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Other urls found in this thread:

They kept us waiting too long now. Even with that change it's still in the never ever category

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Why can't he see literally a single fucking project to conclusion?
What's his fucking problem

Barry, don't you have a ban you need to abide by?

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>everyone is barry
holy fucking yikes dude
do you not have any self awareness?

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he was always the co director from the moment they moved development back in house bazztek, you retard. What did you think "head of development" meant?

He is basically what Tai Yasue is to KH3 and you're a retarded XV shill.

wtf is going on at Square Enix?

Because he's a hack
He hasn't directed a single game since 2005 without a co-director
And even then Kanemori was the person actually heading KH1, CoM and KH2 while Nomura just did designs and story shit.

No he wasn't you lying fuck, he was project lead which is not co-director
He only just became co-director now
Tons of games have project leads even with co-directors, they aren't the same role
He is not co-director aka actually in charge of the whole game now like every other co-director that became one midway through dev.

Head of development is literally development lead which is a position even below co-director, not co-director

He's not what Tai Yasue was since he was co-director since the beginning of KH3

Hamaguchi became co-director 4 years after development on FF7R started and is the same thing that happened with Tabata becoming co-director of FFXV in 2012. Stop fucking lying you goddamn Nomura shill. Get his cock out of your mouth.
You should change up the images, because you just outed yourself bazztek

>i-am not barry i swear
so easily exposed


this is just a title change because the game is close to starting its promotion, his job doesn't seem to have changed and it wouldn't make sense to make him a co-director now since it seems the game is close to release, there isn't much he can do as a co-director now unless he always had that job unofficially.

You can't fucking talk you fucking hypocrite

Attached: autistic kh fag coping.jpg (784x2886, 824K)

This game is never coming out and if it does it'll be unfinished episodic hold o to win bullshit

>You can't fucking talk
I can, because I didn't post those bazztek

>muh boogeyman
>nomura inst a hack all is well pls belieb me!?
Explain why Nomura's profile was removed from the FF7R recruitment page while only Kitase and Hamaguchi profiles remain?

exactly, just like ffxv

Are you claiming that Nomura isn't directing 7R anymore Barry?

lmao screencapped so i can laugh at you in every thread for the rest of eternity.

He is now co-director, Nomura's name is only there for marketting same reason his name is used in Episode Ardyn promo too despite not even worked on it or doing any designs used in it.

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So this is literally nothing

>t-that wasn't me
>but im defending the person

Remember when you said hamaguchi wasn't co-director but now you're saying he always was?

Co director according to nomura is the most important person on the team and the one actually in charge of the day to day development doing constant checks on the game

nomura is just an ideas/story/design guy who gets his name slapped on the front of shit just for marketting purposes

If only barry committed suicide once tabata was kicked from square Enix and FFXV had all its DLC cancelled than this board would be at peace.
>when you shitpost so hard you post in the wrong thread and it immediately dies
lmao imagine being xv-kun

no because i never said that you delusional retard, stop projecting your the only one here samefagging like there's no tomorrow

>nomura got booted again
lmao what a cuck

Nomura and Tabata are both garbage. SE needs some new blood. Or the oldest blood.

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What does it matter that this guy is even Co-director? Its not like Nomuras not working on it. The question should rather be what the fuck isn't he attached to.

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>6 dlc released as planned
>only 3 bonus non canon alt timeline dlc were canceled and tabata was never director on the dlc to begin with
>still in denial over tabata quitting on his own terms which was proven when he came on livestream with other SE devs months after he left SE and confirmed he's left on good terms

meanwhile nomura was kicked off ffxv and now the same course of events happening again with 7r, like almost identical

Hope you're not suggesting matsuno, who also got kicked off during his time as director

Matsuno is better than those utter hack jobs though. They brought him back for FF14.

>like almost identical
did they switch engines

Gotcha barry, you literally can't help yourself when people point out how humiliated you were that day.

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>Matsuno is better
If he was better, he wouldn't have been fired and exiled from SE for a decade to work on shovelware

Yes you did you lying fuck KH kun

You literally said "b-but hamaguchi isn't co-director on ff7r!?" in 2017 and now you're trying to act like you always said he was always co-director. fuck off you liar.

Attached: kh kun exposed for lying and backpedaling.jpg (1019x235, 123K)

it means nomura isn't really in charge and thus cucked again

Who in SquareEnix can actually save FF with the current state its in right now?

