Guys how do I get my daughter into videogames?

Guys how do I get my daughter into videogames?

I want her to become a cool gamer chick, but all she wants to do is play with toys

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>making her into a gamer
It's like you want her to stay a virgin in high school

Why is the food censored? Please tell me this isn't JAV.

Let her and her friends play with you instead. They'll eventually get bored of their toys.

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That's the point. You don't want to be you know what do you?đź’”

Style Salavy
Just Dance
Puzzle games like Puyo, Puzzle Fighters, Game were you can express individuality and Life sims

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Why is he so worried?

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>It's like you want her to stay a virgin in high school
Read that again but very slowly...

I play Overwatch with my 6 year old. Shit's fun.

American dads literally give their daughters condoms on their first day of school

This doesn't seem to be common knowledge I've got anywhere along the way here.

*hits pipe*

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tfw no qt hapa daughter

Think about it logically.

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First you have to create those daughters.

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on the unlikely chance that you're actually asking for serious, just play video games with her
my dad played doom with me when i was little and it stuck with me forever

Go create them.

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>willingly creating daughters

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Hapa sons = insta abort

Hapa daughters = yay!

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sounds incestuous♣️

Who cares what some lard mutt does

The bible says it's ok

Then once you have hapa daughters they can marry more white men.

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Thank you papa

how do I get inside your daughters?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Like this.

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the bible is a fun read but it would be retarded to take it seriously

make her play some Ultima Underworld and World of Xeen.

what the fuck are you talking about retard

I'm American (LA), and every dad I know gave their daughters condoms for "practicing safe sex" since "they will have sex anyway, at least I can make sure they don't catch STDs"

Could be worse

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"mothers making porn and showing their kids"
Why are white people like this.

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Post her c

God I want a daughter to fuck

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You fucking degenerates need to seek fucking help. It starts with random photos like this and before you know it you're making a sequel to Daisy's destruction.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets. The lucky man or woman who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars you raised such an astounding woman.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wondrous, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL reward. Think about it logically

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>Oy vey, you are breaking the conditioning! Go watch some milfs on pornhub!

Do you want her to be a degenerate like you? You shoud get her into something healthy like reading.

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Imagine being so far gone you convince yourself that being a healthy hetrosexual is a Jewish conspiracy.



liking females IS healthy heterosexuality you fucking scaly kike bastard

Liking females is heterosexual even if you are female. Fact.


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Meanwhile in reality.

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video games are for brainlets

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what kind of toys?

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well well
that gook in the left seems to be keeping her hands occupied

there are pedo rings everywhere
and the normies unknowingly support them

Why are Russian girls so beatiful

Cute and funny thread

>he's over 14 and STILL plays video games

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tfw no assertive lgf

weird take but ok

here come the discord trannies posting their pedoshit
just kill yourselves, I know you're doing it, but faster!

It was a Japanese family-friendly quiz show or something like that and “What are they cooking?” was the quiz

German father and Jap mother IIRC

>not being a sick fuck is a Jewish conspiracy

Imagine being this fucked up in the head.

>German father and Jap mother IIRC

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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a son. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so he can go and ravage another woman. All the hard work you put into your handsome little boy - reading him stories at bedtime, making he goes to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, playing with him. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the women that will eventually get fucked by him in their every hole.

Raised the perfect boy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random slut who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him. She gets to fuck his nice big cock every night. She gets the benefits of his kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.

As a woman who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for another woman to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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Meh.. There are some good looking hapa guys no homo

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What a cutie!


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>tfw 3 daughters

We all play 4-player games together but none of them seem independently into games, which I guess is a good thing.

>I want her to become a cool gamer chick

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Remind that China is sending sleeper agents to breed with white men to destroy the west from within and soften it for an Chinese invasion.

Play some multiplayer games with her like Mario Kart or Smash. Or play games on the TV while she's around, like BotW or Odyssey.

Good, fuck americucks and their vassal states.

It's kind of hard to disagree with your dick.

P.S. the left one is the mother.

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I for one welcome our Chines Overlords

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have to put anything Mario related in front of her. They like those games for some reason.

you need to make her interested bro

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uhh i dunno try to dress up as a vidya character

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I understand this is bait, but hypothetically if it wasn't, you should kys.

I'm gonna need source

I accidentally liked this. Please note that this vote doesn't count as I don't approve of this "hey (((fellow white people))), let's not have kids and end up lonely depressed while ending our genepool" zeitgeist. Thank you for your time.


like this guy too

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there's atleast 2 nonwhites in that image frogposter

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The name of the doujin and the artist can be seen from that you retard.

Cringe and bluepilled.

she's a jap though

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Please, think of Mr Hiroyuki's ad revenue, guys.

Sometimes legal is fine too.

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why does she dress like a 50 year old boomer?

Bacause she can pull it off with her pretty face.

She could pull almost any look off though. Why that look specifically?


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How do they look like now?

looks like a rat

right one has the prettiest smile

Video games are toys, user.

She's on the right path.

because she's a filthy hipster

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Are you implying that girls OUGHT to be virgins upon graduating highschool?


a muggle?

What's her name user?

(3d pretty cute)


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