Attached: 1554003839683.png (559x1043, 305K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mixer com/CapcomFighters
Link for the stream

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

what time will it be at?


Attached: file.png (320x180, 76K)

choking the chicken

Attached: 1554096003487.jpg (768x1024, 730K)

In 15 minutes


It was nice having a Vergil fight where the only time you could buster him was during his airplane charge.
What a horrible thing to do at 5AM.

Attached: 20190401050721_1.jpg (1920x1080, 561K)

Like my post to give me the motivation to try again after dying at the end

Attached: 20190331033558_1.jpg (1920x1080, 562K)

The story so far

Attached: april 1st.jpg (1794x6600, 2.78M)



Here's your (like!) and here's your lucc:

Your fortune: Bad Luck

can I farm likes here?

Attached: 1553904531003.jpg (1440x1440, 224K)


Bloody palace this time around feels significantly easier. I wonder if it's because all the devil breakers and new moves Nero has compared to DMC4. Even the free ragtimes it gives you makes the furies as cakewalk

Attached: 6706-876243.png (672x372, 197K)

Only red orbs.

Attached: 3c80Yhb.png (821x523, 792K)

>Bad Luck

Alright, I'll use more of yours to undo daddy's little spell.

Attached: 1553641185880.jpg (666x2167, 266K)

I'll take it

Attached: 1553239349025.png (500x488, 247K)

>died to cerberus as V like a chump because nightmare kept missing domination
Fuck me. I think I would prefer a harder but shorter set of trials like the witch trials in Bayo 2. This was just a slog since nothing on the first 80 floors came even close to killing me.

Attached: 601150_20190401062120_1.png (1920x1080, 2.52M)


If 5 Dragon's Dogma 2 will be announced in the next 2 years

Attached: 1530417543954.png (1024x1024, 1.03M)

>that mic quality

Attached: why.jpg (339x419, 20K)


Attached: smile.jpg (2560x1440, 859K)

Slow and steady on my first run.

Attached: 20190401122532_1.jpg (2560x1080, 508K)

If 5 Itsuno will be forced into making DmC 2

Attached: 1529155063154.png (419x610, 498K)

The whole game is easier because there's just so many more tools at your disposal, like Nero has an entire second character across all of his breakers and one of the best gap closers in the series in the form of Payline

If 8 it's announced on stream.

Attached: 1554107980320.gif (480x270, 1.74M)

>confirmed 2mill+ sales so far is a failure from producers

oh no bros. DMC6 isn't looking too bright

>Trishposting on the side
my sides

If 5 Gloria appears on DMCV DLC with a Mercedes cosplay

So is online BP a thing or not?

>Get 5 when going for 8.
>Get 8 when going for 5.

Why would I? BP is already out

Such is life on Yea Forums
8 god dammit

Wait, you can hold the charge like that? How? I only know that you can avoid shooting the 3rd charged shot with air taunt.

Dude's good, damn

Attached: 1553915843158.jpg (679x957, 88K)


>that mic quality

Attached: 1501304660920.jpg (467x480, 46K)

right now its not a thing

Saw some dude posting about the following text in the game files:
"Bloody Palace Co-op has been unlocked"
"Divergence mode has been unlocked"
in addition to the other normal unlocks like SoS and DMD.

Attached: 20190401110439_1.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

Here's some luck for you:

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Now I'm a little motivated!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Haha wew, that was a tricky one

I spent like half an hour trying to do this without nightmare but I couldn't make Shadow do a spike for me the stand on at the bottom before landing and gave up on that

Attached: Replay 2019_04_01 07h19m35s.webm (710x400, 2.63M)

We are but slaves to a broken order

Remember to bleach your anun, user!

>that fortune

Attached: 1546990608778.png (600x348, 58K)

The salt on /vg/ is hilarious.
>it's too easy
>but I failed at it
Git gud, losers. I know you're over here too.

Attached: 20190401060638_1.jpg (1920x1080, 410K)

Jump > Cane > Cane > Cane > double jump > glide

>Get back inside Kyrie now!

these crashes have put me off FUCK
i crashed at 82 and after that at 43

Attached: 1492287037261.jpg (1600x1280, 217K)

>telling Itsuno about red orbs farming

Attached: 1553983346336.jpg (207x286, 9K)

>kept telling people to not get their hopes up in regard to full-blown co-op and playable Vergil dropping alongside the Bloody Palace update
>point out that supposed datamines are wrong more often than not

>they tell me I'm an idiot
I am feeling smug as fuck right now

if 5 vergil is only playable in special edition🙁

Attached: 1553224076585.jpg (720x817, 58K)

Itsuno is cute!

They already said that there'll be no SE

Which char did you use?

I love chocoloate

Yeah, there it is. Have a like, kind stranger.

Attached: 20190317191415_1.jpg (1920x1080, 455K)

Heh, check this 4

Attached: 1553654254821.jpg (800x800, 118K)
They're working on it.