>posts screen shot of random post
>"yes you did!!!!!!"
Thanks for proving you're autistic baka barry

They restarted ff7r from the ground up in 2017

You're literally in denial over facts

>t-these are only random posts when its my lies defending Nomura and his shitty games but not when its actual random posts i accuse are other people and boogeymen constantly!?
that damage control

I still think FFVII is taking a while because, asset wise it's insanely frontloaded with Midgar.

A Co-director position doesn't mean he isn't in charge retard. Do you even read half the shit you post? I doubt he'll be able to do anything too retarded anyway.

then why was cutscene development noted to have been pretty advanced well after they moved in-house

Barry should honestly just kill himself

Jesus, how often will they change staff around?
This entire project is just one big failure

too autistic to die

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SE just restructured again and turned 11 business divisions into 4 development divisions
Yoshida is now head of the 3rd development division which is making a new large scale core HD game for next gen which is most likely XVI
Luminous Productions also just announced they're making a new AAA IP for next gen too and is most likely directed by Terada who directed ep Ignis and ep Ardyn

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>will they change staff
He's actually being promoted, he was already basically co-director in all but name

Yes it does, Nomura is just an ideas/story/design guy, not a real director

Blame SquareEnix,they have been the biggest fuckups for a long fucking while now

the same reason nomura said he had a ff7r trailer to show in 2017 but didnt

You should first you samefagging falseflagging fuck.

>ep Ignis
>and ep Ardyn

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and that reason is that 7R didn't restart development from scratch.

Dan Tsukasa is the only source for that and he is a nobody who stole money to travel to Japan. He was never a SE development nor an insider.

>he had a ff7r trailer to show in 2017
That was right before they switched to in-house. This reply doesn't make sense

both were better than kh3

it did restart
kitase even said they were redoing the opening

Like to dab on Bazztek.

no he said they were polishing up the scene we saw at e3 2015 announcement trailer, stop fucking lying.

You're being too obvious now

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there is literally a few months difference between those two things, the cutscenes being made is different to the GAME PART you fuck

>ff13 shit
>ff15 shit
>kh3 shit

Surely they get this right?

>Hes an ideas/story/design guy with a directors position
>But he isn't a real director

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Thank god.
After how KH3 turned I was terrified of the thought that hack in charge of FF7

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Like to dab on KH fags

>the cutscenes being made is different to the GAME PART
So it didn't completely restart development. You're just counting parts of game development that fit your agenda

Which was already a finished scene in 2015 because it was visual works CG you retard, stop fucking lying

Nomura's still in charge.
>After how KH3
You're blaming tai yasue with this logic then

Maybe they shouldn't put the guy on every other fucking project they do and shit would get done regardless of quality

>CGI don't get updated
Are you fucking retarded? that scene was full of copy pasted NPCs in the crowd, it was very unpolished you literal autist.

Kys yourself.

they had better characters better music better villain better combat better graphics better story better voice acting better everything than kh3 had

it's true

Man, this game will be garbage.

Why does squareenix announce everything 10 years too early and stay silent all this time. They do this every fucking time now.

They're incompetent that's why. They think their projects will be done in a few years and sometimes not even the devs working on those games are aware of their games being shown off.

>FF is one of my favorite series
>FF13 was underwhelming
>FF15 was outright a mess and unfinished as fuck
Please god, please let this remake be decent, at least. I need this.

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Yes it did, the game restarted
fucking idiot
just like when versus restarted as xv they still reused some 2011 versus cutscenes in 2013 xv


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you know it wont

he is to blame for the shit game
nomura to blame for the shit story, characters, ideas etc

>Yes it did, the game restarted
Doesn't sound like it
>just like when versus restarted
They switched engines but 7remake didn't
>in 2013 xv
Obviously not the final game, since not a single one ended up making it into the game itself

like every fucking SE CGI is you retard
how hard will you cope when those same NPCs show up when they reshow the exact scene? retard

They’ve been fucked since Sakaguchi left. The only people capable of doing anything are the Enix teams.


xv is more finished than ff10 or ff12 or 13 or the mmos or any kh

To manipulate stocks.

>are the Enix teams.
enix weren't even developers until they got help from the square side

Yes it did you faggot in denial.

7r restarted from scratch, in 2018 nomura even said they changed clouds design

you're literally in denial

It's good that Nomura can get some sort of break after having the job shoved at him

You literally cant fucking believe the shit you just typed right now.

