FFXIV Thread. What are you maining in ShB?
FFXIV Thread. What are you maining in ShB?
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probably just black mage, i have my eye on dancer but they'd really have to fuck up black mage to make me switch
The genderlock was a good idea.
Dancer is genderlocked??
Probably SCH still.
I mean, someone gotta do the job, right?
In the sea of bad healers, someone has to pick up the slack.
It was never a good idea.
What job do you play?
What new additions do you want in ShB?
What do you think you'll actually get?
most likely going to main dancer but i have to wait and see what it's skills are like, if i end up not liking it i will stick to NIN
going to fanta to viera as well and i feel like they would make pretty cool NINs, im fucking pissed about not being able to use headgear though, yoshida is a hack
It's hard to make that call until we know more about job changes and additions in May. Hopefully we'll get full tooltips like the last time from the press event. It will directly influence my choice of jobs, although right now the plan is to play MCH (if it gets better) and NIN (otherwise). I tried a little bit of everything over the course of Stormblood and I just want to press buttons and do numbers at this point. But this can change, if they make PLD fun, I'll take PLD, if they give SCH really cool skills, I'll be fine with playing SCH. At any rate I am prepared to level anything from the get go and I have no current commitments, so it's smarter to wait and see.
Likes I said in the last thread, I just want Comet for AST.
>What are you maining in ShB?
It'll inevitably be either WHM or SCH
based and truthpilled
I can't believe Lords of Verminion became true after being an april fools joke.
to be fair its still a fucking joke and everyone forgot about it like 2 weeks after it came out
Either give me unchained or if we're still going to be cucked at least give me back rez
A bunch more buttons that I rarely/never press
Please like my post for nudes uwu
You're not gonna need unchained with tank stances gone.
Expecting Beastmaster to be a limited job but it's called Minionmaster instead.
i liked so you won't nudes
Where's the XIV April Fools fool?
im going to unlock gunbreaker and never switch to anything else
When did they announce this?
Like my post to dab on healsluts and bunny-trannies!
Yoshi dropped some hints during JP fanfest stream. One of his guests asked if PLD stances could be moved off GCD so that the job felt smoother and Yoshida said that Oaths will no longer be GCD and that is because they will serve a different purpose since "nobody uses tank stances lately anyway".
Just did 2.x hildbrand quests to unlock scholasticate chain. Holy fuck, what a miserable pile of shit that was, glad I started skipping cutscenes and dialogue halfway through.
>when a tranny pretending to be a girl tries to talk to me
What are you doing today while the servers are down, friends?
inb4 people get mad and try to tell you how great hildbrand is
EU DC split.
That's nice, dear.
Probably jerking off then going to sleep
What shit taste
Ausfag here.
What server do I play on?
>Hell's Kier - Kill for a friend. [Duty Completion] [Duty Complete] 390+
Fuck you.
I can't find a group for Suzaku, I've had two pugs which abandoned after 5 tries with one guy fucking up. I just wanted to try Extreme trials for once, you fucks.
DC you get the least ping on.
Why didn't you try the latest one?
>when you actually kind of want that manga
Welp. Time to kms. I'm officially the kind of fanboy who will devour any shit SE throws at me.
What's the best mount in the game and why is it Rathalos?
It's HoH horse.
>not fatter cat
Honestly, Demi-Ozma is pretty good.
mostly I want something to make the gauge management a bit more involved since I miss that from before 4.1 gutted the fuck out of it. realistically I just hope they don't dumb it down so hard that a literal cat could play it
it's rotation is so simple but well put together that I can't really think of any way to improve it. Maybe make swift/triplecast castable while you're in the middle of casting something. Actually now that I think of it maybe give them that Triple spell that ascians use, because the thought of hitting three fouls back to back makes me feel weird in my region of sin. Hopefully the tp/mp merge doesn't fuck it over.
It's obviously supposed to be the healer with little utility but big dick heals/nukes, and I think they should lean into that instead of fucking over the other two healers. It's kit is mostly fine and it just needs more damage and healing throughput to set it apart, since the only thing it's really good at (heavy sustained AOE healing) doesn't really come up all that much. If it's gonna rely on the gcd for the majority of it's healing, then their gcd heals should be a decent bit better than the other two instead of only barely so. For additions it feels like the only obvious ones are either reraise or a group wide benediction.
It's actually Legacy Chocobo.😃
I still use my chocobo because everything else feels out of place
>more healing throughput
There's literally no situations where current healing throughput is even remotely necessary, and you want them to give more. Healing mechanics should become smarter and weaker, not just "more HPS! more HPS!" That shit's small brain and the entire reason healing meta is so boring rn. The entire identity of "just give it more healing power" hasn't been working since before Creator.
>that alphie blush
>that aymeric
I need it
Don't be an elitist prick just because you got cucked into buying a broken game
Honestly, I wish the other healers were more like SCH when it come to healing.
If the cucked weren't there to keep it going through its hardest time the game wouldn't be around today, be grateful.🙁
This. The only people that say otherwise are too scrubby to get it😃
>tfw Yea Forums is so contrarian that there's actually 1.0 nostalgiafags
You jelly?
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Not at all, cuck😃
i'd use my chocobo a lot more if every armor in the game didn't bisect its neck
Remember when Foe requiem was good?
The barding of light looks fine
>more like SCH
Oh, press one button to solve any raidwide?
SCH is literally the quintessential incarnation of healing problems but the moment you suggest that maybe stone/broil/male spam isn't real complexity and that healers should become weaker across the board you get lynched by green DPS players.
I'll probably stay SMN and sub BM.
Looks like shit, they really should have given original players a better mount.
