Coming To PC.... How Will It Do?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: Yakuza Kiwami 2 PS4.jpg (466x581, 72K)

Day 1 buy

I would buy it again to replay in 60fps. Performance was really solid on Pro, but seeing wife in 60 with a bit better viuals will be nice

Like 0 and Kiwami 1, I will preorder this shit.

Nice. Though I heard that a lot of people who loved 0 and K1 hated this one.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: Majima.jpg (1280x1785, 927K)

I'm not buying it
whenever I ignore a game it ends up on the steam top selling for months

is dragon style better in k2? it was awful in k1 until you got slap and tiger drop

Your fortune: Godly Luck

do just fine? sega won't stop any time soon
i wonder how more demanding the new engine is going to be

yes it is, thanks to the dragon engine it's a lot smoother than in k1 and Y6 too.



majima everywhere was more fun that i though it would be

So does that mean K1 sold well though? Be nice if they released 3, 4 and 5 HD but that's probably too much to ask.

People will enjoy it more than K1 for sure just for the content alone. If they enjoy the engine, that's another thing.

To me it wasn't amazing but it wasn't as bad as people told me it would be either. I liked the concept a lot and it was pretty decent. I fought Majima like 400 billion times and it didn't really get that tiring. I just wish I could skip having to do the stupid pocket fighter thing.

>So does that mean K1 sold well though
well something must be going right

It's a nice improvement over 6 thanks to the charges and having more Heat actions than 6 had. Tiger Drop's harder in the new engine though even when you have the extensions and the damage is just okay for how hard the timing is now. You can eventually get used to using it consistently but it's basically having to relearn it on top of enemies being very random in the Dragon Engine with their attacks rather than being somewhat predictable in the old one.

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its the best Yakuza game so it will do well

I heard a while ago that they initially planned to release 6 on PC. If that's true I'm guessing it was probably developed with PC already in mind.

Probably badly this series is boring af
not even baiting

damn that looks pretty good, i wonder how steep the sysreqs are gonna be.

Companies like Bandai, KT, Gust and IF keep porting to PC even if their games sell less than 20k. There's simply no way for Yakuza ports to not be profitable.

In this one you can get inside stores and shit without loading screens, right?

Well, how difficult can it be to port them really? Even if they sell poorly shit's better than nothing I guess.

Yep, that's part of the new engine. You can also leap over knee-high posts, a ton of the items on the streets have physics so you can bump into them and have them domino like the bikes, you can jump onto cars, you can kick enemies into stores, you can break windows of the stores (Which locks you out of the store if you talk to the person inside after the fight for roughly 5ish minutes or three fights), you can take a fight from the street to the stores and back out again, you can run to any part of Kamurocho, Sotenbori, or Hiroshima and the fight will still have items for you to pick up instead of being in zones, you can do a running kick seamlessly instead of having to stand over the guy and stomp on him, your grab is changed depending on the elevation of you and your opponent (Only really doable in Hiroshima in 6 and by the stairs in Sotenbori in 2), and so on.

Attached: いらしゃいませ.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

>Kamurocho, Sotenbori, or Hiroshima
wow 3 cities? how many sub-stories and side activities are there in k2?