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to get people to buy ps4

that is literally it

that's why 7r was even announced as coming first to ps4 too

at ps5 reveal SE will reveal a new AAA game just to sell ps5 even if its not exclusive

>7r restarted from scratch
Don't think so
>changed clouds
Updated designs. Not uncommon.

Enix outsourced all their games and developed nothing . Dragon Quest has been made by like half a dozen devs

its all true
10 and 13 are corridors
12 has no story or gameplay
mmos are unfinished
kh are all empty square hallways and all unfinished


The sad thing is, that is the actual answer given out by SE themselves

reminder barry used to shill the hell out of FF13

Yes it did, redesigning his entire design AFTER already putting out expensive CGI trailer showing him in 2015 and even after selling figs of his 2015 look

That image makes me depressed

>redesigning his entire design
Mostly just his face. Imagine crying about updated character designs

Please stop being retarded barry, nobody with a fucking brain is going to believe your shit. You really fucking expect people to think the empty plains of nothing in FFXV complete with the train ride of cut content is going to make people think FFXV was anything close to a complete game.

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you actually did
ff13 was always trash since 2006 reveal

Its called cherrypicking.

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After wasting money on expensive visual G for it? Yes.

Everyone that isn't retarded like you already accepts that as fact you delusional fuck

He also used to be a complete unbearable Nomura-fag.

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nice hypocrisy

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Why'd you respond to your own lies kh fag?

>Two character that have little to no fucking screentime.

>After wasting money
ironic coming from the guy who defends kingsglaive and all the cut content from ffxv.

>comparing the plains of nothing FFXV to ps1 FF7
Horrible comparison people would actually want to play FF7


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as opposed to static sprites that aren't even characters?

And why the fuck should anyone be excited for XVI? Tababta destroyed the series with the precedence he set.

Expect cut content, an early access game at launch, messy development, unfulfilled promises, painfully cringe marketing to "newcomers", Cuck Tim Ghettys and Cuck Greg Miller hosting some stupid ass event only for the game to get delayed, 2 fucking season passes, 2 novels, a terrible movie and anime, another anime, some side mobile shit, a Royal Edition that doesn't even include all DLC, a prequel beat em up, and tons of trashy crossovers and promotions.

So many better JRPG series now on the market. FF hasn't been relevant since PS2. Just gonna wait for Atlus and Monolithsoft's fantasy rpgs.

>All those years barry has been shitposting

Kingsglaive was funded by Sony and XV made more money and sold more than any other FF did in the same timespan
Also every FF has cut content and KH games have entire worlds of cut content and kitase confirmed they cut enough out of ff13 to make a whole other game
eat shit
versus was barely 20% done by 2012 and the only shit cut from that was the gay nojima script and what little cutscenes were done

and xv is an actual game and not a dvd menu like older ffs

Tabata saved FF with XV and the team making XVI is the XIV team anyway you idiot

Nomura is the only hack still given big games at SE

>funded by Sony
This is a lie you made up.
Other games having cut content doesn't excuse xv's copious amount of cut content

For some fucking reason SquareEnix STILL haven't gotten a good grasp at making a good FF game in the HD era. I don't fucking know how they've been this incompetent with their supposed mainflag IP series.

royal edition includes all dlc released at the point that it came out
there being more dlc afterwards is all free content besides ep ardyn which anyone that requested it happily bought it
XV sold more than any other JRPG in the gen did

Nope, aniplex is sony

That's going to be a yikes from me dog.

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>shitting on turnbased combat
of fucking course your low attention-span autistic mind would.

Aniplex is a distributor, they are not the producers nor did they pay for the film

They just need to keep his ass on KH, since it's apparently the only thing he can actually work on properly. KH3 took forever, but this was largely due to him fucking around on Versus to begin with.

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Every other FF has cut content so why are you acting like only XV has it when it has less than other FFs?
Where's FF9s job system and armored human dragoon protagonist?
Where is hot blooded detective Joe the protagonist of FF7 which is supposed to be in 1999 NYC?
Where is the original ff10 a new IP called Seventeen?
Where is the entire other half of FF13?

Complaining about other games does not excuse xv's copious amount of cut content

Wouldn't be the first time

Attached: Tabata_works.jpg (932x624, 118K)

Aniplex is a production company that is part of Sony that also distributes you retard, they are literally producers

you need a low attention span to think turn based is good

Oh so you're just a contrarian and its only OK when nomura does it?