I parse orange on all fights upvote me
Probably continue to main SAM with a side of WAR. If Gunbreaker is going to be like the rumors and match WAR in terms of DPS, I'll definitely go full GUN.
I mean, I miss it since it made a nice synergie between BRD and the casters, but the new one is really more useful.
I've never seen my parse, I'm almost certain that I'm shit and parse grey but I don't care I've cleared most content and I spend most my time jewing the market
i mean player armor
going to keep playing mch, maybe it won't be a total disaster
I'd honestly have preferred the Legacy Chocobo to be a barding since it can't be summoned as your companion in the battlefield.
This, but astro since the other heal in my static refuses to do RNG cards.
>I don't care about parses I've cleared most content except the content where parses matter
XIV is so good that I don't even play other games anymore.
As an exSAM main who played it mostly during Deltascape, everytime I see myself outdpsing a fucking SAM as a BRD I feel like I'm dying inside.
Heck, when I was farming Seiryu or Suzaku for the dogs I've seen people do less DPS than my SAM on O1S (5200 DPS) and it feels horrible that I can't shit on them for it.
The only thing I haven't cleared is Alphascape savage and that's because my sub was lapsed for a bit after it came out since I was out of the country for work and I haven't bothered attempting since I've come back, my FC has carried me through everything else and would carry me through it if I asked them to
Dropping white mage for probably astro eith a side of blm and brd
I was holding out hope maybe they would either add a new healer or make white mage not brain dead easy and boring but "White mage will be easy" does not leave me with high hopes
If I were you, I would wait for 5.0 infos.
Maybe they will finally give some damage utility to WHM in the form of Eureka's Bravery.
FFXIV players:
LOL ur game sucks because it has a cash sho....
LOL ur game sucks because it has gender locked clas..
LOL ur game sucks because it has level boost...
LOL ur game sucks because it has stupid cosmetics that make everyone look like clow...
LOL my game sucks but I'm addicted and I'm a tranny that never leaves the house.
Egg. followed by Firebird.
It's sad how 14 players used to attack every other mmo for the things 14 has now, but now they dion't have a problem with those things anymore.
Actually I take that back, the people who had a problem with it quit.
>14 players used to attack every other mmo for the things 14 has no
Literally no one
Also what other MMOs?
>FFXIV Otome manga will never be a thing
bomb chair
>elezen are the most popular
what a nice world
I'm debating on whether I should come back. I got a free month in stormblood and got a couple classes up to 70 but most of the post-story wasn't out when I played. I don't have any friends left that play and I think i'm on a dead world since that big ass merger. It doesn't seem worth it anymore.
Party finder is cross realm now so there's really no downside to being on a ded world, if it's ded enough you might even be able to snag a house
If you ever plan on replaying, you should probably try to to play during that FFXV event that give the 4seat car mount.
that's what I mean, I'm on primal, and it's dead as shit from all that I hear, the playerbase moved 60% to crystal, 30% to aether.
People doing less than 6k on Sieryu need to off themselves.
Nigga what?
like I said, from everything I hear, everything I see online, all the c ensus, all discussion about ff14 it's either aether or crystal. gilgamesh or balmung, just like before the split
>gender locked class
Stop saying this shit there's no gender locked classes, it's just a race
>people talk more about the two biggest servers than others
>woah that totally must mean everything else is dead
Fuck off Yea Forums needs to get off of it's if you're not first you're last mentality
crystal doesnt even exist yet. Theyre doing the euro split first, then the NA split. Balmung and Mateus are fucking off to their containment datacenter, and its taking 3 servers from Primal with it: Brynhildr, Diablos, and Marlboro. Primal is still intact, as the biggest servers arent going anywhere
it's coming user, and you'll defend it when they do it
Will suck dick for likes
It's literally not coming you doomer. Yoshi is dumb but not completely retarded
Tonberry has the most Aus/NZ/SEA players I'd say, Kujata also has a decent sized Aus playerbase I hear. t. Tonberryfag
The Cabal are bringing in a fortified Mining Lander, I believe this means a resource grab.
Except I still have a problem with those things, but since I'm not autistic I just don't use them.
Will get sick sucked for likes
Right now I'm playing WHM and RDM but I really want to try out DNC.
The wait is honestly killing me.
I'm tired of having to heal people as SCH, what class lets me completely ignore everyone else?
>Plays healer
>Wtf why do *I* have to always heal??
Samurai and black mage.
>24h maintenance
guess I'll just sleep...
Want them to clean up PLD a bit has too many buttons, can't even get all the role actions on there without adding extra bars. That and take Shelton off of the job bar and replace it with something else.
I'm gonna be maining the uninstall wizard
HAHA based!!!! I've sure haven't heard that one before! LOL
>Healer that needs to heal the least out of all three due to oGCDs and fairy
>"Hurr why do I have to heala"
Is the first share meant to be FF1?
Rolled 6 (1d6)
If you get hit by an attack that's avoidable you should be kicked from the party!
Upvoted. Fuck baddies
Gonna main AST since dancer isn't a healer
>Mime never
>if it gets in, it'll be a Limited Job
It's not fair.
It was our time now.
>not getting hit on purpose by attacks you know you can survive so you can do extra damage
Nice feet
Nope. Not moving.
Um, sweetie, you waste the healer's time doing that and they can't spend as much time attacking.
This, manaward exists for a reason.
I do more damage than the healer and I can heal the hit myself with Second Wind so the healer doesn't have to heal it on the first place
I just want them to fucking talk about job changes already reeeeee
Is DRK still in the shitheap or not
DRK. I want to feel more edgy. I'll probably have that wish fulfilled.