>They already said that there'll be no [money]

just give it a year or so

Well obviously they'll say that when the game comes out. Unless the game totally bombs there will be DLC/SE.

Nero, because it launched at 3 AM for me and I stayed up to play it, so my Dante wouldn't be as crisp. That said, all the bosses are easier versions than their story counterparts so it's really not that hard and I'll be doing the other two characters tomorrow night.

>people have finished BP already

could just as easily be cut content, people need to seriously stop jumping the gun; just like bloody palace is entirely co-op and Vergil is going to be a surprise content drop alongside it, right? Lmao

Did it, lads. BP in 4 was harder i think

Attached: 20190401132244_1.jpg (1920x1080, 340K)

Okay Ve-- Fortuneteller. What are the chances of DMC5 having Special Edition?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: D20jvxoVYAAkYJR.png (900x900, 376K)


Attached: 1552492597478m.jpg (1024x1024, 74K)


Attached: 1552278441476.png (458x937, 398K)


I didn't jump on that bandwagon that shit would be dropping alongside BP, nigger. I'm going to say it isn't cut content either, because even if it was, expecting Capcom to not want DLC for a game that is doing well is fucking retarded.

Attached: 1552327770123.png (973x1080, 1.01M)

Where has this been stated ?

Rolled 1 (1d6)

if 5 SE only includes extra costumes

Even the bosses later on? I was really hoping to be able to face a proper Vergil with Nero.

Why don't my perks work?


just stop already

Attached: 1553034361847.jpg (950x1041, 172K)

Attached: DevilMayCry5_2019-03-21_04-14-48.jpg (1600x900, 371K)

I've got absolutely zero expectations for any future content drops and as such, I can only be pleasantly surprised

Rolled 3 (1d6)

If 4, solo bloody palace was an april fools joke. Co-op is coming tomorrow.

Good thing this aprils is hot garbage sonwe can have bp release threads
I just woke up i'm about to go nuclear on it


Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 0Oa8vQ0.png (594x300, 191K)

I managed to clear BP once as Nero and only got to like floor 40 as Dante in 4SE on Turbo.
It certainly feels easier as Nero but that could just be him an expanded kit now.
Also it could 100% be how there's a lot more green orbs now which I am fine with.

Attached: 20190401050918_2.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)


Attached: Lv22bC5SU1.png (303x369, 132K)

>post ends with 3
>die roll 3

Attached: cried.jpg (1200x675, 117K)

Vergil was extremely, extremely lax on my run. He did more walking in circles than anything, and Ceberus gets absolutely destroyed by charge shots or jump cancelling his back as Nero. His heads get stunned so quickly that he cycles through modes before he'll even do a signature move from that style. Also all of the Urizen phases are easier and much slower paced. It's like SOS aggro monsters with DMD health.


Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: magic_conch.jpg (600x553, 36K)

>BP level 20
>somehow dropped spaghetti and managed to get hit by every single punch from Goliath

brb uninstalling

Attached: 1541520113701.png (246x200, 12K)

will Vergil kill dante?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

imagine playing a game for 2 hours what a waste

>giving up
Confirmed causal

>Better not tell you now

Attached: 1553435008708.gif (600x446, 3.14M)

RIP user

>blue text
Uh..... Bros????

Attached: sweaty.png (646x595, 280K)

>level 30
>haha that was pretty fun Empusa's sure are easy to kill-
>they spawn in

Attached: 1502738112468.gif (200x189, 799K)

tf are these fortune things and how do you get em

Attached: 1554107675227.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

Overall I'd agree. I actually remember dying in 4's BP before floor 80. In 5 I went all the way to 90 first try. Feels like even once you reach floor 80 enemies don't do as much damage as they do in story mode. I ate at least 7 hits from furies an didn't die as V.

>imagine playing a game for 2 hours what a waste
Imagine wasting away on an imageboard that became Reddit for a day.

Devil Sword Vergil when

The hell does it mean

Attached: D2BWR3LU8AEeNqG.jpg (1200x675, 86K)


Attached: 1553861742089.jpg (735x968, 485K)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

If both 5 Itsuno will release his sextape ingame through a Special Edition

does vergil have a fat cock

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: 1554093644998.jpg (4096x2898, 912K)

>Vergil is monitoring this thread

Attached: 1544647855202.jpg (548x512, 25K)

>Outlook good
So Fortuneteller is definitely Vergil.

Attached: 1553742156580.jpg (1278x1800, 846K)

It's April fools ya goof, look at the Perks next to the options field.


Attached: 1553907655493.jpg (950x1358, 416K)

Someone ask the fortune teller if Hiro is keeping Vergil hostage

Attached: 1521088762854.gif (379x440, 140K)

>no Nelo Angelo reference

>Cerb with V

Holy FUCK this one is hard.

Attached: 20190401124543_1.jpg (2560x1080, 357K)

Your fortune: Good Luck

((he)) is hacking the fortune not the real Vergil

Attached: 1553964355173.png (1920x1080, 1.01M)


I wonder who's behind this post.