Attached: jb bbs (24).jpg (480x272, 31K)

He actually directed games and had years of managing experience

Yeah turn based is so bad that Persona 5 absolutely shat all over XV at TGA 2017 and was recognized as the superior RPG.

>that also distributes
That's the only thing they did in regards to kingsglaive. They handled the distribution in japan while stage 6 films, another sony subsidiary, distributed in the west.
You keep making up that they funded the movie without any source, and I don't expect you to start sourcing it any time soon

>A world that wasn't even put into the game or even alluded to outside of outright hacking it in is equivalent to multiple story moments coming out of nowhere that went unexplained until you paid for DLC.

>Aniplex Inc. is a Japanese anime and music production company owned by Sony Music Entertainment Japan and established in September 1995
Kingsglaive is animation thus part of their anime production, they also own A-1 pictures who did brotherhood too.

>its only OK
Complaining about other games does not excuse xv for it's copious amounts of cut content.

its literally in the game data you fucking moron
its cut content by virtue

p5 sold 2.2m
XV sold 8.4m

they produced and distributed it you fuck

So you're pretending only XV has cut content now?

They are also a distribution company.
They did not even handle distribution in the west

xv has less cut content than mother 3 or bloodborne
the fuck is this faggot on about


Golden age

>11 - 15

>16 - 20

>they produced
You keep refusing to source me this, because you know I'm right. Sony did not pay for it, only handling the distribution of it

Because they used a western wing to distribute in the west, it was already produced and distributed in Japan by aniplex before its western release idiot

Not all cut content is created equal, you retard,FFXV is borderline false advertisement with how much content was shown not being in the game.

Attached: FF15_TRAILER.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

>its literally in the game data
Yes, and I guess Toy Story is massive cut content for KH2 while Treasure Planet is massive cut content for DDD. They're not to the extent of FFXV which is literally in the actual main story path and doesn't require anything special to find out about. It's literally told to you it exists and asks you to fork over money if you want to understand the story. A Jungle Book world wouldn't even be known about if it wasn't for cheating to said area, shit's not even on the same scale. It's cut content in the same sense that Pokemon ORAS not having the Game Corner is cut content.

Nomura is literally a liability at this point

>it was already produced by aniplex
Nope. Disney did not produce ghibli movies, they only distributed it to the west. It is the same deal. Stop being stupid

>sales indicate quality

It's almost like one was designed and marketed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It's also as if that same one comes from a long standing mainstream series of over 30 years.

P5, hailing from a niche jrpg series, still managed to penetrate into the mainstream and steal XV's spotlight.

hamaguchi was basically the co-director already

1 - 2 - 3
beginning and experimenting

4 - 5 - 6
silver age

7 - 8 - 9
golden age

10- 10-2 - 11 - 12
experimenting phase 2

13 - 13-2 - 13-3LR- 14 1.0

14ARR/HW/SB - 15


You have to remember that this guy will perpetuate the same lie over and over again and not give up until he ever decides to change his mind, then he will pretend he never said it.

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literally credits

Honestly that's sad a game that's on Xbone ps4 and pc game that's apart of a famous game series couldn't completely btfo persona 5 which is only on ps3 and ps4

No it isnt, practically all of that is in the game one way or another

So what you're saying is KH has more cut content.
meanwhile the XV DLC was all made after launch

But that's wrong

And aniplex published KG in Japan you dumb fuck

For RPGs yes they do
I thought ff died at 10 yet XV outsold 10?
oh no you lose

They are only listed for distribution in the credits
Yes. Thanks for agreeing with me. But they didn't produce it

Why'd you respond to yourself?

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incompetent people with lots of money at their disposal

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XV sold more on PS4 alone than P5 did across PS3 and PS4


Nope, they are the publishers and did so in Japan which is why they are listed for Japan to begin with

They literally produced it and are the reason they got funding for it and why many studios involved are owned by Sony too

>So what you're saying is KH has more cut content.
In three games and in KH2's case it was only in the FM release and they were only going to be summons. DDD only had the pirate ship rendered and nothing more. BBS is the only one with an actual, functioning world that was removed. FFXV managed to introduce a bunch of cut content meant for DLC within one game.
>meanwhile the XV DLC was all made after launch
After introducing a bunch of story points that made no sense and just had empty holes in the story at multiple points.

