Thoughts on /our guy/?

Thoughts on /our guy/?

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Dumb faggot who just curates 4 month old memes to his normie audience

*article 13 behind u*

He cute do.

sack of shit who fought a corporation "by himself" even though he is one. Lazy cunt who cant make his own content so he reacts to memes and someone else edits his videos. As well as writes his songs and apologies

pewds is based and anyone who doesn't like him can fuck off back to wherever they came from

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lmao hes racis xDDDD


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>jobbed to Indians

He was directly responsible for the NZ shooting. So he's pretty fucking cool lmao

hes a cunt desu

He's ok

would like totes suck his cock

Genuine and ourguypilled👌

Cant believe he radicalized the mosque shooter

hes about to become number 1 again so thats pretty cool i guess

go back

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>pew is based cause I also hate black people

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PewdiePie was reddit long before you were even browsing Yea Forums, faggot.

redditor cringe

Who are you quoting?

hes also been on Yea Forums longer than you cunt

He posted on Yea Forums and shilled his very first videos here but whatever.

go forth

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I know you niggers hated him before he became le based /pol/ man.

go back

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no u

Based Solaris

>t. scared of the pol boogeyman

go back

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useless waste of space

Upvote, my fellow redditor👌

more liek broback ammirite haha peanus

let me enlighten you

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based resetera living in ya head rent-free
based reddit living in ya head rent-free

Hates pajeets, hates niggers. Hes /ourguy/

haha he's our guy because he said NIGGER haha wow have a like friend!

based /pol/ living in ya head rent-free

HE'S NOT A REAL GAMER!! *snorts* HE DOESN'T DO IT FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME!!! *leans in for the manual ban* HE'S JUST IN IT FOR THE MONEY!!!!

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he changed to tolerable

so easy to spot seething discord trannies who dont watch his video and only get outraged when their fellow mentally ill trannies start sperging out again👌

The only people that are watching PewDiePie are the people that have been watching him since he was doing his shitty lets play garbage. His content is still trash, but he had the audience and he "grew up" his content with that audience. These kids were like 10 when he was making "super scary amnesia lets plays", 6 years later the kids have gone from PG to M so he did as well.

Anyone actually admitting to watching him or claiming he's #based and #ourguy is undoubtedly underage b&.

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lmao wtf

I dunno, the irony shtick got old fast. New diss video's alright though.

>The only people that are watching PewDiePie are the people that have been watching him since he was doing his shitty lets play garbage
thats wrong though. i started watching when he started making fun of sjws

When did /pol/ stop being so funny? Early 2017?


Thank you for admitting you're underage b&

Remember lads.

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When they stopped being Yea Forums 2.0 and actually took politics more seriously than reddit.

can I have some upboats guys? xDD

dabbing on the /pol/tards like

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>disagree with someone
>get called pol tard
>disagree with someone else in different thread
>get called discord tranny


>noooooooooooo if youre not left-wing like muh discord tranny resetera buddies then youre underage! watch contrapoints instead!

>Caused the lets player cancer in his hayday where everyone pretended to be scared by dumb shit and scream and be as obnoxious as possible
>but he said nigger so he's BASED

Rolled 1 (1d6)

if 5 then pdp is based

It has nothing to do with left wing or right wing, PewDiePie was and always will be a childrens entertainer.

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'called a faget' master race here.

Rolled 6 (1d6)

If 5 PewdiePie is a faggot

if 5 pewds will die of ass cancer like tb

Rolled 3 (1d6)

check em

>Takes effectin 2 years at the earliest
He will have moved to japan by then

Rolled 1 (1d6)

If 4 PDP will get cancer

Everyone should watch mature youtubers like Contrapoints instead, my fellow tranny!

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White trash neo-nazi face never lies.



>stopped doing edgy content and copying filthy franks because of muh monetization
Based Kjell(((berg)))

cringe and bluepilled

bergs in america are most likely jews
opposite in europe tard

You can try and deflect all you want, you're still the braindamaged child that watches PewDiePie

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>unironically being a pajeet

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>I'm a heavy hitter
>'Bout to cause a genocide so you can call me Hit-

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cringe and zoomerpilled

Still waiting on his final episode playtough.