Attached: 2g15Rq5.png (749x194, 87K)

If I had to guess it's because Dante is the most well rounded character and he gets all the hard lategame missions so they thought they'd have to tone it down for other characters,


Attached: 1541812610848.jpg (969x874, 77K)

>It's actually Vergil who keeps Hiro as his hostage

Attached: 1552575586268.jpg (221x224, 7K)

*wubbing intensifies*

Why are "gamers" such boot lickers? It's like that fat thing at blizzcon that apologised for red shirt.

Just kidding

I'll try again

what is this


Attached: 1552558811027m.jpg (1024x722, 76K)

I just woke up a few minutes ago, anyone have a link to the thread from when the Vergil's Ascension trailer first dropped

Attached: D2s1aY8XcAYneS0.jpg (464x577, 52K)

People without good luck. Here, let me show you:

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Really disappointed online bloody palace was not added in today. Still, it makes too much sense to not be added in eventually, so I'll keep believing.

Attached: dante_5_no_longer_crazy.png (851x768, 868K)

Who Dante bois here

Attached: DevilMayCry5_2019-04-01_05-19-49.jpg (1920x1080, 314K)

>Also it could 100% be how there's a lot more green orbs now which I am fine with.
this. Also, even triple furies is not on the same level of bullshit as 2 blitz at the same time

Attached: 20190401132232_1.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

> let me show you
> bad luck

Attached: LOL.png (591x644, 247K)


I'm just going to pause and sleep at 60. I'm being retarded, mismanaging my resources and getting hit by things I should see coming as V of all characters. That said not even remotely a problem so far and green orbs are pretty generous (just learned checkmating artemis' fin funnels drop green orbs too) but I'm not taking chances against the DMD tier enemies in the last couple of levels. Whats a good time bank to have for the last 20 or so levels anyway? Need to know how poorly I'm doing.

Same for me and would like the same thing.

I've just woke up what the fuck is going on
What the fortune teller
Doesn't BP have an online? Is it planned?

Attached: cofused_unga.jpg (729x409, 46K)

Told you.

Attached: but you eat pizza everyday.png (500x500, 279K)


Your fortune: Outlook good

I'm on floor 60+ just beat cavalier


Attached: q7s4xujibp321.jpg (1480x608, 120K)



Attached: 1554094752681.gif (1453x2000, 1.7M)

epic. by the way this text appeared below vergil for a single frame for some reason

Attached: bb.jpg (1153x650, 246K)

DMD bossfights with V are a plain nightmare no matter what, except for Cavalier.
He just lacks way too much in damage and his kit is too small to deal with it


Anyone disappointed that Nidhogg and Geryon don't show up?

Attached: 3442-2019-04-01-21;38;05.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

What do you need, Yea Forums?

Attached: 601150_20190323204230_1.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

I would say above 20-30 minutes. But on the other hand you should be gaining tons of time as V. You are getting SSS on every fight right?

A little to slow there, I saw it all.

x [Doubt]

Attached: Doubt.png (517x314, 124K)

>player name

Attached: 5685675475754445.png (1019x481, 824K)

What happened. Mods enabled Yea Forums on the whole site?

vergil you are kinda sluggish... the loop is too short and you appear too late, I've seen it all I bet that if I tried I could cum

Fuck you Vergil. I'll show you MY devil power.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

>tfw no nico gf that would cook me up in a frying pan she made herself

Attached: 20190308225647_1.jpg (2560x1080, 222K)


Attached: nero_fuck_you.jpg (417x250, 13K)

I have it locked uwu

Attached: 1554023827357.png (512x512, 496K)

DMC5 is lazy piece of shit. No genre progression, no new ideas, same combat from 4 with minor tweaks. BP with timer, no random mode, no DMD mode, no boss rush mode, no fucking coop, litearlly fucking nothing.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: 1554089203770.jpg (504x520, 119K)

Nice devil power you got there

vergil and lady reunion
I know lady helped vergil secretly

But-but he's a new and changed man!

thank you friend

Attached: choker_lady.png (785x776, 928K)

>Bloody Palace is the same as DMC4
Did Itsuno really forget that he made DMC3? He didn't even know about crazy combos and wallrunning when he was asked about it. He thought wallrunning was from DMC2.

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Cheer up, crewcut.
Have a like and a (You)
If 2, Co-op bloody palace tomorrow.

Don't fuck with fortuneteller

>Vergil isn't playable yet because he's too busy shitposting in DMC threads

Attached: 1552838700125.png (1324x960, 785K)

Attached: 1554106622873.jpg (2560x1440, 1.1M)

Did Matt really de-confirm DLC? Can someone give me a link to the clip?

Attached: 1553708282976.jpg (495x535, 157K)

Well done deadweight.

>Itsuno and Matt both prefer playing Nero
How could this happen to us Dante bros?

Attached: legend continues.png (926x541, 634K)

Attached: 20190318204801_1.jpg (744x876, 129K)

Nero is fun.

