I miss him

I miss him.

Attached: 59467qfV_400x400.jpg (400x400, 17K)

Like if you want me to post Moot's cute dick.

Attached: 1518502088929.png (706x526, 421K)

I still wonder what he is doing now.

That's kinda a moot point.

>tfw no points ever

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Something happened to Zuckerberg?

Is he still working at Google?

If Moot were still here he wouldn't put up with any of this dumb shit. And we'd get cool backgrounds and stuff. And then they would forget to turn it off for a few days and some people might have seizures.

Attached: smug grape.png (894x827, 497K)

Like this post if you think Moot was a fag.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

No, that's the guy created Myspace.

he got #metoo'd

1 like = 1 kiss :)

Attached: 1550784312795.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

Based fortune

Last we heard he was. That was like 2015 or 2016?

He's a faggot.

Attached: moot.jpg (1080x1350, 142K)

I don't.


Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: moot is a furry.gif (300x168, 932K)

Literally who?

What's the outlook on the future of 4channel?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

He lives in Japan. I'm not even making that up.

A who point?

What's the outlook on the future of Yea Forums(nel)?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

He works on Google Maps on their offices in Japan.
Moot abandoned us so he could ascend from among weebs.

Yup, March of 2016. It was the last thing he posted on his little blog and twitter page. I hope he didn't get culled when Google was going through that political spat they had a few years ago. With what all the shit he went through to keep this shitter afloat he deserves a bit of peace and tranquility.

>Moot abandoned us so he could ascend from among weebs.
Given the option, I'd do the exact same thing desu.

>another e celeb thread



Attached: 1553125790920.jpg (252x221, 11K)

What's the outlook on our lives after Yea Forums(nel)?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

gtfo with this eceleb shit

Attached: Moot_dog_of_honor.jpg (2346x2718, 447K)

Will we go on to live happy lives after Yea Forums(nel)?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

what about my luck?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Hi guys :)

Attached: me.jpg (640x480, 85K)

>he'll never return

Attached: 1513137231124.png (320x272, 100K)

>Score keeps resetting to zero
Fuck you too hiroshimoot

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

reminder that he's killing games now

Lucky user

He just wants to set us free.

I miss him.

Attached: rFMb5.jpg (500x375, 47K)

He's still spamming stadia threads here


Attached: 1541526319330.jpg (649x765, 97K)

he has taste?

Attached: 4chan's future.jpg (300x100, 22K)

Attached: moot working at google.jpg (320x214, 11K)

How's my future looking?

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: poole.png (819x3510, 739K)


>Founder of Yea Forums
I wonder how much "prestige" that gives him in real life.

>ywn play SMBU with m00t

pls leave a like so i can die in peace

Attached: chihuahua.jpg (521x514, 83K)

Did he got rich with Yea Forums ?

he's really free

Attached: 1543355633536.jpg (758x720, 320K)


Based catfag


Attached: 1527565700558.jpg (720x901, 220K)

Here's a recent pic.

Attached: help me.jpg (2488x1600, 451K)

It got him a job with Google so it carries some prestige.

Attached: moot_google.png (784x154, 12K)

Good for him.
He's probably the only person from this shit show that I'm glad is doing well.

I wonder how much manko he's gotten so far?

>Product Manager, Hangouts
No wonder it was shit.

Attached: soy crying about to shoot.jpg (1282x1020, 156K)

Testing something, ignore this post.

>previously founder and CEO of canv.as


We talk all about him but the truth is he probably hates us and deeply resents his involvement with this site

He made a decent amount selling it I'm sure, and now with working over in Google Maps Japan, he's probably set for life.

this is what he's been up to


nah Yea Forums always was and always will be a money sink

We fucking outlasted moot himself, but if he can break free from here, maybe we can too someday?

I'm happy for him tho

Anita Dick got in his head.

he's getting that chin chin

Holy shit

>We fucking outlasted moot himself, but if he can break free from here, maybe we can too someday?

LMAO no.

Attached: moot.jpg (2272x1704, 958K)

If Yea Forums was profitable moot wouldn't have sold it and Hiroshima wouldn't be Jew'ing us at the moment by breaking Adblocker. The site doesn't make much money because it's not very attractive to advertisers except for porn and weeb stuff, which doesn't pay as big as "normal" companies. That's why the SFW and NSFW boards were split, it was an attempt to make part of the site more advertiser-friendly.

Attached: sponsors.png (499x477, 421K)

>but if he can break free from here, maybe we can too someday?

Attached: moot cuckoo.jpg (2400x2400, 1.18M)

>The site doesn't make much money because it's not very attractive to advertisers
Hiro changed that. Now he's raking in the cash.

Only because he's using it to mine what ever the current memecoin is.


needs more reaction images


It was a dumb site to share some creative works like memes and shit moot started and went nowhere with, even after getting millions in funding.


Will I get flaked on again


Wow I never heard of it.

Hey, they can't all be successes. His investors were stupid to think they'd be able to recapture the spirit that was early Yea Forums and the user activity that post-chanology/pre-gamergate Yea Forums brought to the table.

Anyone not completely blinded by political correctness can see that he kept a community alive for a decade. That's quite rare. Though that's probably because it's anonymous.

>That fucking stubble.
Clean shaven Moot or bust. Granted, had he stuck to lifting weights he probably would have had a frame that fir with that big ass noggin' of his.


Attached: 1548488449911.jpg (234x221, 12K)

How to even recapture that feel again? Even newer Chan's like 4by4chan are failing

Hmmm what was his name again ??


Attached: 1553396841433.jpg (251x242, 15K)

Everyone does.

>Started what grew to become one of the internet's largest forums with nothing more than a bit of tech savvy and his mom's credit card.
That's the type of shit that Google laps up like no one else's business. Getting a job there is an accomplishment to be proud of, yes, but with a bit of interviewing know how Moot was always destined to land a cushy private sector job.

Attached: 1542696344697.gif (190x291, 350K)

Who is this faggot?

>reverse image search
>2 lol e threads, one mastahchan thread and this
Shit moot, is this really you? I know you still browse this place brother. You never left.

Man, if that isn't the million dollar question I don't know what it is. The current political climate and the general public's crippling addiction to social media has pretty much killed the naivety, wonder, and general sophomoric charm that made early Yea Forums such a gem. You could probably extend that thought to the internet in general.

I just wish it didn’t feel like he completely disappeared.

Yea Forums fucked by GNAA

You can’t. The internet has changed and moved on.

I have no doubt he is here every day.
No joke, we are all here forever.

Rolled 96 (1d100)

miss these dubs nigga

t. moot

What if he never left?

Attached: 1274161502613.png (379x298, 85K)


Is he finally going to achieve his dream of being the little girl?

Like if you've ever jerked off to one of those catgirl moot pics.

He obviously still posts here (and by here, Yea Forums), he just wanted to be free of constant FBI monitoring

I got you senpai

Attached: 1284409188759.jpg (839x1708, 161K)


>and by here, Yea Forums
Why the weeb shithole?

Disallow phoneposting and don't allow links to twitter. Smartphones manipulate the hell out of you and twitter spreads opinions no one actually agrees with. It's not the people that suck, it's the technology they're using that makes them suck. Make Yea Forums an online shelter from the excesses of the tech industry and it'll improve.

Attached: Moot caught entering Outer Kevin but the door knob was electrified.png (499x676, 620K)

lol who the fuck is this

Because Yea Forums was created for the sole purpose of being a weeb shithole?

Like if you first came to this shithole after moot retired

go back to your spinoff and stay there. moot hasn't even watched anime since 2012

What the fuck, moot is Clyde Cash?