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Spastic who realized getting the horror game crowd wasn't cutting it anymore so he decided to be an internet meme curator and somehow convinced even the le based and redpilled /pol/ crowd to support him because he makes politically edgy jokes while redditors still adore him and dickride him to give him subscribers for free. I see no difference between this and giving free money to a Kardashian to be the first female billionaire. PDP vs T-series is a fucking joke because of the simple fact that India has a billion people who don't even have internet who are going to autosubscribe to a random wedding music video channel as they get internet compared to legions of internet autists.
Just goes to show these cumgarglers will support anyone if they think they can be a vehicle to project their ideals on.

He is okay but his fanbase are people who spam oh yeah yeah and eat sand

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>7 year old picture
based sleeping boomer

He makes like 1 good video a month and the rest is just him being bored by Yea Forums webms and pretending to think twitter memes for 10 year olds are funny. Also when he does a playthrough of something he went full circle by now and acts like a retard again.

Not my fault all the trailer trash redneck scumbag looks literally the fucking same.

Is there even one video on T-Series that broke 1 million views?

>Yea Forums now likes pewdiepie
you people are fucking pathetic

I don't think you understand how this works yet you fucking retard

Here let me help you understand
Kim Kardashian: cringe

Pewds: based

hope that explains it

It hasnt got any better, its all still garbage

ResetEra: the post

Pewds adapts pretty well, but his stagnation is showing. If not for the whole T-series debacle, I doubt he would've been in the major spotlight for the past year. Hell, I've been seeing him on people's mobiles during the morning commute more often than not, and I'm not even in America.

Rolled 21 (1d100)

this but unironically


/r/Pewdiepie/:the post

Did you mean one billion views maybe?

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Yea Forums likes Naruto too. Wanna make something out of it?

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This, his book reviews is the only worthwhile content

Yea Forums is a trash board i dont care

That and when he actually says something legit without using his 'irony' voice. Also his wedding.

>reading books

better than the indian sewage that is Yea Forums, but you probably knew that already.

He's right though, Pewdiepie was never funny or entertaining. Playing video games was too much work for him, so he now just stands and looks at other people's content. Regardless if he's on our side politically doesn't change the fact that he's legitimately unfunny and has no comedic value. You're laughing at the shit he's watching, not his awkward bullshit.

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>703 million
>after 1 year
Yeah, pajeetbots have been working overtime.

Oh shit he finally tapped THAT?

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More like manufactured conflict that only serves to shill an already popular channel.
He could even manufacture some retarded beef for views between him and Ninja or one of the Pauls and retards here will actually take it seriously

Feels weird that for the top subscriber in youtube, he doesn't have a lot too offer besides vlogs and reaction videos. His production value is even that of Sseth.

>His production value is even that of Sseth
>Even comparing the two
Delete your post and think about what you've done, degenerate.

It's a meme that he banked on since his followers kept pointing out that he's becoming #2. It worked in his favor but it was fuel for clickbait newssites, especially with the recent shooter.

This is the average "based and redpilled" dickrider on Yea Forums for him

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>Playing video games was too much work for him
or maybe video games just suck now

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At the core of it, he's no different than the Paul brothers. Absolute pretty boy airheads who make loud sounds to stimulate 10 year olds. Only difference is he's targeting a different set of children.

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>he doesn't know Sseth steals footage on a regular basis
But yeah, Sseth's entertainment outside of /pol/ and Yea Forums memes is only superior thanks to his talent as an african orator. That man can read the entirety of a dictionary and still end up entertaining.

Yea Forums is super trash I'm pretty sure it's just an addictive habit at this point

He played Happy Wheels for 50 years. The fucker doesn't give a shit about good games.

>That man can read the entirety of a dictionary and still end up entertaining.
Yeah, that's because the game footage already being provided for him. :)

Pauls are a bit worse than him purely out of the history, what with Logan's suicide trip and his brother' participating in an online lootscam and claiming legitimacy, the cringy boxing match, etc.

It's not like he played good games in the first place


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Its shitty that he steals footage considering the bank he's making off his patreon but the game play is hardly the reason people are watching Sseth.
Apparently he's a fucking chemist or some shit and makes

I'm not saying they're equal in personality or their garbage tactics to make a buck, but the core of their hustle is the same. Their end goal is to make money via little kids having no actual taste in anything.


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makes an already decent living on top of the money from patreon, its probably a time constraint more than anything.

Pewdiepie has always been a faggot. I'm also tired that this is actually interpreted as a politically motivated comment on Yea Forums because of election tourists. I fucking hate this shit because if even fucking Dobson comes on twitter and says he supports Trump or something I can't call him a shit webcomic author/inflationfag without triggering the autists on /vpol/.