For the most part yeah, I'm at ~60 min so far so I should be doing good I think. That said I'm still not used to everything dying so fast again. I've actually had to remember royal fork is a skill I have and use it to clean up huge packs of enemies, instead of being a retard and killing them one by one. It's also pretty nice of them to pause the timer when V takes his sweet time executing enemies.


Attached: vergil2.jpg (280x330, 58K)

They're dirty casuals. That's why DMD is poorly balanced, nobody from devs actually play on DMD.

alright I'm on the 3 furry level. how do I deal with them as nero?

>the way the guy playing is dealing with death scissors
make it stop please

I don't understand, why can't we have something like random BP mode? You can tweak the difficulty and just have random rooms like in DMC3 with random bosses inbetween. Isn't it much more fun and interesting? Challenge right from the beginning, a surprise each floor, endless replayability. I can't imagine replaying floors 1-60 often because of how braindead easy they are.
BP is obviously a feature for expirienced players, why more than half of it should be so easy?

Itsuno beat it on DMD.

Perhaps Dante is retiring soon.

I just chain checkmated everything but the really weak things since they take forever to execute with all those stabs.

ladies night dlc with revamped lady playable: y/n?

Attached: 20190308212636_1.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

There's a warm up mode but yeah, DMC3 BP is the best one

Who is the host on the stream?

Just woke up, what did I miss? Anything big confirmed?

Attached: DpUW_81U8AEsW6g.jpg (1000x666, 219K)

DT to pop them up then buster them.

You know what, I love seeing Itsuno looking so happy at the guy playing the game, I find it incredibly wholesome.

Attached: 1544514707448.jpg (400x400, 26K)

No he didn't, but he has never confirmed DLC in the first place. Okabe did.


Attached: 1551899592524.jpg (900x900, 82K)


>he didn't watch the trailer

2 DMD Furies

They're not going to retire the heart and soul of the franchise.


Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

>Have mercy on my soul!

What the fuck is this? Why is she saying this?

Attached: malphas.webm (640x360, 1.42M)

Really? People keep saying that he de-confirmed DLC in the latest podcast

Probably doesn't want to get anally raped by Urizen when she gets back to hell since Nero can't absorb souls

So far, what are your favourite JYB voice acting parts?

Attached: 768AEB4A-1C59-43D1-BF6A-C8A62020E33E.png (1612x796, 1M)

No co-op, no Divergence, no new playable characters, no new anything. Other than the BP.

Calm down deadweight


If you throw him into the tower it actually collapses

No dlc
No turbo mode
No new chars
No co-op
No balance patches
No special edition

Any news on DMC5 Donté mod?

Attached: wljnx9hllap21.jpg (720x720, 72K)


Nero is going to steal your spotlight, Dante. It's just a matter of time.


lmao Itsuno

I'll show you dead weight.

I didn't hear that and the stream is still going.


Attached: 1553876052868.png (239x316, 112K)



Not in the BP stream, in the confidential podcast


Attached: 106-1554032715-1969454291.jpg (1920x1080, 391K)

Just woke up and beat BP with Nero on the 1st try. I'm absolutely terrified to attempt those later stages with Dante and V.

Attached: When you see Dante and Nero get their brother and father back but you realize that your family isn&# (1200x675, 58K)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

If 3, Vergil is my date tonight.

Attached: 1553060140936.jpg (1000x1106, 218K)


Rolled 6 (1d6)

If 3 he's mine, we record it and give envy to this user who lacks power

Not tonight lol

I haven't heard about that user, I didn't even know about a confidential podcast so if you have a link, it would be nice. But from what there are saying in the stream, it's more likely that DLC's are coming.

Ha ha jokes on you

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Not a chance.

Attached: 1553819672696.jpg (1080x1080, 273K)

post lady

Attached: 20190308042931_1.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

Attached: 1553383250441.jpg (700x865, 79K)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

If 5 I settle with Dante and give envy to Vergil instead

Matt just to yell at Capcom to get DLC.

Fuck off thots. Vergil's heart belongs to ---Dante---

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Give your 3 to me for

Attached: D1xfzaXU4AEvKhv.jpg (1014x720, 65K)


Attached: 1553633606685.jpg (3840x2160, 3.16M)

>DMD Furies

Attached: Even Crazy Diamond is Worried.gif (500x281, 2.66M)

y-you're lying right user?

Attached: 1552639336169.jpg (597x596, 57K)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Well, I want yours too. Dante and Vergil belong to me with this 6

Attached: 1534776555361.png (597x894, 828K)

I got cocky and now I'm about to get raped

Attached: 20190401_072149.jpg (4032x3024, 3.59M)

At which point in the video are they talking about it ? it's pretty long .

Good luck, user

Attached: 1552860204386.png (401x351, 194K)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

What is this Vergil, no damage run?

If 1, then I'm taking away all your waifus.

Attached: 1540181684094.jpg (1324x960, 55K)

No, but he'll be pushed more and more into the background and Nero will take the spotlight more and more. He'll still be there though.