So what you're saying is KH games have more cut content than XV does

real talk, 13-2 and LR aren't that bad of games. Caius and BHUNIVELZE have some 10/10 themes
and they actually did fix shit that people complained about.
If only something like XV-2 could happen and fix all the fucked up shit with the game but at this point I don't know if it would be worth it since I think any more money poured into trying to fix FFXV will not work out like it did with FF13

Publishing and producing are not the same thing
>They literally produced it
Still refuse to link, so it's obvious by now that they didn't

Nope, they would be equal going by your weird measure and if we count Episode Ardyn then XV exceeds it.

So gladio getting a new scar offscreen in main game by fighting someone how is that cut content but kairi dying then coming back off screen isn't?

that's like saying zoro getting his eye scar offscreen but us never seeing it happen is cut content for one piece story

Kairi never died barry

They literally produced it
they are a production company
that's their main function
thats what they did for kingsglaive and brotherhood, the latter which was also made by A-1 which sony also owns

>then coming back off screen isn't?
Did you somehow miss the part where the Power of Waking would kill the user if used incorrectly and it's implied heavily that the reason Sora disappears at the end is because he used it to save her from the Final World? The entire explanation is spelled out for you. Next you'll ask how the Organization has a Xion puppet when it's explained in both what Vexen says and his Secret Report.

episode ardyn was made entirely after the fact and purely based on fan demand for more XV content, that's like saying KH days is KH2 cut content

yes she did

>They literally produced it
Refusing to prove it says otherwise. No point in wasting my time on this conversation anymore

Trying to argue with an autist who keeps lying and pulling shit out of his ass and then making up his own definitions of things seems like futile battle doesn't it.

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She didn't

kh3 is so bad I wish I could erase it from my mind too

did you miss how kairi died then came back offscreen then sora died offscreen but wait he teleported to another world off screen

imagine defending KHs garbage story
holy fucking shit kys

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you're in denial
they are listed because they produced it because they're a production company

>FF is one of my favorite series
Why the fuck do people still say this in 2001+18 when all FF since X were absolute garbage?
Series' been dead for almost two decades, move the fuck on.

Yeah KH fags keep lying endlessly about their shitty game just to defend nomura and pretend he isn't a hack.

He could prove me wrong at any point.
But we all know he can't

Who even has a faith in this god damned franchise after 13 and 15? This shit weren't just bad on its own, it shows that Square would rather bury the talents and put utter hacks to direct their works and their development processes are utterly fucked.
Shit, even with their studio that is supposed to produce niche JRPGs, Tokyo RPG Factory, is an absolute piece of trash.


13 was trash like kh

XV is kino

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>>then came back offscreen then sora died offscreen but wait he teleported to another world off screen
>Sora uses Power of Waking to "save" Kairi by forcing her from the Final World to the world of the living.
>Because Sora has done this so many times throughout the entire ending it finally catches up to him and he properly dies as Young Xehanort told him it would less than an hour ago.
>KH4 will explain why he was teleported over to Shibuya instead of dying, potentially due to Luxord's card or due to Joshua intervening.
It's cut and dry, how can you not understand it? Young Xehanort outright says that Sora abusing the power would lead to his death after having abused it to save his friends from their first death in the first worldline. Sora then immediately abuses it after the major fights to save Kairi from there. This is the entire reason he died on the tree with Kairi crying about it. Kairi was saved from death and Sora paid the price for it.

15 is easily worse than 13.
At the very least Toriyama is a very hard working man who can create good combat systems, an awful writer with shit tastes but a hard worker nonetheless. 15 is a complete clusterfuck that is awful in every single way, from development cycle to story and characters.

This is worse than talking to a wall. At least the wall isn't autistic.

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Power of off screen you mean?
Nothing is cut and dry about KH you fucking autist, none of the shit you said is even half explained and everything you said was either explanation from the ultimania AFTER THE FACT or pure headcanon because nothing was actually explained. Get Nomura's dick out of your mouth you fucking retard.

No XV is better in every single conceivable aspect
FF13 has no towns, no dungeons, no exploration, no NPCs to talk to, no minigames, no vehicles to ride, no combat variety, etc. It was just a fucking coridoor and cutscenes aka a literal movie with the worst characters ever and a literal who villain. FF13 literally had cancelled DLC too, hell it was so bad that 13-2 retconned the ending of FF13 just to take place and then 13-2 ALSO had cancelled DLC which were all supposed to be part of the main story. Kitase comfiened they cut enough content out of FF13 to make a whole other game with, FF13 is literally unfinished

XV is actually a fucking game that you play that has towns, dungeons, exploration, NPCs to talk to and get sidequests from, minigames, various vehicles to ride, actual combat variety and each character plays completely unique to each other, and actually great characters and villain that you care about.