The only place where 1 extra GCD even matters is savage and there's not a single instance where you can't dodge while DPSing. You wouldn't know though you expert roulette heroes
>jannie now deleting fanart
>Limited Job
I'm still mad
So, I've mained tanks since before heavensward, but lately my queues have been less than instant, waiting for healsluts to fill. Is healing the new chad role or what?
fuck off furfag
>that vid
This is the cringiest shit I have seen since Youtube Rewind
Healers on strike
Healer has always been faster in queues especially for daily roulette
They're supposed to be turning PLD+DRK into main tanks and WAR+GBR into off tanks. PLD is going to end up better at physical mitigation and single target while DRK has better magic mitigation and AoE.
Lol just look at your own post
You need to go back
Since when was fanart of a game not allowed in threads about that game?
Tranny janny upset he didn't get a healer
>Decided to finally start smashing through content today, wake up hyped and head straight for my PC, I'll start with finishing off Sigmascape and then take a crack at some of those EX trials I never did
>Forgot I'm not allowed to play today because I live in EU
What about it? It's fucking BASED
Go back to Yea Forums? The score system must have confused you Mr. Redditor
Ronso gunbreaker all day erry day
The Uninstall Wizard.
Looking more and more like the truth...
Red Mage. Hoping for some cool additions, primarily more utility.
>western humour
Thanks for the extra day of free gametime eurobros
gonna play white mage, in spite of the fact that yoshi has no idea what to do with them. fuck why arent there any better mmos
Play on a good server like Exodus and be cool and normal and not cringy and weird.
Come to ragnarok lad
hildibrand is literally brainlet humor
I don't see you making your own XIV april fools.
If you're so good, make one. Otherwise shut your f***** mouth.
Nothing can top a spinning adamantoise
>I just raised your bitch ass
Every fucking alliance raid I have to tell someone this, there is always one fucking retard who just chain dies yet still asks to be rezzed every single fucking time
Ah fuck another mgp reward Im never going to be able to afford these thi-
>only 200k
What the shit? A 4 seater for a measly 200k virtual gambling chips when shit like the whale cost thirty real dollars? Am I reading this right?
Everyday there's someone trying to greentext in Novice Network. I know it's one of you faggots, stop it.
It's a limited time event of course it's easy to get
>more utility
Like another rez you'll refuse to use
He literally said that healers are getting more attention this expansion in terms of updates and balancing.
Objectively speaking clouds bike because it has faster mount speed by default.
This. You get the hunt seal mount speed buff by default in the new ShB areas if you ride it.
I wish I knew I haven't had anyone since the start of SB when everyone quit, FC's are fucking pointless they're all just mass invite shit where half the fucks haven't been online in years and the 2-3 that are online never talk
greentext is mainstream now, you'll see twitterfags and plebbitors using it whove never even heard of this site
Is this your first event? The good rewards are always put in-game first for a limited time then once it's gone it shows ups on the cash shop later. Examples: power ranger emotes, glow sticks emotes, Christmas bear mount, Witch's broom mount, chocobo egg mount, etc. All easily obtainable in-game but are now $5-25 on the cash shop.
he also used the word "easier" with regards to WHM at fan fest. im not holding my breath.
After the BST datamines I skimmed through the reddit discord and every 2nd post was some fag using meme arrows, but the funny thing is that they would use it mid sentence >like this which just adds salt to injury
What's his end goal?
So he works 3 jobs now?
It's funny considering healers are usually the first ones to die in alliance raid. I don't remember how many times I have saved our party with rdm.
Getting posted on Yea Forums, most certainly.
Hopefully helium mask suicide.
Not really surprising Yoshi hinted in some interview last year that he might be stepping away from XIV to work on something else
The reason is to keep people subscribed during the time when usually subscription numbers are at their lowest.
Director of FFXIV
Producer of FFXIV
Board of director at SE
Head of business division 5
Manager of development division 3
5 jobs
That's most definitely a fujo.
Bruh where's my matching pink fursuit and panties set in other MMOs? swapping to Final Fantasy right now.
For a while now he's wanted to become a full time director and have someone else handle the producer duties. But he still hasn't found someone he trusts to be the face of FFXIV so he bears the burden of it.
To crash Aether/Crystal
Rule 1 of any MMO ever made. Never join mass invite guilds. Their only reason is to farm FC credits, they don't care about the actual people in the guild.
Small to mid sized guilds are always the best if you ever intend to raid or be social.
My point is that small FCs don't really exist anymore too many people have quit and now the only small ones are hardcore raiding FCs no small social ones have stuck around they're all mass invite shit
If you're on Ragnarok I'll hook you up lad
Why is it that every time I try talking to someone in this game, they turn out to be an absolute spastic who can barely even form a coherent sentence. Is this different on non-EU servers?
Lots of small FCs still exist. I've been in one that's been very active since June 2015. You just gotta pick a non crappy server.
No. That's just the average MMO player.
It's not even true for EU servers, stop hanging out with cesspool FCs
Whens Maint?
Like every MMO it depends on what server you play on. It's like complaining why people are so gay if you live in California.
I want her butt planted on my face, but I'm worried about getting impaled by whatever that spiky thing is.
>I've been in a single one therefore there must be lots of them
ass too big
I'd like mechanics based on parry back, such as Reprisal and Low Blow, that shit was fun as hell
we'll just get watered down trash probably
There's lots of small FCs recruiting on Primal. Some are cool, some are awful, the whole part of finding a good FC or static is just playing the game until you meet cool people. I mean it's going to be very easy soon once they add cross world visiting and FCs are cross world just like linkshell&friendlist.
MNK/DRK mainly.
Hope MNK gets some QoL improvements. Tornado Kick would be nice if it could have a use outside of squeezing out more DPS out of fights that one is more or less proficient in. But we’ll just likely get like an additional 3 seconds on GL.