Attached: 4Dc7Gbe.png (535x482, 593K)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Missed by one.

If 2 Vergil and Lady get together.


So close to heaven, yet so far from God.

>"there is you co-op mode"

Attached: 1553598909932.png (315x289, 78K)

i couldnt quite make it out but did matt say no future plans for dlc? i wonder how long its gonna be before they dump the inevitable trish/lady dlc

nevermind I kicked their ass. only got hit once

I'm on stage 80 prepare for salt

Vergil the type of guy to eat pizza with a fork and knife

Attached: 1553837539192.png (635x988, 488K)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

If 6 Mundus returns and rapes all the DMC girls and the Sons of Mundus fight the Sons of Sparda for supremacy

Attached: 1528451518406.jpg (447x322, 61K)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Never ever.

If 3, Trish gets pinned against a gray wall

Attached: 1552113639858.jpg (400x411, 44K)

You don't?

Oh fuck


Attached: smug dante.jpg (112x125, 2K)

What kind of power is this?

Attached: 20190313155617_1.jpg (1050x1076, 184K)

Holy shit

Attached: 1553932822505.jpg (302x257, 17K)


>Double 3
We doomed

So it is written

Attached: 1553431959148.jpg (552x567, 14K)


>3 in roll AND post number

Absolutely devilish

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 6g.jpg (452x600, 38K)

This thread needs more cute Neros.

Attached: 1553468333640.jpg (650x626, 83K)

so it is written

Attached: 20190330135603_1.jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

It was foretold

Attached: D772A7A5-75DA-4EB5-A070-CFC8B674137B.jpg (1024x576, 73K)

Nero is a cute!

Attached: 1243567.png (1184x788, 554K)

Attached: 1551890340288.png (922x605, 1.14M)

>BP not online🙁

Glad someone broke the ice, although I’m always inclined to post puffy buccis here’s a cute Nero

Attached: FCF6A55D-4BD8-430B-B075-1116DC857C7C.gif (268x268, 1.21M)

forever btfo

Attached: Untitled.png (534x171, 45K)

kind of redundant

Attached: tumblr_poxsqdxwDU1uhlqfco4_1280.png (649x709, 124K)

What does Patty look like now?

Because hes PR, and DLC before not even 1 month of the game is bad PR

I dunno, that's what I'm asking about

Attached: Fashion-Solid-wood-antique-telephone-fashion-phone-antique-vintage-telephone.jpg_640x640.jpg (640x640, 97K)

a slut

Attached: 1549536301995.png (900x506, 687K)

Celine Farach

what level are the 2 DMD furies?

Lady liek food🥗

Attached: 1553130614736.jpg (1294x1000, 257K)

>get to voltaic knight with nero
>remember replay function from last stage
>enjoy my practice sessions

I spent a good 2 hours on it and its still fun.

Attached: 1552514421726.gif (400x400, 605K)

>Call Dante!
This fucking stream

Attached: 1552481100536.jpg (495x455, 39K)

Missed the stream, does Cavaliere have a unique Buster take down from Nero?

I just woke up what did we get? Do we have online bp?

Well, she is eating for two. Remember how she was the one to come out of Artemis covered in white stuff, while Trish was clean and dry? That was Urizen's fault.

Attached: 1553539445442.png (721x408, 375K)


Attached: one fish two fish.jpg (1200x1133, 167K)

Nope. No Vergil, no coop, and no anything else. Just a standard BP experience.

The stream is still going. uuy totally fucked up the Cavaliere fight and nearly died, so he didn't show it off.

No. they didn¡t add anything new that you could have played 2 weeks ago.
They only turn on a new menu option and put the tauns in the skill list.

Just re-playing Mission 3. How do you use those Grim Grips near the platform right before you go into the sewer? There's two in the air not needed to progress that seem to lead over to another platform with orbs on it. Thanks for taking the time to help!

Same as goliath.

user, I...

It's gonna be an april fools joke reveal, right??

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Broke piratenigger here, the forecast indicates BP soon.

Attached: 1545236204451.png (1280x720, 1.53M)

Is she related to Ness's father?

Attached: 1551482342700.png (643x450, 230K)

Shoot them.

Shoot them

If it was going to happen, it would've in the stream they did.
We got nothing, user. Nothing.

Dude we didn't even get costumes. I've accepted that we're not getting anything other than the barebones shit.

For me, Lady

Attached: file.png (764x1080, 1.15M)

But my hopes and dreams!!

Maybe, I don't know who her mother banged, she never said.


Attached: 1534884759576.jpg (1728x974, 1.13M)

From what I have seen in the video and the chat, he didn't confirmed or de-confirmed anything. He just said what he said before, that nothing was planned but they want to do something. But still from what Okabe already said and the fact that it's April Fools day. Well I have a hard time trusting him.

That’s a nice Lady. Would be a shame if something happened to her

Rolled 1 (1d6)

If 3, Wesker will be in DMC as dlc.

Attached: 1553530712913.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)


Dammit, wish this was the dice from DMC4.

