Sekiro is not fun

post most overrated games of all times

Attached: sekiro.png (1446x260, 71K)

Your favorite

This. I dont even see point in "giting gud" and learning mechanics if game is simply repetitive and not fun: deflect, attack, dodge, attack.

this 100%

Not made for fat.

sekiro, that shit is trash

Soulschad here: git gud faggot

why would anyone care what a fat faggot like jim thinks

They should've bundled with some burgers and fries so this fatty would be more inclined to enjoy it.

I've been stuck on the last boss for 5 hours. Help me out here Yea Forums.

Attached: tiresome.jpg (638x640, 89K)

You'll win, just analyze your mistakes.

just drop that shit

I agree. Gaming, to me, is about relaxing.

For me it is about sticking my virtual dick into asian characters and then beating my real dick.

Jim Sterling is a fat faggot🐷

You realize all those shit mechanics dark souls and nioh conjured. Only for sekiro to follow bloodbourne’s battle system more flowly. You guys must be young and really self centered to no self esteem.

Or maybe you just cant afford a AAA game upon release, now go jack off fags’

Use firecrackers on the final stage if you’re having trouble.
Also get the improved mikiri counter.

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Fucking how
By this point you should've gotten used to the mechanics and killed him in ~2 hours max

Sup jimbo. Thanks for stopping by.

Sekiro is fun and relaxing. Just not to people who suck at games.

Even fat faggots are allowed to dislike a game once in a while though.

also somebody tell me how to beat fucking drunkard, I can't get my head around it, how do I kill this fat fuck when 6 of his boyfriends interrupt?

After playing DMC5 i realized that the combat in fromsoft games is slow and boring. I loved them back then because there was nothing like them, but now the git gud meme doesn't really hold up. Combat doesn't have to be slow for a game to be hard especially Ninja Gaiden Black proves that. I'm glad some anons recommended that game to me a few days ago, It just shits all over fromsoft in both difficulty and gameplay. DMC5 on Dante must Die too. These 2 are a perfect example of git gud. Fast Stylish combat combined with challenging enemy battles and great bosses. The only things that make from games interesting now is their unique settings and enemy designs but that's about it.

Wtf hahahaa the fuck are you faggots talking about? Just react If that's too hard for you go gta or something

There is an NPC you can talk to that will help you out

The first drunkard? Isn't there a guy that can help you fight?

>not fun
hohoho hahaha retarded soulsbaby
sekiro is much much much much more fun than R1+circle the game
>deflect, attack, dodge, attack.
top retard

I saw his video on Sekiro and it was actually quite reasonable. But I guess Yea Forums only likes shitty drama so let's all get mad at trivial bullshit once more!

The one that dies 5 seconds in?

Shuriken his guards and lure the drunkard to the pond.

>stealth kill one of his friends
>run away until he stops chasing you
>stealth kill his first bar
>get samurai friend
Hey, as long as it works.

Pick of the guards first. You can kite most of them by throwing shuriken and running away. After you have killed all his dudes, get the samurai at the edge of the water to help you. Let him tank the fat fuck and whack at his ass until he drops.

How pathetic you niggers are, actually talking about games. Don't you realize this is the one day of they year where you can get away with off-topic nonsense on Yea Forums?

Take out the Enemies, ignore drunkard (dodge him)
Once the enemies are out, talk to him and have him help.

Drunkard will attack him, while he attacks him mash R1 behind him, once he aggros on you, walk away and the NPC will attack him, once he's aggro'd on the NPC repeat

Same thing, paying dmc5 simultaneously I just can't find sekiro enjoyable, it's too plain

post porn

Attached: lolis.jpg (640x862, 115K)

Attached: Dark Souls Games Should Have an Easy Mode.png (395x650, 493K)

>After playing DMC5 i realized that the combat in fromsoft games is slow and boring
>After playing DMC5
>slow and boring
dmc5 is a fucking joke even dmc4 have better bosses and enemies and is twice faster than dmc5
fuck your gayshit

Kuro and rice loli are not for sexual


"fair enough" is a defeatists line that I've only ever heard fat people say

Exact same situation, Fromsoft tracking and grab attacks feel sluggish and unfair even though I died much more to DmD Vergil

cringe. theyre both shit. but DMC is worse
