Merged boards was the best April Fools'

>merged boards was the best April Fools'

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Merged boards was only cool if one of the boards you liked just so happened to be a part of one of the good merges


teams were fun

Haha based that year was ebin epic😂


܂ based

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

/vint/ was great because it exposed canadians as the biggest shitposter

say what you want, /mlpol/ was magical and both parties still long for eachothers' embrace even today
admit it, Yea Forums is just jealous they didn't get /mlv/ for free harmony

/mo/ was pretty good from what I remember

I don't even want likes

best april fools was names

rolling for anthony burch was great


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All April Fool's "pranks" are obnoxious, obstructive bullshit that do nothing but further lower the already abysmally low quality of posts on this shitheap of a site.

t. Didn't witness fitlit.


Yeah discussion was going on, not just pepe and voldemort guy shitposting

Where my chocolate bros at?

I'm here my nigga

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The merged board thing was cancerous. I just didn't use Yea Forums until it was over.

*fart noise*



/mlpol/ was magical

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/fitlit/ was master race, they were born for each other

you're a complete fucking bore if you think /fitlit/, /cock/ or /vint/ were cancerous

off yourself resetera tranny

remember when everyone wanted to be Anthony burch?

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I maintain my position that the entire scenario was cancerous, and if you liked it I suspect you have been on Yea Forums less than 5 years.

Last year was the best april fools

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The only thing that sucked is that /vint/ was only around for a few hours. I remember I was about to go to sleep disappointed that Yea Forums wasn't included in the board merge but then I stayed up an extra hour when it happened.

it was

Render unto me enough likes that I may post gayboard's sticky dinosaur

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wish I could dislike this post

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>tfw no one ended up rolling him

Princess OC > Board Merges > Auto generated names >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest of last year's april fools.

/vint/ was just Yea Forums with flags and it was cool

Oh fuck off.
A single day of dumb shit is fine. Did you forget about the PUDDI thing that went on for ages or the fact harmony used to be a boardwide day? Or how the board fucking exploded from the tribes win.

false, merged boards actually made discussion better

/mlpol/ had fucking great politics and mlp threads once it settled down

/fitlit/ was incredible. We need to go back.🖤

Merged boards was good because it outed the fact Yea Forums is nothing but turd worlders from SA and aussie/leaf shitposters

how many points do I have
gonna say the n word if it's less than 1

1 like = 100 dead wojaks

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>Haha board wars was the best, do I gotta bring up how gay Yea Forums is? I'm gonna do it anyway. Nothing compares to that utter shitposting of that day. I'm gonna erp today too! Peanutbutter and choco bros for life! Who wants to post princesses while we erp?

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this one was such a letdown, ooooh look emojis and ironic likes, bleh♠️

Everything you just typed is irrelevant.

these discord trannies don't even argue about videogames, they just shitpost.

Mexicans are subhuman

I miss /vint/ because I want to see the flags of the fuckers who keep making the carbon copy epic shill threads, just like how all the shitposters were leafs.

I don't even get this, I don't see my score at all


A lot of the merged boards were dead. Like /vint/ and /spa/ were just Yea Forums and Yea Forums with flags.

i liked the social media one where everyone was trying to be anthony burch

how do i post emojis and see my score

/mo/ was literally Megas XLR: The Board. It was fucking cool.

click on the dinosaur


IF I GET 100 likes I will live steam my suicide

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whenever i try to click on the dinosaur a ghost dinosaur appears and i get scared and close my eyes. why are you trying to haunt me any my computer.

Wrong, last year clearly was.


OP is canadian

Posting a wojack or pepe should reset your points to zero

Fuck you, /fitlit/ was legitimatily amazing.

/vint/ was the best board.

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Im sightly upset Yea Forums is forever doomed to be erp central on April fools.

>on April fools.
Makes no difference, honestly.

It was the best one tho, the teams were also pretty cool


Its easier to ignore when they are hiding in a steam friends or turn on the mic thread

it's just because when anything can be an april's fools, then all you can do is shitpost


/spa/ was nice
Also funny how even there leafs turned out to be the biggest shitposters

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>thinks he's an oldfag for being here 5 years

What was /cock/?

fuck leafs

Yea Forums and /ck/

I just discovered erp today. All the wasted years dismissing it as dumb. I'm so drained. Remember to stay hydrated folks.

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fatposting heaven

wasn't there a website created after they went back to normal?
Is it still up?

yikes and cringepilled

the state of you


Mans publicly ERP'd so hard he unlocked Dino


t. scorelet


I'm gonna take shower and a nap and when I wake up, I'm getting me those skeletons!


why are you even here tranny

Why are we still here, Just to suffer

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I miss /cock/

this is why this is wrong

What did he mean by this


