This event suck balls

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The only thing sucking balls is you, cremeslut. I bet your score isn't even triple digits. How pathetic.

Pretty much.
The teams, crossed boards, and google+ stuff were a lot more fun.

Op here, like me if you agree.

like for peanut butter

Everyone that wasn't creme was pretty ok. Creme was scum.

I like balls

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I guess they did it like this so people wouldn't go as crazy with posting childporn and shit

Don't talk shit about us creme CHADS

It just doesn't have as much potential meme material, and isn't as chaotic as previous ones. If It sorted by top liked posts instead of reply order, then I think it would be a lot more fun.

Last year was shit too. Newfags just cant let it go.


This is fun for the meantime but extremely forgettable and the only redeeming quality is le funny perks to show off. At least it's only a day and will be done soon.

True, this is the worst event


Go away.
That guy is a massive faggot but creme is shit tier too.

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the best was still the combined boards

Fuck off, casual

I remember when everyone was initially underwhealmed with last year's april fools.
Then the waifus got introduced.

last years was much much better
this got boring after an hour

>. If It sorted by top liked posts instead of reply order
So literal reddit?

At least that one's memorable because you have characters attached to a randomized poll. And then you have the competitive mentality going on in there, and that's what you have. Of course, last year's April Fools coincided with Easter, so yeah.

you suck

You have shit taste mcfuckalo

I think that's the problem with this years event. It's e-peen stroking and begging. There will be no memorable events from this other than ebin perks, which will very quickly be forgotten. I can only think this will be great to look back on if the perks stay, which they won't.

Yes. Every user would literally be using reddit for a day.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

this event isn't doing much for me partially because I've been busy all weekend and partially because it's giving me nothing to draw

>I can only think this will be great to look back on if the perks stay
That's not a good idea, user. Think of all the shitposting it could lead to through people spamming them.

This board IS shitposting so I think quality would stay the same. But at the end of the day, you're right.

>it's giving me nothing to draw
You could draw the team girls fighting off waves of dinos and skeletons.

unlove ?💔

How the fuck does this event even work?
Why do some people have a blue number and other people don't?
What the fuck is going on?

I love you user! Don't be sad!❤️

minichads ww@?

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This is nu-Yea Forums. No fun allowed.

Gross, unliked


Kind of proves the thread's point if the only way to motivate OC for the event is to use the OC from last event.

creme > all

Your IP address has a score attached to it.
Every 200 points you get a new "perk"
Perks are used by typing them into the options field. The number one is by typing "showscore"

>turning the board into Facebook with perk unlocks tied to likes is fun

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Fuck off, faggot. The waifus were always cringe and bluepilled,vthe event literally had nothing to do with princesses.

Well yeah because the mods just took ideas from anons.

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Oh, okay.
Like this then right.
What a stupid event.

Just draw skeletons and dinos then? It's simply not very interesting, it's essentially gaining access to emotes.

i feel like 4chanx is fucking this up for me

Yeah, pretty much. It's probably the most minor one we've had.

I'm on phone and my score keeps going back to zero after increasing a bit, I don't really get how the thing works.




Chocobros ww@?

Yep, it's a flop, except for the people who were gonna shitpost and slut it up no matter what the event was.

here bro

Makes me laugh that Yea Forums has completely melted down to this bullshit while other boards are business as usual.

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Anyone want to abuse a Peanut Butter who didn’t deserve to win? I’m ashamed that I won while being a slut; I didn’t deserve that win...

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That's pretty good.

Once a Mini, always a Mini,yo!

>I’m ashamed that I won while being a slut; I didn’t deserve that win...
I don't like where this is going.


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>bides her time, waiting for the most opportune moment
That's one way of saying "does fucking nothing and might as well not exist, nobody notices her presence anyway".

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Can I switch teams? I’m Peanut Butter, but Minis are just so much more superior than I am...I can be the resident slut if I must...

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Mini up front.
Max in the back.

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>I can be the resident slut if I must...
No one wants you, stop forcing yourself on people, you wench

I don't think you understand.
The mods forgot today was april fools.💔

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Reminder that it was supposed to end in a Reese's draw.

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>"shouldn't you be gathering points for your own now, user?"

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