But I don't look at unfunny memes on reddit

That and juggling between his alter ego as Mandaloregaming

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Nobody is doing what he's doing anymore, YouTube is a dead platform.

No you look at them on Yea Forums(Reddit2.0)

have sex👌

You need to go back

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The fact that you're even comparing the two means you havent been here long enough to comprehend what we're doing here.

You'll get it eventually, or maybe you wont and you'll stay retarded forever.

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Zoomers need to be gassed.

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That's true. Still can't help but be jealous of their spnosorship powers. As the faceless corporations making creepy elsa-spiderman videos know, it's the children that funds their 1000 dollars a day "jobs".

>N-n-no we're just being retarded ironically
Fucking pathetic

>Subs to pewds, or else...

Are you admitting you're being retarded unironically?

I don't understand why people took this so personally, I get what it meant to the other content creators who backed Felix, but even he outright explained it's just jokes.

Imagine actually sucking some dude's dick for free because he's """""""competing""""" against an Indian music channel who don't give a fuck about this redditor war and just get free subs from every Indian who gets internet automatically.

Hope he does of a preventable disease. Complete subhuman.

You're still being retarded dipshit, no matter how you slice it.

Think of it like how "shippers" exist. For some, it's just a fun thing, but then there's people who make an entire hobby out of it. It's not hard to imagine, but it's pretty hard to justify to anyone, and nobody wins anything.

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/pol/tards are delusional as usual

You're doing it without realising you're doing it.

Classic /pol/tards don't expect nothing from them.

Why Felix wear russian themed merchandise?

>some seething discord tranny made this

I forgot about all the cancer he spawned. I realize I find this PDP shit jarring because its the equivalent of being called an SJW on Yea Forums for calling Markiplier out for being an overreacting faggot.

>no u!
Solid comebacks user, I'm sure this is all 20d chess.

>making fun of actual LITERAL redditors crying
>Not a core of Yea Forums
The absolute state of /pol/ Felixstans lmao

But everyone knew that Hinata is gonna win.
Still not as assblasted when that one girl won in the world god only knows.

You'll understand once you're old enough to legally visit this site.

Because he's the normie faggot who finds dumb, funny shit from the internet and says them in the real world. It's like green texting in Youtube comments, but worse.

heres your (you)

When a series spans decades to finish, a ship becomes a goal fantasy that even denial is out of the question. The wheezing that came from Naruto's end pairs will forever be wonderful.
Besides it was the author's fault that he hardly gave the two any time together after the timeskip.

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He is an unironic Hitler worshiping nazi who hates niggers
So naturally he's fucking BASED and anyone who doesn't like him is a libtard redditor

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is there a problem?

>No (you) just don't get it!
Keep thirsting for (you)s like a redditor for good boy points, totally disproves the original point.

>he's still going

He's alright these days. Seems like he is smart about doing whatever requires minimum effort that still allows him to live a comfortable life. He's been doing this for 9 years now right? It's probably just a lucky job to him at this point now that he's not held hostage by disney and shit anymore.

Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie!

>He's still proving the point true

>has enough money and influence to keep it up until his own son reaches nine and still have enough to send him debt free to college.

>dark syde phagott


>hes still utterly clueless

The fact that you still believe that there is a difference between the people on Yea Forums, reddit and youtube comments just proves how out of touch you are

I think it's time we include 10 Inch Mike & Angry Nerd into the Yea Forums Approved channels

There clearly is, though. If you're on shithole boards, the line is blurred but the line is still there separating the people that belong here and the people that dont.

If you dont see the line, dont believe theres a line, believe you're on the right side of the line or want to change the line you are on the wrong side of the line.

pewdiefag threads are the worst threads on Yea Forums prove me wrong
protip you literally cannot😂

I REALLY wanna see him naked


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>he's still defending being retarded

>he's still unaware he's retarded
this is just depressing now

Nigga have you ever heard of not feeding the troll?

He's based and his new song is lit

>no u!2:electric boogaloo

>he's still going

The curry munchers will have their comeuppance one of these days.

shameless bump❤️

>he's still "merely pretending"

>he's still going

Pewdiepie isn't funny and he just copypastes content

unfunny faggot whose audience consists of cringy teenagers who were 10 year old minecraft autists 7 years ago

pewDIEpie killed 10^50 moslems delete your post please