Hope DRK gets a bit more party utility and overall revamp so it’s not just twiddling it’s thumbs while Blood Weapon refreshes and spamming dark arts when it’s active.
A healer because I love dick. No new class because they've been like 1/5 on having expansion classes be good. RDM was good. SAM/AST/DRK/MCH were all kinda ass. DRK was only used because 3.0 raped PLDs.
I want to protect that smile
But I always rez when needed...
They've been recruiting for that game for more than 3 years now. Nothing's going to change.
>I want to protect that smile
Then you better unsub
Crashing this run with no survivors
Tell me about Bane
Why does it drop potency
Is Yoshi P going to be okay I'm worried
I'm glad they killed off dumb rabbits.
God I wish that were me
Literally saving Final Fantasy (tm)
I sure as hell hope so. FFXIII and FFXV suffered from trying to emulate modern aesthetics.
All you have to do is literally ask Yoshi P and he will let you do it
>What lottery?! THE lottery, that's what lottery! Are you stupid?
runs off into the Thanalan to mauled by giant ants
How the hell does a guy get started in Pagos this is even worse than the last one.
What is the point of having Riichi Mahjang in your game if you can't even gamble with gil or some other currency.
Because age ratings.
It's all skill though no luck involved
If it didn't scholar would outdamage le holy mage in all dungeons instead of just a few, leaving them with absolutely nothing left
That would get the game banned in a bunch of countries due to gambling laws.
put up a fucking pf and i'll join if you're on primal
You level until 30 in Anemos.
Do you care about the relic?
If not, just do your weekly challenge log.
If you do, get over it and prepare to light farm.
However there's a way to light farm alone which is also very efficient, so it gets easier.
If you were late to the content then you will have a hard time catching up. This is the old MMO feeling that Eureka tries to replicate. It's not for everyone.
Because they can't update game ratings between expansions. Gambling is coming in 5.0.
>tried two pugs
>gives up and quits
The typical FFXIV player.
Don't repeat this dumb meme, it's actively harmful
It's exactly the same, get on the train asap.
The best nms in anemos give 20k and the worst nms in pagos give 200k.
Gambling items/currency in a online game with other players is an automatic M rating for ESRB
Yes I do want to do the relic and hit max I'm not afraid of the grind it just seems like there is no fate you could even go near till like 28 there that is ever up.
No you won't have a hard time catching up, the train is just as good as anemos and nobody cares about leeching.
You'll have half the light you need for your first weapon by the time you reach cap and getting the other half takes one to two hours farming with the level sync trick.
If you wait for challenge logs you will literally never finish and might as well stop now.
You can unlock both aetherytes at 23lvl and 25lvl. When you get those 2 unlocked going to the fates is very easy.
Get on the train and stop bitching
does Yea Forums like lalafells?
...god damn it, kinda wanna do the eureka sam relic so that every class I bring into shadowbringers has a relic. on the other hand, it’s possible that the ShB SAM relic will look miles better then the Eureka one. What should I do?
PLD and SAM, probably switching to GUN over PLD.
I want my stances to be oGCD and a not so rigid rotation. Oh you had to delay something because of mechanics? Haha, fuck you, everything is out of sync.
I like SAM the way it is, maybe more ways to go FASTER and make merciful eye actually be worth using.
Ok sorry it just appeared tougher to get into stuff. How long does it take on average to move through up to the current zone if one puts some serious time in, less than a month?
All the Shb relics will look better than those aside from maybe the SMN one.
I love Lalafell, too bad a lot of people who play Lalas on western servers act like huge meme sperglords which put a stigma on the race as a whole.
>tfw no lioness gf
I finished pagos and pyros in a week while pagos was still not nerfed like it is right now.
holy shit this would be great!
Tiny races are cancer wherever they appear.
>like RDM aesthetics
>cant live with its baby AoE compared to BLM
what do
I enjoy being a wiggle waggles yes
RDM aoe is great for dungeons, you don't have to worry about timers.
Speaking of Eureka do you think they will ever gut the final dungeon in future expansions or just leave it to rot? No way your getting 60 people for that thing once ShB comes out.
When is this expansion scheduled to take place?
is it literally just scatter into moulinette
Yes, there's also that ogcd aoe skill.
June 28th
MCH and GUN if it gets more fun to play. Full GUN if they just fuck it up, which is what I'm expecting at this point.
My sub lapsed today. I only logged in yesterday to step into my house for a second.
It's worse if you enjoyed RDM in XI. Enspells, Haste, tic-based Refresh, Stoneskin/Phalanx, Spike spells, nukes only one step behind BLM, higher tier Cures, and a two/one hourly ability that allowed us to empty our mana bar by throwing spell after spell with no casting time if we just wanted to have fun.
The build>leap>slash>retreat>repeat playstyle is flashy but so unsatisfying. I can't play it despite wanting to. I kind of want to see where the class story goes, but every second of it is suffering unless I'm throwing a Flechette.
Based NRA
Think about it user.
Did they do anything for the Emergency mission of Diadem 2.0?
staying with drk no matter what. recently picked up pld, though, since i won the omega weapon for it
as for dps, i'm playing smn and hopefully it's less of a clusterfuck of a rotation in shb, but i'll pick up mch if it gets good
32 20
31,6 20 more or less
Why does every tank I get in Dungeon Roulette just throw a fucking tantrum when I pull enemies, god damn just do your fucking job idiot I know how much I can heal
DRK. I'd play smn if the egis weren't small cucky mcdonalds toys maybe but, DRK and SAM are what I play. Will also play dancer. Hoping for a better toolkit for DRK and better permanent egis for smn now that the benchmark for xiv is higher.
>play elezen
>can never preview glamors because no one else plays elezen
Use the screenshot tool and try on any outfit.