Attached: FF-goblins.jpg (3513x1701, 1.6M)

Fuck off

>200 replies with a little over 30 ips,
Most of the posts in here are by this one raging lunatic who is currently ban evading

>XV is actually a fucking game
*holds circle

Worse than 13 by itself? no
Worse than 13+13-2+LR? yeah.

KH fags are though

ff13 is literally autobattle the entire game you don't need to even do anything for your party members its all auto

>muh hold o

Attached: just hold O to win except for when you don't .webm (960x540, 2.93M)


This is a good idea, keep the idiot busy with the series that was never good to begin with so he can't ruin anything

Actually thats mostly true until boss battles, in 13 you actually can't auto battle bosses and the final boss is unbeatable unless you actually use techniques. So funny enough 13 is actually harder than 15

*clicks attack

Nope, you can auto battle anything in ff13
hell the AI alone can win

>Power of off screen you mean?

>none of the shit you said is even half explained
Sora literally reaches Aqua because of the power. Him being taken to Master's Keeper is literally the Power of Waking in action.
There is an entire 10 minute cutscene dedicated to Chirithy explaining the power and how Final World works.
There is an entire 30 minute sequence dedicated to using said power incorrectly where you fight a bunch of Heartless to rescue your friends' hearts.
There is an entire 5 minute cutscene with Young Xehanort immediately after the previous sequence where he tells you how Sora is using it wrong and how he will "face the consequences" of using the power incorrectly.

Now I want you to put these pieces together for me like a five year old doing a block puzzle:
>Sora has the Power of Waking which allows him to connect to worlds using his connections to their hearts.
>Sora using the power incorrectly is traveling directly to a person with their heart (As in, not opening a pathway to a world, just going straight there instead without a Gummi Ship or anything).
>Kairi is dead.
>Kairi is being kept alive in Final World because she strongly wants to get back to Sora and Sora wants to get her back so badly he literally rages at Xehanort and mid-fight goes into Rage Form against him.
>Sora disappears shortly after saving Kairi.
Now tell the class what happens when Sora uses the Power of Waking to bring Kairi from the Final World as explained to us by Chirithy and Young Xehanort in several cutscenes?

I fucking hate your fingers-in-ear version of arguing Barry. It's like talking to a wall.

Attached: is this autism.png (1920x3636, 813K)

holding to win battles is what ff1-9 do

Attached: ff5 hold x to win battles!.webm (780x540, 2.93M)

Offscreen you mean? Like everything that happens in KH3 and everything feeding into it and every "reveal" its answering to?

Attached: man yells at clouds.png (1356x859, 146K)

All in response to your own retardation so that just makes you look worse since they're all directed at you.

Orphan can't be beaten with auto-battle thats a fact. Even space pope and Cid needs actual strategy since auto can't win by itself as far as I know.
Goddamn I forgot how good 13s soundtrack is

Look at you cope after getting BTFO earlier in the thread.

Based Barry
Just need TWEWY autist in here so I can watch two spergs collide

Great idea. Worked great for XV!

Honestly it's not even a question of quality, simply the ability to get a game out. We've gone from the most pressing concern about the FFVII remake being its potential quality to whether it'll even be out in a few more years at all. Pretty much everything Nomura has touched the two gens has faced schedule concerns, exacerbated of course by Square general problems. But KH, at least, seems to be something that, once he's on it, it comes out. Not like Versus or the FFVII remake.

There are different expectations from a single game and a game in a series. XV is a solitary, isolated entry in mainline FF.

Kingdom Hearts 3 has more leeway to tell the story however it wants because it's part of an ongoing series, not bound by the expectation of being just one game. You expect things to connect and piece together eventually with following games, just like how KH3 pieced things together with older games.

XV just launched undercooked and sold what you expected to have from the beginning through a 2.5 year DLC roadmap.

Having played XV it is SLIGHTLY better than XIII. That said, the game needed more development time.

Attached: VhqS9xm.jpg (1793x1012, 90K)

Also forgot picture

Attached: rkisid4wfga01.png (1280x1716, 834K)

Yes he can
FF13 can literally be beaten just by AI autobattling
here is literally beating bart 2 by just pressing L1

7R at least has a road map for how the game should begin or end. XV was whatever anime/musical Nomura watched that year

best selling ff ever when comparing release timespans?

