freedom of speech and dissenting opinions?


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Yea that's my point do you want to be moderated by Hitler.

Because they're not paedophiles

And the one who censors is honest and good? What do you think my ideology is?

Please tell me there are more images continuing the story!

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Do I want the dishonest people in charge? No, of course not.

Because they feel aroused and uncomfortable by it. They can’t differentiate between fantasy and reality


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Well, that's fitting, since our April fool's joke was being turned into Reddit.

Remember goys if you don't love trannies you're not allowed to discuss video games

And that's why this Korean noodle app is great fuck Jannies.


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Unlike Yea Forums where no one loves trannies and we're still not allowed to discuss video games because we're all too busy talking about how much we hate trannies

Guess that's why there's so much faggotry here today

More like: if you don't love trannies you're not allowed to exist.


Your fortune: Excellent Luck

They do know that you can't force people to go woke right?

It's like forcing someone to be gay, they are either faggots or they aren't. They can pretend (which many in the industry do) that they are woke but you can't force them to think the way you do.

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Wouldnt it be funny if tomorrow we all went and made comments that some people might consider to be rudeposting

The fastest way to tell if somebody is a redditor is if they post any "gamers rise up" meme bullshit. Literally only redditors post that retarded nonsense. If you have posted that at any point in your life you seriously need to consider suicide.


lmfao their april fools joke is a punishment.


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We're not allowed to be critical of our own board?

If you are a SJW you can be the most racist and sexists to certain races and genders ironically.

and then in the mod post on why the sub is closed, they promote a bunch of LGBT and trans charities that people should donate too...

that website is so fucked

They're not forcing anyone, they're making a reasoned appeal

Now I know that won't work either because reactionaries aren't willing to listen to reason, but bless their little liberal hearts for trying

>leddit pulls a better april fools joke than nearly all of Yea Forums's
no excuses

how many layers of irony are they on?

gee I wonder why

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I dunno I think it's a wonderful April fools joke, imagine in this political era that we have someone women and trannies have rights and gamers are being too offensive. I gotta applaud the people who run it, a lot of people will be tricked by their april fools joke.

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>pulling this shit on April Gool’s day
Honestly speechless on how stupid someone can be.

>making a reasoned appeal
>Close a whole popular section of a site

Didn't knew april fools could be politics.

There is literally nothing wrong with being racist and hating faggots/trannies.

Dammit /pol/

You learn something every day!

How do those people stop you from talking about video games?

It tickles me that they list islamophobia right after homophobia
Cause Muslims sure are cool with fags amirite

SJW ideology is easy to tear apart , is full of double standards , sexism and racism with are in theory the very thing they are bitching about . The "dishonest" people will never try to censor anyone and thats a fact .

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Frens, I never posted on Yea Forums, can someone spoonfeed me on how to do the fortuneteller thing?

>They are serious

Poor fucking redditfags.

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No life matters.

>The "dishonest" people will never try to censor anyone and thats a fact .
Nope, that's a blatant lie actually. In fact lying is also how you're able to "easily" "tear apart" your opponents.

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Greatest april's joke ever pulled

I can only see this making things worse due to the spiteful nature of man😂