Totally different system that the viewed as a failure.
>screenshot tool
What's that?
Lets you try any armor set on or even become NPCs.
>the state of FFXIV
Honestly I queued with an irl friend friend just yesterday who plays tanks, anyways they flipped their shit about this exact thing. I don't get it either but I swear it's like a night and day difference. They just get fucking triggered when someone else want to take punches to the face.
wait really? where the fuck was this confirmed?
this gay shit only happens on Aether/Crystal datacenter.
>fake infomercials
Oh neat I'll give it a try, thank you user
are the servers offline? I cant get in. I thought the maintenance is tomorrow
>What job do you play?
None, because i don't play terrible games
April 1st is transgender day because they're jokes
>april 1st
Clown world
Something on your end user maintenance isn't for like 13 hours I'm literally in game now
EU is having a 24h maintenance because of the server split, followed by nother maintenance for everybody tomorrow, which bites into the 24h maint for EU so it's not that bag.
TL;DR 2nd April 11am GMT is when you can play again
SAM if they don't completely fuck it up. Otherwise I'll go back to BLM.
Not the hunt seal speed buff, just the generic +1 buff that you get from story quests. goes away in an area when you’ve gotten the initial speed boost.
great community btw
What’s a katana that would look best on the scion travelers’ set? Since not gonna do eureka for the weapon, need something that’ll look nice on it. maybe one of the SB primals?
these are the tap water drinkers that call genderlocking homophobia instead of laziness, christ why did this happen to my favorite mmo
Yes, I play as one. I'm not in those weird lalalinkshells though
>Using that welfare shit
user, you're better than this.
No because most Bards are fucking useless and can't even cast it inbetween jumping around like retards and not keeping their dots up.
Were they trying to make themselves to look as ugly as possible?
Without a doubt representing trannies.
Not a surprise when your average SAM doesn't know what Higanbana is nor do they know they can buff their iai moves.
But I like the scion travelers’ set, user. It looks good on my male elezen
Seeing Horde.
>Transgender day of give me attention and feed me upvotes
lame, magitech is what made FF cool.
Japanese just cant into normal fantasy.
>Trannies play every race except roe and elezen
>male elezen
absolutely based my fellow elf bro
>Japanese just cant into normal fantasy.
Dark Souls disagrees. I'd at least give Yoshida a chance
>Insulting the outfit Tataru lovingly had us molested for her viewing pleasure to create
I wear it as my standard/'travelling' outfit too. I don't want Tataru to cry.
>EU Data center down
Is it time to make the switch? How dead will EU be post split? Any recommended Data Centers with few trannies?
The only way to escape trannies is to play with the Japanese.
I cant into jap and I'd like decent ping. Tonberry is the "english" jap world from what I understand but I donno.
move to odin
Elf master race
>tfw cant recreate this because the games blond hair looks like shit
Haha what a funny joke. Hah..
>get 2 elezen squadron members
>2 retainers are both elezen
I love elezen I just wish they didn't have awful animations, the girls are so cute holy shit. Saulette 10/10 cutie
why is every elezen player a creep in-game?
natural reflex upon seeing lesser races
Whats the tranny-population looking like? I'm Phoenix right now, my current FC doesnt look too infested, though I havent been paying much attention in chat.
Elezen tend to be totally alright though
you might be thinking of Lalafell
What tranny population? Well it might be because I don't interact with limsa degenerates.
>estinien riding alexander
The chicken tenders gag got me.
I honestly don't think their animations are any worse than any other race the one that I see people complain about the most is the running but honestly I like it better than the cat/au ra one and PLD animations fit them so well
I can't help being a total creep but at least I don't force anything or bring any weird shit in my fc. I just don't understand regular social conventions.
malezen run like they're constipated
It's obviously Brute Justice.
Macro-trannies in roulettes/dungeons. Extremely vocal trannies and gays in FCs.
Other than that, its not bad. Just wouldn't want to switch to a world thats infested.
i want a brown elf wife
You can come pretty close. The worst problem is lighting, especially in ARR areas.
What to do in the game right now?
I have genuinely never met a single tranny in game, I've met one lesbian couple and one gay dude and neither of them brought it up themselves someone asked them about it in FC chat. At this point I'm convinced that Yea Forums either goes out of their way to find them or make it up
I just look up skirts all day.
I see the gayorzea thing in PF almost every day I log on and I think a few people in my FC alluded to being gay but I didn't care enough to pay that much attention, that's the extent I've encountered with all this.
I'm the guy whos concerned. I don't even mind them, as long as they're not overly vocal and make it a point to tell me that "I AM TRANS/GAY BTW".
Guess I've just had some bad/unlucky experiences.
Just don't play on balmung and you'll probably never run into any drama.
>At this point I'm convinced that Yea Forums either goes out of their way to find them or make it up
they tend to do that thing where they hear someones story and then they act like it happened to them and that means it happens constantly
I mean, I see stupid shit all the time, retards in the /say and /shout chats, as well as dipshits in dungeons emoting at each other, never met anyone that bad, worst I had was some twat making an ass out of themselves in my FC by calling every retards for not liking Eureka, they got kicked and all was well
a lot of accounts tend to be hyperbolic, I don't doubt there are overly dramatic trannies out there, but they are few and far in between, even if you are active
I play on Omega, never seen anyone like that, I used to play on Moogle, same story, only more frenchies
Which one has the penis
move over alex am I right?
No thats just trans people. Most gays keep it to themselves
I miss stance dancing and real DPS healing hours.
Is this a subtle way of saying unsubscribe?
