>Already bored of this score joke

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Other urls found in this thread:


Only a scorelet would say that.

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Is it here to stay? Is this week gonna be nothing but lewd like framing threads?

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Boys get likes
Men get (you)s

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>already saw some fag with 12k points
How do they do it?

It's only for 1 day hopefully.

score joke?

yeah? check this 5 then

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

That's not how you do it.

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Tomoko is a shitty dyke! A shitty dyke!👌

Not based

This score shit is pointless, inane and for retarded man-children

Like if you agree with me!


t. scorelet

Have a (You), it's worthless now anyway

I'll take my likes, and then take my leave.

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im gay. im gaay. i am gay. wow. whoa.

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April Fools is just internations shitpost day

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feed me likes to grow stronger

You tell 'em boss

It's lame as fuck. No new OC is gonna come from this.

Move to any other board because this is the only one pretending to give a shit. I realized tonight that Yea Forums is Yea Forums.

Tomoko stinks!

got my spooky, time to stop posting

Salty nopointer.

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shut up

Yea Forums is currently pretty bad as well

It will likely only last a day.

I want to be a big boy

>realized tonight

>have actual work to do
>be more passionate about increasing a score that will become worthless within a day
I might be legitimately retarded

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You and everyone else. Now you know why MMO's and idle games do so well.

user if you don't beg for likes now you'll regret it years from now when you look back and remember how you didn't participate in this Yea Forums tradition .

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I want the teamfighting back


Same, this isn't nearly as much fun as last year.
At least then we were shitposting for our teams, which gave a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
Now we're all just shitposting for ourselves. And since I hate myself, I see no reason to get a big score.

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pls gib likes

More tomoko lewds!

Sorry bub, this is the best I can do.

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All you score cucks are just a bunch of faggot refugees from reddit and all these mods who encourage this shit are fucking fags for cock. Fuck 4channel, fuck jannies, fuck mods, fuck hiromoot, and fuck niggers.

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This will be perfect for my thread simulator

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Yeah, last year we made princesses out the joke.
We can't make princesses out of scores.

why put a time limit on being able to like posts? if its just a day i dont see why they need that fun-killer

>no bf

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Why would you want lewds of a disgusting girl like her?

Why are you posting for me?

>People are so burnt out by it already they're just using shit posting day as an excuse to erp
Yikes. What a let down.

Mokkochi would never wear memefetish slut clothes like that

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She would if her boyfriend (me) told her too.

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last 2 years were much better

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Such as yourself

okay cool.

Better to just stay off of Yea Forums for a day. Only retards care about this trash doubly so considering it'll be gone by the end of the day anyway.

Last year was also fucking shit.

I don't even remember last years

>Last year was also fucking shit.
better then this year.

The team shit.

user didn't you get the memo
Tomoko is a lesbian normalfag now and she has a yuri harem

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I don't even know what my score is brother

No I just save pictures from /c/ threads

One day soon

>Tomoko is a lesbian normalfag now
But is it still worth reading?

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You can have a harem of girls while still liking dick.

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Pretty based

They would have done that no matter what it was to be fair, Yea Forums's just overrun with sex-obsessed prison gays.

>Tomoko stinks!

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I grew a bit. But I need more power.

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Yeah sure
At least now I'm having fun reading it instead of burning shame because I could relate to Tomoko so much

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What is considered not a scorelet

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How do acquire points?

She's bisexual, like she's always been.

Ucchi will end up driving Tomoko straight into the arms of a boy with her idiocy.

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Anyone that has less score than (You)
like me

>lesbian normalfag
But I thought she was /ourgirl/?

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Choose your favorite Mokocchi
The writer ran out of ideas so he made the manga into a slice of life harem manga

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Finally someone I can bully.
Prepare for pain nerd!


I only watched the anime

The ones on the left are shit, the ones on the right are cool.

I was thinking this as well
it was more fun to have faux tribalism for a day

Smug is the best

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