Could Nero SDT?😃

Attached: 5D994D1C-4930-4137-8D3F-58CC197AA29D.png (863x566, 706K)


Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190329211821.jpg (3840x2160, 311K)

For me too, lady!

Attached: file.png (642x768, 403K)

You mean like getting pinned to a grey wall by Mundus and be used as a brood mare to make half demons to fight Vergil and Dante?

Do NOT hurt Lady🙁

Attached: BxHi90pIgAAM64T.png (600x762, 295K)

godammit i keep crashing at the 80s floors

Attached: 1330737023117.gif (272x208, 703K)

tfw no Maidy.

Dante stole her best weapon, her chances are not looking so good until Nico makes another one.

Hey, Dante had his chance several times by now, I'm sure. Someboy's gotta do it.🐠

Attached: DMC5_PC_Lady_Uncensored_HD.webm (1920x1080, 2.76M)

Guys, i played every dmc but im still shit. how do i git gud

Dante needed to absorb Sparda and Vergil ate the fruit.

SO slow...

>this fury fight on the stream

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 1554095921026.jpg (776x1200, 114K)

That scene was actually pretty intense for a DMC game.

what floor of bp should I go for today


Attached: 1522878593284.png (439x452, 72K)

level 70 I believe

Apex lel

Attached: 1548023954365.jpg (420x340, 12K)

Nah that's SoS Furies



Attached: 1500153446270.png (808x805, 480K)

One more of the BEST GIRL for the road

Attached: file.png (1017x768, 885K)


Do you have Gerbera? You can effortlessly parry the shit out of them by jumping while they attack you. The window is so big you wont have to worry about missing it.

Why does the player have no idea how to parry them?

Can only blame myself for bringing my hopes up I guess, still super disappointing considering the datamine, if its even true

Lady is my favorite. Wish she did more in the plot

>All three furies start doing the attack where they start teleporting around and attack every now and then

Attached: 1537750180847.gif (255x191, 1.9M)

Absolutely based and redorbed

Attached: 1553551268858.png (1120x626, 1.24M)

I mean, Vergil is bound to happen at some point...

You fucking degenerate.

He's more busy doing JC splits on green empusas for some fucking reason

I beat them. I airhike and payline spamed and it seemed to work since I only got hit once. I'm on floor 89 now. Going for gold guys. send me energy

Attached: 1552858616126.jpg (820x457, 42K)

>Urizen, yeah. Is that the chicken one?

Attached: 1553962556836.gif (500x391, 2.05M)

You're right and wrong at the same time. V and Nero have animations for enemies they could never fight before BP, but they've been in the game since release.

he said malphas tho

I wonder who could be behind this dick fortune post

>Parrying three Furies

Attached: 1543294325194321.gif (200x200, 770K)

Jump, cane, checkmate, glide

Good luck user, we believe in you!

Attached: file.png (640x768, 675K)

>one of the bosses is the garbage ass sitting urizen who dies in one hit
>no geryon knight

He hasn't tried to parry a single one.

Dante clear
Halfway in with V

I’d like to get behind his dick if you know what I mean

>dick fortune
oh gods of dick fortune, grant me length

Your fortune: Godly Luck

so whats the reward for beating bp

If I can keep myself from getting my hands dirty I will.

God damn this stream is so low energy

Hey it only took them a month to "work" on this already completed content. Can't expect too much.

Going Unga Bunga with Nero is honestly really fun though

I've tried to shoot these from every platform but I simply can't get close enough for Nero to lock onto them. The two Grips are really close to each other two; like one's supposed to get you over there and one's supposed to put you back onto the main path. So, from where exactly are you able to shoot and grapple one to get over there??

Attached: how the hell.jpg (960x540, 58K)

a like for your luck

what stream?

New taunt.

You can do it!😃

>Godly Luck

Attached: D1oLO4hX4AI8JXK.jpg (298x264, 16K)

I keep crashing at floors 70s to 80s, just checking specs before I attempt again for the 4th time

Sending like and lucc:

Your fortune: Good Luck

Kyrie singing Nero a theme song when

>no geryon knight
Jesus Christ, they didn't put any work into this, have they? They gave us a bare-bones BP, with no co-op, no randomizer, no custom floors. Just the basics.

Attached: 1544826046039.jpg (1920x1080, 289K)

Itsuno is so focused on it kek

Attached: 6v90K40.png (170x196, 58K)

>Vergil is the god of dick fortune now
Best April 1st

As soon as Nero gets back home, he needs her to sing to perform well in bed.

Yeah this is a bit disappointing. I hope some modder manages to work some magic and create a BP randomizer

>new animations
Nope, aside from vergil he just does a generic stab kill on anything not in his missions. This includes cerberus and malphas.

They did ask for co-op, Matt basically said that if we wanted any kind of DLC we have to yell at Capcom

They literally put no work into it. It was done at release, they just held off releasing it to keep casual player interest.

just beat cerberus. i was so close to failing but I got motivated and didn't get hit the whole last 1/3rd of his health when I was on the brink of death.