Rolled 2 (1d6)
>404 not found
Funny. when I click the link it added the tick
It's literally just a boogeyman and/or generic derogatory jape of choice in the same vein of retard/faggot/autist/whatever. In a year it'll be replaced by something even more retarded. Yea Forums just can't shut up about it because they have no personalities or opinions of their own and all their thoughts and feelings occur solely as reactions to abstract groups they hate. Like the reason you hear about it nonstop is because anytime anything happens with this game the first immediate thought that comes into the minds of Yea Forums users is "how do trannies feel about this?" It's literally an obsession.
>doesn't know Brute Justice
pathetic, just pathetic
Perhaps. One FC had a gay couple that unironically talked to eachother all "kissy kissy" in the fucking FC chat. God I left that FC real fucking quick.
>It's a boogeyman
Who/heterohrothgar/ here?
Do you know why you're seeing that post? Do you realize why you know it exists? Literally the only reason? Because it was posted here on Yea Forums just now. You would never have seen that, never have even known about it, if it wasn't for obsessives posting it on Yea Forums.
>you will never be friends with a lalafell healer that always runs content with you
I bet you play female aura
>how to spot the balmongoloid 101
Project your shit elsewhere.
more like Hrothgay❌
That dumb tranny shit is literally all over the twitter (inb4 >twitter, yes, that's how I get news from companies) and one of the most upvoted posts on the game's subreddit (where it came from) and you see that dumb shit with Gayorzea all over PF every day. You can accept trannies or you can defy them, but you cannot deny them.
neither of these are correct, try again
To be fair, aside from the total horror that is thta poster, if you spend your time going around finding trannies to troll you could probably find a better medium for it than a subscription based game. I mean sure the wait between expansions can get boring but go do some sidequests ffs. Giving them attention feeds them energy for their drama shitshows.
unironically, miqo'te and au ra are more gay than male beasts.
All the Male Miqo'te are switching to Hrothgar lol.
>You can accept trannies or you can defy them, but you cannot deny them.
You're still obsessed though
Went through that thing's twitter and apparently that thing is moving to Zodiark. Good riddance.
At least I'm not obsessed with what's between my legs.
Trannies ruined the WoW WRA community and discord. Just fucked the whole thing because they can't help but be chronically offended and obsessed with drama. They're a plague on every community online. I've never met one who wasn't mentally ill.
Was 100% on board but the idea of a blm/rdm without there hat disgusts me
I just want Matoya's hat to work on viera.
You need to do some serious introspection. You're the only person talking about that here.
I am quite curious to see just how many players are going to play Hrothgar, they are built like male roes and they are one of the least played races by quite a margin, the only plus for Hrothgar is that they are more bestial and thus more attractive for furries
I wonder how many we will see after the first few months
Makes me disappointed we didn't get voice acting in the raid.
So instead of just coming here to avoid that, you keep going to reddit, and deliberately screenshot those posts so you can bring it here and talk about it as much as possible.
I've been playing for 4 years, over 7000 hours on /played and only ever once run into someone who I knew for sure was a tranny, because they told me. I said I wasn't interested and they left me alone. There's plenty of people who wear obnoxious glamours or the occasional dumb PF listing but shit like that is so easy to ignore that it can't possibly bother you unless you actively let it.
This is a "problem" born entirely from obsession. Because you can't stop thinking about trannies, you can't stop yourself going out looking for tranny posts and tranny players to be mad at, you can't stop taking everything you experience and relating it to trannies somehow. If you could somehow just let go of your tranny addiction you'd be amazed at how rarely it comes up.
I'm going to play bunnygirl until we get lionesses.
You don't play on an rp server, clearly.
>playing on an RP server
you have only yourself to blame
Id say it depends on faces hairs maybe. The issue with beast races is if your locked into a "fur" color or face you cant change with the barber.
less than Elezen and Roegadyn guaranteed.
I just want to rp with normal people and collaborate on engaging stories in the setting, man.
she's only 21 but she's the leader of a country. what have you done at your age?
It will only be furries and contrarians.
b mage
Shut the fuck up and talk about Final Fantasy XIV or go back to /vg/ if you want to keep blabbering on about your thread boogeymen.
If you can't handle the background noise then Yea Forums is not the site for you.
One time I plugged in a USB stick correctly on the first try.
Mateus player from before the invasion here
You still have to actively seek out people whose existence gets you mad even here. Uldah shout chat is just a bunch cringey wannabe memers, like here. Uldah say chat is a bunch of cringey wannabe PARA RP idiots talking about putting glasses on tables. Nobody is going to flag you down and start talking about their dilation schedule.
Is she banging Raubahn?
>not gay
pick 1 retard
No, she's banging Pipin.
>Alternate between potent heals, or shields (like current AST) Stoneskin build or regen build.
>Mostly kept as is
>no shields, but has card buffs to bring desire from groups.
Definitely a flawed design, but was the easiest way to "balance" them.
Honestly have no idea how they didnt already decide to make the healers this way to begin with.
Why take stoneskin away, and then give ASt shields, when they had cards?
(Heck, if you had 2 ASTs for what ever reason the content needed shields, have them hold onto their mitigation cards, and try to alternate them. Though the obvious answer is to not double up on the same job.)
WHM currently has lowest DPS, and lowest rDPS, so it should have had more burst DPS to attempt to make up for the difference.
rDPS from AST would still be more desirable of course.
Most furries ARE contrarians, user.
not anymore, she's Pipins girl now, she let Raubahn go to clean up the festering shithole that is Ala Mhigo
But some contrarians aren't necessarily furries. I want to be inclusive here.
They look like they fuck dragons
WHM still has the highest personal DPS, especially after the Assize buff. Of course their rDPS is still bottom of the barrel because of how reliant WHM is on GCD heals, and it's really the oGCD healing meta that needs to be addressed in shadowbringers.