Paradigm shifting means he's not just autobattling

that's moving the goalposts

Whoever made that pic is a butthurt Nomura fag.

Nice false equivalence, XVs system was built around Noctis's combat, every mechanic in the game is built around him and his abilities which is why he was made the only one playable, because it's a fucking ARPG not a menu game where you just stand still putting in words for everyone the same way, 7 is not built around Clouds because everyone is input the exact same way in 7 because of the menu, the Golden saucer is a canon event in 7, decorating Altissia/lestallum in a non canon free DLC is not the same. What the actual fuck.

Like holy shit how dumb does someone have to be to think a car driving on a 1:1 scale open map with all the party visible at all times at the level of visual fidelity it has which accounting for monsters on the field and verticality is the same thing as that buggy on the SD 7 map which literally is just a faster movement option and your stuck to the ground anyway?

And again every DLC added entirely new combat system for each member because everyone plays completely different and they had to create entirely different systems to Noctis for that to work seamlessly in real time, everyone in 7 is the same exact system because it's ATB where you just pick a word from a menu.

Not to mention that armiger unleashed is a completely new mechanic building on the armiger that you already have in the game, not the same thing as Omnislash, same with new bosses and areas added. Whoever made that bullshit image is a fucking dumbass that made a false equivalence because he's a triggered little cunt.

And KG isn't just something cut out of the game and turned into a movie, the intro was rewritten so Noctis is in Leide when he finds out about the invasion and the movie is about a completely new character they created to show that if you want it, even though you don't need to because you learn about it in the game.
You're a fucking retard.

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Tabata directed xv

So you were retarded multiple times that had to be used against you multiple times

it means the only damage being dealt is from AI autobattle so its even less than actual autobattle on party leader

TWEWY sucks but at least it had good music. I can't imagine holding a grudge over it this long when its mobage-tier drowning at the moment.
Didn't they get a Kingdom Hearts reference recently?

Thing is I said orphan couldn't be beaten by auto battle in my original statement, I wasn't too sure about Barthandelus or Cid since they're one of few that provides a decent challenge. Even then that video posted shows a decently built up set for that specific purpose for that boss fight so he defiantly know how to take advantage of battle system.

I'm just showing everyone that guy is confirmed to be barry

nomura wanted to turn xv into a musical after seeing les les Miserables in 2012
and he got his ideas for versus from baz lurhmanns 1996 romeo and juliet

which influenced these specifically

>While still on the topic of film, Nomura told us that he likes to leave work at work, so he tends not to play a whole lot of games at home. Instead, he consumes movies like a junky – 2 or 3 of them on most nights. His biggest cinematic inspiration is Baz Lurhman, the visionary Australian director behind Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge, and most recently The Great Gatsby

Attached: cms-image-004583511.jpg (1920x800, 347K)

you can

Everyone can tell what a barry post looks like by now

Nigga, Orphan cant be defeated with Auto-battle, you need a very specific strategy going into that fight else you die. did you even finish 13? hell did you even PLAY 13?

Tabata already took over by the time les mis came out. No company would let the soon to be former director be in charge of important decisions. The new one would be.
If they did that, than it would be counter productive and waste even more time. Every thing after the xv reboot is tabata

literally just com rav med beats it

nomura was still making creative changes until he left in December

You didn't play FF13 did you

Attached: 1527483207711.jpg (789x767, 128K)

you clearly didnt
you can autobattle anything
nothing requires strategy because there is none

>N-n-n-no u
Fuck off barry

Nope. Tabata was in charge.
After all, he was the co-director

The audacity of this nigga who so clearly doesn't know what he is talking about. For the most part yes* you can for regular battles but for boss fights generally no and especially not the final boss orphan. I not falling for your weak baiting anymore since you've shown yourself as having not even played the fucking game. Don't (you) at me.

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In still miffed that we will never get his full vision of versus. All we got was a road trip game rather than somethinf inspired by hamlet/romeo and juliet with modern world design in a fantasy world

Free trial up to level 35 and free base game with Prime Twitch.

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Nomura was always a hack. This is nothing new.

>what is KH3?


FFXV came out

KH3 came out

Sure neither was perfect but you'd be a fool to call anything Square Enix-related "never ever" at this point.