Today is the only day he’s powerless

Today is the only day he’s powerless

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like this post to send him our energy

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Fuck this guy seriously
Tons of people lost their jobs because he felt entitled to a fucking game

the weak should fear the strong

>Tons of people lost their jobs
who?? blizzard outsourced it to a chinese sweatshop.

I wish that were true. I would be happy if it was.

>company creates shit product
>nobody wants it
>people who worked on it lose jobs
No you see it's customers' fault and not the moneybag's. I know the post is bait but there's people that legitimately defend capitalism like this.

good, the industry needs a purge

>people lost their jobs because of a guy saying what EVERYONE was thinking

ur gay my man

like this post to make him stronger


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>let's make a Diablo gacha moneytrap!
>Oh no! The fans are mad. It's the fans' fault that we got bad publicity!

>still being mentioned
>still being memed upon
If anything, he's even stronger today

t. community manager

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Blizzard should of released a statement today saying diablo immortal was cancelled and they were just going to focus on the pc version.

The butthurt would of been glorious when they pulled the april fools line later in the day.

Your words hold no power here, shut the fuck up TRANNY

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I would like to apologize to the devs, saying this was an april fools joke was extremely rude and inappropriate

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>Tons of people lost their jobs
He did that with one sentence and a dominance-establishing gaze? What an absolute fucking alpha male.

You'd be a fucking idiot to believe that.

Fuck the spineless ensemble of unfunny corporate fuckpuppets on stage who hadn't at all prepared for any form of backlash.



More like today is the day he's most powerful

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