That's basically how it was in early Heavensward. AST was designed to be weak in healing to make up for having card buffs. You know what happened? No one used AST. It was considered a worthless job until they eventually they increased its healing and overbuffed Balance to 20% to force people to take it.
Wrong, they're the lowest now that AST got their caster tax removed
Stop playing White Mage
>it's really the oGCD healing meta that needs to be addressed
No, fuck you. That's the only thing that makes healing fun.
>implying Pippin isn't their bastard
>fuck the timeline, it fucking works and you know it does
We've already gone since 2.0 knowing they don't know how to balance healers, AST just made things worse and significantly more obvious how shit they are at handling it.
And now they are using it as an excuse again as to why there's no new healer, they have to balance the existing ones first. So even if we claim healers were balanced in ARR since only 2 and only room for 2 anyway, it'll be 6 years minimum for a new one assuming they can even get it right in Shadowbringers [spoiler}and going by HW and SB, not likely.[/spoiler]
I'm still mad at the excuse because MCH vs. BRD has been even worse and somehow it'll be okay to add a new rDPS in the mix. Yoshi is full of shit and the excuses get weaker for every year that passes, hell the healer one is so weak it's the exact same one they used for Stormblood.
Literally nobody cares, or should care, about dummy DPS. WHM job mechanics do not allow it to practically reach even highest personal without severely chadding the co-healer.
Was the finale of Stormblood bad compared to ARR/HW because it was spoiled between leaks and watching fanfest?
No, it's because literally nothing fucking happened. There were no crazy twists or even a real, compelling reason for us to go to the Crystal Tower. Just a fight and then catfag asking us to pick up his package in 3 months.
WHM's raid DPS is lowest because every group forces it to carry most of the healing because it's what it's best at doing.
No, it was quite literally bad because nothing happened and there was no buildup or setup for jackshit other than "hey all your friends are in a coma" which we got months ago.
Don't we all?
This desu
I'm literally having less fun now than when we had stance dancing and an actual risk/reward factor to doing dps as a healer.
Name a bigger fuck you in this game.
Okay guys its been over a week now. Can we stop pretending we actually like Hrothgar? Even the bara players think its ugly as fuck and not what they wanted at all.
>fucking something that canonically has no sex organs
There was a ton of build up, the teaser trailer showed the fight between Elidizenos and WoL but it ended up being fucking nothing, it also showed WoL walking around in an area hit by a calamity so people thought "damn I wonder what the fuck happened that caused all this" but they didn't even show us. Not to mention that the battle against Zenos was interrupted and we got saved off screen by a character that hasn't been mentioned in a while, really feels like an ass pull
>being able to delete a mechanic with the press of one button is what makes healing fun
I wish fake healers would leave
>fighting Zenos
>fuck face calls us and we lose consciousness in the middle of the battle
>tells us jack shit
>Estinien steps in to save us
this faggot nearly got us killed, he almost fucked his plan because he's a fucking idiot
Just play a DPS if you want to DPS. It's embarassing that people keep trying to push all the roles in this game to just being DPS with support oGCDs. The moment you try and change the design so the roles actually have different playstyles people immediately start crying about muh parse.
HW fags are the worst.
Red Mage or Bard probably
Nah fuck off falseflagger
Saint Shiva and Ysalye both did ir
The worst part is that they didn't even bother to make a cool cutscene of Estinien saving us. Just a fucking screenshot.
t. stormbabby
You think people knew lore from 1.0? Majority of people didn't even realize the opening cutscenes were Echo
I hope protect gets cut and WHM gets it as a cd like in pvp.
I've been playing since 1.2 and I hate that people jerk off HW so much. Yeah, its pretty great but the expansion had a lot of flaws.
>Building up to conflict with the Garlean Empire since the game first started
>Really starting to ramp it up after 4.3
>Announce at fanfest "In Shadowbringers it's finally time to take down the Empire, once and for all!"
>4.5 releases, we literally go to war with Garlemald
>We finally learn the true motives of the Empire and its rulers
>All the most important characters in the story show up in one room to reaffirm their commitment to defeating the Garleans
>All our friends incapacitated, backs to the wall, Zenos and not-Zenos approaching, everything set up for a big dramatic intro to the Garlemald campaign
>Tokyo Fanfest happens
>You're going to another dimension!
>All those zones we showed? They're in the other dimension!
>No mention of Garlemald whatsoever
>4.56 drops
>Oh shit not-Zenos is here, go fight him!
>You beat him
>He just resurrects because Ascians
>Starts beating you in the cutscene
>Get zonked out by G'raha right before the fatal blow
>"Bro come to the Crystal Tower. I know the conflict we've been building up to for 5 years seems more important right now but it's not. No I won't tell you who I am, what I want, or why you should care, just trust me bro."
>Wake up in Ishgard
>You were saved by Estinien off-camera
>No mention of what happened to the allies who were fighting not-Zenos with you
>not-Zenos and the Emperor just go back to Garlemald because of vague "internal issues"
>Literally no plot progression or exposition at all.
>Whatever, go back to the Rising Stones. Tell Tataru about your meeting with Mystery Nigga.
>"Maybe it has something to do with the lost Scions (I guess, I don't have any actual evidence)! Don't you dare go back to that war until you've got the others back or I'll cry!"
>This is meant to be convincing enough for you to drop everything you've been working towards for so long and go along with this hooded freak instead.
>Except you don't actually do anything, the expansion just ends there.
>Buy Shadowbringers™ to find out why this sudden misdirection is so important! We already spoiled it at fanfest but please pretend it's a serious mystery!
>30 minutes of credits
>The real Zenos finally appears
>"Oh I guess you are going away for a while. I'll just wait here for you to get back. Have fun in the other dimension for 2 years!"