Attached: gzfy1bez4t311.png (240x262, 91K)

wait is there coop yet?

Heh, git gud

Yea Forums riots in front of Capcom HQ when?

Attached: 1551691945674.jpg (333x349, 34K)


>your fortune: good luck

now this I like

>Nope, aside from this thing that means he does.

he cute

Rolled 6 (1d6)

i feel a bit dissapointedd even though i knew what was probably going to be delivered

Funny thing is that Out of Darkness was sung by someone other than her main voice actor, so Kyrie might just have rather impressive vocal range (or somehow lip sycing)

>never got even remotely close to beating BP in DMC4
>get to floor 100 on first attempt in 5

Why is it so easy?

Attached: 1552877381169.jpg (1767x2500, 2.39M)

Those are dependent on V. The part in mission 4 where V breaks the bridge? You take a slightly different path if you get there before he breaks it.

When the rest of the game exceeds all expectations, an average DLC is a bit underwhelming.

Guy in the stream looks pretty sluggish against the advanced enemies desu. That's why you don't just spend ally our time in the void beating up Empusas or Cainas!

>dante on the keyboards

Attached: C1F441CB-282C-412B-B327-169F294FABB0.png (795x379, 225K)

>get to floor 70 with Nero
>do back + forward
>Parry 2 Furies at the same time going one from above and the other from below

Attached: 1551124382742.gif (364x339, 768K)

how often do arms drop in BP?

Interesting! Thanks user, have my only not-even-ironic Like!

Malphas's jiggle physics are so good

Sorry Squidward

Can I still use the denuvo-less exe?

Attached: 1553705669985.jpg (369x570, 47K)

Once every 10 floors you get a floor with arms

DT might play a very large role. It heals a lot more and DT gain seems higher in 5 too.

is there a list where it tell you which difficulty each floor ahs and what enemies spawn there?
And is there a seperate boss rush mode or not?


Attached: 1553278075562.png (1561x1868, 190K)

What's the alternate name of the furies? lmfao what the fuck

Theres a warm up mode where you can play any floor you've already reached (including bosses) and it also tells you which enemies spawn so i'd be expecting one pretty soon

Next time, use paint.

Attached: nigger.jpg (800x566, 123K)

>floor 95


Attached: 1553821400750.jpg (400x400, 12K)

Is this still works? I mean it was imcomplete version of BP.

>animations for enemies
Plus the only new enemy for nero is vergil and his buster is just the phase 1 goliath buster again.

Scale down the image retard, what's wrong with you.

Keep at it user!😃

Attached: Happy Lady.png (863x483, 349K)

FUCK I meant caviliere


>incomplete version of BP

Attached: 1553862991413.png (671x473, 335K)

I assume it means the subtitle it gets when it first appears.


Breakneck Predator

Sooo no co-op?


Attached: 1552360462930.gif (550x400, 1.59M)

Cool gif but shame about the white bar


Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 4.png (1058x1729, 601K)

The time has come and so have I
like this post if you agree

Attached: 1553721485369.png (613x594, 536K)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

5 I marry Nero

Attached: DF189FE0-C595-44A5-8426-899E0A6751D4.png (352x338, 215K)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

If anything but 3 she will forever be just a housewife.

can someone tell me the name for the girl that we thought was Kyrie model? It's for a friend
Also what the hell was Itsuno saying about V finishers being more violent in the second half of the game? Was he just talking about Artemis & Goliath & Cavaliere finishers?

Rolled 4 (1d6)

7 and he's mine.

Rolled 6 (1d6)

If 3, Nero marries Kyrie

Attached: wPPr_S4k1dxGTQvF.webm (720x1280, 2.38M)

BP isn't about finishing it to me. BP is a battle ground.

Actually what I'd like is a better void. Add any enemy, any group of enemies or boss, customize the group, difficulty, health, all that shit. Give us a DMC sandbox.

Would be nice...

Attached: well_I_you_know....png (560x407, 12K)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

if 5 Kyrie marries Vergil

So was it just BP?
Did you assholes get my hopes up for no reason?

The BP we have now is the exact same one that PC players could play a few weeks ago

Yes, it's just BP. For now...

Attached: 1551628798419.jpg (615x712, 105K)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Joke's on you. If 5 Vergil marries Yamato


What the fuck kind of filename is that♥️

Attached: 1552931139350.jpg (820x906, 77K)

Nobody was expecting that they weren't actually working on anything. BP was done at release.

Then why did they delay it?
Bullshit to extend game life?

Rolled 2 (1d6)

No luck, user, if 5 Nero's mom comes back to reclaim Vergil's dick.

