dsp thread
DSP of course stands for Dark Souls Players. This is a thread for players of dark souls to gather.
dsp thread
Dsp thread
yes dark souls.
Once i was hitting block and the guy didnt block. There was nothing i could do.
Then i couldnt pay my taxes
fuckin bullshit dude
Bugged like mechanics
so have you guys figured out that he plays badly on purpose to get your views and attention yet, or should i check back in another year?
Yeah the absolute madman.
i bet he even didnt pay his taxes and got in debt for the views too
Any rats here?
His best khantent was before he started streaming.
Now the chat handholds him too much and the pure DSP moments are few and far between.
Hope you guys are gonna be there for the next MARATHON this Friday!
I wonder what he actually wants the money for.
>gets amazing amount of tips for his garbage stream
>STILL somehow has taxes he can't pay
>i bet he even didnt pay his taxes and got in debt for the views too
4D chess. He's playing Yea Forums like a damn fiddle
Thats horrible dude!
Here's 1000 dollars
Based paypig mentality
thanks swaggins for the tip
IDK DOODS IM getting pretty tired and stream is kinda slow think im gonna end the stream
>actually believing this
>Tevin can't be shut down, I've tr...... people have tried
Is this based?
John Rambo and Howard still AWOL?
>its the lutapeepul's fault!
Why does Yea Forums love him?
>comes back after a break
>suddenly able to kill Guardian Ape
He's autistic like them
Siiiigh. I gotta be honest guys, todays LIKES have not been very good. We haven't even...we haven't even reached 100 likes yet. I don't know how i'm gonna pay my taxes like this guys.