>That's it. No urgency, no tension, no drama, no revelations. Just "wait and see".
given how horribly stunted and boring the animations are in this game, its probably for the best
they should bring motion capture back, at least for important cutscenes
Isn't this whole expansion basically the premise for Stormblood all over again? Were basically being forced into saving a place that has nothing to do with us by a bunch of assholes who would sell us out to do so. We sent Minfilia over there and apparently she cant get the job done alone. So they're having people coma-harass us into going over there by force to help them sort out their problems.
How does the story go if you completed MSQ but didn't do CT? Differences?
Who the fuck even wants direct confrontation with garleans? It would be stormblood 2.0.
No they didn't. Dragons don't have sex organs. Shiva just wanted to fuck Hraesvelgr but settled for being vored by him. Ysayle didn't do shit because Hraesvelgr blew that stupid whore the fuck out
you can check for yourself in the inn, you can choose whether or not the cutscenes take previously completed questlines into account
Stormblood should have just been Ala Mhigo or Othard stuff, not both.
Solus had motion capture I think.
I can only guess the line about the entrance being sealed off because of what you and others have done is changed to it being sealed off in the way it was before you and company opened it originally.
Honestly, most of the healer mechanics from pvp need to be brought into pvp.
Abridged is an awesome effect that would give AST the flexibility it needs.
If SCH fairies are to be nerfed, the pvp system would work as a fair replacement that gives SCHs an incentive to actively heal.
And if they're going to continue with the lily system for WHM, the cooldown reductions from pvp would actually make sense.
ugh dont tell me this dimension is shit is going to be the justification for 2b being in the game
Hresvaelgar ate his fucking gf, he didn't fuck her
Ysalye was a wannabe dragonfucker, she never scored
Sorry but thats it. Were going to find out that the Allagan don't exist in that realm but instead all the Nier stuff does in its place.
I'm hoping PvE gets the PvP combo system treatment. At least for SMN and their Deathflare etc.
Damn hes into vore shit thats no good why did we support this dude?
I didn't remember the vore
This. Fuck all the boomers who say otherwise. Combos in this game are already brainless. Changing them to a 1 button combo you press 3 times at least frees up slots for more meaningful skills to be added. Plus a lot of PvP buttons make sense, and theres even more to improve.
>Why isn't Fire IV/Blizzard IV one button based on umbral/astral?
>Why doesn't Ley Lines turn into BTL when active?
Literally made to be fucked by Orcs
>Real healers have fun only spamming Medica to heal everyone
You fucking people need to be shot for being this stupid.
>humans are fucking faggots, they started this war, fuck Ishgard and fuck you
okay right but I'm not taking lip from this fucking faggot who ate his gf
like, its bad enough she suggested being eaten in the first place, the fact that you fucking complied is worse
You just found out we are just a person doing chores for retards that can't do it themselves
>ugh the combos are already so easy i'll pull it off no problem so just make it one button
>ugh it's already one button so there's no reason not to just have the game do it for you
>ugh combat is already automatic why don't we just watch a cutscene and win?
Who are you quoting, retard?
mmo are all about the dancing dodge mechanics, not the pressing buttons in a specific order.
Reminder that Hraesvelgr is responsible for giving Nidhogg his eyes to begin the war at all, totally spitting on his waifu's memory and dreams of peace.
It scales to players, I imagine even after 5.0 comes out there will still be groups forming on the discords to run it.
Going from three buttons to one doesnt lower your total presses. Dont you try to slippery slope me. My idea works because it allows for far more total skills.
Fuck you yoshi
Zenos vs Hien looked pretty aight to me even though it wasn't much but then Yugiri had to jump in like a shounen character
No, fuck you. XIV's combat is about doing both at the same time. Stop being a shitter.
This is now a RuneScape thread
beast tribes
Change Wildfire to last for X amount of GCD/oGCD instead of 10seconds when?
This. The pvp setup for BLM is damn near perfect. Foul can probably remain it's own button, but Flare and Freeze should also swap depending on Astral/Umbral. And that even leaves room for a second Polyglot skill if they add one.
Freeze should just be deleted. Possibly the most pointless action in the game.
Now does anyone know if I can buy eggs in ff14?
I'd rather go back to 90s CD Wildfires while spacing out MCHs oGCDs to make it much less dependent on double weaving.
What American server do I join as eastern euro for decent ping?
peace was lost once the elezens killed Ratatoskr and Nidhog would have died too
any primal server. if you come to exodus I can be your friend and give you free stuff.
Wait what there's more in this game? Is done to lalafells or something?
Every Job functions better in PvP. don't @ me.
Nidhogg had already killed King Thordan and 6 of the original knights at that point. Hraesvelgr gave him an eye to go rain hell on civilians that didn't even know what was going on. And aiding in his war effort at all is an insult to Shiva's life work.
I wouldn't mind all of MNK's GCDs getting condensed into 3 buttons that change based on your form. They would need to cut Perfect Balance for it to work though.
I will think about it
Almost. Between the Eyes and Stun Gun need to come into pve, but BRD only having two songs sucks.
BLM in pvp is actually fucking retarded. Having to cast ice spells to regain mp and not being able to cast foul under astral or umbral. To make it work for pve they'd have to drastically increase the potency of ice spells
and those 6 knights lived and didn't bother with telling the truth to the civilians
Freeze does extra stuff in PvP. Should probably do something in PvE. Change it so its a ground AoE DoT like SCH/SMN.
Because when a dragon is coming to kill them either way, you need a united people in order to survive. That also has nothing to do with Hraesvelgr enabling Nidhogg's psychotic bullshit.
You will still have around 180 ping, doesn't matter which one you will choose.
BRD using songs sucks especially during fights where you can't target things and your songs wear off and entire rotation gets fucked