The answer is Red Arremer by the way if anyone wants the copy

Devil may cr-FUCK

Oh frick disregard the heart

Attached: 1553202973561.jpg (228x217, 10K)

Floor 70 baby here we go

>Did you assholes get my hopes up for no reason?
Ha ha remember when we were convinced the game would have 30 missions, 10 per character

>Floor 97 furie knocks me down to half a health bar
>he goes in for the finisher
>instinctivly press my devil breaker button
>its ragtame
>I time stop rape him

that user's luck roll payed off holy shit thank you

Attached: 1551588701314.jpg (567x531, 54K)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

3 and I marry someone anyone please oh god I'm so lonely I mean Nero

>Not in a million years

Attached: 1552601586391.jpg (1920x1080, 269K)

Fuck it. If good luck, the next DLC will be Nero's mom outfit for Vergil

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: 1q78V7b.png (683x883, 636K)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Ha ha all you fails
Lucky number 3 I marry Nero forever and all anons attend the wedding


Anyone have the image of fury's description where they say like "born to fuck" or some shit?


Probably, your guess is as good as mine

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Is that a challenge? Okay...
If 3 Vergil will go on a date with me in million years.

Anyone got a clean rip of any of the character's logos?

This fucking faggot that never played G&G.

I'll marry you user! I do!

To the people who beat bloody palace, do you get anything from it?
I lost to the last phase of the last enemy and I'm really butthurt right now so I'll listen to it before trying again

I’m going to kill you

Attached: AF560CF3-9562-4B61-B80F-8559719C213F.jpg (1024x894, 138K)

A dark handsome stranger...

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Eh wasn't so bad with nero. Was expecting more dog piling. Only had gerbera too.
BP made me realize that i'm way too conservative with my busters

Just the taunt that the character uses as the ending

Attached: 3 best.png (553x848, 314K)

>by mail

Attached: q.jpg (480x360, 16K)

>in million years
This but literally.

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 1553469326450.png (275x307, 154K)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

>everyone getting married and I’m sitting here like a crewcut

Rolled 3 (1d6)

I want to date V

I hope you reincarnate in time for your date.


At this point with all of this support and no news from Capcom, I think we can safely say this is over for now. They aren't entirely un-Crapcom'd yet. Here's to seeing whether they really are Capcom or if they just made four great games by accident.

Attached: uwotm8.gif (320x240, 1.89M)

>Max stage 20 with the tutorial character


Rolled 3 (1d6)

6 and local fags find themselves real life waifus.

Nigga I can't even see a dick that small

Attached: the_reg.jpg (1920x1080, 127K)

Itsuno talked about how they didn't have time to squash bugs. Given that a small number of anons crash periodically. I'm thinking they might have needed more time.

Rolled 3 (1d6)

roll of odd then playable Trish if even playable Lady

Oh man, looks like I'm stuck with my husbando

>has his own game
>isn't playable in it

Attached: 1552416513736.jpg (778x813, 362K)

No luck today, Cupid.

>The day my USB charge wire is fucked.

Attached: fullsizeoutput_52.jpg (733x400, 219K)

Wait, how many floors are there? I got to like 89 with V and I haven't fought Nidhogg.

Credit where it's due they at least squashed blind hoping by being as transparent as possible that there ain't gonna be more dlc.

101, Nidhogg is not in.

but he is playable

Attached: 1495660182053.jpg (508x608, 39K)

there is no nidhogg. No nidhogg, no gilga, no geryon, and no nightmare and the boys.

I get all of them except for Geryon.

He will be playable soon, no way will they miss on that opportunity.

Attached: TONY.jpg (1465x1439, 328K)

V bosses aren't in at all.

Attached: 1541124879917.gif (201x259, 729K)

>i'm feeling smug as fuck
Why? There's an additional mode besides Co-Op BP which has its own name, including divergence mode. chances are you're retarded user, and don't get what day it is, or what a joke is.

Good luck and all your waifus become real. Bad luck - they all die.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 4Lc0ob3.png (596x756, 586K)

Matt, Itsuno, and quite literally everybody have gone on record saying that there will not be anymore DLC. You're just going to have to wait for special edition next gen my man

Not today, Satan.

Rolled 1 (1d6)

If odd number Griffon and crew come back.

Attached: 1553520698068.jpg (711x704, 52K)

>BP made me realize that i'm way too conservative with my busters
you tell me

Attached: 20190401143608_1.jpg (1920x1080, 321K)

I can understand no Gilgamesh, but all the others seems totally feasible to fight with all characters. Wtf Itsuno

Attached: he hates it.jpg (1280x960, 163K)

how long is this BP?

Attached: already.png (572x662, 122K)

>quite literally everybody
I heard Okabe and Dan didn't get the memo. But doesn't matter, if I waited so long for DMC5 what's another few years?

Attached: 1554053806786.jpg (640x603, 44K)

Fuck you Vergil, you're the worst fortune teller.

what about okabe saying there are dlc plans? and I'm pretty sure they said there won't be a special edition this time around

What's your highest lever so far? I got to 97 and suspended so I can go to class


Post more Uncle Dante(4)’s

Attached: 71E286E3-F618-4E46-94A2-78290A2FB52F.gif (368x208, 3.74M)

Have you not trained parrying them with Split? Jump when he dissapears.

Beat it as Dante already.